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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

With this kind of thread, I think you should add a "No BS like Kill them/write them off" rule


As for the question you asked, I want them to keep Fluttershy paired with RD/Rarity/Discord as I feel she's at her best when she's paired with them

Edited by Megas75
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Fluttershy. This does not mean I don like her, but she is just my least favorite! She does not have such a big role in the show and.. SHE IS BORING. And she is not as pretty as the others.

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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

I can do this, give characters or technically the writers some constructive criticism.


For me, I would say to make Applejack do more stuff that doesn't have to do with family, or apples. Explore a bit more aspects with her character. The dead parents idea doesn't seem to bad.

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Fluttershy. This does not mean I don like her, but she is just my least favorite! She does not have such a big role in the show and.. SHE IS BORING. And she is not as pretty as the others.

Gotta agree with you there. And your avatar looks like Twilight's like, "No Rainbow Dash. Keep your hooves away from me" XD

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Like a lot of people in this thread, I don't really have a least favorite. I like them all for various reasons. If I had to choose a mane six pony that I think is lacking in character development and variety in story arcs, it's Fluttershy. I think she's a character with a lot of potential, but too many of her episodes involve her being too nervous to do something, and then overcoming it. I don't have a problem with that, as it's a defining character trait, but I wish her episodes had a little more variety to them. To be fair, I think season 4 did a better job than previous seasons in that regard. For example, in It Ain't Easy Being Breezie, the conflict was caused by her overly kind nature, as opposed to a lack of courage. That's a different trait to exploit, and I'm glad the writers went that route for a change. I want to see more Fluttershy episodes that break the mould like that in season 5 and beyond.

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, well said. I really have an odd desperation to see them take Fluttershy and mix things up that isn't a cliched approach. Even though Filli Vanilli was a bit of a rehash of Flutters fighting her fears, the last line did say volumes, "Baby steps." I want to see more steps. I am also similarly desperate for another 'Thunderbolt Academy' episode for Dash. They did a good job with Testing 1,2,3 in showing a realistic insecurity that was a nice counter balance to her overconfidence.

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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

Thank you.. But, I'm going to keep the thread how it is ^.^;

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Jeez, I thought this thread was about to crash and burn. But on what Jeric said they already made an episode where I liked RD more, Mare Do Well where she finds out that her boasting is annoying to her friends, and Wonderbolts Academy where she GAVE UP HER DREAM because she believed the Wonderbolts were rewarding the wrong types of actions.

As for the least developed characters Fluttershy and Applejack I want to see more on there family life. Or for Fluttershy why she is the way she is. I mean I know people that are afraid but THAT afraid, part of it could be from bullying yes but that covers at most half of what she's scared of.

Edited by Old Fluttershy
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This conversation has the potential to be constructive enough, if it's dynamic. Having two topics about Least Favorites might also open it up to being meged anyway.


So how about you Royal? What you you like to see come out of your least fav of the Mane Six?

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Least favorite Mane 6 huh..  :maud:


*thinks deeply*


..Im having a hard time figuring which one i like least.  :maud:


*looks for a loophole*


Well..since the topic is: 

"Who Is your LEAST Favorite Out Of The Main 6 Ponies and Why?" and not "Who Is your LEAST Favorite Out Of The Mane 6 Ponies and Why?"  then i will just list the pony i dislike the least out of the MAIN 6 ponies of my choosing because i can,because reasons.  :maud: 


With that being said: Flash Sentry,because Flash Sentry.   :maud:



Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

Ooh, nice angle!


My least fave mane six is Fluttershy. It's not that I don't relate to shyness, I'm a relatively shy person myself, but there's little more to her than that and kindness. How could they make me like her more? By having her more assertive side actually stick. It just seems that she gets reset back to crippling shyness at the end of every episode that pertains to her getting over her shyness.

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I think Rainbow Dash is my least favorite? But I don't really dislike her; I still think she's cool. I just relate to her the least when compared to the rest of them. And she's done things or said things that have made me slightly annoyed before XD But still. She's still awesome in her own Rainbowy way!

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Rainbow Dash is not my favorite. She has a personality that I do not always care for. She could learn to get along with others more and to put less emphasis in popularity. She is in the wonderbolts now so I don't think she is going to become more humble anytime soon.

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Shes a show off

Bullies to get her own way,

Unthoughtful at times even more than Rare.

Insults her friends a lot even if its a joke.

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It used to be Fluttershy for the longest time (almost all her episodes focused around her shyness), but now it's Pinkie Pie. I don't hate Pinkie; I think it's nice that she likes to make others happy, but personally, I think she goes about it the wrong way. She hurts others' feelings and is insensitive at times. I don't really like her hyperactive personality either; it annoys me. :okiedokielokie:


Pinkie has had some good episodes though; Party of One is one of my favorites.

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inb4 this thread gets locked


Anyway, Applejack, Pinkie, and Dashie are all tied as my least favorite of the mane 6, but I don't hate them. Hell, I don't even remotely dislike them, I just prefer the other three. I personally don't see any reason for me to be butthurt over a character because they have flaws :wat:

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Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.


Well, my least favorite alternates between Twilight and Fluttershy, so I'll bite. I suppose some of my beef with Twi is the way she's written. I feel like she hasn't had a true character episode since Season 2 (It's About Time), and that really hinders my interest in her. Too much plot focus, not enough focus on the mare herself and her personality. If they explore that more in Season 5, she'll rise. 


Fluttershy is trickier, because I'm not fundamentally attracted to her character archetype. If I were writing her, I fear that I'd pull her in directions that miss the point of why people like her in the first place. With that being said, I would elaborate more on her smothering side and her relationship with her animals. Fluttershy is a sensitive pony and yet she has a habit of trying too hard to "help" others by controlling them. What's her relationship with nature? She's terrified of the Everfree forest; does she hold the wildlife there in respect? Most ponies aren't as good with animals as her. Does she feel enraged when she sees bad pet ownership. Does she step in? Plz moar.



RD's ego is just a combination of being privileged and talented - nothing all too special about it.



the tl:dr version of why I disagree with you




Rainbow Dash is certainly talented in athletics. She can very honestly be confident in that. Which is wonderful, because it makes a great cover for her insecurity and general lack of actual self confidence.


Sonic Rainboom (S1E16)

Hoops: It's our old friend Rainbow Crash

Dumb-Bell: Get kicked outta any flight schools lately?

Rainbow Dash: I didn't get kicked out. ["I dropped out"]

Dumb-Bell: Face it, Rainbow Crash. Flight school had too many rules, and not enough naptimes for you.


It wasn't said outright, but I say that what was in the brackets is pretty heavily implied. But, you know, those bullies didn't get to her nearly as bad as Fluttershy, right?


Sonic Rainboom (S1E16)

Hoops: See you then, Rainbow Crash!

Rainbow Dash: [sigh] Those guys are right. I'll never be able to do it.


Read It and Weep (S2E16)

Rainbow Dash: Oh, thanks, Twilight. I'm sorry I made such a big deal about all of this. I thought reading was just for smart ponies like you.


But that's before her character development. No biggie!


Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 (S4E21)

Rainbow Dash: It's okay. You were just trying to help. It's just too bad I'm too dumb to learn anything.

Twilight Sparkle: You are not dumb! You just learn differently!
Rainbow Dash: If by "differently" you mean "not at all", then you're totally right.
Twilight Sparkle: No, that's totally wrong.
Rainbow Dash: See? Wrong again.



I find Rainbow Dash's brashness interesting because she's faking it nearly as much as Trixie. She does have so much to be proud of, she really does. She's saved her friends' lives, she inspired all of them to find their passions, she achieved a feat of flight many thought impossible! But it's hard for her to see that. She only thinks that she's awesome if others tell her she is, because she doesn't think of herself as an inherently awesome person. 


Obligatory Mare Do Well reference. HAHA ARROGANT DASH


oh wait she wants to know because she bases her self worth upon your answer

she also bases her self worth on something as superficial as her mane

because that's how shallow her confidence is in Season 2



I mean, if she really thought she was all that, why was she so self-effacing at the start of that episode? Why does she spend most of Wonderbolts Academy downplaying her concern about Lightning Dust out of a misplaced sense of humility? Why did the entire third act of Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 happen? Why did the entire episode of Sonic Rainboom happen?


Rainbow Dash was a failure academically, and told that she was a failure by her peers. She's desperate not to be, but she's not entirely sold that she isn't. So she's got to be cool. Because cool ponies aren't failures. 


Or, in the words of the person who made that picture above on Rainbow Dash:


I'm not scared of anything.
I'm too awesome to be scared.
What's there to be scared of, anyway? 
Nothing, except for...failure.
I'm scared of being humiliated.
I don't want to be a failure.



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You know what, I'm going to try and change the dialog a little here. This topic should not be about which of the Mane Six you like least and why, at least not taking that angle. Let's try a new approach, or maybe one we haven't seen in a bit. If you have a least favorite character, what could the writers do to change your mind? What moment, or element, or theme would make you appreciate the character more? Would pairing the character with another Mane Six who is your favorite help (like Rarity and Rainbow Dash who rarely interact), or maybe a new approach like Rainbow actually losing a competition and how she reacts? Fluttershy being the only one to help a sick creature she is afraid of, like maybe a Changling? Applejack and her folks being addressed? Maybe even have the characters start to learn from each other ... Rarity having to be honest, or Applejack kind, or Pinkie generous.


Every character can be elevated with the proper crafting. Who needs the most work, why, and what would entice you to see the character more complexly.

I like the way you think! I really thought this thread was going nowhere fast, but it doesn't seem too bad.


I feel like I identify a lot with Fluttershy. Like her, I tend to be very timid. However, her episodes tend to be my least favorite because I feel like many of her episodes boil down to her learning the same lesson (or variations of the same lesson) over and over again. That is, facing her fears. This is a good lesson to be sure, but I'd like to see different kinds of things like the episode with the breezies.


Another thing, I think Pinkie Pie is great in her own episodes. Outside of those, I sometimes feel like her random humor is a little irritating. I feel like they could do more with her character in non Pinkie centric episodes than have her spout jokes. I think the Nightmare Night episode did a great job with this.

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Well, my least favorite alternates between Twilight and Fluttershy, so I'll bite. I suppose some of my beef with Twi is the way she's written. I feel like she hasn't had a true character episode since Season 2 (It's About Time), and that really hinders my interest in her. Too much plot focus, not enough focus on the mare herself and her personality. If they explore that more in Season 5, she'll rise. 


Fluttershy is trickier, because I'm not fundamentally attracted to her character archetype. If I were writing her, I fear that I'd pull her in directions that miss the point of why people like her in the first place. With that being said, I would elaborate more on her smothering side and her relationship with her animals. Fluttershy is a sensitive pony and yet she has a habit of trying too hard to "help" others by controlling them. What's her relationship with nature? She's terrified of the Everfree forest; does she hold the wildlife there in respect? Most ponies aren't as good with animals as her. Does she feel enraged when she sees bad pet ownership. Does she step in? Plz moar.







the tl:dr version of why I disagree with you



Rainbow Dash is certainly talented in athletics. She can very honestly be confident in that. Which is wonderful, because it makes a great cover for her insecurity and general lack of actual self confidence.




It wasn't said outright, but I say that what was in the brackets is pretty heavily implied. But, you know, those bullies didn't get to her nearly as bad as Fluttershy, right?






But that's before her character development. No biggie!






I find Rainbow Dash's brashness interesting because she's faking it nearly as much as Trixie. She does have so much to be proud of, she really does. She's saved her friends' lives, she inspired all of them to find their passions, she achieved a feat of flight many thought impossible! But it's hard for her to see that. She only thinks that she's awesome if others tell her she is, because she doesn't think of herself as an inherently awesome person. 


Obligatory Mare Do Well reference. HAHA ARROGANT DASH


oh wait she wants to know because she bases her self worth upon your answer

she also bases her self worth on something as superficial as her mane

because that's how shallow her confidence is in Season 2



I mean, if she really thought she was all that, why was she so self-effacing at the start of that episode? Why does she spend most of Wonderbolts Academy downplaying her concern about Lightning Dust out of a misplaced sense of humility? Why did the entire third act of Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 happen? Why did the entire episode of Sonic Rainboom happen?


Rainbow Dash was a failure academically, and told that she was a failure by her peers. She's desperate not to be, but she's not entirely sold that she isn't. So she's got to be cool. Because cool ponies aren't failures. 


Or, in the words of the person who made that picture above on Rainbow Dash:


I'm not scared of anything.

I'm too awesome to be scared.

What's there to be scared of, anyway? 

Nothing, except for...failure.

I'm scared of being humiliated.

I don't want to be a failure.

She is able to admit when she's wrong or scared, but she continuously lets her ego and pride get in the way. She never takes the lessons she learns, and sticks with them.

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Rainbow Dash for me. I prefer characters with a little more humility, like AJ and Twilight.

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