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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I use my clunky old laptop. I have an iPod but I don't use it for going online. If I'm not at home I seldom go online, so it's just easier with the PC.
  2. The best for me would be Monsters vs Aliens the series, and Peter Rabbit. I know MvA is no longer with us but I had to mention it. Peter Rabbit is only available in some markets, but a great show. The worst for me would be SpongeBob. I'm sorry, I know there are lots of fans here. But with so many fans, one detractor won't matter.
  3. I love all the Disneys. Beauty and the Beast especially, but I love them all. Bambi is definitely one to note. I also love some of the '70s kids movies like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and some of the Disney live action ones like The Cat From Outer Space. I grew up with these because my parents had them on video and I watched them over and over again. Great times.
  4. I feel that! When I saw that scene the first thing I wanted to do was yell at the screen and tell Nick to rip off that muzzle and go EAT those rotten kids!
  5. I would love to see Italy. For that matter most of Europe. But I recently saw a show about Japan and it was so fascinating I can't get it out of my mind. I'm afraid I'd have to check out Japan first. So cool.
  6. Sure I'm cute. My cuteness is rivaled only by my modesty.
  7. I definitely want children. They're really the glue that holds life together and makes it matter. It's a huge responsibility and that's something worth taking on. I love kids and want as many as I can have. Whether or not it ever happens, I don't know. But I hope it does. I can think of no higher calling or greater blessing!
  8. USA here, Southern Cal to be specific. But I've lived in almost every part of the country; Pennsylvania, Virginia, Massachusetts, Oregon, Nevada, Arkansas, and now California. I just saved the best one for last.
  9. Coming up with a good rhyme scheme for a song, or a good lyric. Hearing John Williams' music. The smell of chlorine.
  10. When I had to lose 20lbs to get in shape for my job, I initially thought to starve myself. But this wasn't the way to go. Not only was it incredibly hard to do, but not really the proper way to re-acclimate the body. Diet is only half of the story. Without some exercise, for me anyway, I could have never boosted my system and burned those calories (or put the calories where they should be instead of around my waistline). I started at the gym doing cardio; ski machine, bike, stair-stepper. I coupled this with a modest diet. Not a starvation diet but something I could realistically stick with (you can't tackle it all at once). Before and after every meal I would drink a large glass of water to fill the stomach and metabolize the food. Between meals, if I got hungry, I'd use a survivalists trick of eating a breath mint to trick my mind into thinking I was taking in food. Believe it or not this actually helped. At first it was slow-going but it picked up momentum very quickly. Once the weight came off it was much easier to keep it off because the body was already readjusted to its new weight. Now I eat normally and do some light exercise once or twice a week and it's fine. To me, the most important thing is motivation. I wanted the job I was trying for desperately and used that to focus myself. It worked (and I even got the job). It's important to set a goal. If not a large one, try smaller ones. Instead of thinking "I gotta lose 20lbs now" try thinking 2lbs or so at a time. Each time you reach that small goal, give yourself a small reward (this can be a going to movie, buying a toy or a special experience befitting your success) That way it doesn't seem so daunting and you can keep yourself going.
  11. I used to be into Dungeons and Dragons. I guess that counts as a board game, sort of. I still like the game but don't really play it much anymore. All my hirelings bit the big one.
  12. I don't mind moths. They're really just butterflies with plain clothes. They don't hurt anyone or bite so I'm okay with them. They're among the few bugs I'll actually open the door to let out rather than squishing them.
  13. Besides the obvious lottery winning stuff, I'd love to learn how to sing. If I could fly, that would also be nice.
  14. Double tap and make sure it's dead. Then go out for a nice rare steak. Kidding, don't hate me!
  15. I used to not believe in Santa Claus, but now I've grown up and know better.
  16. I used to wear shorts and a t-shirt or tank-top, but not for years now. Nowadays I sleep in my birthday suit. Since I like to tuck my blankets in at all sides of the bed and make it all snug like a big burrito, it's nice to have the cool comfort of my own skin without other encumbrances.
  17. So many ponies seem tired here right now. I guess I'm in the right place! I've been playing around here on the forums all evening and my eyes are starting to bug out of my head. Too much computer time. Must sleep...must...zzzzzzz
  18. Hey, iEnderbrah! Welcome to our herd of fast-talkin' ponies! So glad you could come and join us. You'll find lots to see and do here. See you on the boards!
  19. This exactly. It's okay to be disciplined, but they seem so snotty and don't appear to have any love for being Wonderbolts. They should be more like Rainbow Dash, always enthusiastic about flying and being the best. Instead of learning from Rainbow's example, they just seem to be in perpetual judgment of her, even when she proves herself time and again. Pinkie needs to sing her Smile Song to them and snap them out of that grim demeanor.
  20. My chair squeaking. Some ambient traffic/city noises outside. Oh, and those little voices in my head. Damn them.
  21. Hard tacos, unless they're fish tacos. In that case, soft definitely.
  22. You know you're a member when a month's worth of important work and other hobbies have piled up and remain undone because you spend every waking hour here.
  23. Oh hell no! Res Evil Revalations 2. It's bad enough that you can't really win these stupid things, now I'm stuck in that putrid world?? I can't even kill myself 'cause my character Natalia is somehow one and the same as the unkillable boss bitch behind it all. Oh hell no!
  24. I would paint myself red, white and black and try to pretend at least that I'm still a sleek beautiful Fox.
  25. Protagonist (ENFJ-T) 57% Extroverted vs 43% Introverted 81% Intuitive vs 19% Observant 46% Thinking vs 54% Feeling 61% Judging vs 39% Prospecting 38% Assertive vs 62% Turbulent Seems more or less accurate.
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