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Everything posted by Jeporauta

  1. You are pretty much right. I liked coke before but something changed about it's taste and i like Pepsi more these days. Although i don't really care about cola drinks at all. Sprite and Fanta are more of my stuff...
  2. I'm going to have fun even if it kills me... or not.

  3. Hey welcome to the forums. And as always remember to have fun.
  4. Jeporauta

    gaming Girl gamers.

    Why do most guys act as if girl gamers were some exotic animals? Instantly having some weird reaction to them one way or another.
  5. Something nice and calming. Reminds me of winter in a good way and i hate winter.
  6. Jeporauta

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I was talking about a different genre, but sure i confess to being into Black Metal too. Well i pretty much like anything that is music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o7SamPkmeg not black metal
  7. Jeporauta

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Time to reveal my true passion in metal: Doom Metal. There are two ways experience a heavy feeling. The fast brutality that makes Death and everything above amazing. Then there's the slowly crushing feeling you get from Doom metal. First Some Funeral Doom. Warning this is bit on the extreme side. It's really slow and requires the right mood and patience to listen to. Then something bit more mainstream. One of my top ten Bands of all time. Doom metal is beautiful music and this band embodies that the best.
  8. This. Especially if i have spent my whole evening reading about demons or anything else paranormal and sinister. Also not much of fears but. Almost all bugs creep me out and I squash them if the come near me.
  9. TBH Chrysalis was my least favorite villain. She's just the typical "Bond, before i kill you i will tell you my master plan and how to stop it" kind of villain. Sure she has really cool character design and people love her so i wouldn't mind seeing her again, but i would much rather see Discord again.
  10. Pretty much for the same reason everyone else loves it. Also i don't really watch cute and cheery shows so it's a really nice change. The main reason tho: Ponies & ponies & ponies & ponies & ponies & ponies & ponies.
  11. Hopefully 6. The "modern" ones are definitely the best ones. The old ones were not that great imo. The controls were terrible and making the game more scarier that way is no excuse. The story and dialog has always been bit ridiculous in those games. Sure i liked some really cheesy stories back in the day, but Resident Evil games were just way too over the top stupid... Besides all that i still managed to have some fun with them. Of the older re games Code veronica REmake were the best. REmake is the only one that managed to get me scared(Damn crimsons). Code veronica felt more playable than the rest of them so i quite liked that one.
  12. How did i skim trough this post without noticing the last words... That game is the huge turning point of my history as a gamer. That was the first 3D JRPG i played and for me and my friends that game was the most amazing thing ever created. FF7 wasn't really my thing, but LoD was the shiz! While these days the story is bit corny/cheezy and as a kid it was amazing. The Nostalgia makes blindly love it even to this day.
  13. I don't have a personal experience about MLP other than it was uncool girl stuff when i was a kid and i hated the commercials. after seeing this http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/cr/ff/32418-episode-57-my-little-pony-retrospective-part-1 I don't dislike them anymore, but i really don't care about them either. Also part two of that of that video is about FIM.
  14. Hi Neelix aka. Orange Breeze. Welcome more importantly have fun.
  15. Already Banished? what happened here?
  16. Welcome. I hope you will have fun in this community.
  17. And by the end they realize that friendship is more important and they band comes back together and the rest of the group gets the cutie marks. That would be such a standard mlp episode i would love it. Another one could be where Applebloom doesn't get hers while the other 2 do. Otherwise the episode would be similar in story and moral.
  18. I'm not secure enough about my masculinity to drink cider while sober... Don't judge me! When I'm drunk strongbow is ok. It's really hard to find real quality cider here since most of it is just basically sugary soda with alcohol.
  19. I play CoD's only for the campaign so let's just say that BLOPS was easily the best one for me. I'm interested in BLOPS 2, but i'm not pre-ordering it cause it the MP isn't my thing.
  20. JRPG's bring really good memories about my childhood. Oh how much fun i had playing Final Fantasy games and The Legend of The Dragoon(Nostalgia factor makes this game the best game i have ever played even to this day). Now these days that my tastes have changed a bit nostalgia is the factor that makes me tolerate jrpg's
  21. I really liked that analysis Kyronea didn't overdo it or didn't make too far out there assumptions. I liked how Kyronea kept her assumptions close to canon. That analysis is pretty much the exact opposite from you theory. It implies(even says it at one point) that Rainbow Dash has a really strong personality. That analysis isn't even close to hinting that she has some serious self-esteem issues. Even the The laziness and sleeping is credit for her free spirited nature. Basically she's just doing what she wants. You noticed how she sleeps all the time, but did you also notice that she trains her flying skills a lot too. If that's not being energetic outside of social situations then i don't know what is. Rainbow dash doesn't seem to like to do any uncool or boring stuff and would much rather sleep than do chores. She's very lazy about her weather job when Twilight first meets her and she didn't want to help applejack either in ticket episode, because it would have just been helping out with the chores. When not training, there wasn't much for her to do in her lone time before she started reading she she just slept. I'm not sure if i said it before, but there are different reasons why people are competitive. Dash is very free spirited and happy overall in the show. Pretty much everything else she does in the show doesn't fit a person with low self-esteem.
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