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Everything posted by iLegovideo

  1. Genocide? Likely. Of course, they wouldn't depict that in the actual show, as there might be some talk about a kid's show showing genocide as a normal thing in an empire, which is not the case.
  2. To tell you the truth, I used to strongly dislike Pinkie. She was loud, annoying, and I found her very spazzy. Eventually, I began to like these qualities, but I can see if Dash dislikes her at times. I think that Dash respects Pinkie as a friend, but dislikes her at times because Pinkie is a rather non-serious pony on a daily occasion
  3. Hm, I have been a fan of MLP for... Right around 6 months. I found out about MLP when the term of" brony" popped on the internet, and I was a brony hater from there, but one night, I was curious and wanted to do a brony study, so I watched 2 episodes, and top my surprise, it was awesome. That snowballed from there. Hm, I have been a fan of MLP for... Right around 6 months. I found out about MLP when the term of" brony" popped on the internet, and I was a brony hater from there, but one night, I was curious and wanted to do a brony study, so I watched 2 episodes, and top my surprise, it was awesome. That snowballed from there. Hm, I have been a fan of MLP for... Right around 6 months. I found out about MLP when the term of" brony" popped on the internet, and I was a brony hater from there, but one night, I was curious and wanted to do a brony study, so I watched 2 episodes, and top my surprise, it was awesome. That snowballed from there. Hm, I have been a fan of MLP for... Right around 6 months. I found out about MLP when the term of" brony" popped on the internet, and I was a brony hater from there, but one night, I was curious and wanted to do a brony study, so I watched 2 episodes, and top my surprise, it was awesome. That snowballed from there.
  4. I actually feel kind of dirty, voting for who is the most attractive pony of a TV show... but nonetheless, i shall vote for Lady Rarity. I realty like her mane.
  5. I am concerned when people around me, especially my friends, swear, but I have nothing against it.I don't always approve of it, but I can tolerate it, because it's just the way they talk, and the only person who changes that is them. so I guess that I'm okay with people swearing, as long as it isn't in my face.
  6. oh, I see. Yeah, I think I got a bit too excited. How exactly do I sign up? Any specific instructions?
  7. Hey, Rarity! Mum, you probably get this a lot, but um.... are you taken? Spike's behind me, isn't he? *turns head * then Spike suddenly passed out.Rarity, looking rather flattered, was in a rather uncomfortable position, for she had feelings for both of us. She casually shut the door, after saying that she'all think about it. Suddenly, Spike got up, and he gave me a piece of his mind. Talk about anger issues. Well don't blame me. It's not my fault that so many stallions are after her. I mean, what's not to love?
  8. Well, I don't buy pony toys, but I have some pony wallets that I made. I don't feel embarrassed. If anything, I feel like I am helping the cause, for a brighter brony future.
  9. Speaking of the game, for Android Tablets, the MLP game is #8 on the list, which is kind of awesome, no? Us bronies have become something of a phenomenon, not just a bunch of guys who are deviants. I am proud to be a part of the brony community and I will fight to the bitter end with love and tolerance.
  10. Pegasus. I love unicorns and all, but alicorns have certain expectations in society, and there just seems to be so much pressure for the alicorns, where a Pegasus , they are common, so there is no social expectations except not to violate Rule 34, or whatever rule society sets.
  11. Sounds a lot like the 4chan war to me . I actually have friends that are not bronies but act like them, in the sense of liking something, but they are too afraid to express it. My friend likes mine raft, but he's too afraid to express it to the rest of his friends. He even introduced me to a brony server. He stayed only for the resources, just like we stayed for the plot, characters, and all that good stuff.
  12. Another problem: I can only record 29 minutes period. Can I stop the video during the commercials? Or are there no commercials?
  13. Can't I just videotape myself? Just asking. My camera only records 29 minutes in HD, and is really crappy on the others. I'll do what I can, but does the format have tobe that format?
  14. It's a good start, but make it 20% cooler her mane needs to be more flowy and uneven. Same with her tail. Wings need to be bigger, and legs need to be...straight-ish. Also, give her a cutie mark The eyes could use a little work, though.
  15. Um, problem. My webcam isn't working well, so can I record myself with my camera and give the footage to you somehow? If my face is shown, may you black/blur out my face?
  16. Okay! so how exactly will I record? Well, via video, but do I have to watch it on the Hub or can I do it on Livestream/Youtube when it comes out? I know we have a synchtube, but recently, it stopped responding...
  17. Is here where I sign up? Well, I'm signing up, wherever the sign up is. Can somepony give me a link? Can I also edit some video? I'm kinda good at it.
  18. -I have a special somepony -I am a brony (duh) -I love animation -I use words like Parasprite, everypony, somepony, etc. -I don't swear, well, I alternately swear. (like 'shut the buck up')
  19. Uh, quick potentially stupid question. where do I sign up, exactly? If I sign up, may I also edit video?
  20. Awww yeah! Sign me up! Do I have to show my face, or can I blur the video? I'm not sure if my parents would be cool if I showed my face for the world to see.
  21. Thanks guys!! Well, I'm too lazy to write an individual response, but the snout does bother me too, but it's less blurry than my previous attempt. Also, I realized that her eyes are not as detailed as other pony's' eyes. And her mane is also a bit off. Well, I could return to the concept again, and re-do it
  22. I would like to see what happens if all hell breaks loose, if ALL the villans, major and minor, (Yes including Gilda http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png ) came back as ONE team and had possession of the Elements of Harmony and began to single out the mane 6 one by one, leaving Twilight out. That'll be interesting.
  23. It's a good start! Now, add color And make it prettyful by digitally scanning it and then use photoshop or the photoshop-equivalent program (What I use) to make it look good!
  24. Well, my friends, family, and...well other stuff. I really care about my special somepony and basically the people close to me. I also feel close to my tech stuff
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