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Blitz Boom

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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom



The blue pegasus gasped loudly when the pony with the pink manes hugged her. She had been expecting a pity hug at best, but she wasn't prepared for this. A huge amount of love was practically shoved directly into her heart, and she didn't know what to do with it. In all her time at the Hive she'd never had this much love in her. She filled her reserves up to the brim, but even after that there was more love than she could have ever been prepared for. She didn't even know there could be this much love in one place.


She had to divert the stream of love that was still flowing into her, or else she would find out what happened if a changeling's love reservoirs were completely filled up. It would probably include her shapeshifting a lot.

She managed to channel most of the energy into her manes, which started changing colour rapidly whilst being surrounded by green fire.


Oh sweet Chrysalis.


After the hug had ended the pink-haired pony that had probably blown her cover asked her if she was feeling better.

Well, she did feel better than she had ever felt since...forever, but she had probably been caught. Which was a really bad thing.


"Ehhh....yes....? ...Um... I'm sorry...?"


Whilst still panting a bit from all the love, she looked nervously at all the other creatures present to see if any of them had noticed her manes pretending to be a disco on fire.


She looked a lot better, maybe even slightly bigger than she had been before. She also had bright lime-green manes now.



With a final grunt Frosty finally managed to pull Blitz away from his neck.


"Hah! Finally got you, you little explosive little-"


Frosty looked up when he heard a gasp, and saw Summer hugging a pony he hadn't seen before.The weirdest thing about the scene in front of him though, was the fact that the new pony's mane was changing colour very fast. Frosty didn't know much about mane-styling, but he was pretty sure that this wasn't normal.


After Summer stopped hugging the other pony, the colours stopped changing too. He left Blitz lying in the sand, and walked up to the others, not quite sure what had just happened.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom, Cyan's suspicion began to ebb away, replaced by slight but still reluctant sympathy, as Happy explained himself. He was right - he never once had lied, simply refrained from telling her and Golden Spell a detail about himself which happened to be rather significant. This did not mean to say that she hadn't noticed that he almost seemed to be acting a bit too friendly, although he was likely just making an effort to come across as unlike the changelings who had attempted (and failed) to invade Canterlot. Sighing, she glanced at Golden Spell and he nodded in agreement.

"Sorry I made assumptions," the pegasus mumbled quickly and barely audibly. "Let's just continue to wait it out."



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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"Well, it is good to see that you are getting along now."


Lyriel briefly  looked over towards the two ponies that were still playing in the sand, just i time to see Blitz being put down on the ground and Frosty making his way over here. She could have left it at that, but she were feeling a little mischevous, so she had a root rise up from deep below the sand and grip hold in Blitz, rising her into the air.




The long root would grow and eventually place the filly in Lyriel's arms, though they didn't focus much on this exchange, compared to what were happening with the strange pony they had run into.


"Huh, I didn't know ponies could light themselves with green fire and change colors. "


Lyriel looked confused as she saw the other pony suddenly get spurts of green fire going over her mane, amongst other place, whilst Blitz on the other hoof... Well, she rose her hooves high and giggled a lot, clearly excited from seeing this sort of pony that she had only ever heard about. Not much, granted, but you couldn't be in Canterlot for any length of time without hering something about them.


"Yey, a bugpony!"





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I have seen a world of chaos before, and this would not have been it. It was too restricted, dull and controlled to be that. In this silence, where it seemed all were kept in check and almost sorted, it looked more like absolute order to me. A grim future that fortunately did not come to pass. At least not yet."


Order was something that most liked to have amongst them, with rules guiding them and things being somewhat predictable and straight forward, but it wasn't many that understood how far order could go. It could not just be guards helping around or guidance, but complete control of thought, action and life in general, as nothing were more orderly than having everypony and everything controlled, sorted and restricted to the point where the world might as well be populated by hollow dolls.


"You would know it more than me, as what I seek retains mostly to good and evil, but what my sight kept settling on prior to this beings defeat, I cannot recognize as chaos. Not any kind that I have ever seen at least."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



"Hey! Keep your muzzle to yourself. The unicorns 'round these parts are nice folks and don't need your outdated bigotry."


Null had never been one to keep her trap shut when it were, and especially not when it came to voicing her opinions on ponies that were acting like bullies or brats, so hearing this sort of stuff from these ponies weren't something she just took. Sure, she didn't have any unicorn in her family line - that she knew of - and her own experiences with them back home left her with a dim view on them for sure, but she were far away from home now and the locals seemed nice so far, including the unicorns, so having a stab at them wasn't called for. Not by her, and certainly not by these geezers, so to speak.


They likely wouldn't listen to her though. A small pegasi that was missing a wing likely wouldn't be good enough from the viewpoint of somepony who only thought their own kind good enough. Likely to them, she'd be no better than an earth pony, though if they had the gals to say this openly... She might be here to help 'em, but Celestia save them if they poked to her like that.


Over at Void, she didn't look angry as directly horrified from what she heard against pegasi from these other ponies. Sure, they seemed old fashioned and all, but this kind of thing shouldn't have been an issue since... She didn't even know how long ago, at least in Equestria. Likely over a millennia.


"H-Hey, the pegasi are nice ponies too. My sister i-is a pegasi, and she's always been good to me."


She might be a little larger than most other earth ponies here, but Void wasn't as confident and strong of will as her sister, so even if she had said her opinion, she would bow for theirs, afraid of making confrontation if the backlash would become harsh for her opinion. or heck, for the fact that she were in family with a pegasi. Depending on how keen these were on separation of the three races of ponies, that might not be seen upon very nicely.







"Far as I know from what others have told me and from what I have seen, it seems nice. Sure, there's a few bullies here and there, but if you stand up for yourself it likely ain't so bad, and considering the groups of foals I saw slinking around in groups, it seemed like the social side were pretty good. Similar interests and all that likely, like them weird CMC ones from Ponyville. Those were a right bunch of characters and they got friends, so I think there's connections to be made to all sorts of ponies.


There's likely a bundle of homework though, but hey, can't get through life without getting something into that noggin, right lass?"


Chow scratched Misty's head a bit whilst he chuckled, or at least would try, unless she were the agile sort who'd just move away, in which case he'd just stick with the chuckle as the train got 'em closer to the Capitol.







"I see. Sounds a little uhm... Weird, to me, n-no offense, but it was right so... Yeah."


Florence didn't know what to say as she were told the bit that she apparently were allowed to hear about Zen's master, though perhaps this were a situation where the more she spoke the more she'd just dig herself in. It just sounded weird to her, but she supposed that everything was possible in this world, so why not this? Wasn't as far out as the thing that had attacked yesterday if you thought about it anyway, which had really tested her limits as to how weird things could get.


Perhaps she should just stop thinking on that and move one instead. Wasn't like it sounded like what she had sorta hoped for anyway, so as she locked up the box knickknacks and tools that she had found - now certain that there were no more out here - it began to faint a little by little from her mind, relegated to some corner of her mind amongst other, lesser important things.


"Okay then, I think we have everything then. Can we go back now Needle?"


The other pony looked flustered at the griffin before nodding and taking the things he had on a trolley that he dragged along behind him, as they made their way towards the hospital.


"I-If you still wanna help, you can follow us back and we can see where they might need help?"







Happy let out a deep sigh, then smiled back at the two ponies that seemed to give him a chance after all.


"It's okay lass, I know the reputation that surrounds my kind, so not judging there. I'm just happy we could get it sorted before any guards got involved. Your prison system doesn't have a good reputation when it comes to changelings, and I appreciate not having to get a personal experience about how bad it can get."


So, he'd gotten through this hurdle at least, so that was a plus. He still had other sorts of issues to deal with when it came to these now that they knew what he were, such as random stuff happening around them being assumed had something to do with him and that he'd be kept an extra eye or two on, but that sort were minor things that he could live with. He had to play a little more cautiously from now on though, that were a given, but it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. Well, hopefully not the last.


He didn't get to say anymore before the action started to go over town from where the beast were getting defeated now. They had gotten out of sight out here, but even here they'd be able to see/hear some of what went on there, albeit perhaps a bit muted in it.


"Was that... By the queen, do you think that they... Actually won over that thing?"


The worry in his voice were as genuine as anything could be as the thought of anypony being able to defeat that monstrosity came into mind, and what that would mean for any other invading force in general.


back home they had assumed Chrysalis a weakling for falling to this happy country, but if they had the sort of fighters in this land that could actually defeat a monster like that... Perhaps they should think her strong for not having been outright imprisoned or killed instead.







"You're not old."


That was the first response that came from Omen as she looked at the cloaked elder with her big, unblinking eyes full of confusion.


The rulers that she knew of were simple. it were lords - such as Lord Discord, as he had sometimes called himself - princesses like Luna, Celestia and Twilight, and queens like what the changelings had. Those were simple titles of royalty one way or another, and she could understand that. Elder however, were a rank that she could only guess were for the ones who were just that: The oldest, and yet, the one who met them were not. From what she could see, she didn't even look that much older than Sen or Lin,


"I don't understand. How is this an elder? I see others who looks older than this one. Larger too."


And then to add to the confusion, it now sounded like Sen knew this one? By reputation or otherwise wasn't certain, but the way he spoke really sounded like this wasn't an unknown to him. And not the other way either, as the young elder smiled in response, which just made Omen look from Sen, to the elder, and back again for a a while, trying to make heads or tails about this.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"Well, it is good to see that you are getting along now."


Lyriel briefly  looked over towards the two ponies that were still playing in the sand, just i time to see Blitz being put down on the ground and Frosty making his way over here. She could have left it at that, but she were feeling a little mischevous, so she had a root rise up from deep below the sand and grip hold in Blitz, rising her into the air.




The long root would grow and eventually place the filly in Lyriel's arms, though they didn't focus much on this exchange, compared to what were happening with the strange pony they had run into.


"Huh, I didn't know ponies could light themselves with green fire and change colors. "


Lyriel looked confused as she saw the other pony suddenly get spurts of green fire going over her mane, amongst other place, whilst Blitz on the other hoof... Well, she rose her hooves high and giggled a lot, clearly excited from seeing this sort of pony that she had only ever heard about. Not much, granted, but you couldn't be in Canterlot for any length of time without hering something about them.


"Yey, a bugpony!"





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I have seen a world of chaos before, and this would not have been it. It was too restricted, dull and controlled to be that. In this silence, where it seemed all were kept in check and almost sorted, it looked more like absolute order to me. A grim future that fortunately did not come to pass. At least not yet."


Order was something that most liked to have amongst them, with rules guiding them and things being somewhat predictable and straight forward, but it wasn't many that understood how far order could go. It could not just be guards helping around or guidance, but complete control of thought, action and life in general, as nothing were more orderly than having everypony and everything controlled, sorted and restricted to the point where the world might as well be populated by hollow dolls.


"You would know it more than me, as what I seek retains mostly to good and evil, but what my sight kept settling on prior to this beings defeat, I cannot recognize as chaos. Not any kind that I have ever seen at least."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



"Hey! Keep your muzzle to yourself. The unicorns 'round these parts are nice folks and don't need your outdated bigotry."


Null had never been one to keep her trap shut when it were, and especially not when it came to voicing her opinions on ponies that were acting like bullies or brats, so hearing this sort of stuff from these ponies weren't something she just took. Sure, she didn't have any unicorn in her family line - that she knew of - and her own experiences with them back home left her with a dim view on them for sure, but she were far away from home now and the locals seemed nice so far, including the unicorns, so having a stab at them wasn't called for. Not by her, and certainly not by these geezers, so to speak.


They likely wouldn't listen to her though. A small pegasi that was missing a wing likely wouldn't be good enough from the viewpoint of somepony who only thought their own kind good enough. Likely to them, she'd be no better than an earth pony, though if they had the gals to say this openly... She might be here to help 'em, but Celestia save them if they poked to her like that.


Over at Void, she didn't look angry as directly horrified from what she heard against pegasi from these other ponies. Sure, they seemed old fashioned and all, but this kind of thing shouldn't have been an issue since... She didn't even know how long ago, at least in Equestria. Likely over a millennia.


"H-Hey, the pegasi are nice ponies too. My sister i-is a pegasi, and she's always been good to me."


She might be a little larger than most other earth ponies here, but Void wasn't as confident and strong of will as her sister, so even if she had said her opinion, she would bow for theirs, afraid of making confrontation if the backlash would become harsh for her opinion. or heck, for the fact that she were in family with a pegasi. Depending on how keen these were on separation of the three races of ponies, that might not be seen upon very nicely.







"Far as I know from what others have told me and from what I have seen, it seems nice. Sure, there's a few bullies here and there, but if you stand up for yourself it likely ain't so bad, and considering the groups of foals I saw slinking around in groups, it seemed like the social side were pretty good. Similar interests and all that likely, like them weird CMC ones from Ponyville. Those were a right bunch of characters and they got friends, so I think there's connections to be made to all sorts of ponies.


There's likely a bundle of homework though, but hey, can't get through life without getting something into that noggin, right lass?"


Chow scratched Misty's head a bit whilst he chuckled, or at least would try, unless she were the agile sort who'd just move away, in which case he'd just stick with the chuckle as the train got 'em closer to the Capitol.







"I see. Sounds a little uhm... Weird, to me, n-no offense, but it was right so... Yeah."


Florence didn't know what to say as she were told the bit that she apparently were allowed to hear about Zen's master, though perhaps this were a situation where the more she spoke the more she'd just dig herself in. It just sounded weird to her, but she supposed that everything was possible in this world, so why not this? Wasn't as far out as the thing that had attacked yesterday if you thought about it anyway, which had really tested her limits as to how weird things could get.


Perhaps she should just stop thinking on that and move one instead. Wasn't like it sounded like what she had sorta hoped for anyway, so as she locked up the box knickknacks and tools that she had found - now certain that there were no more out here - it began to faint a little by little from her mind, relegated to some corner of her mind amongst other, lesser important things.


"Okay then, I think we have everything then. Can we go back now Needle?"


The other pony looked flustered at the griffin before nodding and taking the things he had on a trolley that he dragged along behind him, as they made their way towards the hospital.


"I-If you still wanna help, you can follow us back and we can see where they might need help?"







Happy let out a deep sigh, then smiled back at the two ponies that seemed to give him a chance after all.


"It's okay lass, I know the reputation that surrounds my kind, so not judging there. I'm just happy we could get it sorted before any guards got involved. Your prison system doesn't have a good reputation when it comes to changelings, and I appreciate not having to get a personal experience about how bad it can get."


So, he'd gotten through this hurdle at least, so that was a plus. He still had other sorts of issues to deal with when it came to these now that they knew what he were, such as random stuff happening around them being assumed had something to do with him and that he'd be kept an extra eye or two on, but that sort were minor things that he could live with. He had to play a little more cautiously from now on though, that were a given, but it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. Well, hopefully not the last.


He didn't get to say anymore before the action started to go over town from where the beast were getting defeated now. They had gotten out of sight out here, but even here they'd be able to see/hear some of what went on there, albeit perhaps a bit muted in it.


"Was that... By the queen, do you think that they... Actually won over that thing?"


The worry in his voice were as genuine as anything could be as the thought of anypony being able to defeat that monstrosity came into mind, and what that would mean for any other invading force in general.


back home they had assumed Chrysalis a weakling for falling to this happy country, but if they had the sort of fighters in this land that could actually defeat a monster like that... Perhaps they should think her strong for not having been outright imprisoned or killed instead.







"You're not old."


That was the first response that came from Omen as she looked at the cloaked elder with her big, unblinking eyes full of confusion.


The rulers that she knew of were simple. it were lords - such as Lord Discord, as he had sometimes called himself - princesses like Luna, Celestia and Twilight, and queens like what the changelings had. Those were simple titles of royalty one way or another, and she could understand that. Elder however, were a rank that she could only guess were for the ones who were just that: The oldest, and yet, the one who met them were not. From what she could see, she didn't even look that much older than Sen or Lin,


"I don't understand. How is this an elder? I see others who looks older than this one. Larger too."


And then to add to the confusion, it now sounded like Sen knew this one? By reputation or otherwise wasn't certain, but the way he spoke really sounded like this wasn't an unknown to him. And not the other way either, as the young elder smiled in response, which just made Omen look from Sen, to the elder, and back again for a a while, trying to make heads or tails about this.


"You're lucky I am a forgiving pony. I do not like people calling my friends, the closest thing I have to a family now since...the incident, 'weird'. And yes, I still want to help. I always want to help." Zen explained with a frown on her face at the mention of  an 'incident'.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Brrrep?"  Kit #3 went, pulling back and licking it's lips. This wasn't like moms milk. The kit leaned in and sniffed, before goign back to drinking. It wasn't bad, just different. 


But now the other kits/lings smelt it too, and now wanted a taste. All of them began clambering underneath Star for a taste.  

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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom


Succulent happily accepted the bits, placing them back in her cart.  As she did, she took another broad look at the beautiful countryside.  This really was a beautiful place to live.  Should she stay here a while longer?  That was a good question, but the unfortunate answer was she couldn't.  She had a few deliveries to make to the Elements of Harmony, and then she was off to other parts.  She hadn't expected this much business in this town, but she wasn't sure that she could get that much more if she tried.  It was the major cities where all the money was, after all.


"Oh, no it's perfectly alright," she replied to Serenade.  "Though I should probably say goodbye, first.  It was fun meeting you all, but I have a schedule to keep and all.  I hope I see you all again!"  She leaned in and embraced both of them tightly.  "See you all around!"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@Blitz boom


Krystal watched curiously as the bat pony poked around tge cloud and then proceeded to cut into it with a pocket knife. When she offered him some he licked his lips and slowly walked toward it.


The next thing he saw was the little spider tangled up in her hair. He eyes it curiously and giggled a little bit. He loved animals of all kinds and seeing such a fuzzy clothing made him smile.


"Why, that's adorable. What's his name?" He asked softly as he crawled up to the hole and stuck his maw in.


He licked at the jelly for a few.minutes before he drew his head back out. He may not have had any one to teach him manners, but he knew it was polite not to eat all of somepony else's treats.

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"And I must say, I'm hurt that you didn't mention me, Zecora. Don't think I'd help a sweet, innocent child too?"


The zebra raised an eyebrow at the feline "weak you are still to face the attackers. I advise against it but if its your will to fight and not recover that's fine"


Zeccora said Cresent raised a hoof "speaking of recovering Z ou sure you want me to-" he began but was cut off by the zebra


"you heal faster then most, and you boast of being weak still?"


Cresent blinked seeing the logic "cant argue with that where are we going?"


"ormahalt I have a map to there follow this yoiungster to help him against the monsters"


"im not a hunter Z, but I do need a actual trip outside of ponyvill" Cresent says annoyed sounding but not at the colt. He then looked at the youngster approaching him taking a listen to the young ones blood, it sounded tired but wanting to complete something. "names cresent friendly vampire of this Forrest" he said holding out a hoof to shake.   

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"This is Gary. I found him when he were a teensie tiny egg a few years ago and I love him. Most ponies gets kinda scared about him for some reason though. Not sure why, he doesn't bite anypony."


Jelly had never understood why everypony seemed so afraid of the crawly critters really. Sure, a few would end up being toxic, but most of those didn't even hurt ponies, and the rest wasn't bad to have around. Wasn't like a cat or something that could fetch a ball, but spiders, millipedes, beetles etc. could still have fun with you in their own ways, and some of them could be fluffy too. Like Gary.


"Hehe, you got jelly around your mouth. You like it?"


It was a somewhat redudant question as if he hadn't, staying with his muzzle in the cloud for a few minutes didn't make sense, but she didn't really think on that part as much as whatever or not he liked the jelly. She were pretty sure it were good, as it usually were after she had found out how to do it right, but it was still nice to hear, and this would be the first around Ponyville to try it too! So she was double excited to hear what he thought.






@@Hazard Time,


Succulent didn't get anything less than a big hug from Ziggy either, who were sad to see that she had to get going. The perfume pony were fun to have around, and it had sounded like she'd stay here for a time, but when work called there wasn't something to do about it and she knew it. Didn't mean it was better because of that.


"Don't be a stranger, okay friend?"


Fah'lina remained somewhat neutral about this until Succulent headed for the door, at which point she'd fly over and land on her head before scratching her mane a little, then flew back to Ziggy's head. it was the best way to say goodbye she could think of at the time being for one of the better ponies she had met thus far.


The two looked as she went on for a time, with the zegasus waving a lot during things before she went inside again to Serenade, and closed the door behind her before speaking to her remaining friend.


"I hope Succulent comes back someday and tells us all sorts of fun things she's off to do now. *giggle* Who knows? Perhaps when she comes back one day, being yourself in public is okay and you can give her a little scare? That'd look fun."







"Watch out!"


Somepony pushed to Gordan a little after he had entered Ponyville, getting him out of the way a second before a heavy hoofful of bricks landed on the spot where he had just been.


"Dear Celestia, that was close."


The pusher stood and fought for breath after his sprint to get over to the outsider and get him out of the way before the bricks made impact. If Gordan would look up, he could see the bricks came from a pile stashed on a rectangular piece of wood, that were being carried by four pegasi headed towards the north of town.


As for the pony in question, he were a simple earth pony from the looks of things. dark-green eyes, a tied back, black mane and a tail also bound in a business-style. He had a pair of sharp reading glasses that were dangerously close to falling off before he pushed them a little further up his muzzle again, a beautiful suit-jacket and a well matching tie. By all accounts, this one was an entrepreneur of some kind, but perhaps he'd get some leeway from that fact anyway, considering what he had just done.


"Sorry for the push, but... Bricks headed down, had to... By the princesses, I wasn't meant for going this fast..."


He had to go for pauses as he tried to catch his breath, though it would still take a hoofful of deep breaths before he seemed to be getting better, and his breaths would even out more than what they currently were.







The griffin got so flustered when she were told that she had potentially insulted Zen's grand master and those from where she came that she barely even registered the thing about an incident that was mentioned at the end before she tried to stammer out an apology.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I don't think your friend's weird, b-but..."


Florence felt like going into a mousehole as Zen went on how she had called her grand master weird. It wasn't her intention, but had it sounded like that? It might have. After all, she had said something was weird, and though she hadn't meant the pony, just the precognition.thing, it could have come off as her insulting Zen's master... Oh, if she wasn't currently walking with a heavy box on her back she would've his in one of the tree-crown to hide over this right now.


"I-It's just... Where I come from, magic isn't that spread out, and most is p-pretty regular things. I've never heard of having dream visions before and I... I-I just thought that were strange, since it was something new. If it sounded like I went after your grandmaster I'm... I'm sorry Zen."


The edges of Ponyville would draw nearer as the talk went on, though they might still have time for a little talking before they reached the outskirts of the damaged town. Though if not, the damages that could be seen from even there towards the section of town that had been *walled in* would likely stop whatever they spoke about and draw Zen's eye. It was pretty uhm... It didn't look good in some places of that area.









"A dumb zebra? There is no such thing."


Briar mumbled this to himself as he moved towards the angry voice that he had heard just before Musical flew off again, seemingly guided by this unknown, female voice. At least he though so, considering what parts he had managed to hear flowing vaguely out from a bit further in.


Perhaps he should wait for the others and inform them that something may be astray with Musical, or ask if perhaps this one were with them as she sounded like she really wanted to get the pieces of the clock, but if she were somepony bad, she could have went away before he returned, and if she were with the others, and they met her... Well, while he did wish to think the best of most, he could not see the personalities of this mare and Phoenix would go well. Opposing, strong minds could end up in strange or beautiful ways at times, but when one were rather cynical and another seemed angry, he could not see things ending well int hat situation.


So, regardless of what might be the reason and meaning of this unknown mare, he would at least make the first contact himself, and hope that perhaps it were not as bad as one might be able to hear from this. Might simply be one who had a bad day - with the attack yesterday and the aftermath of it - and he could handle those fine enough. He had been vented at several times before, and he would be several times in the future as well, he were sure of it. It was just totry and let the other vent, then try to talk reason.


If it were something worse... He'd rather not think about it right now, but there couldn't be allowed another evil near Ponyville right now if it were. The town had just gone over one attack by something of that morality, and the citizens were both figuratively and literally still licking their wounds.


But, they'd start by him meeting whoever this were and then take it from there.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



(Sorry about the delay. Forgot. :( I'm sorry )


"Yes. Also how you'd feel like being dismembered, but that is neither here nor there."


It was a small joke from her side, but probably not one that would fall in good grace with either of these two since they weren't the usual ones she spoke macabre jokes too. And old ones too at that, as even the long-living demons she had heard this from would thinks this one akin to pulling out a dated, nearly-faded copy of *1001 Elephant jokes* and talking like it was still relevant and funny after the millionth time you heard the same joke.


"If I might ask though, if we are not to head for the portal, what then shall we do? Await my resurrection and then see if there is something that's keeping you to the waking world I can take with me to the castle, then take things from there, according to our deal?


Also, perhaps you can answer me something about my guest here? He is apparently a dream illusion who have achieved sentience, and why I could ask question after question ont he logistics on this, for now I'd settle for knowing what would happen if you tried to take somepony like that out of the dream. Both with and without a vessel. It's for a... Theory."







Zinthar gave the zebra a small laughter in response to her quip about his recovery and smiled somewhat unnervingly at her.


"If you know as much as I think you do, you know how I heal and get stronger. Just as I know that I won't get that fast enough here."


It was pure and simple: He needed blood to thrive, to regain strength and to power up again, and the small vials he knew he weren't just going to be allowed to gorge on. It would not have been limited for him already if that was an option, and he were tired of feeling weak like this. He didn't want to get slowly stronger on another's term, he wanted to hunt, to feed, and to get there himself. Birds, boars, fish, he didn't care, there'd be prey around, and he were going to get it. He'd just stop himself from including ponies this time around. Or changelings. Or a juicy griffin or two even.


His palette had been varied once upon a time, though at least Zecora should know the difference between those he harvested a little and bend to his will, and the things he ate because he needed the life, and frankly, because it were a part of him. Cats were predators after all, and it was in their blood to hunt, even if they were domesticated like he had once been.


He were surprised that she had not shared this with Crescent yet, but perhaps this were a test of sorts. For which one of them he had no idea, but for all he knew, it could be them both.


"Besides, I've spend enough time away from the world. It's time I get back."


Cover-up looked at the cat, the zebra and Crescent as this went on, not sure what to think of this, but not thinking that things were going to end well. Especially not as it sounded like the help he were getting - namely the bat pony that now held his hoof out towards him - now included this thing. Not by his choice, but he felt like a very small fish in a rather large pond right now, and potentially dragging the ire of one of the larger ones in said lake was going to be worse for him currently. At least for now, the monster seemed to be with them, and not against them.


It took a few more seconds of this before he rose a hoof and somewhat nervously shook Crescent's hoof.


"H-Hi Crescent. I'm Cover-up, I'm a painter. S-Sort of."

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,@@asdfmovienerd39, @@Flinp,


Phoenix, with her keen hearing could also hear what briar was hearing, however she couldn't quite make out the words. she continued to follow them, using some of the thick brush as camouflage. she was trying her best not to make a sound, but the bushes rustled a bit as she moved. hopefully, they might mistake it for wind.   

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade yawns, "The day I can be myself out in public and have ponies not run around clamoring for the Princesses is a day I wish would come sooner rather then later." She hops on over to her rock and lays down, "so a couple of things, I've got a meeting with Luna and Princess Sparkle regarding Sirens and..I would like you to accompany me to the Castle. I have a feeling I'm gonna need a friend." Stretching, Serenade flips onto her back, "Then after that...I'm gonna take a quick vacation back home to Baltimare and visit my parents, I was wondering if you'd like to come with." 

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"This is Gary. I found him when he were a teensie tiny egg a few years ago and I love him. Most ponies gets kinda scared about him for some reason though. Not sure why, he doesn't bite anypony."


Jelly had never understood why everypony seemed so afraid of the crawly critters really. Sure, a few would end up being toxic, but most of those didn't even hurt ponies, and the rest wasn't bad to have around. Wasn't like a cat or something that could fetch a ball, but spiders, millipedes, beetles etc. could still have fun with you in their own ways, and some of them could be fluffy too. Like Gary.


"Hehe, you got jelly around your mouth. You like it?"


It was a somewhat redudant question as if he hadn't, staying with his muzzle in the cloud for a few minutes didn't make sense, but she didn't really think on that part as much as whatever or not he liked the jelly. She were pretty sure it were good, as it usually were after she had found out how to do it right, but it was still nice to hear, and this would be the first around Ponyville to try it too! So she was double excited to hear what he thought.






@@Hazard Time,


Succulent didn't get anything less than a big hug from Ziggy either, who were sad to see that she had to get going. The perfume pony were fun to have around, and it had sounded like she'd stay here for a time, but when work called there wasn't something to do about it and she knew it. Didn't mean it was better because of that.


"Don't be a stranger, okay friend?"


Fah'lina remained somewhat neutral about this until Succulent headed for the door, at which point she'd fly over and land on her head before scratching her mane a little, then flew back to Ziggy's head. it was the best way to say goodbye she could think of at the time being for one of the better ponies she had met thus far.


The two looked as she went on for a time, with the zegasus waving a lot during things before she went inside again to Serenade, and closed the door behind her before speaking to her remaining friend.


"I hope Succulent comes back someday and tells us all sorts of fun things she's off to do now. *giggle* Who knows? Perhaps when she comes back one day, being yourself in public is okay and you can give her a little scare? That'd look fun."







"Watch out!"


Somepony pushed to Gordan a little after he had entered Ponyville, getting him out of the way a second before a heavy hoofful of bricks landed on the spot where he had just been.


"Dear Celestia, that was close."


The pusher stood and fought for breath after his sprint to get over to the outsider and get him out of the way before the bricks made impact. If Gordan would look up, he could see the bricks came from a pile stashed on a rectangular piece of wood, that were being carried by four pegasi headed towards the north of town.


As for the pony in question, he were a simple earth pony from the looks of things. dark-green eyes, a tied back, black mane and a tail also bound in a business-style. He had a pair of sharp reading glasses that were dangerously close to falling off before he pushed them a little further up his muzzle again, a beautiful suit-jacket and a well matching tie. By all accounts, this one was an entrepreneur of some kind, but perhaps he'd get some leeway from that fact anyway, considering what he had just done.


"Sorry for the push, but... Bricks headed down, had to... By the princesses, I wasn't meant for going this fast..."


He had to go for pauses as he tried to catch his breath, though it would still take a hoofful of deep breaths before he seemed to be getting better, and his breaths would even out more than what they currently were.







The griffin got so flustered when she were told that she had potentially insulted Zen's grand master and those from where she came that she barely even registered the thing about an incident that was mentioned at the end before she tried to stammer out an apology.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I don't think your friend's weird, b-but..."


Florence felt like going into a mousehole as Zen went on how she had called her grand master weird. It wasn't her intention, but had it sounded like that? It might have. After all, she had said something was weird, and though she hadn't meant the pony, just the precognition.thing, it could have come off as her insulting Zen's master... Oh, if she wasn't currently walking with a heavy box on her back she would've his in one of the tree-crown to hide over this right now.


"I-It's just... Where I come from, magic isn't that spread out, and most is p-pretty regular things. I've never heard of having dream visions before and I... I-I just thought that were strange, since it was something new. If it sounded like I went after your grandmaster I'm... I'm sorry Zen."


The edges of Ponyville would draw nearer as the talk went on, though they might still have time for a little talking before they reached the outskirts of the damaged town. Though if not, the damages that could be seen from even there towards the section of town that had been *walled in* would likely stop whatever they spoke about and draw Zen's eye. It was pretty uhm... It didn't look good in some places of that area.









"A dumb zebra? There is no such thing."


Briar mumbled this to himself as he moved towards the angry voice that he had heard just before Musical flew off again, seemingly guided by this unknown, female voice. At least he though so, considering what parts he had managed to hear flowing vaguely out from a bit further in.


Perhaps he should wait for the others and inform them that something may be astray with Musical, or ask if perhaps this one were with them as she sounded like she really wanted to get the pieces of the clock, but if she were somepony bad, she could have went away before he returned, and if she were with the others, and they met her... Well, while he did wish to think the best of most, he could not see the personalities of this mare and Phoenix would go well. Opposing, strong minds could end up in strange or beautiful ways at times, but when one were rather cynical and another seemed angry, he could not see things ending well int hat situation.


So, regardless of what might be the reason and meaning of this unknown mare, he would at least make the first contact himself, and hope that perhaps it were not as bad as one might be able to hear from this. Might simply be one who had a bad day - with the attack yesterday and the aftermath of it - and he could handle those fine enough. He had been vented at several times before, and he would be several times in the future as well, he were sure of it. It was just totry and let the other vent, then try to talk reason.


If it were something worse... He'd rather not think about it right now, but there couldn't be allowed another evil near Ponyville right now if it were. The town had just gone over one attack by something of that morality, and the citizens were both figuratively and literally still licking their wounds.


But, they'd start by him meeting whoever this were and then take it from there.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



(Sorry about the delay. Forgot. :( I'm sorry )


"Yes. Also how you'd feel like being dismembered, but that is neither here nor there."


It was a small joke from her side, but probably not one that would fall in good grace with either of these two since they weren't the usual ones she spoke macabre jokes too. And old ones too at that, as even the long-living demons she had heard this from would thinks this one akin to pulling out a dated, nearly-faded copy of *1001 Elephant jokes* and talking like it was still relevant and funny after the millionth time you heard the same joke.


"If I might ask though, if we are not to head for the portal, what then shall we do? Await my resurrection and then see if there is something that's keeping you to the waking world I can take with me to the castle, then take things from there, according to our deal?


Also, perhaps you can answer me something about my guest here? He is apparently a dream illusion who have achieved sentience, and why I could ask question after question ont he logistics on this, for now I'd settle for knowing what would happen if you tried to take somepony like that out of the dream. Both with and without a vessel. It's for a... Theory."







Zinthar gave the zebra a small laughter in response to her quip about his recovery and smiled somewhat unnervingly at her.


"If you know as much as I think you do, you know how I heal and get stronger. Just as I know that I won't get that fast enough here."


It was pure and simple: He needed blood to thrive, to regain strength and to power up again, and the small vials he knew he weren't just going to be allowed to gorge on. It would not have been limited for him already if that was an option, and he were tired of feeling weak like this. He didn't want to get slowly stronger on another's term, he wanted to hunt, to feed, and to get there himself. Birds, boars, fish, he didn't care, there'd be prey around, and he were going to get it. He'd just stop himself from including ponies this time around. Or changelings. Or a juicy griffin or two even.


His palette had been varied once upon a time, though at least Zecora should know the difference between those he harvested a little and bend to his will, and the things he ate because he needed the life, and frankly, because it were a part of him. Cats were predators after all, and it was in their blood to hunt, even if they were domesticated like he had once been.


He were surprised that she had not shared this with Crescent yet, but perhaps this were a test of sorts. For which one of them he had no idea, but for all he knew, it could be them both.


"Besides, I've spend enough time away from the world. It's time I get back."


Cover-up looked at the cat, the zebra and Crescent as this went on, not sure what to think of this, but not thinking that things were going to end well. Especially not as it sounded like the help he were getting - namely the bat pony that now held his hoof out towards him - now included this thing. Not by his choice, but he felt like a very small fish in a rather large pond right now, and potentially dragging the ire of one of the larger ones in said lake was going to be worse for him currently. At least for now, the monster seemed to be with them, and not against them.


It took a few more seconds of this before he rose a hoof and somewhat nervously shook Crescent's hoof.


"H-Hi Crescent. I'm Cover-up, I'm a painter. S-Sort of."


"As I said, you're already forgiven." Zen smiled, then turned and looked at the destroyed sections of Ponyville and suddenly started shaking uncontrollably, fear forming in her eyes. It was obvious she was having some sort of flashback to the aforementioned 'incident' as she sat down and tears, actual tears, started to form in the corner of her eyes.


"No...not again...no..."




"Hey, there are some stupid zebras out there. But that's a horse of a different color!" Deadpan laughed.

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@@Blitz Boom


The elder's smile was more relaxed now. Omen's words left a sting but they were a legitimate concern the rest of the clan shared. He was too young to be a village elder and he heard stories of how the council was threatened to be sacked by those who had an opposing view to theirs. Even now the villagers watched him, waiting for the dissenters to file a list of complaints that could get his position revoked but he still has his responsibilities. He won't shirk them even under a threat like this. 

"Yes, I'm too young to be an elder but it isn't a job I take lightly. It was a decision mired in controversy but I feel this clan has to change. Come, we can speak more of this in my hut."

He gestured the way forward and led the group further into the village. The sounds of whispers permeated the air once more but the elder knew this shouldn't dissuade him from his work. The group first came across a large dome-like hut, the plenary session hall of sorts. It was where the elder and his council convened to discuss concerns and policies. No, the place the group approached was a much smaller home, able to fit a family of five or six. 

"I apologize if this place isn't to your liking. I haven't had time to prepare. So, I know what else you're thinking. Why me? Why did I want to become an elder? To tell you all the truth, the clan needs to know that not everything they say and do is absolute or right. But let me ask you a question. What brings you all here?"

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"Dumb zebras?" Rose asked what she heard with the others. She realized- Zecora. She gasped, and runned off indirection of Musical.


He saw him in front of Zecora's hut. She quickly bitten his tail and throwed him on the ground, and gently punched his head, causing him to come back.


"Wuhh...what?" Musical says, getting up.


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@@Blitz Boom @@Moonlit


Succulent giggled at Fah'lina's gesture, waving goodbye to the two ponies who had so graciously hosted her.  "I'll be back!  Don't you worry!"  With one last smile, she buckled herself into the cart and began trotted off, the glass bottles tinking off into the distance.


Behind a defilade, two ponies in hooded cloaks watched the pink crystal mare leaving the town with immense trepidation.  They had been watching her for the last few hours, but had nothing to show for it.  If she was a spy, she was really good, and by that, she had scoured the entire town in a single night while not leaving her cottage.  It would have been easy to assume from her cheery attitude and job that she was anything but a spy, but that was how they worked, lulling you into a sense of security with their charm.


Once she had passed over the horizon, one waved to the other and they crept into town, keeping to the alleyways.  One seemed slightly larger built than the other, though any other features were obscured by the cloaks.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Blitz Boom, He mentioned bullies, she had heard Astral wrongly call guards that before, despite Misty herself having to explain they're just doing their job, but with real proper bullies, she didn't know if she could stand up to them She'd try, if anything the warding spell on her would protect her from any punches thrown at her. He then mentioned the CMC, she hadn't heard of them, or knew what that meant Astral might have, but she was asleep. She nodded when Chow pointed out the homework thing, she didn't know everything like Astral did, that was mostly a result of the lack of anything other than magic books at their house. She then started to laugh when he itched her head. "Yeah, I suppose my little brain doesn't know everything." She said gently pushing Chow's hoof away from her head, trying not to make it seem like a rude gesture. "Maybe when I get there I can learn everything I can about this world, starting with equestria's history."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Well I know what I'm doing for the next 10 minutes to half hour if your all hungry." Standing was going to get annoying feeding them all so she sat down carefully and then laid on her back, saving her having to stand the whole time as they all took their fill, now she could just relax.

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

The kits/lings scurried over and atop of her, each pushing, shoving and clambering over each other for their for their turn to nurse, brring, mewing and yipping as the proceeded to do so. 


Though even through all this Star might be able to hear a soft whimpering coming from the kits basket. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Star's ears picked up the whimpering and she got up, despite the little protests of the others who then tried to follow her. She looked in the basket to find (I'm assuming) the runt of the litter. "Oh you little poor thing, I can't have to here starving when the others are eating." She fetched out the littlest one and sat down giving it a teat, she'd growl at any other the others as it fed.


(I can edit if you don't like) 

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"O-Oh, most certainly. And again, I apologize for the push, but the bricks were about to fall down on you and I went into a panic. Thankfully it seems like we all got away from this fine. And that the bricks made it too, which isn't a surprise as they are exquisite quality, but that's neither here nor there I suppose."


The stallion brushed some dirt of his suit and corrected his tie whilst talking, and eventually had a good deal more of his composure and some of his calm back, though he still seemed a bit unnerved by things and from the way he looked around, slightly anxious about something.


"I am really not meant for these sort of hectic situations, I hope you understand. It makes me confused an- Wait, name? Right, my name. You did ask that, yes. My name is Clayton Quartz. Princess Celestia took contact to me about materials needed to rebuild the structures in town after a supposed attack that had occurred here. My ponies are making good time getting things here, but the forepony they have here are very demanding and it seems it can never get here fast enough for her taste."


Clayton looked around, checking if said forepony were there again to breath down his neck, but it seemed like last Stand weren't somewhere in sight currently, and thankfully so. He could understand her need for speeding this process up and doing so effectively and without delay, but he were already doing all that he could to make sure that the supplies came in as were requested, and her constant, impatient glare was doing little more than making him all fidgety.


"As for lodging, I'm afraid that I don't think there's many options. Some tents have been set up to the north of town while construction is going on, and there may still be some free of those, but with all the destroyed homes here I'm sorry to say that the room left in the undamaged parts of town is likely all booked up by the ones waiting for their places to be rebuild. I can't be completely certain, of course, as I only got here this morning, but small towns tends to be very close and the place that are available seems like it would be dreadfully contested already.


I seem to recall a mare around here somewhere that ran an inn though. Perhaps if we can find her she would know better? A local business owner in her profession would likely be much more suited to answer about the others current living arrangements. Ah, and the story you asked for too. I don't really know much of this town, beyond the stories of the Bearers of Harmony, the adventures of the Princess of Friendship and things associated with those, as things like that occasionally do get shared around Canterlot, but I think any actual information would be sparse."


His ears twitched and he turned around, thinking that he heard Last once more, but letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that there were nopony there, except for a few of the pegasi from before that were headed back to regain the bricks that had been dropped before. They couldn't afford to waste materials here if they wanted to keep up to speed.


"P-Perhaps I should help you find her, yes? I think her inn was one of the undamaged buildings in the south side of town. If you would follow please, mister... Ergh, guess I forgot to ask a name. perhaps you can tell me that on the way?"


The talk wasn't even completely done before he had started to take the first step towards the south end of town, though he did wait still to see if this unknown pony would follow him. The odds were high of it, yes, but nothing was guaranteed. Not in places like this at least.







"Great place to start. Knowing some of the background on how things came to be is a good base, and likely the easiest things to find books on. Lot's of big words there that'll help on your reading skills too, so bonus there.


If you want, I can teach you a few things that'll help if somepony gets on your case too? Make sure your brawn's as great as your brains and all that. Nothing with a weapon though, cause I'm thinking Astral would turn me into a carrot if I even tried letting you hold a stick, but since it ain't nice of me to tell you to stand up to bullies without teaching you how to, I figure a few lessons in how to turn the tides ain't too bad. But that's future talk, plenty of things to get sorted before that's even a thought, eh?"


Chow grinned, and imagined how the conversation would go with Astral if he had come along with a knife or something and told he'd learn Misty how to use that. It'd likely go off like a torch in a haystack, though the look on her face could have been nice to witness.


Not that it was an issue that would have to be taken up really. He had a weapon because he were a hunter, not to use against others unless he didn't have a choice, and he'd rather teach how to do without any blades than with if that was an option. Perhaps teaching a foal how to fight regardless were bad, but if hse understood the basics of it being just for defense, he didn't see the issue, though he had to convice Astral of that if it were of course.


Could end up being a long talk, but he'd stay his ground on this, as he really couldn't justify on one hoof telling Misty to stand up to the bullies, and on the other hoof not teaching her how to when things got sour. And that wasn't nn *if* as he had seen how it worked in school amongst ponies a few times now, and knew that, much like in Griffinstone, bullies would resort to physical abuse if the verbal one didn't work. Granted, pony schools had a lot less sharp talons, which were a plus, but still, there were chances for things going sour.





@@Hazard Time,



Ziggy let out a sound that could best be described as and *audibly excited, high pitched Yey noise* when she were asked about the things from Serenade.


"Going to the castle?  Seeing Baltimare and your parents?"


She zoomed around a little, trying to get the worst of the energy out, before she landed over at Serenade and drew her into a big hug.


"Of course I'll come, Serenade! Oooh, how exciting this will be friend. All the ponies, all the sights, all the adventure! Ehehehe. This will be the best time ever."


Over on a nearby shelf, Fah'lina landed and shook her head at the antics of Ziggy once more, though had her ears on stilts to hear what Serenade would say to this. She didn't want to suddenly wake up one day and find out the two of them had left her behind, so knowing what would happen right now would be important.







"You did."


It seemed a strange question to Omen that the young elder wanted to know how they had gotten here. He had followed them here himself after all, were it not obvious? And even if he meant before that, hadn't it been him that then send for them? It felt like this town and the one elder she had met were getting more confusing to her for every minute she spent here with things like this occurring, though it was mostly with the elder, Before he had shown up, things had made somewhat sense.


"Or didn't you write the message that got us here? Xin said an elder had sent him, and talked about a new one that had shown since Sen were thrown out. Seems like that would be you."


Omen took a slow glance around the hut, soaking in what she could of the place. Several things were there that were strange, and under other circumstances she'd likely have asked questions, but not right now. There were more important questions than about knickknacks, and she also had to see how many guards had come in here too, in case it got time to use a gate to get her, Sen and Lin out. Couldn't be many - if any - considering the size of this place. Right?







"W-Whoa there, are you okay Zen?"


Florence put the box down next to her and went over the pony, cautiously putting a talon on her shoulder and looking down on the monk with concern in her eyes.


Years ago, she had seen something similar to this when a classmate of hers had been kidnapped and he returned. Sometimes he'd go into himself and seemingly have flashbacks to some sort of trauma that the rest of them didn't know about, likely about whatever happened to him, though he usually shivered more and tended to curl into a ball.


Hopefully this was not it though. The sort of trauma that made you like that wasn't pretty, and could turn you into a wreck if you didn't get help from others. That, and of course, that it meant that something awful had happened to them in the first place, which were something that she only hoped would happen to very few beings and this pony wasn't one of them that was for sure.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, "I should warn you...my parents are...I believe the term nowadays is Ponyville Eccentric. Mom is a former Royal Guard, invalidated out of service and she took up baking....and scrapbooking" Serenade shivers at the memory of her mom, scrapbooking. "She makes the best cookies, although that could be the fact I love them so much, and whenever she sent them to Canterlot Castle, the container would mysteriously wind up in Princess Luna's chambers. I would love to see mom and Pinkie square off in a baking event" Serenade smiles, then continues. "Dad is the reason I'm a good singer. He's head of the University of Baltimare's Astronomy Department and amateur Tenor." Serenade turns to the mimic perched up on a shelf, "I'll leave a window open and some food for you, unless you want to come with us to Baltimare, my mom would probably stuff you full of food. But I'll leave that up to you." She turns back to Ziggy, "Be warned now, Mom will make you try everything she bakes, if you do you will never escape, there are still Alumni who show up for food." She tosses her forelegs into the air. 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Frosty Frost,@@Blitz Boom,


when summer had stepped back and saw the super-flashy-rainbow-disco-fire-manes her eyes got big.


"wait... you..."


she started and narrowed her eyes


"you... HAVE THE MOST AWESOME MANES I'VE EVER SEEN!" she said enthausiasticly. "how do you do that? It looks so coo! can I have that too?


then summer heard blitz behind her yelling something about a bugpony, she looked back at the pegasus and finaly her brain started to work properly, this wasn't a pegasus, this was a changeling! that was quite a logical solution to the awesome-mane-mystery. she tilted her head and looked at the pegasus-changeling-pony again


"are you a changeling?" she asked. "I've never met a real changeling actually but I hear they aren't really nice, you seem nice though, and you still have nice manes" she smiled, for summer it didn't matter who or what you were, she would always give anypony a chance to become her friend. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"The last kitling squinted at her. It crawled over to Star and sniffed her. It then hunched down and feebily latched on, gettign a gulp or two down before whimpering again, rolling to it's side and holding it's horn in it's paws. The others tepidly walked over and gathered around.    

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(( Just going to mention as many people as I can in this post since I'm not too sure where everyone is or who would be interested. ))


@@Denim&Venom @@Summer Breeze @@Frosty Frost @@Blitz Boom @@Moonlit @@EQ_Theta @@asdfmovienerd39 @@Lloyd @ @@Mentis Soliloquy


The two hooded ponies from before emerged from the alleyway and into the street, keeping their heads down.  One lifted their head up to look about quick, with a small amount of pink fur visible before it falls back under shade.  Suddenly, it taps the other pony on the shoulder, who jumps slightly but otherwise nods, following the other into the next alleyway.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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