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Party Cannon

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Everything posted by Party Cannon

  1. AH! I should have taken into account you ! While @~Chaotic Discord~ strikes hard, you strike swiftly, moving posts and topics in ten seconds flat.
  2. You shouldn't feel bad in the slightest! Posts aren't like a chair that you have carved out of a tree trunk and worked on for days to a week. Hell I just came up with this one after 3 minutes. There are sooooo many comments that it is only human to skim through them sometimes. Just get the satisfaction that you said something among comrades, with receiving replies or broohooves being the icing on the cake. And now for something completely different:
  3. WOW thanks for all the responses! I feel I should return the courtesy. Seen: The Great Gastby - I had very high expectations, with only some being met. The acting was excellent, but I wished the music was better. I felt Jay-Z wrecked it, instead of trying to be somewhat period accurate or at least coherent. Otherwise, good. Batman Forever - Actually had the Batmobile toy from that movie. It doesn't measure up to the Tim Burton movies, but it is thoroughly fun. Unseen: World War Z - Will probably see it in the theater in the next week or two then. I hope it is as good as you say. Seen: I have seen all three of these, with Quest For Camelot being the favorite. It isn't a Disney picture, but still great all around. Real fun. Hook is a classic but I have seen Robin in better. It deserves its following though. Godzilla isn't as bad as what critics say, but I would blame it on the source material. The military aspect is attractive. Seen: Idiocracy - Great social satire. It's funny my family mentions that film when the masses do something dumb or any time we go to Walmart. hahaha. Unseen: Fresh - I am intrigued. Cinema Paradiso - I have been listening to the soundtrack, yet have not seen it yet. I haven't seen any of these. Cool! Harry Brown - I am a Michael Caine fan so sounds good. That's My Boy - eeeek. Very trepidations about Adam Sandler's stuff. God Bless Amerika - Typo? Couldn't find it on IMDB.com. Seen: Fantasia 2000 - Great film as expected from Disney. The Rhapsody in Blue segment was my favorite. Twister - Pretty self explanatory. It was a product of its time. Revolutionary in some ways though. Unseen: The Perks of Being a Wallflower - A friend recommended it to me a week ago. I must be missing out. Seen: Apocalypse Now - That movie sir, happens to be tied for my favorite film. It is like no other! Unseen: Gallipoli - I actually have it, yet haven't watched it yet! I gotta get crack'n. The Razors Edge - Sounds real cool, just have to find it. Haven't seen these. Brazil sounds good. It's supposed to be profound. Kung Fu Hustle sounds goofy in a good way. The Castle of Count Cagliostro sounds good from the title and plot BUT anime gives me a headache after 10 minutes. Can't relate. Seen: Mean Girls - Got insight into a world that is foreign to me (being a teenage girl in high school). Surprisingly decent. Unseen: She's the Man - I'm cautious about an Amanda Bynes film. Pitch Perfect - Could be good, but the trailer scared me away. Bubba Hotep I saw indirectly (heard the audio as my sister and Dad watched it). I heard it was...weird... Troll 2 - "OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!" Fido sounds fun. Will seek it out. I have seen your three. Good choices! Across the Universe is an experience of a movie, being a period piece and a very long intoxicating music video. Liked it. The Thief and the Cobbler is a childhood catalog mainstay. You may yell at me, but I love the Miramax version. The Thief and his incessant thoughts/talking is one of the funniest things to me in all of film. Mrs. Doubtfire has it's moments and is a 90's classic. The movie recut as a horror film on Youtube was all too easy, which is scary. I will give it another try, but man the pool scene that I flipped into on TV was lame. Got a generation to say "Cool Beans" so I give it that. Man you over delivered! haha. The Day After indeed sounds thoughtful. I have been procrastinating about Life is Beautiful but not anymore. I detest remakes, but one of the major exceptions was the remake of the original Mummy. I will give your original another go, but while that one put me to sleep, the Stephen Sommers version is in my top favorites. Yellow Submarine would be good for a day that a sound mind isn't necessary. I watched the first 10 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey and was violently disappointed. Life of Brian is pretty damn witty and love the graffiti scene. The Big Lebowski is one of the oddest "popular" movies I have seen. Great cast though. Cyrano de Bergerac sounds cool. The search begins! The Room is indeed notorious. I don't know if I want to commit film watching suicide though. The Rocky Horror Picture Show I have only seen parts of. Got to sit down and watch it all the way through. The song is catchy as hell. Cool, sounds original and entertaining. The Iron Giant is somewhat of an ignored gem. Great animated film, with an almost unmatched soul to it. "yes. NAH NAH NO! Call me Dean!" Big fan of Batman The Animated series from the 90's, so if Red Hood is anything like it I'm in. 9 is one that I have procrastinated. Cool concept. Another Idiocracy reccomendation. I like it! Seen it, very good social satire, and what's scary is that a lot of people act like those characters in our society. Big fan of Batman The Animated series from the 90's, so if Year One is anything like it I'm in. More interesting ones I have yet to see. Thanks ! Your choices sound very artistic and profound. Entertainment value on the face looks nill but not all movies are designed that way, and a good thing too. Out of the three Away We Go sound pleasant. I do not doubt the other two are exquisite, I just have to watch them with a comedy chaser afterwards. Battle Royale does sound better than the frivolous Hunger Games. Kung Pow looks fun. Hope it isn't lame. Clerks I have ready to go, just have to watch it. If it is anything like the following release Mall Rats then it's gunna be a treat. So, thanks to all of you, here is my first batch list that I hope to watch in the next week: Cinema Paradiso Life is Beautiful Fresh Harry Brown The Perks of Being a Wallflower Kung Pow: Enter the Fist L4YER CAK? Kung Fu Hustle Weeeee
  4. I am a movie lover, and always looking for more to check out and see. What 3 movies do you recommend I see that you like that you think most people either wouldn't recommend or know about? Please don't be like JURASSIC PARK! or GONE WITH THE WIND! or FORREST GUMP! Those are good movies, yet I know you have some favorites that aren't as common or well known etc.
  5. Glad they got names! Liked the fanon names for the sisters, but Marble is a cute name. Hope she marries one of the Cake family (Marble Cake, get it). I am a little confused about the syntax though. So is the father's full name Igneuous Rock Pie? Also, why are they named after rocks with a last name like Pie? I can assume they branched off of a very fun family tree or they are supposed to be ironic.
  6. In order to learn about the culture comprehensively, watch the show, look up the many pony memes, ask as you are now questions, maybe go to a con, and have fun along the way. Questions: What key episodes should I watch? ALL OF THEM. What drew you into the fandom? The show or the culture? Surprisingly, the Derpy exclusive from SDCC 2012 (which I never got but watevs). It was so silly that I became curious about what it came from and after watching a few episodes of the show became a brony. How has the culture affected your life? (The good and the bad) Not a whole lot of change. In a weird way it made me a bit of a better Christian (Catholic to be precise), striving more to follow closer the golden rule of being good to everyone. Also, it has kind of become my primary fandom, so most of my t shirts have ponies on them. If you could educate the world on one misconception about the fandom, what would that be? You can be sincerely masculine and love MLP with a passion. I love the cliche manly stuff (guns, drinks, women, etc.) just as much as the next guy. Also, only a small group of bronies are into rule 34 stuff, so we aren't pervs.
  7. Great movie. Definitely part of the mainstay childhood catalog. I kid you not I quote it like once every week. Really hard to say what is the best sequence, since it is all so good, but all the Act 1 [The beginning cabin scenes] stuff is pure gold.
  8. Ooo, hm, I would say Gangnam Style. It was just so out of left field and original that the Harlem Shake only tried to be as random. Plus,
  9. Party Cannon

    movies/tv Ancient Aliens

    I try finding a good show on History Channel, like Ancient Discoveries, Ancient Mysteries, WWII in HD, and other tons more shows that lately have been shoved out of the way for reality shows. This damn show, which is frankly not a reality show, is even worse. I switch into it, thinking it's a documentary on Egypt, but then I see Giorgio A. mother-eff'n Tsoukalos talking about how everything was made by frigg'n aliens. When the meme sprouted up, I was thrilled! Glad I wasn't the only one flabbergasted by this unreal individual. So yeah, it's funny, but mostly irritating because it takes up their TV schedule.
  10. Oh my God this is deliciously random. Here are some that may have been bronies if they were privileged to be exposed to it: John Lennon Abraham Lincoln Madame Curie (bet she would have loved Twilight Sparkle) and perhaps Theodore Roosevelt
  11. Hm, Trixie as a villain has already ran its course. The main task ahead of her now is probably making friends. An episode where she makes friends under false pretenses, gains their trust, but is exposed as the fake she is, but is forgiven and retains the said friends could maybe work. (phew) That was a long one. That's what she said.
  12. It probably kind of slunk back to Japan. It was a good run no doubt, but at least the American fanbase seems to have moved on to other things.
  13. This video says it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwxog9Z7Ng Whatever floats your boat though. The thought was good though, but if want like a wedding or gala Pinkie perhaps try another medium like a smaller plush, or clay?
  14. Hahaha. This story/article/legend/creepypasta is dripping with WTF. So...someone got choked by someone else...and that's the story? If so, this is nothing special. Random acts of violence occur at almost all venues at some point, whether it be a baseball game, a big birthday party, most anywhere, with obviously some more than others. This alleged incident should not frighten someone out of going to a con. Just stay out of trouble and it's all good. If you do get into trouble...pretend you're Applejack and they are a tree full of nice, ripe apples.
  15. For the obvious not-getting-sued reason, Colgate got the name Minuette slapped on her. A nice name, but they might as well have called her toothpaste or something damn near close. I kind of indirectly answered, but yeah Colgate. Rina-Chan undoubtedly shot her into popularity.
  16. Good old @~Chaotic Discord~ is probably gunna merge this thread...I can smell him. As for the topic, it's a tossup as to a sequel, but if I had to guess I would say no. There is no other reason for anypony to go back to the human dimension. A good discussion point though is what humans in the movie shall we see as ponies in season 4, like the "environmental" guy...or the punk girl with the green hair..etc.
  17. Great job there @! I wouldn't change a single thing about it. Very funny. And this STILL makes more sense than Alicorn Twilight.
  18. Everypony pretty much named them off already. The funniest and my favorite part of the movie was Transforming Pinkie Pie for sure. In terms of which other parts got the big audience laughs in the theater, they were Twilight's "wing boners," Fluttershy's introduction, anything and everything Pinkie, Spike and Rarity's interactions, Trixie and her peanut butter crackers, Rainbow Dash's "because I'm awesome," and of course credits Derpy. Yeah, that and at the end of the battle: Rarity: I for one think you're adorable! Spike: Oh yeah. Biggest laughs out of all of their bits.
  19. Ha. It's funny, current tv series can't seem to help themselves from making MLP references, which may be either done out of respect or perhaps jealousy. I can't think of an animated show that has as large and passionate fanbase as MLP.
  20. Still aiming higher though. We have REALLY made it once we get Pinkie on the cover of Time magazine. Honestly though, I think the fandom has already made it since like a year ago.
  21. Cool idea, and happy that we as a species are still advancing technologically. With that said, as much as I love MLP, I would never do that. I love being in this reality, with its beauties as well as its flaws. If you have your good ol' fashion imagination going when you're watching the show, there's no need for nanobots.
  22. Liked the movie, and I will admit I frigg'n love good media merch. However...tough call on this. I love Funko's show accurate stuff with a passion, and will buy all of their lineup. It will be cool if they made Equestria Girls stuff, but it's unlikely. Not much of a loss though. Like the brushables, the stuff that almighty Hasbro is pumping out is ugly (except this year's SDCC exclusive ). Too bad they haven't made a "collectors line" yet. The dolls (can't kid myself and call them action figures) look only 60% like their movie selves, so may completely pass. The Sunset Shimmer/Twilight Sparkle set is a maybe, with the only reason for buying it being that it is part of Brony history. As for the bluray, guaranteed buy.
  23. Hm. Very good question you have here. Honestly, since Equestria Girls is a one-shot deal [as of now], I think that plot element was put in there just to make here run ins with Flash more of a big deal. So...I don't think there is a real answer to this, only speculation. Currently, I am thinking they dated initially because of physical attraction, yet they broke up because as most of us know relationships don't last with attraction alone. If you are well versed in high school movies of the 80's to the late 90's, this cliche is very prevalent, yet with little explanation. Go figure. haha.
  24. Yep. You are absolutely right. This is kind of old news though, since the song (obviously not the movie though) has been out for over a year.
  25. What I call a "gay food fight" is going on right now, so it was both. It was delivered in jest and with uncertainty as what you meant. Nontheless, wouldn't want Pinkie Pie to get caught in the verbal crossfire. Love dah Pinkie. I agree, the current use of the word gay in the English language is historical yet unwise. Fun fact: Bringing Up Baby (1938) was the first film to ever use the word in such a way.
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