Let's just say that people don't bully me for being a brony. If they did I would just ignore the haters. But if they get physical so will I, and it will be like the 7th grade tables, ladders, and chairs stunt all over again.
I have been a fan of anime way before I was a brony. The anime's that I watched was Dot Hack, Saiyuki Reloaded, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Initial D, Ramna 1\2, and the Mobile Suit Gundam series.
Marry: This one is too easy Fluttershy
*Cuddle*: Well without it being awkward I'd say Roseluck, because I would not betray Fluttershy by cuddling with one of her friends
Kill( or definitely shun): I can't think of one.
It's not the undead that I have a problem with. I kinda like them. It's the normal people I can't stand. - Nigel West Dickens in Undead Nightmare
"Wings symbolize freedom for those who have none" - Cissinei
My favorite Pokemon type will have to be Water. So Vaporeon, Suicune, and Marill. But there are others I like also. Giratina, Salamence, Raichu, Milotic, and Ho-Ho.
I had a dream last night about my favorite pony, but this time it was a very romantic one. It felt so real that I was in Ponyville with Fluttershy. This dream was extremely different than the ones I had countless times before. It was like she was my special somepony.
Race: Unicorn
Place where I would live: A very nice comfortable cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville
Pet: A dog named Shiba
Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity
Job: Interior designer
I have some Yu-Gi-Oh cards especially the Egyptian God Cards, Gate Guardian, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, and Five God Dragon
My Skype name is twilightfire86 just feel free to add me. I am willing to talk about anything anypony wants to talk about be it anime to giving advice.
Edit: my picture on Skype is Dr. Hooves and the name that will pop up is TwilightFire Hellscythe. Possibly will be used for cards against humanity with the voice chat