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Harmonic Revelations

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Everything posted by Harmonic Revelations

  1. Hello and welcome to another groundbreaking piece of journalism delivered to you by the one and only Harmonic Revelations. This time, we have something of a shocker. In a recent status update by renowned and world-famous user Abrony-Mouse, he has claimed that they are "honestly super hungry rn", but is the first word of that status true? Are they indeed being the honest paragon of virtue and desiring food that they claim to be? Or is this another piece of the insidious web of lies propagated by a growing group of infiltrators from another dimension posing as regular members? Our first piece of evidence is rather simple. Analyzing a graph of the calorie intake of Abrony-Mouse for the past week indicates that there is no abnormal lack of calorie consumption today, calling into question if they are being honest at all, as such would imply they get "super hungry" everyday. As we all know, food is a precious resource, yet Abrony-Mouse seems to have an adequate amount. That raises an interesting question; if they were truly getting hungry wouldn't they have eaten before they got to the "super" hungry stage? Perhaps being slightly hungry, moderately hungry, or even very hungry is a reasonable state to be in, but "super" hungry? I have my sincere doubts. It is my duty to the MLPForums to make sure that you do not fall for these insidious lies by the interdimensional invaders trying to steal control of your mind by convincing you they are hungry. Stay safe, and stay informed.
  2. I am feeling tired. I suppose it's time I turned in for the night. See all you lovely people later~

  3. Something I've kept in my fridge that isn't food? Definitely not the dead body in my fridge right now. Because it's technically edible so it counts as food.
  4. I had an idea for a comedy story I want to write. It's a pony-based Isekai story except it's someone from a world where the world has suffered an apocalyptic event and they have to adjust to not having to kill droves of zombies and scavenge dumpsters for supplies just to survive. 

  5. The all mighty Kahlua is showing me it's delicious wisdom.

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. cuteycindyhoney


      I like Kahlua much more than Cthulhu!

      (My mind works in mysterious ways)

  6. Would you be willing to share your stash of Rarity art?

    1. Sparklefan1234


      @Harmonic Revelations I'm sure it's more of a vault. Right, @Jeric:mlp_smug:

  7. In correspondence with people I work with in a professional setting but don't know personally, like clients, yes. Other than that, not really.
  8. Let me double check the guidelines to see if I'm allowed to say what I was doing. Okay looks like I'm good to say it. I was taking fat rips off a bong and playing video games, basically the end goal of life.
  9. These double nostril shots are exactly the kind of quality content I come to your blog for, even if your opinion about best princess is objectively and unquestionably wrong.
  10. Considering giving roleplaying on the site a try, but I'm not even sure where I'd start (or be welcome).

  11. In this unbelievable exclusive edition of Harmonic's Inside Scoop, we look at the biggest scandal to rattle the MLP forums for years. In a recent status update, long time user and "cute pastel pony" Emerald Heart has reported that they are feeling super cozy. Now I know what you're thinking: "Harmy, that's just insane. There's no way Emerald Heart is feeling cozy", and were I myself in your shoes (or horse shoes perhaps) I too would be questioning the validity of this claim. But I am no lesser reporter, and I have indeed brought photographic evidence of this shocking fact. My heart nearly stopped beating in my chest when I read this. But then, something else popped into my mind. "How do we know Emerald Heart is actually super cozy?" I am currently investigating with the help of local authorities to determine whether Emerald Heart is actually super cozy, or is perhaps maybe simply very or extremely cozy. Stay tuned for new developments as this story progresses.
  12. Any winter month, probably peaking in December or January. When it's extremely cold I get to sleep a lot, and when I get to sleep a lot that puts me in a good mood so I naturally trend towards optimism during those times.
  13. I tried to donate but my card bounced because the bank auto-detected it as fraud due to the unfamiliar payment. I'll try again tomorrow after sorting it out with my bank. Money transfers are a headache. Edit: Woo it just went through.
  14. Hello there RainbowsOfApples and welcome to the... *dramatic drumroll* MY LITTLE PONY FORUMS. Most of the people here are very easily approachable, and many of us also have social anxiety too so don't worry about being judged or anything. It never hurts to introduce yourself to others here. I look forward to seeing you around the forums and I hope that you succeed in making a few long-lasting friends during your stay.
  15. Not really. I can't afford to, and what with the events of the past year now it's even more difficult. If I could go on a weeklong trip somewhere, maybe, but I don't like to spend extended periods away from home in general. I get homesick really easily.
  16. I'm not going to go into details because it needs to remain PG-13 but I'll just say that I don't condone the actions that lead to an Alicorn bearing your child no matter how cool the resulting offspring is. Besides, pretty sure if ponies and WH40K were in the same universe, the ponies would be considered xeno scum.
  17. Fair enough. One of my aunts owns a farm and has both crops and horses, and from what I've seen of it farming is hardly like the simple redneck stuff most people imagine. While most of it is physical labor a lot of it is politicking and generally being a shrewd businessperson. I guess one of the saving graces of farming is it keeps you in excellent physical condition, my aunt can still benchpress two hundred and fifty pounds and she's in her fifties. Farming honestly requires more dedication and work ethic than I probably have, so I envy your commitment.
  18. I've been doing relatively fine. I live in a pretty small town with nothing to do in it so being in quarantine honestly hasn't had me missing out on much, and since I work from home it hasn't been too much of a financial burden either. I hope you're doing well in these trying times.
  19. Nice Helltaker profile picture. I can see you're someone of culture. And I brought up the belly button thing again because if I'm traumatized the rest of you have to be traumatized as well.
  20. Hello and it's good to see you! I hope you enjoy your stay in our friendly little community. I'm sorry about the misfortunes you went through in school due to people being backwards and not understanding. It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental people can be of a situation they know nothing about, but I'm glad you made it through those formative years more or less okay.
  21. When Chaotic Discord was a mod he made pony belly buttons a trend in avatars, signatures, and even had a Skype group dedicated entirely to sharing pictures of belly buttons. It was a wild time to be alive. Thanks. That's what I'll focus on.
  22. I am finally going to sleep. I'll inevitably wake up still not cuddling Celestia and be disappointed, but what can ya do?

    See you tomorrow, forums. Have a good morning/day/night/whatever time it is for you.

    1. cuteycindyhoney



      I'm going to bed soon too. It's almost 3AM here!

    2. Tom Gallagher
    3. Vicke


      Sleep well!

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