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Who is your pony waifu?


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Who Is Your Waifu? Thread

Hello everypony, the point of this thread is to post who your waifu from the show is, with a picture of your choice, and why he/she is your waifu.

What is a waifu?
A waifu, is a character that you feel somewhat attractive. Kind of like an imaginary crush.

(As if crushes IRL weren't imaginary already.)

*(There can be repetitions, i.e. two people put Fluttershy.)*

I will start of with my waifu.

1. Who is your waifu?


img-1632563-1-img-1632563-1-fluttershy_b2. Why Is She Your Waifu?

**NOTE: This thread does NOT allow any NSFW posts.**

Edited by Loser.
  • Brohoof 19


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"1. Who is your waifu?"


Rarity is absolutely my waifu. >3<



"2. Why Is She Your Waifu?"


Rarity is my waifu simply because she's absolutely beautiful to me. I love her curly purple hair and I actually like her love for fashion. Plus, she has good fashion taste. :D

  • Brohoof 7


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Who is my waifu?





Why is she my waifu? Because she is everything I want in a partner, and more. She's intelligent, modest, caring, beautiful, adorable, and just, AH. I can't describe it.


This has been a post from Mr. Pathetic T. Patheticford.

Edited by Callisto
  • Brohoof 11

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Shaddup Callisto, Twi is totally mine.




She's smart, modest, a bit paranoid (she's so cute when she's paranoid :3) and adorable. She's perfect.

  • Brohoof 14
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Who is my waifu? Princess Luna.

Why is she my waifu? Because she's Princess Luna.


This message has been approved by LatinoChurro.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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How dare you ask me who is my waifu?


In any case... I'll... Tell you...


Come closer....


Closer, my friend...



I am my own waifu. x3



There, you know my secret. Happy now?

  • Brohoof 19

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


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Pinkie, and if you know the principal thing about me, you'll know that she is mine. If you don't, just open the below spoiler for some of my fangasms.




First of all, her ridiculously kind outlook:

I know I've already stated my love for Pinkie, but I'm back again. There must be, quite literally, over a thousand different reasons as to why Pinkie Pie is best pony.
For example, here are 40 seconds of Pinkie Pie.
In this scene you get:
- A ridiculously and wonderfully out-of-nowhere (and super catchy) song for her friends about a new party
- An enormous amount of enthusiasm representative of her energy and optimism
- An adorable backwards trot when singing to Twilight
- The cutest voice crack on the word "party"
- The combined classiness and innocence of her in a tuxedo
- The lovable attachment to her pet Gummy in the same tuxedo
- An even more adorable hoof-pedal when singing to Applejack after firing party cannons
- Her remarkable talent for quick-change
- Her desire to surprise and entertain her friends with her song goes as far as to taking the hot air balloon to Rainbow's cloud house
- When she tries to keep dancing at the end having sung the song and quick-changed five times... I mean, just look at her little hooves bumbling around, it's so sweet you'll get diabetes.
Yes, all that in a 40-second scene.
I could go on for the rest of the night if I wanted to, with all her other scenes. Pinkie Pie is, by a thousand miles, the happiest, jolliest, silliest, deepest, most entertaining, most enthusiastic, most adorable, most talented, most optimistic and, above all, the best pony. Find me a more delightful pony. I dare you.

You already know what I'm going to say. Pinkie Pie is the most delightful character in the show. Watching her and her simple adorable pleasures of making others happy, makes me equally happy. I love the boundless energy, the spontaneousness of her singing and thought processes, the "otherworldly" essence to her that you get with her random pockets of knowledge and defiance of physics; I love how applicable her motivations in life are. I also love how even when she provides all the comic relief for the show, she is still astonishingly complex as a character. That's symbolic of how successful the show has been with the part the writers play in circumventing all those things we dislike about cartoons. Pinkie Pie is a pony you can come to absolutely adore for those little things about her. I ceaselessly love her; she truly is best pony img-1600058-1-smile.png

It's from no more than observation to tell you that Pinkie Pie is the town's charmer. There is bordering on nothing that pleases her more than making sure there is a sparkling and thriving community in Ponyville. She's the one with all the entertainment and alleviation from stress for every pony living there. She knows everyone, and everyone knows her. When you're the biggest party animal in town, you're the most popular and the pony to turn to for a brightened day.
It was confirmed in the finale - she embodies optimism. Pinkie Pie is not a pony to give up, and she's always expressed it. When she's got her goal, be it guiding parasprites out of town or welcoming in a new member, she will go to extraordinary lengths to make sure it's completed, embracing lessons that may come out of it. It's only natural that the other ponies have a sense of inspiration when seeing Best Pony at her brightest. They want to be like that - they want to have not a worry in the world. That's the ultimate goal in the end - you're never going to do something unless there's satisfaction at the end of it. She knows it, and she grasps it by the scruff of the neck.
Her amazingly appealing character design and voice acting:

You are all extremely lucky that I'm on my netbook, otherwise you'd be drowning in the most adorable Pinkie Pie pictures by now. This vector straight off of Google Images, on the other hand, should just about prove my point:
Okay, let's start with the eyes. We all know that Pinkie Pie has nothing on her mind but wild happiness. She's clearly the youngest of the Mane 6, so we most associate her with pure innocence and a desire to do good. It's like the world's friendliest girl scout making you a cake. And those eyes reflect everything about that - they're circular, which shows purity, and the irises themselves you could just get lost in. Plus look how wide they are when she's happy - those are eyes of bliss img-1516303-2-wub.png
Now, look at that mane. Pinkie Pie loves to party and be bubbly, to the point that even her mane is puffy and bouncy. Her mane shape matches her character... can you really tell me that isn't one of the cutest things ever? <3
And then her voice. My gosh, Pinkie has a voice that anyone will love. It bubbles and jumps in every sentence because Pinkie can rarely contain her hyperactivity, and it's the youngest sounding - it matches her to a T, and when sets match, you get a cuter full package.
But how about cute moments? Okay, one of an absolute ton of examples is the Smile song. On top of an adorable singing voice, watching Pinkie Pie being able to please other ponies, singing about how nothing makes her happier, even with the flickers in her singing to express her joy - that is so admirable, and considering we already picture Pinkie to be young, it amplifies the cuteness only in so many means. img-1516303-3-smile.png
Another scene:

Y'know, before this scene Pinkie was actually trying to keep calm and composed, because she wanted to try and focus on finding her Mirror Pool. She starts reciting the Nana Pinkie story, but simply can't keep her impulsiveness under control and has to let off with a "What was that?! I heard a voice!" And then, satisfied, she giggles and continues. If you don't think that's adorable, you have apathy on a dangerous level! Also look at her eyes grow wide in sudden fear... I want to give her a hug right then and there <333
I haven't even scratched the surface, by the way. Sure, Fluttershy is cute, but she has nothing on Pink Perfect Pony.

Pinkie Pie has one of the most appealing singing voices out of, actually, any artist I've heard sing. Her voice has such a bubbly flair to it, as if she's full to brimming with joyon every syllable - I love the little giggle that slips its way into some of the words; Ilove everything about her singing. The Smile song is the most played song on my Winamp for a reason. img-1307307-1-wink.png

It is a real treat and joy to hear Pinkie break into song, in any situation. She has a wonderful singing voice, which bubbles of its own accord, shines its own musical happiness and really brings an episode to life img-1295020-1-smile.png Her Smile song is just blissful, it's the most played song on my Winamp. I have never yet disliked any songs she has given to us, and it's definitely going to stay that way.
Some stuff on how Best Pony has Best Pet:

Pinkie Pie and Gummy without a doubt. Pinkie Pie is the most hyperactive pony around, and her pet is the most stationary character around. It's the contrast that makes the pair so effective. Gummy, being the most chillax alligator ever, somehow makes Pinkie Pie seem even more energetic, and even more silly in the fact that she would bond so well with an alligator like that. Best pony's pet was always going to be best pet.
Don't even get me started on how cute they are together. You know how Pinkie Pie goes out of her way to do random good deeds to everyone? Well, when she does it for her own little Gummy, throwing a party, she's so proud and happy of the fact that she's celebrating an event which Gummy would take absolutely no interest in. Just watch Gummy throughout the Singing Telegram - he couldn't give two damns about whether he's getting a party, but Pinkie Pie thinks he does... and that's just astoundingly cute <33

To further prove my case about how cute they are together, here's just one of many pictures that show how freakin' adorable the two are img-1600058-7-smile.png




Edited by Flipturn Amaterasu ツ
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Note: A waifu is not necessarily someone you're attracted to, simply someone you're obsessed with


My waifu is not difficult to guess ^^




At least at the moment :S


2. Her adorableness is surpassed by none. Not a single fictional or physical creation in the known and the unknown universe is as adorable as her. Whatever argument you may have are completely and utterly invalid.


Also, Toshino Kyoko has a special place in my heart ;3




Edited by Erio Touwa
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Shaddup Callisto, Twi is totally mine.


FOO, WATCHU TALKIN' BOUT. Twilight is mine! You can't have her. She's waaayy too perfect for you, buddy.



Edited by Callisto
  • Brohoof 8

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Who's my waifu,you ask?It's this guy.




He's a real down-to-earth guy and has a solid understanding of how life works.Hell,he even helped me find myself when I was confused about my destiny and place in life.He's like an anchor for me.


It also doesn't hurt that he has dat hard-rock bod of his there. ;)

  • Brohoof 61
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Who's my waifu,you ask?It's this guy.




He's a real down-to-earth guy and has a solid understanding of how life works.Hell,he even helped me find myself when I was confused about my destiny and place in life.He's like an anchor for me.


It also doesn't hurt that he has dat hard-rock bod of his there. wink.png


It also doesn't hurt that he has dat hard-rock bod of his there. wink.png


he has dat hard-rock bod

This post has made my day. You sir, win all of my internets. I am literally CRYING BECAUSE OF THAT POST. Thanks for participating! laugh.png

  • Brohoof 13


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Who is my waifu? I dont gave a waifu but I be damed if I didn't notice Cloud Chaser every time for some reason


Why is it my waifu? Again not a waifu but for some reason i cant explain i always notice her on tv even if for a small time, seen her a lot on wonderbolts academy


  • Brohoof 7


^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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My Waifu? 

Colgate. (the pony, not the toothpaste).





Why is she your waifu?

Because she's the most adorable pony ever. (my opinion).



There, nuff' said.

  • Brohoof 7
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@@Callisto, @,

You're both wrong, Twily is MAH waifu.



She's my ideal match. Smart, modest, and incredibly fun in nearly any occasion. She's got all that I seek, and surpasses it.

So I hereby declare that SHEEZ MEIN! angry.png

  • Brohoof 8


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1. Who's your Waifu?


If there's one pony who i'd consider as my waifu if I'm asked, it's Applejack.




2. Why is she your waifu?


Because she simply has all the characteristics that I lack in. Unconditional honesty, strong work ethics and something that is a real backbone. She stands up and doesn't let herself get intimidated. And doesn't she just look adorable? I simply like the strong, down to earth women more.

Edited by StatesTheOblivious
  • Brohoof 9

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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So much competition for Twily here. This is gonna be fun. I think sh'e rather be with someone nerdy like me, though.

  • Brohoof 5
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My waifu?? This gal of course.





-Because of these reasons:


1. She's Applejack

2. She's honest

3. She's just adorable wub.png

and my favorite reason... Dat hat img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

  • Brohoof 9


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So much competition for Twily here. This is gonna be fun. I think sh'e rather be with someone nerdy like me, though.

Seriously i figured the competion would be for fluttershy or rarity but Twilight gotta strong ummm crush fan base i guess. Not even 1 rainbow dash yet /suprised
  • Brohoof 2


^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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So much competition for Twily here. This is gonna be fun. I think sh'e rather be with someone nerdy like me, though.

I bet I'm nerdier than you. As such, Twilight would prefer me, over some weirdo she probably barley knows. cough*you*coughcough
  • Brohoof 4

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Who is my waifu? Hm...this is a hard one. Maybe this guy over here:tumblr_m7qpa9jatq1rc8nj8o1_250.png



His eye for adventure makes him the perfect waifu for me, and I guess you can say he caught my eye. Also, he is always keeping an eye on me, and he sure is an eye opener.:)

  • Brohoof 24



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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I bet I'm nerdier than you. As such, Twilight would prefer me, over some weirdo she probably barley knows. cough*you*coughcough

Oh please, have you taken apart entire computers just to study their parts? Do you spend hours upon hours reading lore from ancient civilizations? Do you even lift, bro?


I may be new here but I'm not new to Twi.

  • Brohoof 4
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Who is my waifu? Princess Luna. Why is she your waifu? Because she's Princess Luna.

No Luna is my waifu cause I feel shes a bit like me in personality plus she so loveable and adorable but then again can we have different pony versions as waifus if so gamer Luna is my waifu if not....still Luna

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~
  • Brohoof 1

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Who is my waifu? Hm...this is a hard one. Maybe this guy over here:tumblr_m7qpa9jatq1rc8nj8o1_250.png



His eye for adventure makes him the perfect waifu for me, and I guess you can say he caught my eye. Also, he is always keeping an eye on me, and he sure is an eye opener.smile.png


His eye for adventure makes him the perfect waifu for me, and I guess you can say he caught my eye. Also, he is always keeping an eye on me, and he sure is an eye opener.smile.png


Also, he is always keeping an eye on me, and he sure is an eye opener.smile.png


  • Brohoof 6


Take Me Out.

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