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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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Well I took my A+ exams about two days ago. It's two different exams for the certification, the 901 and the 902 - I passed the 901, but unfortunately I failed the 902.. But I'll just have to study a bit more and schedule a time to take the 902's again! only missed passing by like three questions.. interesting part is that I expected to pass the 902 and not the 901, so it's a funny little twist. Here's hoping I can get it on the second try :squee:

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9 minutes ago, Shineling said:

Well I took my A+ exams about two days ago. It's two different exams for the certification, the 901 and the 902 - I passed the 901, but unfortunately I failed the 902.. But I'll just have to study a bit more and schedule a time to take the 902's again! only missed passing by like three questions.. interesting part is that I expected to pass the 902 and not the 901, so it's a funny little twist. Here's hoping I can get it on the second try :squee:

Glad to hear you will be retaking - the CompTia exams give a really good understanding of the foundations of IT - Good luck, and I hope you take the network or security plus exams in future too :D

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There, fixed. As well as EQ-Theta's. Seems like I forgot both posts above Lloyd's for some reason. :lie:




Well, long as your fixation doesn't get... *saucy* in the RP, I won't judge.

Beyond that, you'd have to explain how she have leathery bat wings if it's just for show. Is it fake wings, or perhaps regular feather wings just goth'd up and the bat wings are an illusion spell she got hold of perhaps? Also, poor her to be blind in an eye. :( If she needs a fresh eye, lemme know. I have a demoness who could always use more favors. ^_^

In any case, if you can come up with a bit of background, and explain the wings, you're golden to go. Again, doesn't need to be much, but just something like (from the top of my head)

*She grew up in the middle of (insert place) and had a rather uneventful life, until (insert potential tragedy or mention of boredom) got to her and caused her to go depressed and ink up. Wanting to get away from things, she have taken some time off school/work to travel around and trying to find understanding/help/somepony that can fix her eye.*

Again, very raw this one, but it can be used as a *plain base* if you'd like. :)

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Only if you go to the morning as we spoke about. Last thing you went on about were something with a roll and Last going to take a dirt nap from a bad roll on her part.

Also, remember what I've mentioned before: Don't invade the town please. Some hundreds are fine I suppose, long as they are not a militia sort trying to take over the town. Had enough destruction and ponies hiding for a bit. If we could at least have the town fixed before messing it all up again it'd be nice. :)

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1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:


There, fixed. As well as EQ-Theta's. Seems like I forgot both posts above Lloyd's for some reason. :lie:




Well, long as your fixation doesn't get... *saucy* in the RP, I won't judge.

Beyond that, you'd have to explain how she have leathery bat wings if it's just for show. Is it fake wings, or perhaps regular feather wings just goth'd up and the bat wings are an illusion spell she got hold of perhaps? Also, poor her to be blind in an eye. :( If she needs a fresh eye, lemme know. I have a demoness who could always use more favors. ^_^

In any case, if you can come up with a bit of background, and explain the wings, you're golden to go. Again, doesn't need to be much, but just something like (from the top of my head)

*She grew up in the middle of (insert place) and had a rather uneventful life, until (insert potential tragedy or mention of boredom) got to her and caused her to go depressed and ink up. Wanting to get away from things, she have taken some time off school/work to travel around and trying to find understanding/help/somepony that can fix her eye.*

Again, very raw this one, but it can be used as a *plain base* if you'd like. :)

I dont get saucy, sex is boring and its not like and one would do me in real life....forever alone, thats why i made my charater dark and scarey to express the darkness with in me i had since i was little, i guess i could use my sad past as a start for her and her eye was caused by the bullys in school who bullied her and hurt her lie they did me.

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8 hours ago, Amys-pmvs said:

She wheres a japan school uniform cause i kinda have a fetish for school girl uniforms,

   WHOOOO! GOTHIC LOLITA! TEHN OUTTA TEHN! PUT 'ER IN!   Hey now, I'm several million years old or something... all of you is like infants to me anyway!

 (AWW, come now B.B! You should know by now I gotta take comedy bait when its hoof-delivered to me!)

8 hours ago, Amys-pmvs said:


I should hope not. We don' allow no darned, dirty apes in our roleplay threads!  (...get it? Homo Sapiens?...)


    But, to be serious on an open level here, Amys, I don't mean to mean any harsh words, I'm just sort of a knee-jerk critiquer. As I say after all, you don't gotta do anything I say, your work is your aspirations & feelings and that can never be wrong. ...That being said, how is being compared to Happy Tree Friends not an insult? Weren't that a show mostly about murder? I dunno! I literally can't even.

   I'm of the standpoint of "You as a Pony" being more Pony than You. A sort of What If situation. Like, would Equestria have a "Japan" that somehow has the same style as what you used? I mean we do definately have goth Unicorns in this world. I can't really even tell what her cutie mark is supposed to be & her name sticks out something fierce among all the kid-friendly pun shtick that seems to be so prevalent in this world. I think she's just a smidgen removed from the original source material and more like a general OC rather than one that's supposed to stick in this one world enough to be able to interact with others.  But, as you said, brand new one and at that, it's just my own theory.


   Really, my biggest and really only rule that doesn't have an exception in relation to OCs is: Can they sit down to a cup of tea and have a neat, calm conversation with others to make friends?

   Cause, like, who wants to hang out with somebody who makes every conversation about themselves & their own back story?   ...wait...SHOOT!



@~Phoenix~  Ehh... I would guess, maybe try exiting out of everything you can? And if that fails, just cancel out the internet page your on?

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38 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

   WHOOOO! GOTHIC LOLITA! TEHN OUTTA TEHN! PUT 'ER IN!   Hey now, I'm several million years old or something... all of you is like infants to me anyway!

 (AWW, come now B.B! You should know by now I gotta take comedy bait when its hoof-delivered to me!)

I should hope not. We don' allow no darned, dirty apes in our roleplay threads!  (...get it? Homo Sapiens?...)


    But, to be serious on an open level here, Amys, I don't mean to mean any harsh words, I'm just sort of a knee-jerk critiquer. As I say after all, you don't gotta do anything I say, your work is your aspirations & feelings and that can never be wrong. ...That being said, how is being compared to Happy Tree Friends not an insult? Weren't that a show mostly about murder? I dunno! I literally can't even.

   I'm of the standpoint of "You as a Pony" being more Pony than You. A sort of What If situation. Like, would Equestria have a "Japan" that somehow has the same style as what you used? I mean we do definately have goth Unicorns in this world. I can't really even tell what her cutie mark is supposed to be & her name sticks out something fierce among all the kid-friendly pun shtick that seems to be so prevalent in this world. I think she's just a smidgen removed from the original source material and more like a general OC rather than one that's supposed to stick in this one world enough to be able to interact with others.  But, as you said, brand new one and at that, it's just my own theory.


   Really, my biggest and really only rule that doesn't have an exception in relation to OCs is: Can they sit down to a cup of tea and have a neat, calm conversation with others to make friends?

   Cause, like, who wants to hang out with somebody who makes every conversation about themselves & their own back story?   ...wait...SHOOT!



@~Phoenix~  Ehh... I would guess, maybe try exiting out of everything you can? And if that fails, just cancel out the internet page your on?

The htf thing isnt a insult cause in highschool i was bulied so much all i drew in class was thouse animals being murdered for fun.

Aslo i like japan.

Aslo aslo, my cutie mark is of the music video logo from windows movie maker on a blue laptop like mine... Its my rl talent

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@Foxy Socks

Stardust - or @Twilight-Shimmer - have not been online since June 22 and is not responding to things, so for the time being, I' m pretending he isn't there. If he comes back later on, we'll deal with it then.



@Amys-pmvs @Widdershins

Good good. Long as we're on the same page about that Amy, though sorry to hear about the bullies. :/ Been there, never really seems to let go.

Also, yes, Happy Tree Friends are pretty violent and usually involved murder over a deviously happy animation style and intro music, but that's one of the beauties about it. It's set up to be like a toddler cartoon, and then something goes horribly wrong. It's an acquired taste for sure, but it's a nice break from the regular stuff. :)

Now then, to return about the part with the story, lemme know when you have a bit there then and we'll find out about an intro for you Amy. ^^ I have a few chars focussed around death in their own way that might communicate with her well. :)

And Widdershins, stop trying to take force her on the train to Crazytown. Her head will explode. :P hehe.

I will give you that it was a good pun about the Game Theory tagline though. Thumbs up for that. :3



@WiiGuy2014 @dosey doe

Speaking of things, I'm wondering where you two have gone all of a sudden? Been waiting on you two for a while. Hope something's not wrong? :(

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@Blitz Boom

The last post i left was on June 22nd with our characters knocking on the Friendship Castle door. Did you ever left a return post? Because we've been going back and forth with our posting. Any trouble writing your part?

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9 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Blitz Boom

The last post i left was on June 22nd with our characters knocking on the Friendship Castle door. Did you ever left a return post? Because we've been going back and forth with our posting. Any trouble writing your part?

scarlet: like hiya cool changeling dude... Im scarlet and no im not a bat, vamps are like conformists.

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Just now, dragon4111 said:


Just so you know there's a very large dragon guardian ponyville.


Really? In this RP? All my character is doing is follow @Blitz Boom's character, Alonsus around.

Well, IF we do run into this dragon, I hope he's friendly!

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@dragon4111 @WiiGuy2014 @Amys-pmvs

He isn't as large currently as shown in the picture, on account of that leading to Ponyville being literally under his heel and trampled, so we agreed that he can change size, and is now a more manageable size to actually go anywhere in town without causing massive earthquakes from moving. :) Still is a pretty good photo though, that's for sure.

Also, Wii, a minor correction: I'm followigng you around. You lead us to the castle after all. :P

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  @Blitz Boom        So sorry about that! I'm like, weeks behind now!

 Oh... and, I dunno if you or @Dji may have noticed what I did there...

  Spicy Rolls  is coming to Ponyville eventually, right?

  What I'm wondering about with Ambie, is where exactly on the timeline he would land. Like, seems that these days in the show Changelings are kind of accepted now. Reformation notwithstanding, we've had main characters talk with them, one even show up at a high-profile wedding in the crowd with not much more shock than a passing mention of a gag. Where I kind of get the idea that in present time, nopony would be too surprised at a changeling revealing themself. Some bias, no doubt, but...

   Well, I would be hard placed what to say about where Ambie's changeling father & his wife that fully knows he's one were during that attack on Canterlot.

  Kind of had the idea, that if I ever got around to making some sort of MLP OC comic book story that Ambie's parents would come over for a forced surprise visit, and his dad would just forget & show up as a changeling, because almost everypony else is more or less over it, and Ambie has to sit there in shock knowing that he's actually part insect while his mother berates the father for not having had that Talk with him.

   The color-changing is a pretty big part of the character, but... I find I have to keep poking plotholes to get it to work.

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