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Mister Jack

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Everything posted by Mister Jack

  1. You could always try opening a dialogue about how gay football is. I'm assuming he watches it. You don't even have to mean it, really. The reaction would just be funny.
  2. If you could pick theme songs for the ponies, what would you go with? Here's my pick for Pinkie Pie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bViV6hFTwIc&feature=related
  3. I don't think it was that Celestia COULDN'T stop Nightmare Moon, it was that she wanted to find a way to stop her without hurting Luna.
  4. Discord > Celestia > Luna Being locked in the moon for 1000 years doesn't give you a lot of time to learn new magic.
  5. You take the first sip, snuggle bunny shoobie woobie baby cakey wakey
  6. I would be very disappointed if one day there was an episode where their parents just show up because they've been traveling all this time. Unless they went missing from some kind of tragic zeppelin crash and only just now made it back, they would essentially have left Apple Bloom to be raised by her grandmother and older siblings, which I would have a real problem with. So unless they're missing they either died or abandoned Apple Bloom, and the former seems less harsh than the latter. That's how I see it, anyway.
  7. Didn't think I'd get to use this twice in one day
  8. I hammered a nail. Without any hammers...
  9. I don't know what's more depressing, the funeral or the forever alone filly.
  10. Apparently Apple listed the release date as February 11, 2011.
  11. Ponibooru has him listed as "Russell", which I can only assume is based on the character with the same name from "Up".
  12. Fluttershy's father is coming to visit, and Fluttershy begs Rainbow Dash to stay at her cottage for a few days so she doesn't have to face him alone. Her father was always intimidating to her because he never approved of her meekness or her obsession with animals, which he deems too "soft" to be impressive. When he meets Dash, he instantly takes a shine to her because she's more like what he was hoping Fluttershy would be like after flight school, and while at first Dash loves the attention, eventually she comes to Fluttershy's defense when her father openly expresses his disappointment in how she turned out, emphatically insisting that even if Fluttershy isn't "cool" or athletic, she's never wished for her to be somepony else because she's a good friend with a kind heart. Either her father accepts this, which would make the moral "See people for who they are, not who you want them to be" or he doesn't, which would make the moral for Fluttershy "Don't let one naysayer make you forget all the people who love you for who you are."
  13. Speak for yourself. I have to work all day on Saturday so if I can see it beforehand that works out perfectly for me.
  14. It might have been by mistake. Or maybe they're seeing if more people will buy it if it's available before the airdate. Probably the former, though.
  15. I had to add Dan vs. Friendship is Magic to my list. The last update was just too good.
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