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Is canon that Aj parents are dead. Episode about death.


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I think they should, it'd teach kids that the world isn't exactly a fun and happy place with rainbows. Disney has done it a couple times, why can't mlp?

  • Brohoof 4
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I think they should, it'd teach kids that the world isn't exactly a fun and happy place with rainbows. Disney has done it a couple times, why can't mlp?


It's a tough topic to deal with without moving towards maudlin or melodramatic, if the writers feel that they haven't gotten a feel on this one, I think we should respect that.

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Well what about adopted kids? Or kids that lost their parents early in their life? And if this show teaches life lessons shouldn't there be at least 1 episode to talk about kids who lost their parents While they're young?

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I think a good example of how they should handle it is the episode of Hey Arnold that dealt with Arnolds parents. It never flat out said that they were dead, only missing implies that the chances of them being dead are very likely if anything more likely than not. The main difference though would be that in the case of Applejack's parents the whole missing and might be dead thing probably wouldn't work. If their deaths are violent than we don't need to see the gory details to get the idea, only the story of how it happened. I am reading this fanfic where Diamond Tiara died in a carriage accident. It didn't describe in graphic detail as to what happened but you still got the idea and the story itself focuses on how the CMC come to terms with this death and also goes into how her family and Silver Spoon are dealing with it as well.


Here is the Hey Arnold episode if any of you want to see it.







Woudn't little girls watching it ask their parents if those ponies going to die too?  Seem like magical world of fantasy is becoming more realistic with diseases, disability and death with each season. We already seen disabled pony on a wheelchair. Not sure if it fits that colorfull utopia.

Yes, but what makes you think children didn't ask their parents those same question when those examples given were aired? A lot of parents make the mistake of trying to shield their child from everything and while it makes sense to shield them from certain things there should be a limit. To put it bluntly a lot of these kids are growing up to be complete and total sissies who don't know how to handle the slightest challenge life throws at them and that scares me.

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Well, they shouldn't tackle why Ajs parents are dead, but they should tackle how they were before they died. It would be too depressing for an episode!


You know, I think it would be interesting if Ajs parents died because of Timberwolves. Just a thought. >.<

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to cover the topic of loss, and how to deal and come to terms with it. All children at some point in their childhood are going to loose someone, be it their mother or father, their siblings, their grandparents or extended family. Perhaps even a much loved pet.  It would be amazing to see the show cover loss, and the grief that comes with, and how while death may be inevitable, and it does hurt to loose people, you should never let that stop you from living your life to the fullest. It would be a great opportunity for them to cover loss, and with death and loss being something that will effect everyone, covering it up and never speaking about it would only serve to make it worse.


if PBS can cover issues like this, along with handling being crippled, I'm sure a multimillion dollar show can.

Edited by M'aiq the Liar
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It's a tough topic to deal with without moving towards maudlin or melodramatic, if the writers feel that they haven't gotten a feel on this one, I think we should respect that.


Funny you say that, because as much as I champion finally tackling AJ's parents, if it isn't handled well at all it would be disastrous. If the team honestly can't find a way that they feel would work, I would rather they not try and force it. It would be too important to several beloved characters and fans to screw up. This is a case where something is NOT better than nothing.

The way I look at it, if they can talk about death in a cartoon made by the creators of Hello Kitty or in a show for really little kids, then they can address it in MLP.


I considered putting that in my original video post ... but I didn't think anyone here would remember David the Gnome.

  • Brohoof 1



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If they did It would be a huge milestone In terms of what this show can deal with, I would love to see that be a real episode and I hope it becomes one sometime in the near future. Especially considering the writers talent it could be the episode that finally wins this show an award(not that it doesn't already deserve one).

I don't think the little girls watching the show would like it. Death is a big thing for young ages so I don't think they will take it very well...

Well I saw a death scene in BIONICLE mask of light when I was four and I had no problem with it.

Edited by chirox the pony
  • Brohoof 2

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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Teaching kids about death and life is important. If a kid grows up thinking that death is not a real thing, that person will have a messed up view when older.


I think they should, it  would be interesting to see what they would do with the situation.


Plus applejack episodes are my favorite 



  • Brohoof 1




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The show has already touched upon death, you know.



So I don't see a problem with doing it again. Besides, it would be nice to see the show tackle the concept of death in a proper, and less villain related, way.

I keep seeing this, but it's something completely different. This isn't really touching on death, but rather it's a simple case of "good guys beat the bad guys" and I'm getting a feeling that because of this people are saying "hey, they killed off a character, they should be able handle it again!" like it's an easy to do. 


People need to realize that topics on death of this kind(death of family members, friends) are really difficult topics and and aren't the same as "beating the bad guy". The staff should be allowed to take their time until they feel they're ready to take on the subject

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I keep seeing this, but it's something completely different. This isn't really touching on death, but rather it's a simple case of "good guys beat the bad guys" and I'm getting a feeling that because of this people are saying "hey, they killed off a character, they should be able handle it again!" like it's an easy to do. 


People need to realize that topics on death of this kind(death of family members, friends) are really difficult topics and and aren't the same as "beating the bad guy". The staff should be allowed to take their time until they feel they're ready to take on the subject

I did mention that I'd like to see the show tackle death in a proper and less villain related manner, didn't I?

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I keep seeing this, but it's something completely different. This isn't really touching on death, but rather it's a simple case of "good guys beat the bad guys" and I'm getting a feeling that because of this people are saying "hey, they killed off a character, they should be able handle it again!" like it's an easy to do. 


People need to realize that topics on death of this kind(death of family members, friends) are really difficult topics and and aren't the same as "beating the bad guy". The staff should be allowed to take their time until they feel they're ready to take on the subject

I agree with you, beatin the bad guy and a death of a main characters family members are two totally different subjects. Although yes they are both death on the bottom line but the emotion and the feelings of the two subjects is what makes them different.

  • Brohoof 3




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Sombra is one facet that was explored, I guess. I'm having a hard time seeing his death as having much impact simply because of the sheer galaxy sized number of villains that died only to be resurrected later on. While that isn't expected to happen in MLP, I swear by the time I was eight comics and other media had already proved to me that death of the big bad is rarely permanent.


I think it's time to make another distinction here. We keep talking about the difficulty of addressing death. We are not talking about a current character passing, like Granny. This is not about addressing the immediacy of death. Killing off a current character would be bold for any cartoon with an all ages tone. That is not what would be done here. AJ's parents have been dead for years. This is about lingering loss and sadness, about not forgetting those who left before us. For Applebloom it would be about the melancholy that comes from being spared the emotional blunt force of the loss, but also having no memories of love and joy. Those are the themes that get tackled. Not saying goodbye. Goodbyes were said long ago.

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I think there are two major impediments to an episode on the topic of death. First: the current generation of kids, or their parents, to be more accurate, are much more sensitive about this sort of thing, and while it may be an important topic to discuss, there is this hugely inappropriate stigma that simply wasn't there in the time of Disney's classics. Secondly, the writers ultimately answer to Hasbro, so even if they can pull off that sort of episode, they have to convince the higher-ups to play ball and hope there is no interference from above that would somehow impede the message. 


As for an episode about death, I do see it as possible, not to mention a good thing for the show. Ultimately MLP is cheery and upbeat, and while n episode strictly about death may be darker than the usual territory, the topic could be brought up as a secondary theme rather than the main plot. Applejack's parents being dead is the perfect opportunity, and simply acknowledging that they are dead and will never come back would be a huge step. In fact, having Applejack realize that they will live only in memory and her sharing a significant moment with Apple Bloom could bring the idea home quite nicely.


The way I imagine it is as an AJ centered episode about family, specifically parents, where the Mane 6 reminisce about their families (a chance to learn about them while having anecdotes that keep the show's usual atmosphere), allowing Applejack to have greater development, as well as taking on the topic of death. Granted, cramming that into 20 minutes may mess up the pacing of the episode, but having strong key points could easily make up for that.

Keep flyin'


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I thought they already confirmed it. In the apple family reunion near the very end there were two shooting stars which were confirmed by the writers that it meant they are dead.


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This is actually something I have been anxiously waiting for.

(Not that I want to see AppleJack's parents actually die or anything).


I just want to see what they looked like and how they impacted AppleJack's, Big Macintosh's, and AppleBloom's lives.

Even if you're not an AppleJack fan, you can't help but wonder who her biological parents are.

I would also love to see their cutie marks for some reason...


Like I said up top, I don't expect the show to flash a scene of her parents passing away.

I always thought it would be a good idea, however, to maybe show a short FLASHBACK of her mother and father.

Maybe, AppleJack could say something along the lines of "I remember when mom did ...." *show flashback*. It could just give us a subtle glimpse :)


If they decide to write an episode showing and talking about AppleJack's parents, I will be VERY happy :D

Even if the episode is poor, I would still be super excited about it!

I would expect them to name them after apples

So maybe Red Chief would be their father while Gala would be their mother

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I cringe at the thought of a Pony episode about death, but then I used to cringe at the idea of a Pony episode about bullying.

Instead of a groan-inspiring After School Special, they did a surprisingly good job on One Bad Apple.

So while I have my doubts, and Hasbro apparently has theirs, I've come to respect that if anyone could pull off something like this, the Pony team can. B)

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Let me be frank about something.  The writers will need to be very careful with how they address this sort of issue.  Let's think about this for a second: out of all the 91 episodes that have been featured, not one episode has dealt with death and loss.  


True, we've seen social situations explored in a family friendly manner.  But an episode about a character's death would be too risky right now, so I think they are going to start small this season with Twilight mourning the loss of the library and see how that goes before doing an episode about the death of a character's family.  


Think about it, its better to talk about the loss of something physical like a home before jumping into the loss of a character or character's family.

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This is actually something I have been anxiously waiting for.




Even if you're not an AppleJack fan, you can't help but wonder who her biological parents are.

I would also love to see their cutie marks for some reason...


I mentioned earlier that AB getting her Cutie Mark, the last of the kids finally growing up, could be the catalyst for a natural conversation. Here is another idea that feeds off of what you said ... what if AB's Cutie Mark looks like their Mom's? Can you imagine that scene and the liquid pride?


And no I don't mean apple related ;)



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Ah heck, even the little girls have put 2 and 2 together by now. 


In fact...






I wish they'd go there. Heck, they'll have to. Children have to deal with death & loss sooner or later (some much sooner than others in this day & age :(  ) , so it's lesson you'd think would come up sooner or later. 



sometimes I fear they'll just say that Ma & Pa are alive and well on a far away, busy farm



Curse you, Hasbro...and curse that wretched TV-Y rating!  :angry:

Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Cannon-Ish (I like to think so)  It was confirmed on twitter that the two shooting stars at the end of Apple Family Reunion were to represent her parents.


There are so many ways that this can be tackled appropriately for little kids.


Here are two examples






Tell me again why a kids show can't talk about death?

Haven't seen Rugrats for years but they nailed they right on target. I think it was a perfect way to handle it so that children could take it. 

  • Brohoof 1

To each their own

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