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Everything posted by Sepul-Coloratura

  1. Over 200 GBs of all the episodes from 1-9 (inclusing both the censored version and the Derpy version of The Last Roundup) and the holiday special all in 1080p, 24fps. Also there are soundtracks, separate vocal tracks, scores of season 1-6. I had to use an external SSD.
  2. there are plenty of ponies in the 100th episode, but how much ponies (and other intellectual creatures) do you think there are enough to make sense and keep things running? I estimate it to be 500 - 1000.
  3. What do you exactly think the Sonic Rainboom is in the MLP universe? All kinds of headcanon are welcomed. For me, it's the pinnacle of pegasus pony species. It has been done by other great flyers and it's been transmitted as a legend. It has magical powers because all pony races has magical powers (which Tirek can absorb). The effect is the same for both non-magical and magical sides, to inspire others and bring out their potential as the result. (which means even without the magic, it would still be inspirational to a certain degree) My head-canon is that Princesa Celestia can pull off the Sonic Rainboom, but instead of the color of rainbow, it would be pink, mint, blue like the color of her mane. And all pegasus ponies can do their own version of Sonic Rainboom, which includes Fluttershy and Scootaloo. (I think if Scootaloo did the Sonic Rainboom on a scooter and the CMCs got their cutie marks simultaneously like in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, it would have been even more awesome.) I also think it is a similar kind of magic to the rainbow blast from the Elements of Harmony. I don't think it's purpose is to enhance ponies like Compound V, I just think it's more accidental that all the Mane Six got their cutie marks by it. But I still think it has actual magical powers that causes diamond rocks to crack and Twilight to go berserk. So my answer for the title is no.
  4. I think she will be a great mother as long as the writers don't decide to make her a terrible one for the conflict. I don't know how to feel about the fact that I can imagine her being a terrible mother more graphically than her being a good mother. But still, I bet her kids won't get a lack of love or attention.
  5. I'd agree on most of your points, but I'd say it all started at season 4. The flashback of two princesses fighting in the premiere is the prime example. Yes, I like the show primarily because of the slice of life style, but there are minimal requirements for story arcs, set from the beginning of season 1 episode 1. As long as they got that little minimal arcs right, I would have had no problem.
  6. There was a PC game that was installed with Windows Me and it was like space invaders but all the different levels had different enemies and patterns, and you could choose out of dozens of your ship's shape (but has same function). It was both controllable with mouse and keyboard, and the background was in outer space. I still remember it as a fun game, and I would still play it, only thing is that I can't find it anywhere. (I would really appreciate if anyone has a slightest clue of what this game might be and tell me.) The other game also came as a free disc and a guidebook, can't remember where I got those. It was a RTS game in a gothic setting. Basically it was a fight between human race and other monsterous creatures. What I specifically remember is the vivid pencil drawing of a Ghoul in the guidebook. It was scary but awesome. I don't remember it having a deep gameplay and didn't go any further than few minutes, but I wonder what that game's name was.
  7. A : putting Naruto in an ideological debate is nonsense because in this point, Naruto has become a laughing stock that contradicts itself. If you just say 'Early Naruto' then yes, now it's debatable. B : I think the very idea of cutie marks are deeply rooted in individualism. That you can't be replaced and you have your unique skills and strengths that only you can contribute to the society or pursue your own goals. The power of teamwork and friendship is just common sense to anyone with a brain.
  8. I do understand why they introduced a new pony for Twilight's student, but it also makes it hard to feel for an bland empty slate of a character. I also like the idea of Twilight and Flurry Heart's relationship continuing after she grows up and being a mentor as a Princess someone who isn't her mother. I think all the Mane Six seeing Flurry Heart growing up would be a great seasonal arc. Flurry would be such a waste to just be used for a premiere and several episodes ad a baby. And I wanted to see her coronation.
  9. I want to get into classical music, but it's too overwhelming to even start. I need some essential albums list that can help me please. (like synthwave essentials list or death metal essentials list.) It would help if it's in an album format. (don't just name the writer and the piece.) I'd also prefer it being recorded in the 50s - 80s, but that's just my peculiar taste, probably you can ignore that if you want. Just give me something to start with. So far, I like Antonio Vivaldi - The Seasons (Chamber Orchestra of the Leningrad State Philharmonic, violin Mikhail Vaiman, artistic director - Lev Shinder) 1976 and Igor Oistrakh plays Paganini 1975. I'd prefer to start from the most popular and easy listening songs. (like what Master of Puppets is to thrash metal recommendation list) So, in short, A list of essential classical music albums. Early recorded ones are better for me. (especially if it's available in vinyl). Beginner level. Any suggestions?
  10. Deciding who should be called as a princess and a queen in a show might not work like that. Cadance and Shining armor are not called kings and queens, but as a princess and a prince (I can't recall when Shining Armor was referred to a prince btw). Technically it wouldn't work like that because they are rulers of an empire, but it is just a better sounding name than Queen Cadance and King Shining Armor, or King Sombra instead of Prince Sombra. (maybe they are like brother and sister figures than mother/father figures in the show, and King Sombra is a tyrant, not a rival.) Queen Novo sounds better than Princess Novo, and partially because of her role as a mother of Princess Skystar. Simply put, they work more like names than accurate positions.
  11. Yeah. But they could question why Celestia and Luna were princesses while Twilight is a Queen.
  12. Frozen is an exception to the rule, partially for the sake of it, and it also confirms that the rule has been existed. Of course I said it because it doesn't make sense if you stop and try to think why, maybe it's just a deep human subconscious preference of archetypes. We know how fairy tales work.
  13. I'm curious. Was (are) there specific kinds of toxicity that was only in the Brony fandom and not much anywhere else? Besides the human nature or the individuality, what is the collective mindset that differenciate the fandom's negative side from other groups of people?
  14. I have an idea of ponies having April Fool's day with Discord.
  15. Come on, we already know this rule. Princesses are good, Queens are evil.
  16. It was a surprisingly solid and awesome, entertaining show. Every character was great and the story was interesting. What was a surprise and a slight letdown was Hawkgirl at the finale of season 2. She was my favorite character of all the league members and the show sacrificed her for the sake of drama, similar to how The Walking Dead sacrifices the characters to provoke intense emotions (in a wrong way). It isn't a bad thing, but if the show doesn't pull off a great story about this later on in Justice League Unlimitted, I will be disappointed. Season 2 finale was a good story on it's own, but I can already see the limits. Now I will never get the Hawkgirl that I thought she was. I mean, as soon as her and Green Lantern are together, then just at the next episode? We also got to know more about her at the holiday episode. I feel betrayed as well as the characters in the show. It also came out of nowhere. And the worst part is that they removed the mask. She had the awesome Devil Man look and her eyes looked so ironically cute in there. Now she's all tragic conflicted traitor. I was tricked and fooled to believe a certain character to be a certain way and be attached to it. It isn't a good tool for storytelling just like The Walking Dead saying "You should be shocked and hopeless like the characters in the story." Hawkgirl was a very simple character, but I liked it that way. Now everybody has a complicated backstory. But still, 8.5/10
  17. Season 7 doesn't indicate any specific directions for future seasons, but it is an ending of an era and reached a point that it couldn't go any further towards that direction, a direction from season 4-7. It could have been preferable for me if it went renaissance and go back to the old seasons style and back to basics, but they did it a different way. The way season 7 opened up to almost infinite pissibilities and expanding the world was an essential part of season 8 and 9s direction to continue from that. (and the show started to do things sometimes beyond their preparation and took risks and suffered from it) In some sense, Twilight was done with all the little adventures in Ponyville at the end of season 7. Season 8 confirmed it. (of course it can never end but that's where the show went) In season 8, she makes her own school and becomes the principal. That's one of the reasons why I consider season 7 a spiritual successor of season 5.
  18. I mean season 7 and 8,9 is very different, but season 7 was a cornerstone for the future seasons and right before the corner of the turning point. Sorry for the confusion, post MLP world might have been a wrong term to describe it. What I mean is that season 8 and 9 heavily relied on the franchise's long runtime and it's past legacy. For example, Star Wars 7 is the way it is because of the past franchise is so huge, and it heavily relies on it and uses it's power. The same kind of approach wouldn't work if it was early seasons. Season 8 and 9 is about MLP being almost 10 years and it has become a fundamental aspect of the show then. The season isn't just 8 or 9th time of season 1 repeating, it changed into a series with a (sometimes improper) self awareness. MLP season 8 and 9 cannot be separeted by the past legacy, and it sometimes means it can't stand by it's own face value or newcommers can't enjoy it as much. It's not always a bad thing to be so in many cases and even in MLP S8 and S9, but I'm talking about the negative aspects here.
  19. I won't say season 7 was a bad season or direcrly caused other seasons to be bad, but it is kinda responsible for the two next season's direction which I don't like. Did season 8 and 9 could have been good with that direction? Yes. But the reason why season 8 and 9 is bad at least for me also has something to do with the direction. (and same thing applies to season 4 and all the seasons after that) I consider Season 7 a spiritual successor of season 5, not six. I like season 5,6,7 for all different reasons, but maybe that has something to do with what you said. Season 8 does have a strong sense of post MLP universe. Season 8 and 9 almost solely depends on that aspect of the show, but almost in a wrong way possible. (while season 7 did it in a relatively OK way.) I do think season 6 needed a sequel and a season to properly finish the series, but I agree that it would have been better if the show ended somewhere around that period after seeing what everything eventually turned out to be.
  20. The title says it all. Which state or cities that Canterlot High seems to be in? Or at least where it seems to refer to/modeled after?
  21. Sonic Rainboom A Friend in Deed Too Many Pinkie Pies Inspiration Manifestation The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone Gauntlet of Fire A Royal Problem Sounds of Silence She Talks to Angel
  22. The Show Stoppers The Mysterious Mare Do Well One Bad Apple Rainbow Falls Made in Manehattan The Cart Before the Ponies Daring Done? Non-Compete Clause Uprooted
  23. Think I already participated in very similar posts to this, but A Friend In Deed Sonic Rainboom Luna Eclipsed Lesson Zero Inspiration Manifestation Too Many Pinkie Pies Party of One Look Before You Sleep Secret of My Excess Hurricane Fluttershy There are many other episodes that I could have chosen to put in the list instead, but having only 10 spots are the only reason they are out.
  24. Pincess Mi Amore Cadenza, Maudileena Daisy Pie, and all those stuff whatever Big Max and Cheerilee called each other under the influence.
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