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Everything posted by Planty

  1. For me i loved the Lion king and Pocahontas when i was younger. Of late, Ive actually preferd dreamworks films (like Shrek and How to train your dragon).
  2. Well... One of my friend's mentioned in passing that his brother was being forced into watching MLP by one of his friends at work. I was like "Why lol, as punishment for something?" and he said that apparently people on 4chan think its good or that bit's jsut a big joke (he didn't know). Well i got home, and bleach was currently on a break of episodes, i had nothing to watch! I decided to watch MLP. I watched 2 episodes (s1e1/2) and i didn't really like it. I think something in me was saying that its just stupid and girly. Later that night, another friend said he had heard i was trying it, i told him it wasn't my thing, he told me to watch a few more episodes. I did, and it was after my 4th episode i got hooked. At first i thought it was really odd to like it, then after reading some internet i realized it wasn't, and then learned who Laren Faust was (i love watching PP girls as a kid) and was happy then watching it. Brony's then taught me to not care what people think, and now i happily watch it and have merchandise, it stopped me being over self conscious about what people think. I then/now regularly watch episode, it such a relief that i don't have to watch TV trash anymore that's ALL about sex and getting pissed or reality. It's nice to just have a fun / happy show to watch.
  3. The color's wouldn't make sense, she is more like Celestia then Luna ? Then again this may mean nothing as parent's color's seem to be unrelated to offspring.
  4. im up for playing with you guys at some point, ive not played for 4 weeks, i had a holiday and ive fallen out of touch with it, but ill start playing 1-2 games a day and getting back into it a bit will be more fun with some people playing with me
  5. This is amazing, honestly the best think Ive seem written about it ever. I think this just about sum's up my feeling's on the matter (in a much better written way then me ).
  6. I know other forums just have a mature section that requires you to be a certain age to enter, maybe you could have this here for people who wanted that sort of stuff?
  7. I would get ready to have an all out war with Luna and Cadence who would want to stop me taking the throne and take it for themselves. This epic battle would end with a superpower being launched that accidental would destroy millions of ponies. Twilight then gives her life to produce a should around the blast that protects every pony. Seeing this, cadence and Luna would become friends, and would then exile themselves seedcase of poor what they had done, and Applejack would then rule.
  8. I can't believe they even put actually pictures of the characters on the box >< i mean they don't even make them look slightly different
  9. clowns are the most scary thing around to me and this is without seeing any of those films >< I just hate them full stop (and im 18) so i can completely understand why he is so freaked out. You just have to talk to him about it and comfort him only time can cure this
  10. My brother's CPU overclocks itself when it needs to (its built in ) and it caused issues for him, he had to get a bigger heat sink and extra cooling ect. (i don't know loads thought not sure if your CPU does the same.
  11. downloading it now
  12. Invoker is the best in the game (Kael'thas is awesome always ) if anyone knows where he is from
  13. Its impossible to look at Pinkie Pie without smiling!!!! let alone the entire song! gotta be my third fav MLP song
  14. I agree with this, it sum's up my feelings on this. I also dislike the way everyone thinks that your a clopper if your a brony, which is just plainly not true
  15. wow they look cool hammer beads works so well for this the size is stupidly big either so they look nice to wear
  16. yeah the mods are really good >< they never let anything slip at all ive been really impressed by them
  17. hey this is cool especially seen as cupcakes was one of if not the first thing i saw from the fandom, anything to do with it has a special meaning ><
  18. m dyslexic, meaning I have problems with reading , my processing speed and spelling/grammar (I think that makes me the bane of the internet ). Specifically my worst areas of slow processing and reading, so its takes me a long time to read and take in information.
  19. How did you get stuf on the roof !? I mean I've heard of climbing in windows (and even getting stuck doing that) but never have I heard of being stuck on the roof >< !
  20. Hey that's not massively awful I'm sure you know there are a few things to work on ( the legs and proportions a bit ) but for a quick drawing this is really good !
  21. Damn I was sure I was going to beat The Game this time My iPad also stopped over your message for some reason so I lost it ASAP. Hoping to beat Pokemon again on the plane, I'm really close to completing it again >< (oh and ofc, it's Leaf green version )
  22. The power puff girls was girly? O.o But yeah, i was watching that show for ages (when i was 10) and didn't realise it was ment for girls at all !
  23. I don't like it as an idea very much I think that fancy pants and rarity could work better, they have had a few appearances together already in the last season As for spike, there may be something in him and sweetiebelle ?
  24. I wonder if my brothers went to the same school as yours They do this all the time to everyone , still not as bad as the time my dad locked the door, then when I rang the door lees to get in, he dropped a bucket of cold water over my head. -_- Still, it was good fun getting him back
  25. It doesn't look ridiculous, do you have a picture f it before so that we can compare? And honestly, my passport photo is slot worse as I had Long hair that had to be above my eyebrows
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