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Rainbow Dash Loyalty

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Everything posted by Rainbow Dash Loyalty

  1. I like them equally in my opinion, but if it comes to appearance then Mrs. Cake has my vote. Not that Mr. Cake isn't bad, it's just Mrs. Cake looks like a unique character of her own self, her color scheme, mane and body shape all go together, while Mr. Cake reminds me of the Flim and Flam Brothers minus the bacon mane.
  2. That moment when you realize it was your friend's birthday 2 weeks ago >.<

  3. You know when you have a song that gets stuck in your head and you're okay with it?
  4. Titanfall doesn't look as good as people told me, it looks okay I guess but I think it was just all hype Slender is overrated and just isn't scary anymore I liked the ending to The Last of Us (This is sort of a 50/50 thing, not everyone likes or hates it) Minecraft is awesome and fun and all, but I got from super-addicted to bored and cbf to play in less than 2 weeks, I'll probably start playing it again sooner or later and become addicted to it though. Captain Falcon is overrated and isn't funny I actually loved playing FIFA on my PSP and I'm not even a huge fan of soccer TF2 isn't fun for me, and I don't think the humor there is even that funny.
  5. Music helps me most of the time, but not dubstep or relaxation music, I mean music with real lyrics that really has a meaning to the song x3 Everything else doesn't help as much honestly, video games are fun and all but I don't have that many games that are exactly the like type of games that are supposed to calm you down xD (like CoD, Battlefield and every other FPS ;P) So yeah, basically music is my stress-reliever, and if music doesn't work then having a jog or a walk outside might help, getting some air to cool down my thoughts ;P
  6. That banner has some serious swag

  7. Happy Birthday 365 days later :3

  8. Oh God I loved Angel Beats, I was originally thinking this would be a thread about Angel Bunny x3 But this is just jaw-dropping amazing. The background, effects, colors and everything else look great! Keep up the awesome work!
  9. xD Dude, you can be like 3 weeks old and be a brony if you want! Age doesn't matter in the community! If you want to call yourself a brony then help yourself! You don't need permission or anything ;P It's not illegal to watch a show like this with an age limit.
  10. Hi there! Glad to have you on the forums with us! If you have any questions or feel like someone to talk to, go ahead and message me! ;D I'm up for a good talk~ Btw you should put on a Rainbow Dash avatar to make everyone lose their marbles >;D
  11. Might as well ban The Simpsons while you're at it because adult males watch the show with their kids :/ Seriously, how stupid can a person be? I'm not sure if that guy was either a huge anti-brony troll or a legitimate idiot who thinks he can change something that's not broken. When has a little girl or any child been so obsessed with a show so much that he/she googles inappropriate websites and videos? Honestly it should be one of those moments where if you don't like something then ignore it, but instead he rights a wall of text that I couldn't be bothered to read and a bunch of links that should be in some parental block if he's really that worried of 'those' sites. Some people just make me facepalm so hard that I die. Yes I'm dead right now.
  12. O: I heard there were free OC drawing requests here! I hope you don't mind if I could make a request :3 I just love good art and free stuff. Especially when it's MLP art (; My OC's name is Fire Force if you needed to know, and heres a lame pony generator reference: and his cutie mark just incase it's needed: Please draw him anyway you feel!
  13. Happy Birthday CD! http://i.imgur.com/BEgNWeW.jpg Congratulations on being 1 year further to death!

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      holy crap that is an amazing picture

    2. NavelColt
  14. If anyone is really that afraid to just walk in and buy something for yourself without anyone judging you then just buy it online ;P But seriously there's nothing be afraid of. Who cares what anyone thinks of you? It's not like the cashier is going to hunt you down for buying kid toys, plus it's not like its illegal to buy merchandise from a store ;P Everyone will most likely assume the thing you're buying isn't for you and will just move along like you're buying something for someone else. If you're lucky then maybe other bronies will spot you buying MLP merchandise and you can get together and become BIST FRANDS FIVE EVAR!
  15. I didn't realize I was a game nerd until i heard myself talking to my friends during game chat and skype lol. "Enchant your Diamond Sword!" "I finally defeated the Enderdragon and the Wither!" "I got up to round 50 with the ZuesCannon!" "I use my gun with a Holographic sight, laser sight, and a heavy barrel!" D: Nerd level: 9001
  16. Such a twist! o: My random theory for the magical forest is probably some evil-psycho witch who put a curse on the mainland devoured basically everything in that area. And the evil witch can be Zecora's ancestor just because I like making things more twisty :3
  17. I haven't seen Futurama in so many months so I can't remember too much, but if I remember anything then I would remember that Bender is that type of guy (or robot who has emotions xP) who does whatever the heck he wants. He's barely loyal to be honest, at some times he can be but most of the times he's a jerk and thinks he's the coolest thing ever. Much like a swagfag/gangster/lad and those 'YOLO' people. And just to be clear, Rainbow Dash is my favorite character because of a lot more than how you described her xP You just made her sound like some douche D:
  18. Are you a Mexican? Or a Mexicant?
  19. Wow. It took me a couple minutes to realize that the post was a parody of Bruno Mar's song called 'Billionaire' xD Not bad, not bad xP Honestly though, becoming an alicorn would mean taking huge responsibility, and theres almost no fun since you have to be busy all day everyday :/
  20. I hate it when I wake up late D: It feels like I basically missed out on the whole day

    1. Zygen


      I do partly, but at the same time i wake up early and want to go back to sleep.


      I'm never satisfied.

    2. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      I feel the same way lol, I need to make up my mind whether I want to wake up or not xD

    3. Zygen


      I don't have a choice, my parents wake me up(Or my brother sometimes) whenever they want.

  21. Australia: 67 Brazil: 37 Canada: 82 France: 106 Ireland: 53 Japan: 59 Mexico: 52 Poland: 47 Russia: 66 Sweden: 72 United Kingdom: 69 USA: 47
  22. I bought minecraft today :P I've been playing on the free downloadable version for so long

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      PC c:

      I have now realized how amazing fun the Hypixel server is with friend x3 I should of bought minecraft ages ago!

    3. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      By free version I meant Minecraft SP xP it's basically the same except you can't change your skin or join any of the awesome premium servers xP

    4. Zygen


      Minecraft is certainly more fun with friends.


      Also the PC version is master version :P. Because mods, and it has a further updated version :D.

  23. I absolutely love the icons IMO :3 The outlines are excellent, it really makes the icons stand out more so I can see them better, I like how you used the fitting pictures for fitting sub-forums and they're all colorful and look one hundred times better and more attracting than wooden signs ;P I don't see how anyone can really complain about it, it's not like it ruins the entire forum. You guys did an awesome job!
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