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Everything posted by Jadusstone

  1. I know nobody said but what the hell...Rainbow Factory lol yea not cannon but still fun to think about
  2. I just did an art trade and it was so much fun i decided to open 5 slots for people http://maroy.deviantart.com/journal/Art-Trades-Open-484899201 go ahead and ether comment on my da,
  3. omg i find snakes cute too...my parents think im completely nuts for thinking it through lol
  4. i wanted to but it's out of my price range, i was saving but i seemed to always find something else i needed more
  5. Son of batman u gotta love that damian, "i wanna drive" "no" "but i know how" "no"
  6. The hair being set on fire actually was a "trend" among the boys in my freshmen year which was competely immature and stupid if you ask me oh i just remembered another one we have this weird almost gym like course in my senior year i only took it for the credit cause every other class was filled. It was basicly like a..well if i think about it was like a survival training almost. Our school is basicly on the giant hill surrounded by forest, and up further is the french school. He went out and planted flags all over the woods, giving us directions on a peice of paper to fnd em. Ok all fine well and dandy if it hadn;t rained for the last week and was still raining that day. Tracking through the woods was like trying to trug through a mud bog, plus the compases he gave us wouldn't work because of ll the metal in the ground (the fact there's theres a giant metal phone tower on the top of the mountain didnt help ether), Me and my partner finally said screw it, and we started walking on direction until she finally found the road. Where she soon joined up with the rest of the class who were equally just as angry as us. We were all covered in mud, top to bottom, one girl had fell down a steep down hill and sprained her ankle. Turns out no found any flags cause the french kids had come in and stole em..... Oh and thats not the end of it, after that he stopped the whole survival training crap and started making us run or walk around our soccer track. Which wasn;t an actual soccer field or track just a badly laid gravel, and large (and very sharp) rocks and you could feel where the ground would sort of sink then rise back up as you walked. He also made us play ultimate frisby for like almost the rest of the semister, for those of you dont know it's basicly football with a frisby. If would have been fun if the guys in our class didnt think it was a wrestling match and try to tackle people hard enough to seriously hurt others. For our final exam we made to walk or run 10k on that awful track and if we didnt finish before lunch, he made us keep going. It was seriously hot that day and he didnt even offer us water, or anything. 15 minutes into lunch everyone gave up...tired, starving and dehydrated. He was seriously angry at all of us, but...however it turned out ok because the principal made him pass us all. She was really angry at him for making us do all this stuff and apparently after i graduated he didn't return to the school.
  7. where to start.... back in high school my cousin was walking up the ramp, and waved at this guy walking with his girlfriend towards her. The girl punched my cousin in the face so hard she blacked out. It took three teachers to hold her down, she bit them..alot...and when the cops got there she also bit them, and tried to kick out the back windshield in my freshmen year one of the seniors was in class and they had those long lights that are held to the cieling by rodes...it fell halfway off the cieling and hit this poor senior in the head. The fell down the stairs in my high school and when i got up i realized i had gotten my shoe caught in a hole in the stairs...it was the size of a pot hole you'd find in the street!
  8. 1. SPIDERS...oh dear god get away from me.. 2. ants..uhh there's an actual story behind this when i was small we moved into our new house my grandfather had built but we had a bit of an art problem coming from some bad gravel my grandfather had hauled near the house to cover some old empty animal holes. In any case she hadn't really unpacked much so i just had a mattress on the floor. I had a glass of juice near the mattress on the floor cause i often got up in the middle of the night with dry mouth. I woke up, mouth dry and took a drink through the straw and realized there was something crawling in the juice in my mouth i spit it out immidently. I then threw back the covers and realized there were ants everywhere! I screamed and jumped off the mattress hauling my nightgown off and jumped into the shower waking up my parents and aunt scaring them half to death at how i had screamed. Iv been scared of ants since then 3. my backyard. My background is mainly a heavily wooded area, and we use anything to compost into the woods into a pile so we could use it in our garden. I fear going back there because i feel like im being watched, and more then once iv seen a man walking around in the trees, a man who doesn't live in the area and if i looked again he'd vanish behind a tree. 4. graveyards, yea by now you probably know why i hate graveyards if you read number 3...i see stuff or feel it, and no it isn't in my head cause my grandmother sees these things also. 5. my own eplipsy, i hate to admit it and it's hard to even type it. Yet im afraid that this disease which i recently just developed in april scares the hell out of me, not being able to control my own body is frightening. I also feel horrible since i sometimes in a seizure hit the person who's trying to help me it's a horrid feeling
  9. narturally no there part of the ecosystem and help us rid the enviroment of flies, and other bugs..but (Shivers) don't come near me.... snakes on the other hand..i love, which my parents really dont get how i can be afraid of spiders but find snakes gorgeous creatures
  10. i was getting off my danny phantom high and getting into doctor who when i discovered my little pony, thus my eyes widened, i squeeled, i found myself startin to draw ponies and thus before i even realized it..BOOM i was a pegasister
  11. not really..i usually get all my music online, same as my games and movies i find it riddiciously expensive sometimes to buy a dvd when it's a dvd/blue ray combo pack when i dont even own a blue ray player as for music i have an iphone so..basicly i get it mostly all off itunes or youtube..i probably have more pony music then popular music lol
  12. gorgeous your style reminds me of something out maybe alice in wonderland
  13. very nice through its a bit hard to see since the image is so small, but very very good
  14. oh boy this has chaos written all over lol, well i guess we can always call dr.hooves for a ride
  15. ill note you on da about the trade then ^^ yea i understand about the figures they're alot of work and take alot of time to make
  16. i already did, and i watched you. Your arts really amazing i notice you only do art trades with friends...shame id be stoked to do an art trade with you
  17. try paint tool sai its what i use alot, it's a great program thats light weight but powerful. Lots of artists use it now http://www.detstwo.com/sai/
  18. i hope they catch these guys and someone seriously beats them up, they totally deserve it
  19. oh i cant wait to see more of this!! excellent art worthy of being mistakened for pages of the actual comic book
  20. thanks alot! i know the balloons looks a bit wonky but i couldn't get them right
  21. sleep..what is this sleep you speak of?
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