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Little things people do to annoy you?


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People who talk loud over their cubicle walls about dumb s***


Grown women who try to use a teenager Valley girl



People who go on and on about their kid being "a cool little dude or chick" or gushing about their kids in general 


People who can't pick up a hint 


People who ask to borrow my stuff - no, go buy your own


People who answer texts in the middle of me telling a story


People who walk off during a conversation expecting me to follow you around to talk to you


People who text during movies - especially one I recommended you watch or one you asked to watch


People who text and drive - maybe you don't care about your own life but you are also endangering others 


People who tailgate - I bet $1563 you don't have car insurance or liability only on that pos, and if I have to brake unexpectedly and you rear end me I will end your life on the spot


People who cut into the space I maintain between me and the car in front of me - that space is not for you


People who sit in the right lane at a stop light but are going straight blocking the people who could turn right on red 


People who don't get up to speed on an entrance ramp and try to merge 30 mph below the moving traffic - the entrance ramp is designed for you to get up to highway speed 


People who drive the speed limit in the passing lane and refuse to leave that lane - you're actually breaking the law by doing that


Shopping center or housing development going up EVERYWHERE geez we don't need any more population in the town I've in


People whose voices carry across restaurants - if I wanted to hear your conversation I'd come sit at your table with you

Edited by Lexamena
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~When I'm talking to someone, they interrupt me or talk over me. Not only is that inconsiderate, but it's just plain rude. I'm trying to get my point across; can you let me finish please?

~If I tell a person not to do something and they refuse to listen.

~People who text and drive. Don't they realize how foolish and stupid it is to have your eyes off the road?

~People who tailgate you. And once you switch lanes, the person speeds past you. Being an inch away from my bumper won't make me drive any faster. I follow the speed limit unlike you.

~When the same person calls and texts me several times every single day. I know a person who does this. I don't have the time to talk with you all the time.

~When a group of people in front of you walk a mile an hour. I need to get to class please!!

~When people swear in every sentence to be "cool". Swearing a ton shows you have no vocabulary and that you're immature.

~When people try to get in my business. There are some things I don't want to tell anyone, so I don't want to talk about it.

~People who post song lyrics with a stupid selfie on social media. Really?

~When people use the word "bae".

~When people use a bunch of hashtags and emojis on their posts.

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* Being interrupted mid-sentence during a conversation, then forgetting what I say.

* Trying to sleep and there's an "appropriately" timed ruckus outside.

* Someone tapping their pencil/pen, causing me to lose concentration.

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The only thing worse that a person doing this unknowingly is a person who does it purposely. Everyone in my house swears that this is the correct toilet paper orientation, when it's not.


Also: Girls at school when they think they need to run the faucets while they urinate, because they're ashamed of their bodily functions and the noises they produce. First of all, everyone urinates- its natural. Second, this is a BATHROOM. This room is DESIGNATED for your urinating/defecating needs. That is the sole purpose of the bathroom. Third, you're wasting water.

Edited by Pepper Mint
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  • 7 years later...

- Driving: tailgating, no blinkers when turning or switching lanes, taking up two parking spots, cutting me off

- Talking: excessive swearing

- On the Internet: correcting spelling or grammatical errors

- Argumentation: overgeneralizations, hypercriticism, ad hominem fallacies

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

Tattling.  As an example I have a coworker who notices someone did something wrong. Instead of being an adult and approaching them to say "Hey you're supposed to do this.." She comes over to me and is like "I saw such and such do this." Which has me like....K? I didn't see it for one thing so you could be lying to make someone look bad and if you saw they made a mistake why didn't you tell them? What do you want me to do about it? This lady is in her 50s so she knows better. If you see somebody make a mistake tell them. Do you think trying to get someone in trouble for a mistake is making you look good because sis its not. 

Talking bad about people while they're present. It's not behind your back. You'll be fully present watching them just lie and throw you right under the bus. 

Online it's the holier than thou personality people will sometimes have. That and the correcting of spelling/grammar. I use a tablet/cell phone that will and have autocorrected things to the wrong words. It's 2022, we shouldn't have to still be defending ourselves from a misspelled word. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Bothered me when England get knockout of the World Cup (periously), like get over it and go for other teams, why should I. Also before World Cup, I say England going to win, got critics and say England had no chance, have weak defence and talk about other teams.

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When someone says, "what?" And forces you to repeat yourself even though you know for a fact they heard exactly what you just said, it's annoying thing to me, like they're half paying attention but actually knew what you said and just want you to reiterate the statement over again, it's annoying AF to me ..

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Making mountains out of molehills. Petty stuff. Just as an example, “Why did this person have this tape on their desk?!” Like it’s tape….It was just sitting there on a desk. It’s not a big deal. 

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Playing loud music while riding a bike. Just put in earbuds, mate, no one wants to hear your shitty hiphop from a low-quality speaker.

Believing that being on a bicycle makes you lord and master of all traffic and no longer giving a single solitary fuck about their own and others' safety.

Having no spatial awareness in the supermarket and blocking off an entire aisle with their shopping cart.

Driving like an utter moron, like not using turn signals or overtaking on the right, or most annoying of all, pulling up in the left lane at a traffic signal just to overtake me, and then drive like a geriatric mole immediately afterwards. Fuck all the way off to Saturn, please.

And, to a lesser degree, people commenting on a fanfic with a question or remark that was addressed within the story itself several times. Learn to read.

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  • 5 weeks later...

People chewing, slurping or breathing loudly when eating. I don't know why but it skeeves me out so much. 

Also, people who are on their phones during a movie, whether that be in the cinemas or a movie I've put on to watch with them. And don't get me started with the ones who make the loud, obnoxious comments or jokes to try and annoy others when we're all at the theatre. 

  • Brohoof 1
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1 hour ago, Aticus the Adequate said:

People chewing, slurping or breathing loudly when eating. I don't know why but it skeeves me out so much. 

Also, people who are on their phones during a movie, whether that be in the cinemas or a movie I've put on to watch with them. And don't get me started with the ones who make the loud, obnoxious comments or jokes to try and annoy others when we're all at the theatre. 

Jokes inside theatres are bad:okiedokieloki:  

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1 hour ago, Megas said:

People who continue to say "Yakuza is GTA in Japan"



It's like saying Sonatine is Goodfellas in Japan. 

Yeah, both GTA and Yakuza are third-person gangster related video games, but there's a CRAPTON of differences between the two.

Edited by Aticus the Adequate
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When people project their moral values and pre-conceived notions. I hate that sh*t. I was talking with a friend and he started crying like a little b*tch because I told him I enjoyed watching videos where people get hurt.

And for a family like mine. Well, watching people suffer is cathartic. Because our weakness and incapacity to deal with confrontation has naturally developed into an obsession with violence. Yes, I explained it to him logically. But he had to make a drama out of it. That's what you get for being honest, I guess. Which shows about how hypocritical he is when it comes to accept the condition my family suffers from, and how it affects our psyche.

But no. His mind is too weak despite the physical training. Unfortunate, because he is not a bad lad. But he is too naive. He doesn't want to understand that violence is an inherent aspect of human nature. And believes he can fool a fool. Still, I let him because I am too weak and need to be carried by others.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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