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Pinkie Prectar

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Everything posted by Pinkie Prectar

  1. But all the lesbian action is just fine? Oh, and I personally don't get all this female x female shipping. That is a no go imo. For my part, there can be only Fluttershy and Big Macintosh. Maybe Pinkie Pie and Discord. Or Spike and Rarity (after all Spike will some day get the hold of a giant treasure, he is a dragon afterall, and Rarity would love that. (Also it could work out between them even though there would be a certain size difference at some point of Spike's life. Just look at Donkey and Dragon from Shrek.))
  2. Im suprised the majority are born from 93-97 (1989 here)
  3. I just <3 Fluttershys little sqeaks and other sounds like "yay" and such
  4. I was searching for a danish MLP forum, but this was even better!
  5. Or is the Alicorn an ancient higher race from the early years of Equestria, around the time where Celestia and Luna banished discord? But still, how is an Alicorn born or made? And then we have the Magic caste of the Unicorns, and the warrior caste of the Pegasus. And ofcourse the "normal" ones being the Earth ponies.
  6. Okay, I've been wondering a bit concerning this matter. The parents in Equestria. Most of all, the parents of the main characters. Okay, we've seen the parents of Twilight Sparkle, just once in the flashbacks of how she got enrolled as a personal student of Celestia. But why havent we seen or heard from them since? We've also seen the parents of Pinkie Pie. They´re "amish" and probably doesn't approve of her new way of life. What about Rarity and her sister Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle is after all still a filly, why havent we seen or heard any of them? Moving on to Fluttershy, still no word of the parents, relatives or anything. Was she abandoned as a small filly, and that is why she is somewhat insecure? Apple Jack, Apple Bloom and not to forget Big Macintosh. They live at the Apple farm, which have been in the family for quite some time, and the only real adult seem to be Granny Smith. Then they have relatives in Manehattan. Are the parents dead? Or what's the deal? When Apple Jack went out on her "cutiemark quest" when she was just a filly, we see Granny and Big Mac who back then appeared to be her only close relatives, so where does Apple Bloom get into the picture? Then we have Rainbow Dash. There is neither any information concerning her relatives or her parents. Is she also a sad fate, maybe like Fluttershy, who just came out as a tough exterior? Is there a link with the Pegasus and parents here? If we take a look at Scootaloo, who is also a Pegasus, we havent heard anything of her parents either, and she looks up to RD. So is there some connection here with the Pegasus? Just something to ponder.
  7. Too much awesome- and cutiness! Oh and the Big Macintosh: Apple Spice was too friggin' hilarious! "I am a horse" Time for some DUBSTEP!!! Gets AWESOME after 1:14
  8. I'm Danish and speak just fine English. My German is a bit rusty, but is fine for my needs. I'd like to know Suomi though, now that would be fun Especially after hearing this video. First the Suomi version, and then in English ^^
  9. That would have been my second guess, but yeah, Im fluent in Pig Latin also.
  10. Mine would be something along the line of a badge resembling firefighting and law enforcement
  11. In a world such as Equestria, I would go with Pinkie Pie
  12. That's a hard one. Alicorn would be the one to prefer. Yet we still shouldnt underestimate the Earth ponies. So I'll skip the voting for now. But how are alicorns made? 1 pony in a billion is born an alicorn?
  13. Somewhere deep down in my heart I've known this all along. Pinkie is a genius, and that is why she ties as my favourite pony. Nice to see some analysis of her and get my hunch confirmed.
  14. I'm trying to be open, because MLP is pure awesome- and cuteness! But it's hard for a mannish male to admit
  15. I can't vote because I tie between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Oh do I love them!
  16. I became a brony after a long time of looking at the Bronie section on memebase.com Then I finally got my act together and watched the first episode, and I emmediately loved it! Brony since early september.
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