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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. I prefer mechanical keyboards, although I somehow always find a way to make membrane keyboards just as loud.
  2. I have fond memories of the Broadway version on VHS tape, but I don’t know if I have a favorite.
  3. Happy Halloween!

    …What do you mean, “it’s only October first”? Nonsense! ;)

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Got a whole month of anticipation! :squee:

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Every day is spoopy day in October! 

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Nightmare Night, my friend! :LunaMCM:

  4. Most of the ponies I create are based off other people, and the others are based around the stories I created them for.
  5. I probably wouldn’t get new parts unless I needed them (and had a lot of money), but I would probably be tempted.
  6. I’m going to glue a skeleton hand to my shoulder. That’s probably it.
  7. *hugs @TheRockARooster because he’s awesome*
  8. -Why I keep most people at a distance. I’m not even sure I understand why. -Why I worry so much.
  9. Playing video games: specifically, being a completionist. Reading social media and blogs. Watching YouTube videos, not because I’m interested but because I’m bored.
  10. “If you break my bouncy ball, I will break you.” A few hours later— “I know what a ing bovine is!”
  11. Yes, mostly with video games and card games. (Sometimes with who-can-make-the-most-puns games.) How long did it take for you to say “I love you”?
  12. As long as your windows are closed, it doesn’t usually bother me.
  13. From a meta standpoint, it’s a show marketed towards girls. From an in-universe standpoint? Either it’s possible our perspective is off due to the show focusing on female characters, or— There’s this author on Fimfiction who writes about an expanded pony universe called the Triptych Continuum, and in it, they explain away the imbalance through a spell that allows mares to have children with each other. It doesn’t work for stallions because it requires a womb, and the offspring will always be female. So over time, there are more mares than stallions. It’s a pretty solid explanation, and not one I’ve seen from anyone else.
  14. Yes, I’ve encountered mean or harmful people who also happen to be bronies. Not everyone who likes the show is going to be a model citizen, after all.
  15. I took an insatiable bundle of joy shopping.
  16. I seem to recall a well-known fanfiction where Fluttershy brings up the possibility that she is one. She isn’t actually one in the story, but I’ll vote for her anyway. It’s always the quiet ones.
  17. Maybe? Not in a creepy way, and not without a good reason, though.
  18. Ohhhh. (I miss Friendship is Magic, too.)
  19. I’m always missing @Sparklefan1234’s status updates; does that count?
  20. I’m having heartburn for some reason, but otherwise I feel okay.
  21. “Laughs don’t come in barrels. They come from inside you as your body’s response to delight.”
  22. Answers from a couple quizzes: deer, whale, sloth, dolphin, dog, and finally deer again.
  23. I would be sad for the first hundred years, and then I’d creep toward apathy after realizing there’s no way out. After that, I’d stop making new friends and forming new relationships. I wouldn’t want to get close to anyone. People would cease to be people in my mind; they’d just become bodies with no lasting impact. Society would change at a pace I wouldn’t be able to keep up with, so I would distance myself from that, too. And I wouldn’t have anything worth doing, because when you have all the time in the world, you probably’ll just keep putting it off till an unreachable tomorrow. All my hobbies and my job would become meaningless, since I’d have no one to share them with, and no retirement to look forward to. And yeah, I’d still have to work. Until society collapses. The skies would fill with smog, cities filled with hunger and plagues, the world torn apart by wars and unavoidable ruin, and I’d still be there. Alone and apathetic. And I would have to keep living, even when every other human is gone. Sadness doesn’t encapsulate that feeling.
  24. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I only know five French words. Désolé.
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