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King of Canterlot

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Everything posted by King of Canterlot

  1. Equestria, the land I love, a land of harmony

    Our flag does wave, from high above, for pony kind to see

    Equestria, a land of friends, where pony kind do roam

    They say true friendship never ends, Equestria my home :Rara:


    I did you guys, I finally got what I've been waiting ever since I joined this community: the official, national flag of Equestria, sent to me from the Equestria Embassy itself. I am now a full-fledged member of the Nation of Equestria! Twilight Sparkle is so happy for me, we did some very intense cuddling earlier today! :ticking:

    I also hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving yesterday and ate till you were stuffed! :yay:    

    1. Tom Gallagher
    2. Tacodidra


      It looks amazing! :yay: I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, my friend – my day was a fairly normal one, since we don't celebrate it here. :D

  2. If I can I do like to get physical copies of my favorite movies/TV shows. I got the MLP movie on DVD specifically just for that reason, then I'll always have the DVD disc and I won't have to rely on any website to watch my favorite pone movie on
  3. That is literally my all-time favorite anime. It never gets old! As for me I recently finished watching The Seven Deadly Sins, it was pretty good though I do hope they continue the series so we're not permanently left on the cliffhanger ending from season four.
  4. Hey @DivineSpirit1000 I thought you might like this song, it's super catchy and has a great rhythm, I've been listening to it a lot lately and it's about Celestia and Luna  :sunbutt::orly:

    Also cute grumpy Celestia is pretty funny :)

    1. DivineMist1000


      @King of Canterlot I love anything with Celestia and Luna! Thank you for showing me that!

    2. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      @DivineSpirit1000 Of course! I figured you'd like it! :squee:

  5. I remember I went to a Toys R Us and bought one of those Funko Cheese Sandwich figures for nine dollars The night before last night I had a dream that I was a vendor in a convention vendor hall and I was selling both rare rocks and minerals alongside MLP pony stuff, but I didn't sell anything
  6. I don't honestly remember much from 2016 other than I was still in high school. We didn't go on any fun trips or anything that year
  7. That is like, exactly what Saberspark said in his video! He doesn't think that's a fault of the show because it's something that they've always done, and even when they get a little too on-the-nose with it, he said they call themselves out. It looks like a fun reboot, Saber said it was done in the right way, unlike that Powerpuff Girls reboot a couple of years ago which was..... not
  8. I suppose you guys have a lot of large spiders down south there in North Carolina. I remember one time when I was a lot younger my family went to Arkansas for a week and we stayed in this small cabin, and one night while we were all sitting around the TV watching the movie Matilda this HUGE FREAKING SPIDER literally the size of my hand just casually crawls out from under the reclining chair I'm sitting in. My dad had to smash his boot over the spider several times to kill it. Freaking grossest, icky thing ever, yuck As for my house up here in Minnesota the worst we've ever had were a few mice in the garage and some ants in the kitchen. Luckily our spiders are tiny up north here
  9. I've heard that this show is pretty faithful to the original, Saberspark did a good review on it over on his YouTube channel. I can't say much about it myself though because I haven't watched the show as I don't have Hulu I didn't even know Hulu was like, still a thing either
  10. I'm going down to my grandparents house with my mom and younger brother, one of my older cousins will be there as well I'm going to be baking some brownies to take down there too later tonight!
  11. Hey everypony, sorry for disappearing for a little while there, I felt like I just had to get away from this place for a while, I felt that there was some negativity and some hurt feelings and heightened emotions and I just had to leave for a while. I think I'll come back now that's it's been several weeks and I'm putting what happened behind me. I'm sorry I didn't say anything before I left, it was originally just going to be for a few days but I just never felt ready to come back, so my break ended up becoming several weeks. :sealed: 

    Anyways, I hope everypony has been doing well while I was gone, Thanksgiving is coming up and I hope that everypony has a wonderful time :yay:

    I'm not going to go through all 164 of my notifications, so apologies in advance for not reacting to your latest posts and such, I'll try to keep up now that I'm back though! :P

    Have a happy Twilight! :ticking:

     Would Twilight Sparkle be a scary girlfriend? - Sugarcube Corner - MLP  Forums

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Yay! Welcome back, my friend! :wub:


    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Twilight’s happy to see you back! :twismile: I really missed you, I was wondering where you’d gone. :adorkable:

      Great to see you again! :yay:

    4. ExplosionMare


      Don’t ever feel bad for taking long breaks from here, I have to do that sometimes as well to clear my head.

      Glad you’re back though :squee:

  12. Removing the posts doesn't remove the feelings of hurt and betrayal I felt and still feel for the user in question. Feeling pretty blah today.
  13. I like the idea of a more casual Wonderbolt episode, in all honestly I feel like the Wonderbolts were severally underused in the show. So I'm all for anything that has to do with more Wonderbotlts being featured, even if they're just being featured in a more casual setting or way
  14. I was picked on mostly for having no irl friends in High School, I was always that one kid who would sit all alone at the lunch table Some kids in my English class picked on me too for apparently being "fat" when in all honestly I'm more just husky than outright overweight. It still upset me regardless though Luckily I'm out of High School now and I don't have to deal with those assholes anymore
  15. It can be. It isn't always but I think there are times when it is
  16. North Korea because dear leader Kim has kept the country 100% corona-free
  17. Unstoppable (2010) I really liked this movie, I've actually seen it once before too like a long time ago It's the movie about the out of control train that's apparently unstoppable
  18. I'm feeling a lot more well-rested than I was last night
  19. Yes, it is perfectly normal. A lot of Bronies (especially ones that are active in the convention scene) actually have a ton of merch, both fan made and officially licensed.
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