Go ahead, sub plot might work
My idea... a short oneshot
a mysterious theft has been going through out Equestria, but it isn't until a bank robbery that the thief reveals himself to any one, and he only reveals himself to Rainbow Dash... and it's the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
Of course Rainbow Dash confronts her friends, but each one had an alibi of not doing it... save for Fluttershy, but you know it wasn't her.
Rarity reveals that she had destroyed the suits long ago because she was going to reuse the material for her designs, she had destroyed all three suits...
but of course there were four, apparently that night when she was going to destroy the suits, she was casted on by a sleeping hypno spell, which cause a memory laps in the number of suits she had made previously and the theif was able to make off with a suit.
the rest of the story is the girls trying to capture Mare-do-well and attempt to figure out his identity...
honestly, there isn't really much I want to do with this idea, so I'm just going to do a single chapter for it...
the chase scene and stuff will be comedy, Mare-do-well even pulls a "bull fight" with his cape against Applejack... he'll be shouting out "OLE"