@@~Chaotic Discord~
Clockwork's pupils diluted to pinpricks as the beast set upon him, completely frozen by the moment of complete surprise. Illiad sprung in front of him, saving his hide with an impromptu shield. The strange combination of a goat and lion smashed into and through it, driving Illiad backwards several feet until hi was barely in front of him. The shield held, but it looked incredibly straining to his quick-thinking friend.
"Illiad, I..." Clockwork shook his head and stumbled to his feet, snatching his twin swords out of the sand with a burst of magic aura. He quickly looked around, and then upwards, focused his energy, and teleported, appearing ten feet in the air above the chimera. He let out a war cry as he fell, drawing the beast's attention away from breaking through Illiad's shield. His connected blades spun end over and as Clockwork fell, moving faster through the grip of his telekinesis on the handles. Another mental flick, and the blades now spun like a drill, potentially impacting for major damage.