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Solar Power

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Everything posted by Solar Power

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums @Theautisticrebel
  2. Of course Sunset Shimmer is canon. She was canon in generation 4, and generation 4 is set in the same world as generation 5. This was a fun episode I thought with lots of Izzy silliness which is always welcome. I also liked the rap.
  3. Hello there @Rusty_ Welcome to the forums.
  4. It was entertaining but pretty mediocre, nothing special about it, mostly it was just the usual slapstick humour. A shame about the mention of poop and the actual appearance of it later on. Tell Your Tale seems to be going all out with the toilet humour, which is something I find unfortunate. Nice to see the Rainbow Dash plush though.
  5. Well that is sad. I see from his Wikipedia page that he voiced Mulia Mild and Wind Rider. Two memorable FiM characters.
  6. Yes but it's when people won't blow their noses and instead keep sniffing up that bothers me
  7. People repeatedly sniffing up instead of blowing their nose
  8. I noticed this continuity problem and it bothers me. It really does make it difficult to consider both entities as being in the same fictional universe. Ultimately it might be best to consider Tell Your Tale to be like the comics - i.e. not quite canon.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forums @wutongtree
  10. Not a pony but a dragon - Spike. At first I didn't like the idea of a dragon being one of the show's main characters but I quickly warmed to him. And it took a few years but I finally came round to liking Zecora. I used to really hate her to the degree that I'd cringe whenever she was on the screen. That rhyming thing really put me off for the longest time but I really like her now, but I still wish they hadn't made her say everything in rhyme.
  11. That's an interesting bit of speculation, but speculation it remains until it gets confirmed. I'm surprised that nobody in this thread has questioned whether Twilight's voice actor in the trailer is Tara Strong or not. Dr Wolf thinks it isn't her, I've seen others online saying the same thing. Me...I've played that moment over and over and I'm still 50/50 whether it's her or someone new, it's so difficult to tell from just three words. What does everyone else here think?
  12. I'm not a fan of warm weather so my least favourite time of year is definitely in summer when it's at its hottest. Probably mid July to mid August. I don't really mind the cold so winter is perfectly fine for me.
  13. A while back before gen 5 had come along someone started a thread asking what things we didn't want to see in generation 5. I never got round to posting it but I was going to mention that what I really didn't want was fart humour. Despite that, this was a decent fast-paced episode. Not up there with some of the best episodes but pretty good nonetheless. I like the bit where the table broke, that was a nice bit of slapstick that this series does a lot of and does well But please...no more fart humour.
  14. Aside from a few seconds on Youtube I have never watched any of the pre-Friendship is Magic generations of My Little Pony.
  15. Nice picture @bubbleteapony That opening sequence was one of my favourite parts of the Make Your Mark special.
  16. Helloooooo and welcome back to the forum @LunaUmbra
  17. This was one of my favourites so far. It's certainly in my top two along with The Game is Ahoof. Like that one it displayed a mastery of the 5-minute format and showed what these Tell Your Tale episodes can achieve despite the short running time.
  18. I've been liking it a lot so far, perhaps a bit more than I expected to. The movie was fantastic and most of the Tell Your Tales have been great. I liked the special a lot but I felt it could have had a bit more to it. There's so much potential for generation 5 and I hope they manage to fulfil it. I'm guessing we'll see when the Make Your Mark series comes out.
  19. Feeling slightly tired. Going to read another of the generation 4 comics before I go to bed. There's so many of them and I'm trying to get through them all
  20. Ten minutes ago I was doing what I'm doing now.....and that's listening to the DJ Pon-3 Presents My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Remixed album I've really liked a couple of the tracks so far.
  21. Funny this thread should be here at the moment because right now I've got a fan blowing on my face I don't mind it on hot night like this.
  22. I finally got round to watching the latest Tell Your Tale.
  23. I see this thread is almost ten years old! But I've never seen it before. I'd just like to point out that I LOVE Trixie. In fact in the whole of Friendship is Magic she is my second favourite character of all time. Just one place behind her best friend Starlight Glimmer I always loved her sassy personality. Boast Busters is one of the season one episodes that I like to rewatch the most.
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