M'kay, so, practically every day, I check out deviantART and the EQD drawfriend posts, any usually, there's a supposed "Ponification" of a popular character from a game/movie/tv show, etc...
Most people right now are probably saying "So... what's your point?"
Well, quite simply, most of them suck.
I don't mean that the pictures themselves lack anything, just the character design has no actual thought put into it.
After pondering the differences in ponifications, I have put them into 3 seperate categories.
Stage 1, Basic Ponification:
This is the stage that most people never move past.
Characters will be wearing full outfits, have a cutie mark of their game/whatever's logo, and have the same name as their non-pony counterpart.
Stage 2, Advanced Ponification
As evidenced by the title "Stage 2", this is the next step up.
Ponies have less clothing, (usually only one item),and an overall original design, but still have a copywritten or non-canon symbol of some type for a cutie mark.I generally like these anyway, but it's still annoying.
and finally, Stage 3, Complete Ponification.
Ponies have a maximum of 1 item of clothing, with their coat color representing their clothing color (this is something most people don't seem to get, strangely.)
and a cutie mark, *gasp* actually showing their talent!
I have seen very few Stage 3s, but Modern_Warmare's Touhorses come close, most of them stage 2s, but a few are 3s.
I hope you actually read this, and put more thought into ponifications from now on.
Leave a brohoof and/or comment if you like it or have questions, and remember, this is just my opinion.
This is Critical Hit, signing off.