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What does this mean to you?


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Hello Everyone. 


I....Im putting this post up in order to find out some key things about the fandom and its people. Im hoping there will be a good response for this, it would be helpful. Why im doing this? Well.....its ambitious and none of you would believe me if I said so. Might even say its impossible, but I wouldnt like to go into that type of argument, so let's leave it at that.


I would most likely post a set of topics, one after another, and I would be asking anyone to respond to it. It doesnt matter who you are, if your a brony, I would like to know your response to this. But just one thing. Please take your answer seriously, the results from this may come into use later on. I will say so what it will be used for, when the time comes. Sorry for the cryptic nature of things, its just so I wont have to explain over and over or cause a big fuss. But if you guys want me to, then I will. 



I will keep adding more questions, so as to not flood the topics board. They will come as soon as I get a understanding of the responses to the previous one.  Sorry, but do number your responses. I will number my questions. 


Also, if you feel like it, another topic with more question(s). But do keep in mind, they will be harder and a little more uncomfortable to answer.




(1)For this, I would like to ask a simple question. The title says it all really. What does this fandom, and its people, mean to you? Please sum it up into a single word, then you can explain why you chose that particular word to describe the fandom. 


Thank you all so much for reading. 

Edited by skysweep
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This is in a very positive connotation because it's a very special kind of distraction. It's a place to take a break from reality where people constantly and harshly critique one another. Equestria is an egalitarian society to some extent, right? They know who's the boss, but everyone (including the minority gender) are treated about equal.

On the other side of things, that's my kind of mindset going into a fandom environment to a lesser extent. I don't need to like everyone, but I can at least tolerate everyone and respect the common interest that's brought us together, to whatever degree that it influences our lives.

Finally, it's all of the fan art, literature, animation; they're just distractions. Something to take my mind off of problems and insecurities. Well, it has more meaning than that, but I'm being brusque here.

I'm not avoiding reality, it's just nice to get a little vacation from it.

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It means that many people have something interesting and good in common which is an interest in a positive show that promotes great concepts for people of any age. The fandom transcends boundaries and because of this, many are attracted to it.

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well, to break your rules I am going to use two words.

Fan Group.

Really, that is all this fandom is to me personally. It is a group of fans that I can come and talk to about media related to the thing we are all fans of. I don't offer assistance to bronies simply for being bronies, but I do so because they are friends. But really, all this whole crazy thing is to me is a group of FiM fans, and a place to discuss and share said media. That isn't to say that some may find it to be more, with some even finding it to be almost a surrogate family (with strong support to this). But to me personally, the fandom is just that. A fandom.

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The fandom means the world to me, not in a 'parody religion' way as a lot of outsiders view it as, but more of a 'it's freaking fun and I love it' kinda way. The experiences I been through in the fandom greatly enhanced my love for the show.


I met many interesting people in the herd who are smart, funny, really creative, and are generally good people. Sure there are some sour apples along the way but it's like that in every community, prejudice will exist in every social structure inside and out. However, it amazes me how diverse the herd is and regardless of how different people are, most can be friends with one another through their passion for pastel-colored ponies.


I love the media bronies provide; the music, the art, stories, videos, the mods, games, desktop icons, etc. Things I love that I drawn much inspiration from and try imitate myself.

Edited by Flandre Scarlet Pony
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That's really a hard question... But If I have to choose a word, it would be... "Infinity", I guess.

Because this fandom has everything you would be looking for. Lots of original songs, lots of parodies, lots of fanfics, lots of animations... There is even parodies and fanfics of other parodies and fanfics! Double Rainboom, My Little Dashie, Cupcakes, Cupcakes' SFM version... Really, this fandom has everything.

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How can I answer with one word when the minimum character requirement is 20?


Well, it does help if you explain why you chose the particular word to describe it. Why this word? Why not some other word?

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For me, it's 3 words.






The reason why I use these words is because they describe the fandom perfectly in my eyes. This fandom has provided a haven for me to be in without getting harassed by anti-bronies and trolls. I can meet other people and it's fine. I love that trait. The fandom also has accepted me, and others for who i am. This fandom doesn't care if you are a boy, girl, 5 year old, or 25 year old. They come in and accept you for who you are, and I'm grateful for that. The final thing this fandom has provided for me is friendship. I have met sooo many friends in only 1 month of being on this website. People I could relate to, talk to, and socialize with. People who accept me, help me, and make me happy. Long story short, this fandom is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to my internet life, and I hope our messages of love and tolerance can be spread to others in need.  :yay:

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What does this fandom mean to me? Well to put in one word, like you asked, it would probabaly be "The Change"


Ooohh, the change, that's an interesting word to descirbe this. I became a brony because I enjoyed it and because of the change it will bring to the future of...mankind, I guess. I don't know what will it look like, but I'm sure that in the future it will no longer matter if it's a boy or a girl kind of thing.


If MLP still exists there,(*cough* Yes it will *cough) you will never be a closet brony in the start, because on how open the world is now. I mean for example, males might someday wear make-ups(*shiver*) or other stuff that girl's like to do with their skin and nails, I mean all males in the world and it was a requirement.(uh...I'm not offending anyone am I? If I did I'm sorry). Then female's will be the next superior beings in the world, hip hip hooray?


Or that's just me and my crazy imaginations?


But that's how I depict this wonderful people and fandom. :D

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I stopped believing that we're anything special a long time ago and really, it feels embarrassing to imply I ever thought the fandom was anything special.
In the end, we're just another fandom. It's like one large crowd and all crowds tend to be fickle and volatile in character -- to some extent or another. Having done a little reading into crowd psychology, it's fitting the bill so far.

For me, it's 3 words.
The reason why I use these words is because they describe the fandom perfectly in my eyes. This fandom has provided a haven for me to be in without getting harassed by anti-bronies and trolls. I can meet other people and it's fine. I love that trait. The fandom also has accepted me, and others for who i am. This fandom doesn't care if you are a boy, girl, 5 year old, or 25 year old. They come in and accept you for who you are, and I'm grateful for that. The final thing this fandom has provided for me is friendship. I have met sooo many friends in only 1 month of being on this website. People I could relate to, talk to, and socialize with. People who accept me, help me, and make me happy. Long story short, this fandom is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to my internet life, and I hope our messages of love and tolerance can be spread to others in need.  :yay:

By the sound of it, this is probably your first pony forums or even the first community of bronies you've interacted with. The thing is, the aggregate community of bronies isn't as accepting as you might think. An example very close to home that I can give you is the reason why discussing clop is now banned here while it didn't used to be. The reason being that people could not discuss it without fighting over it. Flame wars would erupt.

So before you allow yourself to get too attached, I would suggest that you do some more exploring just so you could see the other side of the aggregate community's face. See, if you get too attached without having a good picture of what is it you are attached to, you would very much be setting yourself up to get really hurt. The "face" of the brony community as a whole is quite large and I urge you to learn as much about it as possible the easy way -- not the hard way.


As for how you might do that, talk to people. Different bronies have different experiences after all. At least that way you can get an idea of what to expect before needing to see it to believe it. That helps to reduce the shock.

Edited by SunBurn
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i love the art(any kind of art, be it visual, music, literature or animation) this community creates.

it inspires me to do the same thing and i am grateful for that.

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Acceptance I guess.


I'm open about my fandom with the show. I don't go around parading my fandom, but anytime somone asks me if I'm a brony i get all happy talking about it cuz usually their confused or speechless. Granted looking at it from the outside it makes sence they would be surprised. I look like a meathead(i m 220lbs and can lift almost more than everyone else in my gym atm), I like fps games, and voilent action movies. So when I say I like MLP its rather interesting watching their pre conceptions drop.


Everyone at my coffee job finds it awesome, at least the girls. The guys, they just shrug it off. Hahahaha.



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