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Critical Hit

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Everything posted by Critical Hit

  1. Manga/ Anime: Nanao Ise from Bleach. No contest. Videogames: I dunno. Maria from Harvest Moon? TV/Movies: Uh... I seriously have no idea.
  2. Just read Cupcakes, and really, it's not that bad. Well, it's bad, but not creepy, it's just the crappiest fanfic possible.

    1. Chigens and Kay
    2. NavelColt


      I enjoyed the 'Rainbow Dash Presents' video version. That series is hilarious. Far more entertaining.

    3. Evilshy


      Cupcakes isn't creepy at all, it's just gore for gore's sake. It isn't particularly well written, either, but I've seen much worse :/

  3. Hmm... Beetle Adventure Racing (N64) San Francisco Rush 2049 (Also N64. The arcade version had a crappy soundtrack) Star Wars Episode 1 Racing (Again, N64) Gran Turismo 4 (PS2) Also, check the spoiler below, mkay?
  4. (In descending order.) S1 - Mane 6: Rarity Pinkie Twilight Rainbow Fluttershy Applejack S2 Pinkie Twilight Rarity Fluttershy Rainbow Applejack (Yeah, I REALLY don't like Applejack.) Villains - S1 and 2 Flim and Flam Discord Nightmare Moon Trixie and.... Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, I guess?
  5. Waitwaitwaitwait... A drug reference in Care Bears? Lulz. Somepony link meh, I gotta see it. That sounds freakin hilarious. Okay, back to the topic at han... I mean hoof. Don't watch it. The Hub's just trying to capitalize on the success of MLP. From what I've seen, it looks like crap.
  6. M'kay, so, practically every day, I check out deviantART and the EQD drawfriend posts, any usually, there's a supposed "Ponification" of a popular character from a game/movie/tv show, etc... Most people right now are probably saying "So... what's your point?" Well, quite simply, most of them suck. I don't mean that the pictures themselves lack anything, just the character design has no actual thought put into it. After pondering the differences in ponifications, I have put them into 3 seperate categories. Stage 1, Basic Ponification: This is the stage that most people never move past. Characters will be wearing full outfits, have a cutie mark of their game/whatever's logo, and have the same name as their non-pony counterpart. EXAMPLE Stage 2, Advanced Ponification As evidenced by the title "Stage 2", this is the next step up. Ponies have less clothing, (usually only one item),and an overall original design, but still have a copywritten or non-canon symbol of some type for a cutie mark.I generally like these anyway, but it's still annoying. EXAMPLE and finally, Stage 3, Complete Ponification. Ponies have a maximum of 1 item of clothing, with their coat color representing their clothing color (this is something most people don't seem to get, strangely.) and a cutie mark, *gasp* actually showing their talent! I have seen very few Stage 3s, but Modern_Warmare's Touhorses come close, most of them stage 2s, but a few are 3s. EXAMPLE I hope you actually read this, and put more thought into ponifications from now on. Leave a brohoof and/or comment if you like it or have questions, and remember, this is just my opinion. This is Critical Hit, signing off.
  7. Chiptune Death Metal Doom Metal Speed Metal Thrash Metal Progressive Metal Metalcore Electro Dubstep Electronica Electro Swing Drum 'n' Bass Nerdcore Rap Polka Show Tunes (you got a problem with that?) Rock J-Rock J-Pop Country (but only from before the 70's) Orchestral Punk K-Pop Swing etc... Basically, anything that isn't mainstream. Or Pop music in general. (the only exceptions are if it's asian/pony-related/videogame-related).
  8. Uh... I can do Flim and Flam, but that's about it. My voice is too deep for any of the mares, but not as deep as Big Mac's. And I can do my OC, Critical Hit, but that doesn't count.
  9. New DabuXian Video. Day = Made

  10. GAMESTOP JUST WON THE WHOLE FREAKIN INTERNET!! Now, Seriously, I'd end up spending a few hundred dollars on NES games alone, not to mention Genesis, SNES, N64, Turbografx 16, etc... I wonder if they'll carry really old games like for the Apple II... (Ultima FTW!)
  11. Hmm... Well, I wanna see more Discord, and Trixie, and... a Weird Al pony? I dunno. Maybe have another Daring Do episode? Also, more Lyra.
  12. Okay, I'm playing Realm Of The Mad God right now. Anyone wanna join me? BTW I'm still going to organize a site-wide server raid, I'm just too depressed right now.

  13. Probably. I truly can't stand even the thought of people in danger, or lying somewhere injured, etc... I may not be the most selfless person in the world, (far from it in fact.) but to be perfectly honest, if such a situation occured, and I didn't at least try to save them, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, and would despise myself til the day I died. The only exception would be if it was a terrorist or serial killer or someone else who only causes destruction and suffering.
  14. Yeah, I'd rescue Blueblood. I just can't stand to see anyone, person, animal, or pony, injured. A lot of people might say this, but truthfully, I care more about pretty much everybody than I do myself, so even if it meant dying myself, I'd rescue him. I don't really matter that much.
  15. We'll miss you, brah. I may not agree with your church's doctrine, (I'm a Christian, no denomination.) but I respect you for using 2 years of your life for this.
  16. Now THIS is my kind of question thread. Hands down, Mega Man 3. Am I the only person in the world who likes listening to chiptune? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tAf7q6Xf6Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPNaQEjgXyY *gasp* SACRILEGE!!!
  17. Does it really matter? Celestia is, was, and always will be best princess. ALL HAIL THE SOLAR EMPIRE! I was being half serious above. Okay mostly serious, but anyway, Luna's better as a Princess.
  18. Well, this is the most random way I've ever ended a day. Reading an Inkscape tutorial while wearing a sonic hat and listening to Fallout 3's soundtrack.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Critical Hit

      Critical Hit

      Yeah. Old music FTW!

    3. AngryGamer432
    4. Critical Hit

      Critical Hit

      And now I'm playing some of the John Williams Orchestra's stuff with the volume cranked.

  19. Lol I'm downloading it now. One question about the chars, from what I've seen in the official videos, it seems like you can almost expect Twilight to start yelling "Yoga Fire!" Does she really play like Dhalsim?
  20. Okay, I'm gonna try to use game designers. Twilight - John Carmack Rainbow Dash - Ed Boon Pinkie Pie - Tom Hall Rarity - Markus "Notch" Persson Fluttershy - no idea whatsoever. Applejack - same as above.
  21. OP really should have chosen Monster instead of Hero for Skillet's song. That would have gotten my vote.
  22. My good sir, I should kindly remind you of a typo you made in the thread title. Games, not game. Also, you're misusing the word Games. You mean game series. (BTW the word series only exists in the plural form.) So, to recap, the thread title should be "What are your favorite NES game series?" (again, series being plural.) Okay, rant aside, I can really only list my favorite series (with some single games). Zelda, Castlevania, Mega Man, Mario, Ikari Warriors, Heavy Barrel, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Uninvited, Tombs and Treasure, Swords and Serpents, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach, etc. etc... The list goes on for a few pages. I may only be 16, but I grew up with the NES. (and SNES, and to a lesser extent, N64.).
  23. Hmm. I like most of Skillet's stuff, but I'd have to go with "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin. It's much heavier.
  24. Oh, uh, sorry if I offended you. (Hope not.) I'm not saying every blonde is ugly or anything, I just don't know why blondes are considered "SO HAWT!".
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