Fluttershy's father is coming to visit, and Fluttershy begs Rainbow Dash to stay at her cottage for a few days so she doesn't have to face him alone. Her father was always intimidating to her because he never approved of her meekness or her obsession with animals, which he deems too "soft" to be impressive. When he meets Dash, he instantly takes a shine to her because she's more like what he was hoping Fluttershy would be like after flight school, and while at first Dash loves the attention, eventually she comes to Fluttershy's defense when her father openly expresses his disappointment in how she turned out, emphatically insisting that even if Fluttershy isn't "cool" or athletic, she's never wished for her to be somepony else because she's a good friend with a kind heart.
Either her father accepts this, which would make the moral "See people for who they are, not who you want them to be" or he doesn't, which would make the moral for Fluttershy "Don't let one naysayer make you forget all the people who love you for who you are."