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Do you identify with the Mane 6?


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I don't recall seeing a topic like this, and it's something I'd be interested in hearing peoples thoughts & opinions on so what the hay, here goes!


A bit of backstory if you don't mind first though. When I first started watching mlp:fim during the break between season one and two, the one thing that immediately drew me in was the characters. For a show 'aimed' at little girls initially (and still technically really lbh), from the get go the main cast had a three dimensional feel to them. They had their strengths as well as their downfalls, and even in the first season along I felt that the writers did a good job of touching on each aspect, no matter how brief.


As an avid cartoon fan since I was little, though it has waned in the past few years, this is something that in my opinion is skipped over in shows. Instead writers would keep characters limited to a few quirks and leave them be (just don't ask me for examples of anything cause it's almost 2 am and I can barely get this out as it is). To me, it sort of re-iterates the old saying 'nobody's perfect' but also says that 'that's okay.'


For myself, and possibly others, it gave the mane 6 a 'real factor' and as the show has progressed through the seasons, the writers have done a wonderful job of keeping this up. We've seen the mane 6 progress and grow as characters.


And as we're watching our beloved characters, the infamous question always pops up; "which character is your favourite?"


To this day I still cannot give a definite answer. No matter the series, all characters that I claim as my favourites possess personality strengths, flaws, or quirks that I see in myself. And between the mane 6, they all possess these strengths, flaws, or quirks that I identify with. Such as Rainbow Dash's athleticism, Twilight Sparkles love of books, and Fluttershy's well, shyness (again lame examples but sue me it's late).


Thus bringing me back to they topic of this post: do you identify with any of the mane 6?


I'm not asking whether one's your favourite or not, but rather do you share their personality traits? Maybe one pony more than the other. Maybe not even a pony from the mane 6! I'm just curious to hear what people have to say, if this is what draw's them to certain ponies or not~


TL:DR;; pons with well developed personality's that I identify with some traits. do you identify with some or all traits?



  • Brohoof 1


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That's the thing about the Mane 6; their personalities feel real because they are real. Not real as in characters, but real because these are the same emotions and interactions we have in our everyday lives. This is why we tend to love each of the Mane 6; even if we have a personal favorite and/or ranking. The laugh, love, hate, feel regret, and, ultimately, grow as characters. They're like close friends in a way. :)


Now, to answer your question, I can identify with the characters in some ways; but not all ways:


Twilight Sparkle: I can identify with her nerdy and somewhat adorable demeanor, her love of knowledge, and her ability to remain cool in certain circumstances. However, I'm not a big of fan of books as she is (though, that MIGHT be changing) and I usually don't freak out like she does in...well, certain circumstances.


Applejack: I can relate to her sense of honesty and dedication to work, as well as her stubbornness. However, I am not the workaholic she is, and I can accept help when it's given. Plus, I'm no where near as strong.


Rarity: Probably the one I identify with the least, but she has had the most development. I have no interests in the things that she partakes in, but I can admire her attention to detail and relate to her obsessiveness sometimes.


Fluttershy: About all I can say here is that I relate somewhat to her shyness, but no where near her levels.


Rainbow Dash: I can relate to her not liking the stereotypical girly stuff, but I'm not competitive like her, with a few exceptions.


Pinkie Pie: I can relate to her sense of humor and her general goofiness, but I'm not a borderline depressive like she is sometimes.

  • Brohoof 1

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Twilight Sparkle: Probably the one I identify with the most. I identify with her geekness and love of knowledge.


Applejack: I'm honest and dedicated to work.


Rarity: I trying making sure all my work is detailed.


Fluttershy: I do mostly keep to myself at times and prefer working alone.


Rainbow Dash: I'm not really competitive, but I am a bit of a sore loser at times.


Pinkie Pie: I make others laugh sometimes.


So yeah, I do find a little bit of myself in each of the Mane 6.

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of all the mane 6 (and of any character of anything i have watched, read, or played ever!), I would have to say Twilight Sparkle. honestly, i cant even think of anyone in real life that i identify with as well as i do her. Probably why i love her so much.



granted, I'm not as fanatical a book reader as she is, although i do like to read. (i was like that when i was younger though)


one of the only things i can think of where i haven't identified with her on is her organization skills (and not from lack of trying!).

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Twilight Sparkle: If I'm being honest, Twi is the one most similar to myself. We both love to learn, have neurotic tendencies, we're both pedantic and rather awkward.


Applejack: I lack a filter which leads me to saying things I shouldn't. I also value family but have a tendency to be stubborn.


Rarity: I'm not much like Rarity, I'm not that generous admittedly and I don't care much for fashion.


Fluttershy: I prefer being alone as I'm shy too. I love animals but I fear insects and arachnids unlike Fluttershy.


Rainbow Dash: I do get quite competitive but I try not to be this way.


Pinkie Pie: We both love ice skating? Umm.. I get told I'm random a lot? Asides from that, Pinkie and I are rather different. I'm not an extrovert at all, nor do I desire to be.

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I do things in an organized fashion and I learn a lot about the magic of friendship like Twilight and I'm artistic like Rarity and I want to make my mark in the world. I also dream of fame and offer my generosity to others. I freak out like both Twi and Rarity too. Rainbow Dash is not a stereotypical girl. I don't call myself a total tomboy, because I get girly phases as will as boyish ones. Compared to other girls I am typically more boyish. I'm not a fan of athletics unlike Dash though but I'm always loyal to my friends. Fluttershy and I like animals are kind to others but we have a hard time speaking up and being assertive. I'm very shy to people I don't know well..........BUT once I get to know someone after a while, I act like Pinkie Pie. I get loud and talkative, and I also like to entertain people with my artistic abilities and laughter. Remember about what I said about not being very girly? Well me and Applejack could definitely tie at a burping contest. There's not much I can say because I don't have much similarities to AJ besides being a slob but I can honestly say that I would trade my family for AJ's family any day.

Edited by RainbowPastel

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I identify with the entire Mane 6 in some way. I'll start with who I identify with most and go down from there.


Fluttershy: I feel like, at my core, I am the most like Flutters. I prefer peace and comfort, but when I faced with adversity, I toughen up more than people ever expect. I am also introverted and can feel some anxiety around tons of people I don't know. People initially think I'm pretty quiet, cold, and "mysterious," but once I get comfortable around people, I show my warm-heartedness and openness. Plus, I absolutely adore animals soooooo much - probably more than people :P My pets are my life, and I feel like I've always easily formed really strong bonds with animals.


Pinkie Pie: Seemingly the complete opposite of Fluttershy in temperament, I am also very similar to Pinkie Pie! Though I am generally introverted, I have my moments where I crave going out, partying, and being around all my friends! I love to surround myself with bright and cheerful things. I don't like dwelling in sadness - I want to be happy and smiling! Oh, and I'm obsessed with cupcakes and desserts - I bake as a hobby, and I have a sweet tooth like you would not believe. I could eat a whole bowl of homemade buttercream frosting, no problem.


Rarity: I identify a lot with Rarity's shameless femininity. I love fashion and I could shop for clothes for hours and hours. I also find great value in beauty, always wanting to make everything as pretty as can be. I love playing around with make-up... If you're familiar with LGBTQ terminology, I am what you might call "high femme," dressing in pretty dresses and make-up almost all of the time. It's very rare for people to see me in "casual wear" unless I am sick or just lazing around the house.


Twilight Sparkle: Twilight and I are similar when it comes to intellect. I'm a teacher, so I see so much value in school and education, like she does. I often crave deep, intellectual discussion. I love to read a lot - I get completely absorbed by my books sometimes.


Applejack: I see myself in Applejack when it comes to family. I have a little sister and a little brother, and I value them so much. I would do anything for them. I share her sense of loyalty in a lot of ways. Oh, and I'm stubborn as hell.


Rainbow Dash: I can be lazy like Rainbow Dash XD Sometimes it's hard for me to find motivation to prepare for certain things, so I just wing it. I am also competitive, feeling great pride when I win a great shame if I lose... though my competitiveness only really applies to mental contests. I'm not athletic in the slightest.

Edited by Jennabun
  • Brohoof 1


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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Pretty much only Twilight do I identify with. I'm a very knowledge-hungry personality and I have a passion for learning! I guess I also share her introvert characteristics as well. Well, if she still has those, I haven't watched S4 yet!


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I'd say I identify with Twilight the most. Social awkwardness? Check. Hunger for knowledge? Check. Frustration pver being unable to understand certain things? Check. Dislikes sudden out-of the-blue changes? Check.

That said, I wonder if Twilight is an autist...

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Pinkie Pie - We both want everyone to be happy..forever. :lol:


Twilight Sparkle - Besides her lapse in sanity in Lesson Zero we don't have much in common.


Rarity - I certainly don't care much for fashion,however im like Rarity as i hate touching trash ect. Beyond that and my random acts of generosity we don't have much in common.


Rainbow Dash - Besides sometimes being a jackass sometimes and liking speedy things we don't have too much in common,atleast not anymore.


Fluttershy - As far as me in the 'outside world' i can relate to Fluttershy somewhat,tho i warm up after abit.


Applejack - ....Nothing alike besides honesty and apples.   

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


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I can relate to each of the mane six at different levels.


Apple Jack: I'm honest and hard-working


Fluttershy: I can be shy at times, definitely more of an introvert.


Pinkie Pie: I like to make people laugh. :3 If my friends are feeling down I try to cheer them up as best as I can.


Rainbow Dash: I am very loyal to my friends and to commitments that I've made.


Rarity: I consider myself to be a generous person, I am always paying attention to the finer details.


Twilight Sparkle: Very analytical, socially awkward at times, I enjoy reading/writing, always open to learning new things.


I think that covers everything. ^^


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This seems interesting.


I identify with most of the mane 6 in some way.


I'll go in order from most to least




I mostly relate to her due to my introvertedness, my shyness and from being bullied in school...It's changed me..Much Like Fluttershy...(We see her flashback to being bullied in "Hurricane Fluttershy"). I don't like big crowds of people find it hard to work with and fit in with strangers(like a new job or school).I get pretty anxious sometimes. I also tend to be the "quiet one" when a conversation is going....I'll tend to just listen in.Unless a topic comes up that I know/or like then I'll talk/join in on the convo.


That being said,I also love animals. I guess coming from the furry fandom has something to do with that. I also love getting down to earth/back to basics...I love nature. I find it relaxing sitting under a tree in a forest and just listening to the river or birds and the rustling of the trees and the nice clean air.....It's just so relaxing. Cottage life is for me. It's secluded and no one to bother you. I'm not a fan of the big cities.Only thing I like about the cities are my friends and the merch availability. 


Being genderfluid, I can relate to Rarity quite a bit...I love fashion I like coordinating my outfit when I go out...finding out what looks good or not. Fixing my hair.I can also be pretty creative,when it comes to certain things....Rarity's sewing machine is to my welder, pretty much(If I had one!).So much I would do/make/build if I had a welder...I've got ideas galore....some of which could make me money. Though material supply would be an issue.
Also like Rarity...I like my friends to have the best things possible.....bicycle wise anyways, since that's my main hobby. Sometimes I'll be like "You ride THAAAT?, no that simply WON'T do. You need better." I'll gladly help my friends with the problems they're having with their bikes or whatever else has broken on them...I've repaired countless bikes, laptops...and PCs. And of course I'll do it without expecting a reward, after all, it's what friends do.

Rainbow Dash:


I don't mind a bit of friendly competition, but I don't' take it seriously. I mentioned bikes above as my main hobby...buy that I mean bicycles. I love cycling. So I'm pretty damn active.Cycling is really the only athletic activity I participate in though. But I do a lot of it. I'll easily do 20k riding around town, just for fun.When I go mountain biking with friends,we'll do 40k runs through technical forested terrain, consisting of rocks, roots, steep ascents and even steeper descents.



Twilight Sparkle:


I love learning...though most of it I do from experience,and not from a book. it's hard for me learning from a book, I like hands on learning..it sinks in a lot faster. And as said, similar to Fluttershy...pretty introverted.





I guess being down to earth applies to Applejack too. So I'll add that in here as well. I don't mind a bit of hard work, as long as I get paid for it. Farm life isn't for me though. I'm also pretty country(though I much prefer a forest). I Like the clean air.



Pinkie Pie


Yea....I don't really relate to Pinkie Pie at all....Though when I'm with a couple friends we can do some random stupid stuff.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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Pinkie Pie: When I'm with my buddies, and I'm an all around happy guy, who can be sociable on a good day.

Fluttershy: I see Fluttershy as I was back in middle school, and how I am with girls.

Applejack: We're both smart and level-headed

Rainbow: We get REALLY into stuff

Rarity: We overexaggerate


  • Brohoof 1

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Fluttershy: well, I feel most like her compared to the other five. At the core I am very nervous about socializing with other people. Basically when she first met Twilight, that's exactly how I am around strangers. Very shy, awkward and quiet. But as soon as I feel comfortable around someone I am fully capable of holding a conversation without fear. I really can't stand big crowds, I hate having the pressure of the spotlight. Just everyone staring at me sends me into panic attacks. Plus I love animals ;)


Twilight: I'm super OCD about everything being put in a certain order or else I start to freak out a bit. When I know of the big pressure of some test...I tend to flip out. I don't really like reading things in a book though, but I do love learning new things.


Rainbow: my god, I really hate losing. I'll do just about anything to win a game, even use any unfair advantages I can to win. I'm all down for bets, cause duh, I'm gonna win them. Dares? No problem. I'm really competitive, you don't want to play something against me unless you want to unleash the beast. Plus I think reading is for eggheads, unless the book is complete action and adventure. Also, plenty of traditional study methods don't work out for me. Whenever I try to highlight I end up doodling random crap or cover the whole page. Plus I like to wiggle around in my chair during school, lectures are boring. My attention span is crap when it comes to school. And I'm lazy, let's not forget that.


Rarity: I'm not all that into fashion...or dresses for that matter. But dirt? Outdoorsy stuff? Ew, keep that repulsive filth away from me. Just ugh, gross. I can't stand not being clean or having my hair in perfect condition at all times. I tend to whine a lot and complain. And the way she acted around trenderhoof when she saw him at the train station...well that's basically me if I talk to somebody I have a crush on.


Applejack: Ah like apples. Ah like boots. Ah like hats. Ah am stubborn. Ah like apples. Did ah mention apples?


Pinkie: I really love pranks, because duh! It's all in good fun. Me and Pinks have the right idea, too old for free candy? Ah hellll naaaah. Did I mention I have a huge sweet tooth? Cause I could scarf down a cake and still want more. Rock candy, heck yuh! Ftw.

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As everybody else seems to say, eeyup I identify with 'em all


Pinkie Pie -- love making people laugh and am not understood because I'm on a different wavelength (I think gamma, but perhaps UV?)


Twily: She'd beat me in a fight over the last book, but we'd have one.  And I don't get worried about being late unless you count near hyperventilation.


Rarity: Perfectionist streak, I'm oddly a romantic, or a romantic, oddly.  I like things of beauty.


Flutters: I identify with her element


Rainbow Dash, because I didn't just win a game of Settlers against <10 year olds and feel awesome about it.  It was about 12 hours ago.

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well lets do this


pinkie: I really love to be friends with everybody. if I see someone who is feeling down I always try to cheer them up. I will never stop talking and am always the leader in a conversation.


twilight: I am a huge nerd. I get straight a's in my report cards and generally love reading (I've read all of j.r.r Tolkien's books ALL OF THEM)


rarity: evn though I'm not that much into fashion I am a huge hygiene freak and get grossed out by a lot of things (especially dragonflies) I am also very generous Whenever I get money I always spend it on my friends and expect nothing in return. I also know a few ways to manipulate people to make them do what I want but very rarely


fluttershy: well I am certainly not shy however I do really like critters. there is only one critter I don't like (dragonflies) and no I ain't one of those people who are like I love animals so I go to the zoo quite the opposite I refuse to go to the zoo because of the way they treat animals and I advice everyone here don't go to the zoo, aquarium or circuses with animals.


rainbow dash: well I am really laid back not really giving a shit sorta guy and let things slide very often, I am also very loyal


Apple jack: I only like country music thats kinda it

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Applejack: Pretty much everything.  I'm a hard working country boy, more than somewhat tradition-oriented, pretty stubborn, crudely/bluntly honest, and "look at me, I'm part of the Apple family - argue argue bicker bicker" hahaha.  I live in a small town, and it is surrounded by corn.  While I'm not a farmer myself (nor my parents), we do own some property out of town where my mother has one of her horses in a fenced in pasture (takes up probably 2 or 3 acres out of the 7 acres we own).  Also, the way Applejack doesn't like help until she absolutely needs it - yah, I'm usually like that, too.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm very, very analytical.  I pay close attention to details on most things, almost too much.  I'm not OCD, but I can be obsessive with certain things.  I'm more of a "dork" than a "nerd" - my good grades reflect more upon my hardcore work ethic than they do inherent "smarts," but I am decently smart.  Also, I fret in the same way Twilight did in "Lesson Zero" when something needs done but it seems almost impossible to do - my breaking point is not as crazy as Twilight's "If I can't find a problem to solve, then I'll make a problem [paraphrased, sorry]," but it's similar in a lesser extent.  


Pinkie Pie: This is where it gets ironic - I'm actually introverted, but I have ADHD, so I'm normally very calm, but sometimes I'll randomly be hyper like Pinkie.  I sometimes just have random impulsive behaviors, but I've grown out of it quite a bit, though not completely.    

Fluttershy: Like I said above, I'm introverted.  I love peace and quiet, and I like being alone alot.  I'm fine being with other people, don't get me wrong, I've got a good amount of friends... I just get drained easier when I have to be around other people for too long.  Sometimes if I don't have "my [alone] time,"  I will start to be a bit annoyed.

Rainbow Dash:  I'm always loyal to friends and family, and rarely ever fail to do so.  Like Rainbow Dash, I tend to play the guardian role alot.  Also, I'm kind of competitive, but it just depends on the subject matter.  


Rarity:  Truth be told, I don't have much in common with Rarity.  It's not that I don't care how I look, but I don't care as much as she does.  I'm a t-shirt, jeans, and ball cap kind of guy.  I do, however, relate to her generosity.  I enjoy giving things to other people alot.  



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In some, yes, in others, no.


I do think you (the OP) bring up one of the things that attracted me to the show in the first place. Lauren Faust said that she wanted the Mane Six to be role models on how girls don't have to be "one thing" either in accordance or defiance with tradition, that we are all different and unique.


Despite that, many bronies strongly identify with the Mane Six. Why? Well for many reasons, it could be just that most bronies are more balanced and better in touch with our feminine sides rather than consciously excluding them.


Or it could just be that the Mane Six are well written characters and, as consumers, we recognize genuine feeling and personality in them as written by the genuine effort of their creators to instill recognizable personhood within them.


All that being said, I find myself identifying with few of them, but admiring most. In the former category:


Twilight Sparkle: One of the first things that hooked me was that Twilight was very anti-social, a flaw that I had at the time of watching and still struggle with. While not an academic, especially to the degree that Twilight is, I am still an introvert. The preference for alone time over socializing is the double edged sword Twilight and I share.


Applejack: With her southern sensibilities, and strong family connection, yeah I find a great deal in common with AJ. My virtue, near as I can tell, is Sincerity which has some similarities to Honesty. Where AJ and I most click is our refusal to accept help, but for different reasons. Where AJ can be a workaholic, I retreat from responsibility. (I'm working on it and it's not something I'm proud of.)


Rarity: The most I identify with while also being something of a role model. As a student for creative writing, Rarity and I are both "artists" of a kind. She and I both have an appreciation for Equestria's aesthetic beauty as well as it's history. Rarity has dreams of success and fame while I . . . well I can take or leave fame, but I would love to write my own book series.


Where Rarity spills over into the admiration territory is just how far and how seriously she takes her craft. Everything she does is an expression of her passion for beauty or an attempt to further her reach of spreading such beauty. I could go on, but I'll summarize simply by saying I see a lot of Walt Disney in her, who is my absolute hero.


In the admiring category:


Fluttershy: As well as "other" reasons for admiring her,  :wub:  :blush: Fluttershy is almost an affirmation of my viewpoints by being it's opposite. That might sound contradictory but here me out. In real life, I pursue the martial arts, and anypony who does will tell you quickly many are not about fighting in the strictest sense. Rather, it's so you won't have to fight. 


Fluttershy is the epitome of peace, both internal and external. She is wanting of nothing and ever compassionate. Saint-like almost. However, while I do not agree with the stance of absolute pacifism, Fluttershy is a pacifist done right. In that, even if she does not fight, she is not without considerable strength.


For someone who, if confronted in a similar situation as to what she sometimes gets in would result to violence because he has nothing else to use, there is much to admire in such power.


Rainbow Dash: My least favorite of the Six, which is like saying my least favorite of ice cream. Rainbow Dash likewise has much I could stand to learn from. As one might gather from AJ and Rarity's entries, I'm not particularly ambitious. Rainbow, on the other hoof, dreams big and goes after those dreams with the force of a . . . well a Sonic Rainboom. She's also a black belt as briefly seen in Call of the Cutie, while her main discipline is flying. The fact that she can master something I struggle with, in her off time and yet still be susceptible to jokes at her laziness means much I can admire.


Pinkie Pie: Something of a growing favorite of mine, Pinkie is the epitome of a personal philosophy fully realized. Before I started watching this show, I didn't care about my own personal happiness. I didn't matter as long as the whole benefitted. It wasn't until I started watching that I realized being miserable while helping others is damaging in the long run. It's an imperative that we fine happiness in ourselves.


Pinkie Pie personifies that. She has reached a state of near untouchable personal happiness and now sees it as her mission in life to make others just as happy as her. She's almost a pony buddhavista!  :lol: 

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