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Everything posted by Planty

  1. I agree with this, I would potentially buy the blind bag toys I don't think anything else other then custom plushies look anything close to show accurate. I only have 1 custom though, they cost well to much me
  2. Yeah, I've know people like her in RL that treat everyone like first because they are ^Daddy's Girl^. I don't like people like that at all, they have no reason to do it :/ and they NEVER do anything for themselves.
  3. All the games I was going to put down are in your lists lol, Best 2 is defiantly starfox 64 and goldeneye for me, I loved those games so much
  4. I also guess that when one of the main reasonings for marrying as a monarch is to continue your bloodline and provide and heir to the throne, you don't need to when you can just live for practically ever anyways!
  5. She kept in the show just not speaking anymore, however I prefer her new voice to her old one. Originally when she was voiced the voice actor did a young boys voice unintentionally (and although it sounds good) I actually preferred the re-voice of Derpy's better because it was more girly and how I had originally imagined it I do not think they should have stopped giving her a speaking role (I don't know if they where going to this season or w/e) or removed her name as for me FIM is about friendship past disabilities and differences and I think removing a character because people this she looks a bit retarded and that offends then is stupid because she was the most loves background pony (and still is ) of them all! I do think she may get a speaking roll in s4 but I recon they may call her Ditzy Doo and not Derpy so they don't get a repeat of what happend.
  6. This may sound odd, but I really like its simplistic look. If you wanted to you could have out in a lot more detail into the hair and maybe the facial expression ect, but I think it would kind of ruin the simplistic look you have going at the moment Only change I would make is maybe make the eyes more round so they look cuter and not as sharp Good job!
  7. I think what he's goes on to say is that when they fall in love and marry they then perhaps loose there immortality so they can die happily together with there lover? (like in that film Hancock). But celestial and Luna don't fall in love to make sure they can keep the kingdom in check or safe from its enmities or whatever. I hope this is true, it's the only way this can't be really sad for them
  8. I would love to meet Jesus after he got crucified. It would be amazing to hear him speak (especially as I'm a Christian) and to know just how difficult going thought crucifiction would be. For fun: meeting Andrea Libman or Tara strong would be pretty cool, there just purely fun people to be around (unless they act incredibly fake at conventions) and I'm sure we would have loads of fun!
  9. I had never thought of this! But they defiantly have the same year length as RL (mentioned in a friend in deed) so maybe they just have a really long autum and spring? (3months of winter coolness is mentioned in winter wrap up so we know winter is approx the same length as are's )
  10. Maybe we just get to see the most important lessons? I think this also seems to fit with the theory that some of the episodes get moved out of sequence for one reason or another causing such irregularities.
  11. The way to best lifestealer is to build armour and not set and hp. On heroes like Sven or slardar, if you get an assault curas and then a satanic you hit fast and lifestealer enought to be able to beat him 1v1 (basher and then the item that hard stuns for 2 second also works nicely on heroes like night stalker vs him)
  12. I think I woul go with silver spoon, I mean diamond tiara in bad, but silver spoon blindly follows her arround whilst being just as stuck up as she is. She never once thinks for herself, at least diamond tiara almost successfully ran the school paper !
  13. Music wise I love TeithePony on YouTube. Just search his name, he has made some really good remixes of some other brony songs and some original music. Other good brony music artist I would say are Alex.s , the living tombstone , general mumble to name a few, there are many more excellent music artists. If you new make sure you check equestriadaily.com every day for new updates on music to fic,s and just everything brony in general (thought I would mention this as your new )
  14. Mac ids all the way for me I don't think there is a burger king anywhere near where I live I can only remember having it once in my life >< Oh yeah, and Ronald McDonald is awesome
  15. At a high lvl ( even where I'm at) Lucan can be considers a free win if they 1/2 well, and certain heroes are never played from being awful. Team makeup also makes a massive difference, and people get very mad when people take a type of here that isn't needed or is incorrect for the situation it can be quite funny to watch the arguments ><
  16. I personally wished they had, But it's completely understandable why they didn't
  17. Lol, that's the day I get my results for my a levels :/ I imagine everyone else in my position will be busy with that. Looks cool thought, I can't believe I never saw it before ><
  18. Ok, I've played slot of dota2 (400 games or so) and I'm currently taking a break from it (I started to loose interest in it with the new wow expansion coming up) but I thought I would say a few things about it 1. You don't need an invite, you can get an existing played to buy one from the insane shop (it's £25 but u get the invite and like a load of items). 2. Lol and dota are very different games. You can't really say 1 is a better game then the other be wade there so different however I prefer dota, differences are that: In lol lane controll is very different, towers are very punishing and you can't deni creeps, it also feels less important. Dota has more abilifies from items then lol and (how I felt) is a lot less strict with item build, item builds are very important. In dota each hero has a very specific role and they all can't carry, support heroes always die in 2 shots to a carry no matter how farmed they are. In dota once a rax is dead it stays dead (comeback are still common tho depending on time ect). You can't buy and advantage as in lol in dota, all items are cosmetic ect Couriers are also in dota which deliver and can buy your items for you I person,ly played a lot of supports, I don't really like seven to much because I don't like how he can be easily contend with slows but it is very funny if you get farmed fast and are 2 shotting people after you stun. My fav hero is probably wind runner, with items you can just do so much in team fights is unbelievable. (like euls and force staff or orchid) Nice to know I'm not the only one who has played it
  19. I loved it I researched it a few days ago when we where having a discussion about enemies dieting to fast and found that actually they don't and it's really well done. I really like the way the elements of harmony are not re used once again to defeat the changelings and that they find a new way ( and I don't think they could have done a better job of it ). I know they feed of love making it feel a bit childish, but I wonder if instead they fed of "life force" and not love, would it have had a better impact on some people who thought that to be really cheesy?
  20. My fav is probably the yogscast I just find them very easy and funny to watch in general but much more when they are playing games for the first time and are not doing scripted stuff which just feels a bit fake. I also watch day9's channel, gotta love funday Monday. And itmejp for the sc2 state of the game and game station podcast on the game station channel.
  21. Hey, this cool Gotta love the facial expression. The colors also seem to work really nicely together, I can't see anything wrong with it tbh (tho personally I would have a second color in the mane but that's all personal preference)
  22. Planty

    movies/tv Pitching an idea.

    I can't believe I had to have you guys point the accusation out for me, I was just playing along haha *face hoof*
  23. Well I thought it was kinda similar because she also goes and spends loads of time on that and then goes to canter lot without him (tho I guess if he's in the jungle she wouldn't of had anything else to do)
  24. Planty

    movies/tv Pitching an idea.

    And the twist could be that he uses a bunch of ideas, makes a film and it turns out to be a massive flop - insert moral here -
  25. Shy x dash Pinkie x twi Apple x rarity I think this is how they pair best, but I don't really like shipping so this was more of a -in episodes there best in these combinations- point of view
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