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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by clockwork24

  1. @ Okay, along with the colonizing of a new planet or something, how about we enter a planet rush or something? For example, a new galaxy was discovered, ponies and aliens alike all rushed to the new planets to claim their fortune in resources; gold, uranium, metals, and the like, all whilst paying no heed to the locals' politics, practices, or personal space. What do you think?
  2. To be honest, he in my top 4 favorite youtubers~ He's just an awesome and funny guy!
  3. For me, it would have to be one of these three; The ability of self-sustained flight Super strength/invincible skin & bones The ability to conjure/ not be burned by fire
  4. I feel my thinking voice can sort of mimic people or youtubers that I talk to, listen, etc; like my best friends, Jacksepticeye, or PewDiePie~
  5. I'm a Capricorn, and while I don't really believe that your personality and stuff can be determined by the stars or whatever, it still is pretty spot on sometimes~ Oh, and I'm a bull in the Chinese zodiac, which is pretty awesome!
  6. Oh wow, you're super good! Keep up the awesome work!!! (totally gonna follow you~)
  7. I recently got around to watching the third season of Sword Art Online; online actually. It's not on Netflix, so I finally got around to looking it up. Super glad I did though~
  8. Holy smokes dude, that's awesome! Thank you so much!
  9. Alrighty, so I was just wondering, but does anyone have any favorite human in Equestria fanfictions that they would like to recommend to others?
  10. Okay, I don't know how to link a youtube video to here, but this is one of my current favorite songs~ It sounds awesome, and it has an awesome music video to boot!
  11. Man, the level of skill in this is totally awesome! Kudos~
  12. @@~Chaotic Discord~ Clockwork's pupils diluted to pinpricks as the beast set upon him, completely frozen by the moment of complete surprise. Illiad sprung in front of him, saving his hide with an impromptu shield. The strange combination of a goat and lion smashed into and through it, driving Illiad backwards several feet until hi was barely in front of him. The shield held, but it looked incredibly straining to his quick-thinking friend. "Illiad, I..." Clockwork shook his head and stumbled to his feet, snatching his twin swords out of the sand with a burst of magic aura. He quickly looked around, and then upwards, focused his energy, and teleported, appearing ten feet in the air above the chimera. He let out a war cry as he fell, drawing the beast's attention away from breaking through Illiad's shield. His connected blades spun end over and as Clockwork fell, moving faster through the grip of his telekinesis on the handles. Another mental flick, and the blades now spun like a drill, potentially impacting for major damage.
  13. Ten minutes ago, I was watching Youtube and browsing DeviantArt
  14. Could you maybe vector my ponysona's mark? It's three bronze, connected gears. I don't have any base for it, and I would super appreciate it if you could somehow pull it off. Thanks in advance!
  15. @@~Chaotic Discord~, @@Illiad Easle "Well, as much as this conversation intrigues me, I've been sleeping on solid rock all night." Clockwork levitated his weapon next to his side and walked to the mouth of the cave, giving the strange visitor a wide berth. "Illiad, strange pony whose name I still don't know..., I'm going to be right outside. Uh, call me if we get attacked by chimera or something." He gave out an artificial laugh with a large grin, looked confused for a second, and pulled out a pack of paper seemingly out of nowhere. Quickly flipping the first page over and scanning it's contents, he inadvertently revealed the word 'Script' scrawled on the cover. After a moment, he shrugged, put the paper away, walking outside the cave, and out of sight.
  16. @, Okay, I'm super impressed by your skills! This looks super clean, and the color consistency is super good~ No joke!
  17. Yeah, I totally think it's hilarious how almost every teen of our generation took Pluto's declassification as a planet as a personal offense~
  18. I feel like I would be terrified if I were to ever experience one first hand, but with me living in Idaho, that's not a near possibility. Still, I'm always amazed by their awesome power~
  19. I've had this re-occurring dream lately, where I start by jumping out of a plane and para glide through a mountain range. Very cool~
  20. clockwork24

    spoiler Pancake

    Okay, now that is extremely awesome!
  21. @, @@Illiad Easle Quickly looking up at the strange stallions entrance, Clockwork mulled over his next actions as Illiad introduced them both. To be honest, he hadn't expected to encounter anypony this far out into the desert, and it sort of threw him for a loop. He glanced over at his weapon leaning on the cave wall, and slowly moved in-between it and the strange earth-pony, blocking it from view. Clearing his throat, he spoke in a slightly guarded tone. For all he knew, this pony could be some sort of desert pirate or worse, based of his haggard appearance and lack of belongings. "Yes my good pony, what brings you out here? We," he said, motioning to himself and Illiad, "are but simply travelling, hoping to rid ourselves of this suffocating heat as quickly as possible. I notice that you carry no belongings. Are you perhaps camped not far from here?" Or is there another reason...?
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