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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Watts snorted in laughter at his first attempt to introduce himself. She fiddled with a couple of the devices on her stall to make sure they were in working order before answering. "I'm Watts Mechano. It's good to meet you," Watts smiled and bumped his hoof with her own. She idly flicked her tail in the dirt bedore letting out a small sigh. "There's usually more ponies than what I'm getting today. Today's a slow day."

@Blitz Boom & @Lloyd


"She left in a hurry," Dawn commented, looking at the place where the mare had taken off. She shook her head to regain her sense and looked at General Screecher. "I'm Dawn Streak, and I know about Benny and Circle Pop. Mainly because Pop is a friend of mine," Dawn explained with a nod. "Any idea what that mare meant about 'not breaking anything'?"

@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom


"Why did you say that!? You know no good comes from that and if you did, then you're a bigger idiot than I thought!" Aurora screeched at the dragon, forgetting about the dangerous creatures in favor of reprimanding the giant lizard.



What else am I meant to put here?


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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"And... I think you're right about fighting. I've seen enough of him to think things would end b-badly for anypony who got on his bad side."

Seeing the youngster relax cresent smiled "trust me its surprising how common those called monster can actually be for example how many bugs have skitter across you that you have gotten scared of?" cresent asked holding up a small ant simply resting on his wing tip "should I crush this ant because I fear it or should simply brush it off because I know it can only bit me in a small annoying inch?" he asked before setting it down on the ground

"most things attack out of fear or not knowing, the trick is" he said getting up from eating "showing other why not to fear the unknown come on I think we need to find zinthar before he gets board of hide and seek" the bat joked

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@Twilight Witch

Diego frowned slightly at the pat, though he tried not to show it too much. Might be that he thought this mare were intriguing and of some class, but he did not want to be treated like a foal by anypony. It was demeaning, and not fitting for somepony of his stand.

"Right over there are some seating areas madame, if you have a want for that. There should be a can of water a the tables, as well as glsses, though if any of that is missing, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of the staff. They will get some there shortly."

A whistle were heard behind him, and he turned to see one of their card dealers wave him towards him. Considering the look on his face, something had gone wrong.

"It seems my presence is needed elsewhere. I hope you will have a pleasant dining experience, and please, if there is anything, the staff will be here to help, or to answer any inquiry you may have."

With a frown on his face, he then moved out of the area and towards the foyer , wondering what it were that had happened that the guards they paid well for couldn't handle. Another forger perhaps, that the dealer didn't want to scare off with the muscle before they could catch him? Possible, but he would have to see when he got there. Hopefully it wasn't just a waste of his time.




"Excellent. Now then, follow A-"

"Alonsus? Why aren't you out fixing the table?"


The pony who had wandered up on them as they had been chatting away weren't a big guy, but he did draw the attention because of his uhm... *attire*. Lance should likely hope that the outfit the gruff-sounding stallion was wearing weren't part of the job.

"Do you think Alonsus would leave a work half done? The table is fixed, and prepared for the next pony who wants to sit at it."

"So you fixed the bench too?"

Alonsus got a stiff look over his smile, before excusing himself and going back into the main room.

"That should give us some time to talk. You're the new hire, right?"

The stallion reached his hoof out to shake, looking at Lance questionable, but if he had any judgements, he kept them to himself for now.

"The name's Single Straw, and I run this place."

He gazed past Lance and saw the note on his door, before shaking his head slightly.

"I really have to talk to Berry about not signing her own name on things like that. In any case, are you the one who applied for work here? Otherwise, I'm gonna have to ask you to go back into the last room again, as I'm awaiting somepony today."



@Foxy Socks

Anomaly's head twisted again, and molded itself to a sort of equine head, though with the texture of bark it seemed, and an extra eye on the forehead for some reason.

"Bah, who needs to make sense? You ponies need to learn to let go of all this stability and enjoy some chaos and weirdness sometimes. Ain't a life worth living if it's all so explainable and boring all the time."

"I can't say that I am much for or against that sentiment currently, but perhaps I can steer away from this for a moment? I am wondering, since Brittle is still calm, if we could enjoy a trip through town? It is not an opportunity to pass I'd think, despite... Well, I hardly think I ened to point him out."

Briar were speaking about the large dragon looming over Ponyville and directing the workers that had likely arrived in the early morning ours from the looks of things. Hard to miss that one, though so far he didn't seem to want to destroy town, so perhaps it was safe to wander around there? He'd like to try at least, as normally having this many beings in Ponyville would terrify Brittle a lot, and he wanted her to enjoy the peace whilst she still had it.

"I wouldn't mind if it were."

"Eh, why not?"

Three sets of eyes then circled around and rested on Foxy, whom had the last say in this. Nopony wanted to leave her behind - though Anomaly might just take off anyway for her own amusement - so her opinion on what to do now had some weight to it.




"I'd rather it take a day more than be the cause of unstable walls or casualties. I don't need more pony blood on my hooves."

With that, Last would be on her way, and for now head towards the food court to see how far along things were there, then check a few other places. She'd still give glances to the sides as she passed workers, to see if they did well or were doing more harm than good, but as long as they didn't become an issue, neither would she be. She kept her word, even to dragons.

As she left, somepony else followed her movements briefly before returning to gaze at the dragon. Lyriel had been addressed earlier, but since then hadn't been sure if she should simply stand still and await him having more to say to her, or if she were supposed to wander along. So far, she went with standing still, and not turning into a tree. With all the workers here, she were concerned with looking like raw material to them, even if her current form did get weird glances and low whispers here and there.

Perhaps when she had the time, she should try to regrow herself into a form more fitting of this are? She hadn't tried doing this before in her life, but she had seen her brother do it a few times before, and...

A tear fell from her eye as her memories of days long gone passed by again. She should know better than to ponder on what were lost, but it was impossible to stay clear of the past forever. Once in a while, memories would go through, and most of them would involve her corrupted people, back when they had been like her.

She dried the tear from her eye with her sleeve. She should not be standing here and weeping, as the town seemed to need more attention to it than her, but she did wonder what she were supposed to do then. Perhaps she should give it a few more minutes, and then ask the dragon directly?




Benny seemed surprised that Victoria got close, and actually tried to talk with them. Or him at least, but it was still something he hadn't figured would happen, considering her previous behavior.

He could see on Pop though, that she started to tense up a little as the baker got nearer. Might be she had said things were okay before, but it seemed like his marefriend were preparing for something to go down regardless. By the love of Celestia and the ancients, he hoped that this would never end up being the case, as he really didn't want to pull te two of them away from one another.

"Well uhm... Normally I don't have these sorts of things with me, but we're on a small vacation, and you know, like the Scouts says: Always be prepared. Though to be fair, the towel is usually for me. I have a... Slight addiction to caramel."

Pop looked at him like she were saying *Really?* sarcastically, knowing well how he loved nearly everything caramelized, and she sometimes had to push him past stores were they sold it to avoid him getting transfixed and buy too much.

"Oh come on, it's not my fault that you ponies makes such excellent food. Stop judging me."


Pop interrupted Benny before he started to dig himself into a hole he wouldn't be able to get out of again.

"You do know there's no such thing as perfection, right? Soon as you start thinking anything is, you stop trying to improve it, and there's always ways to make things and ponies better."




"Hrmph. Disgusting filth."


Queen Onache didn't say a word as she approached Ponyville, but her thoughts rang a loud and clear message about what she thought of this town and its inhabitants.

She hated having to do this. To wander around not just peasants, but also what were little more than food. She doubted anypony in this mudhole had the strength she required in a proper changeling, and that made them one of two things. Casualties, or dinner. Neither of which she cared to interact with.

But alas, she were out of options. After Chrysalis had foolishly lost her hive to Thorax, she had no reason to remain back in the old lands, and that forced her to go and seek not just a location for a new hive, but also see if she could find stray changelings or worthwhile ponies she could convert. It had either been that, or stay back and turn into something akin to that mutated monstrosity that Thorax had become, and she would not even dignify that idea with a contemplation. She were better than him, and she would neither serve, nor change under his banner. He had not earned it, and with his soft attitude and - urgh - plans to *work together* with their food, he would never have the chance.

Not that she would have been given the chance anyway, she knew that well. Thorax was an idealist, and there would be no love for the Slaver Queen in his new world order. He would either have her imprisoned, gotten rid of, or tried to force her to change. None of those were realistic options to her.

She could have followed Chrysalis if it were, but that were a no as well. She had followed her once, after the queen had managed a narrow victory over her in a battle for the hives, prior to the invasion of Canterlot. That had been the deal, and even after the blow to her forces and ego the failed assault had ended up being, Onache had still followed, as the stronghold and her large force remained. But now? Chrysalis had no hive, no lands, and only a fraction of her former loyalists. She were too weak to follow by anyling with any degree of self worth now, and Onache hated that some of those that had followed her, used to be of her own hive. Foolish traitors that would eventually get what were coming to them.

Vague pity stirred for the rest of her former hive, that had stayed behind and followed the self proclaimed king. She still wished to punish them, but at least they had followed the victor, not the looser. A small distinction for some, but considering she had taught them that power was everything, and that only the strong were fit to lead, she could at least understand the simple-minded idiots. They were just drones after all, and not meant to think for themselves. Hardly any of her former hive had been, even if she barely had any actual drones in her flock. She relied more on keeping the warriors and those who would nurse the nymphs, and then keep mainly stolen drones from other hives, and ponies who were slowly drained between the hard labor they endured.

A thought came to her about an exception to the rule in her hive. The only changeling she could not say where were currently, as she had ordered him to inspect Equestria a few months before Chrysalis had arrived to challenge her.

He were partly why she had chosen to roam Equestria, rather than some other country, as he were the one who she had little doubt still remained loyal. An interesting thought, considering he were not forced to compel with the hivemind, but he had proven himself to her more than enough times.

Still, a little doubt were still there, as she were not certain how these long months of not hearing anything from the hive would have been, but if he had changed, she would regrettably have to destroy him. Or at the very least, beat some sense back into his thick, hybrid skull.

She dismissed further thoughts on him as she neared the town. Things tended to stir at times a she recalled her unique hybrid, and as she were almost within city limits, she knew well that her mind should not be focused on a few sentimental thoughts for the one changeling she were proud of. Especially not with the oversized handbag with wings that were looming over this town.

She knew who he were, and she were frankly not impressed. To leave his kind behind when he could rule all of dragonkin, and likely bend the world to his rule? And for what, a bunch of couriers? Such a wasted potential Ancalagon were, though she'd never say that to his face. She may be arrogant, but she were not suicidal.

The familiar feeling of changeling magic shifted her focus away from the usually gargantuan dragon, and towards a point to her left. It was vague, but she could feel the magic used by one of her kin. Perhaps this town were already being scouted? Or did anyling actually just live here, free of any queen's hivemind? She knew of dissenters, so it were possible, but she cared not. Be it in an established hive or on their own, a changeling meant information, and she could use that to her advantage.

So as she entered the dusty mess of a town, Onache took a left down a small side road and towards where she could feel the lingering magic, ignoring the leering eyes of random beings that passed her. What these lesser beings thought when they saw the well-dressed, tall unicorn that her disguise were, didn't matter in the slightest. Nor did it that she drew some attention when her kind usually liked to be low profile. It was undignified enough to pretend to be one of them, and she refused to go further and blend in entirely with the peasants. She were a queen, and a queen should at the very least be entitled to a higher class disguise than the drones.



@Lloyd @Dji

"You try to learn anything about magic when you nullify it by being near it."

"I-It's okay big sis. They don't know w-what it's like."

Void calmed Null as she were starting to flare up a little over Astral, making the small pegasi just listen to the rest instead of interrupting. From what she could hear, it sounded like it wasn't a cursed object, but something above that. And now she were bound to hold on to it? Oh woopdidoo, what a bucking gift this were.

Still, as it were, it'd be safe with her, and as Astral just took off! - it wasn't like she could just return it anyway. So for now, she tucked it under her wing.

Meanwhile, Screecher looked at the mare who apprently seemed to be friends with Pop. It made a good deal of sense then how she knew them, but not why she seemed to dislike him. Perhaps it was just because he were a dragon though. A good deal of ponies had varying responses to seeing the odd couple, and some were... Less than stellar. Nothing she could do anything about, and not a hive she would stir by poking at that particular question, but she did hope the mare would get over it. If Pop really were her friend, she should want her to be happy. At least in her opinion.

"Astral is a civilian who had her reason to go after the one who attacked your town. With him gone, she wishes to return to her family.

As for not breaking the element, it is just as she said. Keep it safe, not broken. If somehow an element could be destroyed, the magic released would likely be enough to level Ponyville and the surrounding area. An uncertain event, but not one the Royal Guards can risk. Far too many potential casualties.

Now I have a question. Your friend, is she secured after the attack this town suffered a few days ago? I don't want to wait for our blacksmith if he finds her harmed, and refuses to return to Canterlot."




Athriel saw were Warlock's eyes went, and felt what emotions Sapphire were reaction with in response. It seemed she were afraid of him for some reason. perhaps she thought he could devour her soul? A possibility she assumed, and hence why she clamped her talons around the gem.

"If we are to get our vengeance on her, we need her horcrux intact, and her remaining in it. I can't risk you eating her by handing the gem over to you right now.

Is it crucial that you regain power now for your survival, or is it just for having magic? Because I know where the next of these temples lies exactly, and some of these pathetic little traps are magical. You could feast on those."

She released her tight grip on the crystal, and ran a talon down a particular line of glyphs on the wall. A location to what may be another temple full of traps, but if that one was a bust, there would just be one to go. And sooner or later, they'd get to the element. They just needed patience, and her specially, needed Warlock to be alive. He were useful for tracking elements and handling pesky do-gooders, and likely her own ally in what were ahead, so loosing him would likely prove to be detrimental.

"As for the nullification you're talking about, it's a problem, but not one without solutions. We just have to find power, and we can begin to manipulate and brainwash some ponies to fight for us. The fools will hesitate in their strikes when they're forced to fight innocent civilians."




"Being a General is a learning experience Iron Wing. There will always be something you can be better at, just like there have been for every general before you."

His words were meant to be comforting, though the former general didn't know if they hit the mark with Wing. He were still barely in his new job, and amidst a crisis that seasoned veterans even had a hard time with, so it was bound to happen that there were kinks and mistakes. Neither of which Dew thought he should beat himself up about, but just try to keep in mind.

The odds were against him here after all, but Dew knew that in time, the young general would excel at these situations. He had picked him out partially because of that adaptability, and his own belief that Wing were the kind who would strive to be better. It were important traits for generals, and his belief that the colt would eventually overshadow his legacy, were high. He just needed time and some guidance. Plus some time in a less tense situation than what they currently had.

"Let's go to them and make sure the letters have been sent off. We should be able to find this out before our guest arrives. Hopefully with good news."




"So you do have dragons that can be communicated with though? Fascinating."

It wasn't meant sarcastically. Mother genuinly found it interesting, as even if the contact were little, it sounded like it could happen between them. Considering how few of the worlds she remembered were dragons could speak with other inhabitants, she found this to be exiting in a way, though it sounded like they couldn't make contact with one themselves currently.

It should be fine though. The gender of a dragon this young would likely mean little, and wouldn't matter enough to not being able to wait for a few days or a week. Depended on how fast Mother could gain contact with her daughter and said daughter's husband. Hopefully it would also give her some time to rest, as she rose her head high and yawned loudly. With all the energy spent these last few days, she really needed her rest, though it seemed like she wasn't the only one.

"Perhaps I am not the only one who could use rest. May I offer you two a bed?"

A flicker of her hand, and two soft beds rose out of the stony floor. One directly under Sen, which thankfully didn't wake up the drake. Made it twitch a little, but it were still solidly in dream land. It hadn't even noticed how Lin tried to offer it a ride back to the more familiar place on her, though at least like this, it should hopefully get more familiar with Sen's smell. It'd be good if he didn't get bit by it after all.

"I know you do not sleep, my daughter, but perhaps you will still like to lay down for a time and let your body recuperate? It have been a long day for all of us, and I think we have earned a well deserved rest in whatever way we can, do you not?"

Mother would start to lie down in her own bed as she talked. Usually she just hang from the ceiling, but on occasion, she enjoyed this more normal way of resting, though she had to lie on her stomach. Otherwise, her wings eventually started to grow sore.




Widdershins weren't even done talking when Anomaly let out a loud burp and licked herself around the lips.

"Yum yum, but could have used a bit more asphalt and nails. You know, give it a bit of zing. Oh, perhaps something cold to it as well, like ice cream?"

Snapping her tail, she started to try and make her own pancakes, though these were wrapped around ice cream with the usual flavors like chocolate, vanilla, rust, strawberry, and all that kind of jazz. They looked weird though, but to be fair, she had never made anything like this before either. Frankly, that only one of them turned out unbaked and splattering unto the floor was amazing.

Once Widders started to pull himself more together again, she slowed down her munching on these filled pancakes. She liked the better this way, as it added some sweetness to the mix. What she didn't like was hearing about order, which almost made her visibly gag.

"Bleargh. Order is a total buzzkill. The more of if there is, the more freedom it kills. Here, lemme show you something my author was in some time ago. It totally shows what order would be like."

Anomaly would pop off her head and toss it at Widdershins once he were created fully, so he could have a look inside. There'd be a scene in there from when the Forgotten One had invaded town, depicting what Zhu had seen would happen if it won. Basically, an endless array of beings, all standing in front of a panel. No movement were seen in the dark landscape, as well as no sound. It was just empty puppets starring where they were placed, with a looming shadow standing over the mindless vessels.

"Booring, right? Much better with chaos! Unless there's a rule against that? I don't know any draconequus rules. Since I was killed and brought back there's just noooothing about the past left. Guess centuries of being morsel eats the mind, hehe. But who cares, when e can have fun now, right! Speaking of which..."

Anomaly's body suddenly had a large, rolled up pancake over her frame, dripping with melting ice cream.

"Wanna play with the food? First one to fall into the void is a changeling wannabe!"

She wouldn't wait for an answer before most of her had started swinging the fluffy dough-disk at Widdershins. Now if she had been any good at making pancakes like Widders here were, she could have made it more dense in it to really have a go, but this was still new territory for her, so fluffy it was. (feel free to smack her down)



@Widdershins @Dji

Spicy cringed as she heard the dreaded line that tended to make fate awake and happy to show you how bad it could go. She halfways expected a train car to smack her in the face, or a timberwolf pack to suddenly jump out at them, but... Seriously, nothing? Huh, that was odd. She could've sworn this always resulted i-

*Loud roar! Really, it's massive.*

The roar of what would have to be an Ursa of either the major or minor variant - neither of them spelling good times for them - made Spicy grit her teeth and get ready to run as well as she could.

"Smart move dingbat. Now stop yapping and start running for your lives!"

The cart itself wouldn't have made that much of a difference in speed with Spicy, but when it came to the big lump of a dragon hauling around with her... We'll just say that if the Ursa had any intention on having them as a snack, she'd be an easy snail to munch on.

"Nnnngh. Help move this or get off you scaled buffoon. I ain't gonna be eaten for nopony, or dragon for that matter."



@Widdershins @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Cherish flickered into reality again, as the trio finally reached the outside of the castle, and looked at Serenade with a puzzled look.

"Si-ren? Is that another word for unico-"

*Humongous snarl! Plus smaller snarls.*

The sounds interrupted Cherish, who looked out just to see the large pack of Timberwolves that had started to gather up around them. She took a step back and turned around, just to see three large ones jumping in and blocking their path back inside.

Then came the bad news.

From the forest, trees started to bend as a humongous timberwolf trampled towards them, fangs showing. It were not as large as the trees, but it would likely be able to reach above the crowns if it stood on its hind legs. Good all of them had wings so they could fly away, right?

...Oh, right...

So with them being surrounded, Ziggy panicking and letting out some scared sounds, and Cherish slowly panicking as well, things would likely start to get ugly in a few seconds, unless Serenade were able to do something.

Perhaps having the potion wear off now were going to end up being a blessing in disguise.




"I think I get your point, but if that had been a cockroach, I-I don't think I could have handled it. I got a trauma against them when my h-home collapsed on me. They were everywhere, clicking, c-clacking... G-Gnawing. It was h-horrible."

A shiver went through him as he remembered how it had been under the building. Even before they had shown up, things had looked bad, and after that... The doctors said he were lucky they didn't infect him with something, or he'd likely have to have stayed at the hospital for months or years whilst they got him slowly better.

"I uhm... I-I don't want to think on that anymore, p-please? let's just find Z-"

Cover-up sneezed. Thankfully he knew to keep his hoof in front of his muzzle when he did that, rather than spray Crescent with mucus.

"Sorry. L-Let's find Zinthar, okay?"




"I doubt pony buildings are meant for something of my height."

Quite honestly, she'd likely be able to crawl in there, since though the door was small, she wasn't one of the bulky dragons, but once inside it'd just be ridiculous. Unless the buildings - or at least some of them - didn't have second floors, she'd be unlikely to be able to stand in one of the places.

"And I don't know who told me you were on a trip. Some pony with a purple coat and an eyepatch. Must've tried to knock on your door like I did and didn't get any answers. Or he was a trickster sort, I don't know. I haven't studied ponies long enough to get how you work in a real life setting.

In any case, do I have to try and get in there, or can I just inform you what I'm looking for from out here, and you can look through things?"

Nerzhei's irritation began to go away a little by little as she talked with the alchemist. Things still got on her nerves out here, sure, but at least this one was talking and acting like a businesspony, rather than someone shocked at seeing a tall dragon in town that wasn't out for a rampage. Really, what had her kind done in or around this town to give her weird looks? The usual nothing, or had some thick-headed twonks really gone through here in a party mood?

Whilst it might sound nice, a dragon in a party mood wasn't meant to be. It generally meant they were looking for a fight, and wasn't shy about who would get the short end of the stick. Usually it involved either ganging up on others or bully someone smaller than themselves, but what could you expect sometimes from idiots?

Perhaps she were judging them unfairly, but until she knew better, she might as well be under the assumption that dragons had a bad rep around here for a reason, and hope they didn't try to go after her because of it.



@The Resident Brony

In the other end of Ponyville, where things were less hectic and the ponies scarce, a purple puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere. It expanded rapidly before dissipating, leaving behind a strange smell of sulfur.

"So this marks the third day."

A figure stood where the smoke had been, and looked over Ponyville from a little distance, pondering what she would do today, and if she should even still remain in the area, rather than just go on. It wasn't like the last few days had ended well in her eyes anyway.


Vivid Loss weren't physically tired right now, but mentally, she could feel the strain of the issues that happened over the last few days. From the Forgotten One attacking, to the large dragon's arrival and reconstruction of Ponyville, to her bout with the draconequus last night, not to speak of the souls she had to calm... It were exhausting in it's own way to go through this, and not see much good come from it.

The one thing she could bite note in were somepony who had liked to call her friend for a few hours, but she had been gone when she came around the inn after she were done with the spirits. The innkeeper didn't even know why she had left in such a hurry, but just said that she had mumbled something about the dragon and apologizing to Vivid when she saw her. But without an address or meeting place...

She shouldn't be surprised anymore. She were a freak after all, and as much as she tried to mingle with the ponies, she wasn't one of them anymore. Every time she had to come back from the brink, she became less and less the mare that she had once been. And though she tried to do well and show that she wasn't a monster, it sometimes seemed like it was pointless to even try.

Quite honestly, if she weren't bound by the contract with Cadence and Shining Armor, she weren't sure if she wouldn't just leave for a place where it was just her, and feel the insanity slowly get to her.

A spark of purple flashed on her horn, and a small, clawed fist made from magic hammered pointlessly into the ground.

How she hated having thoughts like this sometimes. It were pointless, and gnawed at her old bones, yet it was some of the things that came with age and alienation. At least it had for her, when she wasn't angry, distracted or helping with Flurry Heart.

A small smile spread on her face by the thought of the enthusiastic little alicorn filly. A rare light in her life, and one of the few who didn't judge her for how she looked, what she were, or what she did. She were just a foal, with the innocent mindset that came with it.. How fortunate the royal pair were to have her.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Winter Bolt chuckled at his own expense and watched the operations of the stall in silence. He did not know what to do or say because it had been years since he stayed in any one place longer than a few months. Never mind holding down a long term job. His parents didn't even know where he was as he had not spoken to them via letter since just after his last visit to Manehatten.

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded.

"Yessir, I do believe that's me."

Lance shook Straw's hoof as he examined his humongous straw hat. Looked over at the note, and had a puzzled look on his face.

"Why should they stop signing their notes?"


  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

Stingler began to wonder what could have happened for the town to be re-built, with a dragon right above it. If the dragon stays patroling there forever, it will be hard to get love. In the worst cases, he would need to go over to Canterlot again. Well, its definitly not the worst case, but that place gave Stingler a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe the Crystal Empire would be cool, too? Theres also that kingdom full of technology...either way, its too soon to tell if he will need to leave again.

Well, now that he's back, guess he should start doing what he always did- oh wait a second. Before thinking any more, he looked over to a weird unicorn. She looked taller, had a teal coat, gray eyes and red details in mane and tail. Her complex and somewhat intimidating appearence caught the eyes of those around her, but it was something else to Stingler.

It reminded him of...that queen. The not-really-queen one. More like princess, but that title is too cute. His staring at her would soon leave her to look back at him, but contact was the last thing he wanted right now. Well, eye contact.

He continued to walk around Ponyville, looking for a victim.

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Meanwhile, Invictus was limping down the road towards Ponyville. 

"What did i do to deserve this life? I've helped so many people, saved so many lives, and now i'm just a retired soldier walking down a lonely road."

His vision began to blur, he was exhausted. Ponyville seemed so far away as he struggled to put one hoof in front of the other.

"Some rest would be so helpful right now," he thought. "Once I get to Ponyville, I can rest"

He limped into Ponyville and collapsed, with everypony gasping in shock. His last thought before he hit the ground and some ponies began rushing towards him was, "I'm so tired......"

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@Blitz Boom

"Sure, there isn't much to do anyway." Foxy walked up close to Brittle, so she could hopefully get used to her presence. Not uncomfortably close though.


She walked with the group, looking at the town again. It was a shame what happened, and it was likely she would be needed out of town to finish her work in the northern area. She was only there a few days when she was notified what happened. Perhaps it was for the best, though she felt bad for having to leave early. At least she had the opportunity to meet new friends. She then wondered about Anomaly. Where was the original Anomaly? All Foxy knew was that the one she was traveling with was a part of her, which was strange. Foxy hoped she would be able to eventually see the original Anomaly, and hopefully they would like each other. Foxy couldn't be sure though, and the original may not be anywhere near.


"What do you think of us normal ponies Anomaly?" Foxy asked. "Do you think we are boring, or do you find us interesting?" Foxy wondered what she thought, as she never had the chance to talk to a Draconequus about this before. Anomaly fascinated her, even if she was quite strange. Foxy found her quite friendly too, though like Widdershins a bit troublesome at times. Perhaps this was their way of life, but Foxy didn't mind. She was similar in ways, liking to mess with other ponies to get attention.

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Invictus struggled to open his eyes as nightmarish flashbacks for the Insurgent War haunted his dreams. Suddenly, he felt a soft nudge on his right front leg. And with that, he awoke to find he was in a hospital room.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital here in Ponyville," The nurse said quietly. "We found you collapsed in the street. You were in terrible condition. We brought you here so that you could recover from your injuries."

"There is no time. I need to see the people in charge of the Night and Solar Guard. Its urgent."

"Im afraid I cannot comply. You were gravely injured. Until you recover completely, I cannot guarantee your safety if you leave."

The nurse took a needle and began to inject Invictus with a drug. He tried to resist, but as the cold, numbing feeling began to travel up his arm, his muscles went limp, and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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@Blitz Boom

The air of silence was conducive to Sen and got him to sleep soundly. The drake didn't seem to pose a problem as well; it seemed to even be sleeping soundly on Sen's head. Lin looked at the two and smiled, assured that the two might be more comfortable in each other's presence. It was something akin to unfamiliar pets getting acclimated to their new homes and owners, not that Lin knew such a thing from experience. It was a common enough sight on her travels that she eventually formed some form of association between the imagery she witnessed and the event happening before her eyes. Hopefully with some of Sen's worries eased during the trip to the dream world and some reassuring words from Mother and the scholars sealed in the focal orb, he can now rest easier with fewer worries. 

But there was still the lingering thought with Omen and where she's gone. Lin is assured of Omen's capabilities and is certain that she could look out for herself when she and Sen aren't around wither. After all, she's been alive longer than they have been, maybe five lifetimes longer if they were at the peak of health. Lin lay her head down and wondered about these things as well as the occasional thought of what to do with the family home. Her supplies were still there in Mother's realm and she thought about finding a way to pass the time. She grabbed some of the spare pieces of paper, a quill, and some ink and went about making sketches and lists. With unshakable focus, she went about creating designs for her room and a few ideas for Omen's but would not keep herself restricted to her own visions. Omen did have the final say on the matter. 

Aside from these, Lin also hummed a barely audible tune to herself while she worked. It was an old folk song sung to the tune of a lullaby, a rather ironic tune considering she could no longer sleep. She kept at it while looking back at the gate every now and again, hoping to greet Omen when she steps through.

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"If it is more convenient, I can search for the potion you require."  Fortunately, the dragon didn't seem too riled up over the fact that the unicorn had fallen asleep thanks to the potion spill.  The way Elixir is conducting business matters here might be helping.  Though this description of the purple pony with the eyepatch was rather unfamiliar to her.

@Blitz Boom

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Open to 1x1s as long as romance is kept out of it, just PM.

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@Blitz Boom


"Gummy is perfectly harmless!" Pinkie assured Anomaly (Yeah, I'm sure that she doesn't need assurances, seeing as she's more excited about the alligator than anything else)

"He'll eat just about anything that can be eaten." Storm shrugged, then paused as a thought came to him. "By normal, non-chaos or fourth-wall empowered creatures." He amended, thinking of some of the weird stuff Discord, Anomaly, and even Pinkie and himself, had likely eaten before. "Anyways, I'm sure you can meet him whenever."


"Oh, oh, oh I know!" Pinkie bounced around excitedly, seeing the adorable little candy doggy with the two heads (German Shepherd is my second favorite doggy breed, yey!) "Let's name the right one Anthony and the left one can be Hawk!"

Storm gave her a deadpan look, "Really Pinkie?"

"Whaat~? He has a mohawk! It works." She looked around somewhat shiftily, "Plus I totally didn't make any references and even if I did it's not bad as long as the doggy can't skate."

Storm rolled his eyes with an exasperated smile, "I'm sure you didn't" He said before giving a small sigh, "I love you Pinkie, you know that?"

"Aww~, I love you too Stormy!" Pinkie exclaimed happily, totally missing the un-said 'even if you do exasperate me at times' and jumped straight to giving him a tackle-hug

"Oof!" Said the poor tackle-target, Pinkie does seem to land on him a lot.. Not that he minds.

  • Brohoof 2

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins @Blitz Boom Serenade growled back, her eyes flashing. "Ziggy..Miss..find a safe place." Serenade steps forward, her fur ripples and her entire form seems to become hazy. Anypony skilled in magic would be able to sense a transformation potion failing and after a brief flash of light instead of a Pegasus, a nearly fully grown Siren seems to float above the ground. She growls, teeth bared and ready to teach these Timberwolves a lesson in Apex Predator behavior. 

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Did these ponies have nothing better to do than to stare at her? She would imagine that their damages little hovels should make them focus on that at least, but no, several stopped up to glance at her instead. How pathetic they were to not prioritize, but what could you expect from these soft-skinned simpletons?

One of them seemed to glare at her a different way though. In the direction she was heading, a simple stallion had glanced at her momentarily before looking away again. Perhaps she were just trying to make these beings seem more deep than they were out of sheer boredom, but it had briefly appeared as if he had a different kind of spark in his eyes when it came to her.

She would not go as far as to say that this were the changeling she sensed, as it was too far a distance yet to pick up on the magic trail to a specific being, but perhaps she should keep an eye on him as she followed the *scent*, if you could call it that.

For now though, she finally reached one of the small side roads where there were nearly nopony to stare or stand in her way, although a solitude foal did briefly halt in front of her to yawn and shake it's little head. How tempting it had been for her to simply chance it and kick the brat across the ground to get her out of her way, but thankfully for the little one, it moved along again before it would slow her down, and didn't make contact. Fortunate for her too she supposed, as a crying foal would just get the peasants to flock, but there were always ways to keep her silent if it were. Changelings had their way, and specially with weak-minded gnats like that.

A faint smile appeared on her face as she imagined cocooning the foal, but she moved on in silence and soon lost the brief sign of joy. She could indulge in her kind of entertainment once she had established a new hive. For now, her time was better focused on finding the changeling she sensed, and then extract information by what means she deemed necessary.




"Because the way she did it, makes it seem like she were the boss instead of me. Ain't gonna happen as long as I'm still moving around."

Straw went over and unlocked the door, then went inside and waited for Lance to enter with him.

The office were pretty simple. A few benches, a small table for more socializing and relaxing things than work - judging from the tea set at least - and of course his work desk, were a great deal of papers were stacked up in one corner. Seemed like he were busy with things these days.

"Alright, let's go through the basics, here, alright? I have a file here somewhere... Ah, here it is."

He had been riffling through the pile for a bit before pulling out a thin file, opened it, and put it on the table towards Lance.

It weren't much there. One of the pages were blank, but considering the columns and the fact that Straw also put a pen down, it seemed Lance were to fill that out. The rest seemed to be a sheet of rules. Pretty basic stuff really if you knew anything about costumer service, leaving likely the personnel file to be the most important for the time being.

"Standard procedure kiddo. Just fill in the blanks, read over the rules, and let me know if you have any questions."



@The Resident Brony

"So, you look for the leadership of the guards, do you? Peculiar how you seem to not wish contact with the Coastal Guard..."

A puff of purple smoke appeared before she did from her hideout, though she had been examining things here for a while.

Ever since the alicorn had collapsed basically next to her and she had used her magic to carry him to the hospital - much to the concern of the nurse that had also been near and wanted to get a real stretcher instead of one made of magic - Vivid had pushed her more depressing thoughts away in favor of some that revolved around this odd arrival instead.

It seemed like nopony of those that had been around when they found him had known who he were, but considering he were an alicorn, should he not be somepony of some stature? She thought all of them were supposed to be royalty, though that wasn't the only surprise. Another were that he were a male alicorn, which were something she hadn't heard about in her own time, and neither in this. Not that she examined these sort of things that much, as several thousand years of missed history would take a long time to go through, but she still wouldn't think this were normal.

But, she'd have to wait for him to wake up to be sure. The hospital staff had been awfully persistent on not letting him have visitors as they got him to a bed, though she suspected that was more in regards to her. So she had wandered between planes and kept an eye now and again. Dreadfully slow it were like this, but considering she could not harm anypony without a good reason, her options were either that, or get shushed away every time she tried to near his room, and that would get old soon.

Now though, there were just them in the room. The nurses and doctors were elsewhere, confident in him remaining asleep for the time being, leaving her enough time to stand in the corner and gaze upon him, trying to find some sort of clue as to what his goal to meet the guards leadership were, and how it could be that she were starring at an abnormality, but nopony seemed to know who he were currently. What a peculiar situation she had ended up in this time.



@Foxy Socks

"Well, you're not a normal pony, so you don't count."

Anomaly glanced to the sky, and frowned to what seemed like nothing for a time.

"Oh come on. She speaks with animals and looks like a pony hybrid. That's not normal.

Normal is those boring ones all around us in town. Regular pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies with nothing special about them, living their simple lives... Gaaah, they're so Boring!"

Anomaly looked around her and saw the weird looks that at least Briar and Brittle sent her.

"Wait, I didn't say that to just the author this time? Eh, who cares? It answered your question then Foxy.

I mean, I know I'm supposed to be nice and kind to all of ponykind and yada yada, but most of you just seem so plain and stagnant. Everything should grow, twist, adapt, ascend! Evolution is a perfect chaos, eliminating normality and changing things, but it just goes so slowly, and when it came to your kind, it freaking never happens, because yout hink you're the top of evolution. I mean, at least alligators are cool, so those are fine for not having changed too much, but ponies might as well be vanilla-flavored marshmallows in a giant trash bag. Indtinguishable from one another, and desperately needing some seasoning to make them worth the time.

But, Zhu was clear on this over and over again *Don't try to change ponies unless there isn't a choice, or you'll be hunted down again*. Bit hypocritical, but I get the message. I just don't get why sometimes, when your kind just lives such plain, unimaginative lives. Wouldn't it be better if some of you could spew fire? or breathe underwater? Perhaps a lobster claw now and again? You know, evolve to handle all the dangerous stuff that always seem to come for you. Just imagine how much it'd help against invading changelings if you could sneeze big balls of glue for example."

Much as she may have a point I totally do Anomaly's words did more give off the ring that unlike Discord, who reveled in changing the environment, she would much rather just change who lived in it. If she actually meant it in a good way, or if she were just trying to cling to a plausible explanation were hard to say though.




Omen wouldn't return, no matter how long Lin starred at the gate she had left through, and after a day had passed, Mother closed it, to stop any being from just glancing and waiting like Lin had did for at least a time. Whenever her daughter would be back, they'd see her again, which is also what she assured Sen and Lin about before asking them to return to their own home, and begin working on their house. Omen would surely come around soon enough, and they could discuss the finishing touches with her by then.

Days passed though, and not a word were heard. Mother did not know where she were, and any new gates had either not been opened in by her for a time, or she had been resting and regaining her energy when she did, leaving her uncertain about whatever or not her daughter had shown up,at least the first two days after she had left.

A third day passed through, and above the Longma village, a storm started to brew.

The winds increased as the day passed and the sky darkened. Lightning roamed through the sky, though thankfully it did not strike the village. The rain did though. A heavy symphony of droplets that would keep any sane being inside their huts or houses, waiting for it to be over.

A few times, a couple of minute of lesser rain left a gap for the quick to go to other shelter if needed, but the moments were few and far in between as the storm raged.


A vague voice would be heard in a particular hut, that until recently had been barren and left alone. Within it now though, were two siblings who had long been lost to their town, but had returned with mixed results from the populace. Some had been open enough, whilst others had been suspicious of the two, and especially the female. She had changed so much since she had left the town, and it seemed hard to accept for some, even if the current elder had allowed her back into their society.


The voice wafted through the house, barely audible over the pouring rain. Though even then, for the residents of this place, it should ring familiar.

It had been three and a half days now, since t he originator of that voice vanished without a trace. Nearly four days without any contact, or signs of life, and yet now, the vague voice of Omen rang through this place.


Was it not strange, since she normally never spoke so you could hear, but instead projected her voice into the heads of others? It depended on who you asked, but perhaps the residents of this home would be more interested in knowing why it came from outside the home, and more importantly, why she didn't come inside and speak to them instead. What would compel Omen to stand in the rain and speaking a broken sentence, when the ones she cared for were just pass this door?

Perhaps one of them would find out, if they were awake to hear her, and willing to open the door to take a glance outside at the figure standing a few meters from the door, starring at their residence with blank eyes.




"Good then. I'm looking for a few things though, and not just one.

As an alchemist, I'm not sure of you only deal in potions, or also concoctions? I'm looking for a solvent strong enough to liquefy crystal for my research, but acid won't do. I need to be able to work with the flowing gem afterwards, like molten metal, and I don't think there is any other place I can go to for that kind of things beyond a specialist. An alchemist seemed like it would fit the bill.

I'm also looking for something against a reoccurring headache. I've tried pony medication, but it just makes it worse, and this migraine is getting on my nerves sometimes.

And since you mentioned a sleeping potion, some of that would work too. I could use some peaceful rest."

The headache issues and sleeping potion would likely not be the biggest issue, provided that the alchemist knew what he were doing when it came to making it fit a dragon, but the solvent would be another matter entirely. Quite honestly, she were not sure if it could be done, but she had to at least attempt, as this could prove useful for her research into using magical gems. If she could reforge to a greater size, a different form or even permanently mix some of them, it could vastly outweigh her current methods, but it came down to being able to find someone who could assist her with that. She were out of ideas how to do this at least.




"Awh, you two are so sweet you make the dog seem bitter."

Anomaly got forth a violin and a confused looking robot who she poked at to make it play a romantic tune for the two lovebirds. It'd have been nearly perfect, if the dog didn't start to howl along with it then, which sounded cool - though out of sync - but changed the tune to more of a *Hillbilly gathering* sort of vibe.

Anthony and Hawk Clever names seemed to enjoy themselves though, as well as their names. They didn't seem bothered at least, though they'd likely need to say it a lot of time before the sugary canine truly got it. It'd end up being curious to see how they'd get along with Gummy though, that was for sure. If the gator really did like munching on things, it might get to a rocky start between them.

"So, the mole's been licked and is currently running off again, you got a new doggy with some neat names, and you're having a happy time squishing eachother. Seems like this have been a perfectly good trip so far, hehe. Yep, nothing at all could ruin this now."

Her tail snapped, and she suddenly stood with two dolls looking like Storm and Pinkie, then brought them together in a kissing motion whilst starring suggestively at them. Apparently, she thought that this moment could use a bit more romance. She would have waggled eyebrows instead of starring like she did if she could, but her pumpkin head didn't have eyebrows as a standard feature, so that wasn't happening.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins

The timberwolves wandered back a little from seeing the siren that suddenly stood before them, but their matron didn't hesitate. She still lounged forward, aiming for the meal, teeth first.

Meanwhile, a few of the more bold ones would jump after Cherish and Ziggy. The first one they wouldn't hit, as she were incorporeal, but in the moment she didn't really think of that and instead screamed.

"Get away from me!"

A blast sent the beasts going for her and the nearby Ziggy several meters away. Cherish did not usually like to be a poltergeist, or use the abilities like that, but this was a very stressed situation, and she couldn't deal with it right now otherwise. Thankfully for Ziggy too, though she seemed now even more frightened as she looked between Serenade, the timberwolves who were shaking off their trip, and Cherish, who had started to get more pale eyes and flow in her main and tale.

"Serenade! You have to get out of here o- Ergh?"

Ziggy didn't finish her sentence as she were yanked into the air, along with her plank, and forced along with Cherish as the ghost ran away from the scene and towards the side. Perhaps if she had been more aware, she would have been able to sense a bit where she were running to with them, but then again, who would figure that there were an anomaly like that which had spawned here? And now, of all times, instead of anytime during the last half millennia she had been here?

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins Serenade counter-lunged at the Timberwolf Matron, before dodging to the side and using her tail to smash the matron to the side. She then backs up out any possible counter-attack by the Matron. I need to end this fight...now. She starts to gather her energy. Any significantly strong magical user would sense the gathering power, any being with knowledge of Sirens would be able to pinpoint Serenade's location.

The fin on Serenade's back glows, as does the fins behind her legs and her eyes. The air itself crackles with magical energy, as a deep humming radiates from the Siren. 

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@Blitz Boom

A strong rain poured over the forest village and to most, it would be out of place. Stormy weather is rare, but not an alarming presence; the villagers have grown up with knowing just when the next torrential downpour would happen right down to the exact number. Not exactly a science by what the meteorological experts of the more advanced and progressive societies elsewhere but its what made sense to the villagers. Lin and Sen have been waiting for Omen to come back and welcome her but the passing days left them worried, and they were already worried enough in Mother's realm. There was an empty room where Sen's private quarters previously were aside for a bed and a writing desk, all left for Omen to do with as she pleased. It was the only room in the hut untouched aside from general cleaning. Sen would now stay in the communal room by the exit and sleep there but the third day was when he and Lin were alerted to a familiar voice. They heard the faint voice from the days before but Omen's voice was most identifiable by the third day and when Sen heard it, he ran outside hoping to find and greet her. 

"Omen? Is that you? Lin and I are worried." Sen ran outside and hugged Omen while propping up one of his wings to shelter her from the rain. "Come on inside, you don't want to get sick from the cold. The healers might not know what to do if you come down with an illness."

Lin enthusiastically ran to meet the two as they neared the hut. "We got some day old watercress and a mixture of greens from the western villages. They're coming along nicely this season now that they've cleared up some land for growing this stuff. You should have something to eat; you must be getting hungry after that time away. By the way, how long were you standing outside? You know you're always welcome here."

Once inside and by the light of the fireplace to provide illumination from the darkened skies, Lin wiped away the droplets all over Omen and got a better look at her. Normally, this is mostly for her to check on her appearance, the usual thing healers would do before asking their patients about recent onsets of diseases or discomforts. Appearances told a lot about conditions but something was off about Omen. Sen dried himself and when he approached them, he sees what Lin sees: a set of blank eyes gazing forward. The siblings looked to each other, unsure of what to do. Sen waved one claw in front of Omen's face to see if her eyes would respond to it while Lin snapped two digits on her claw to see if she would respond to auditory stimuli. 

"Omen? Are you feeling alright?" Lin turned to Sen and that feeling of dread and concern washed over her, evident in her looks as she began to breathe a little faster. Sen tried what he could to keep calm but his suspicions that something would be wrong might turn out to be just that: something really is wrong.  

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@Blitz Boom

"Most ponies don't like chaos the way you guys do. We find it frightening. I'm not as scared of Draconequui, but it's not something most ponies see all the time. It takes time to change for us. I know it must be boring to you, but that is how we are."

Foxy didn't know if Anomaly would realize that, but she didn't mind much. They could be friends and that was enough for her.


"Maybe if you give them and yourself time, you will see. Being friends with us is a start."

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@Blitz Boom

Ignoring the other mare's remark, Victoria smiled at Benny and this time it actually seemed genuine. "Well caramel is delicious, just wish it wasn't so... icky."  Having discovered an element of cleanliness in the dragon she seemed to have warmed to him considerably, though she still wasn't to keen on his companion who now looked even angrier having been blanked by the elegant pony.

"Just like you messy types to dismiss the concept of perfection, just because you know you'll never achieve it. You seem ready to pounce on me, would you actually stoop so low as to attack me simply because I voiced my opinion?" She spread her front legs and bowed her head a little as she said this as if preparing to defend herself. "Go on then, show me how little dignity you possess."

Edited by Battenberg
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@Blitz Boom

   "Well, from what I can remember of living in the big city, where there's a sort of service business like this restaurant... there's usually some stuff laying around that..."

   Ambie's voice trails off as he wanders behind the stalls set up for the dinner area and around a back alley corner. He disappears for a moment and returns with a loud clatter as he pulls out an array of wooden boards, one half of it clattering down to the ground, with its small, four wheels fortunately landing on the ground. Nosing the pallet closer to his load, he puts it to the side of it and begins then nosing those logs slowly & ineffectually onto the makeshift, rather cheap dolly. Pausing for a moment midway through rolling the first log, he stops to catch his breath and ask Happy Hour:    "...hn. So, I guess I'll just leave these by his front door then? Oh, once you give me some directions there?   ...uhh...and... I guess you wanted to, ah, meet my parents too? You staying in town somewheres so I can tell them to meet you at then? I figure it might be a good idea to warn Ponyville a bit before they get here, the time it takes the letter to get there ought give us enough time I suppose."


  @Dji & @Blitz Boom

    "Huh. You've walked through dragon territory and had a specimen like me swoop down on you with hardly but a mocking tone out of you & you let that stupid, weak roar scare you? As if any stupid little forest this tiny & stupid has anything that threatening in it but a few tiny, stupid little bunnies! It barely even shook these ugly, stupid trees! That was nothing compared to our Dragonlord! Pah, we're perfectly fine! ...you dumb, scaredy-ponies..."

   Kaltrop's voice trails off in his last couple words, somewhat betraying his usual, fate-testing braggadocio.

Edited by Widdershins
  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie giggled and gave Storm a nice big kiss before nuzzling against his neck, "This has been a really great day.." She sighed happily.

A moment or two later, Pinkie suddenly looked at Anomaly "Something's missing here..." She thought to herself aloud. "Oh, I know~!" Pinkie exclaimed, hopping off of Storm and zipping over to stand in front of Anomaly. With her tongue stuck out in concentration, as though conducting a great masterpiece of music or finishing a practically perfect painting, Pinkie very carefully sugar-pasted two pieces of  licorice above the Pumpkin's 'eyes' to act as eyebrows. "There we go, a little more sugary sweet expression!" She grinned.

Meanwhile Storm performed a perfect example of a maneuver known to many as the classic 'face-hoof' before getting up from the ground, "And so Pinkie will always be Pinkie." He chuckled quietly, a loving smile gracing his muzzle as he looked the short distance towards the mare of his dreams. "And I'll always love her, just for being her."

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"I do indeed sell concoctions, yes," Elixir responded.  Thanks to the alchemists of previous generations pursuing the discovery of alkahest, the universal solvent, they have produced very strong solvents even if they do not match the power of the fabled alkahest.  "I may have what you are looking for, though it will be fairly strong."

"As for the potions you request?  I have several sleeping potions, though I need to know how exactly strong you want it.  Finding a headache-curing potion shouldn't a trouble either," she continued.  The unicorn decided to wait for the dragon's answer in regards to how strong of a sleeping potion the customer wanted.

@Blitz Boom

  • Brohoof 1

Open to 1x1s as long as romance is kept out of it, just PM.

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@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom


"Nonononononononononono!" Aurora spoke rapidly, shaking her head almost as fast as she could speak before doing her best to heavily thwap Kaltrops on his nose with her wing. "You just love tempting fate you idiotic, overgrown goanna! Can you shut up until we're out of the woods!?" she yelled at him, no doubt bringing the terrifying monster their way and at that thought, she flew around to the back of the cart and pushed, flapping her wings to try and get it to move quickly rather than slowly.

@Blitz Boom & @Lloyd


Only for a moment, Dawn was visibly downcast at the mention of 'family' but it passed quickly with a sharp shake of her head. "Pop is fine," she said softly. "I left her in good health today. She's not harmed. She is fine. I know I left her in a good and calm state," Dawn replied, seemingly repeating her answer in different ways to assure herself. She wasn't sure if her new friend was actually alright, but what she was sure about was the fact that Pop was at least alive when she left earlier. She sat in the dirt and gave a sad sigh, her tail whipping slowly on the road behind her.



"Okay ... I can take a half hour break and show you around," Watts told her patient customer. She put a sign on her stall after closing it up. Making sure it was secure, she turned and smiled at him. "Don't mind the destruction, that happens on a weekly basis. Now, where would you like to start? There's my garage that I mentioned earlier, there's Sugarcube Corner for snacks, there's the public library in that giant crystal castle by the town ..." she then ra,bled off various locations, unaware if Winter Bolt was even listening.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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Anomaly grinned, whilst the new eyebrows melted and morphed a little to fit her head better and make them a bit more bushy. It might be that Stormy thought this silly, but she were a draconequus. Weird and quirky behaviour were just what she wanted to see in her friends, and she loved playing along.

"This is so great! Let's get a memento."

She jumped over next to them and held up the surprised puppy.

"...Hello? Get to it, will you?"

The robot that had this far just been playing, gave of a mechanical sigh as she addressed it. Shortly after, it glanced on the group - which the draconequus had pulled in close - and with a flash in its eyes, took a picture.

It really didn't seem to like this, though still more than when Anomalyntgen dragged a cord from her head and into the robots to take the picture. Apparently, this sort of action made it rather depressed, at least if the mimicked crying were anything to go by.

Anomaly didn't care though. She just started to slowly print a picture out of her mouth - somehow it were coming out straight - and eventually gave the first copy to the lovely couple.

As could be expected, Anomaly were making faces on the picture, though knowing Pinkie, she were likely not the only one.

"Hehe, perfect, now I'll-"

A deep cough went over her as a few dozen more, sligtly curled up pictures spurted out of her mouth, each of them having her wearing a different expression.

"Urgh, I need a new printer. Anyway, let's send this guy back and be on our way."

Said guy she mentioned seemed to currently try to hit himself in the head with his own violin, but was teleported out of this world before it made contact.

"So, should we check out more of the isle, or should we just get you back to Ponyville?"

With some luck, either of the two ponies would eventually remember what Anomaly hadn't: The Boom siblings. They had been gone in this place for a while now, and considering who made this place, it was likely not safe for them to be alone out there.




Happy chuckled at the nervous stallion as he fumbled through his words.

"Relax there Ambie, I'll be around wherever I can park. It'll likely be at the edge of town though, towards the forest. It's quieter there."

Whilst helping Ambie with getting his things delivered and set with a message, Happy thought on the days when he had helped building things and working with others like this. Back in the hive, some time before he had been sent off to be a scout.

*sigh* Good times now and again, showing off how to build something that wasn't just bile and rock, even if it wasn't needed that often. Queen Onache had seemed impressed at least, or as impressed as she allowed herself to appear at least.

She were a tough costumer that one, and though her methods were harsh and her demeanor cruel and merciless, even by changeling standards, he missed hearing her voice. Heck, even a letter would be something at this point, but he hadn't received correspondence in months. Apparently, his work were still not thorough enough to deserve that, though he'd correct that no matter the cost. Whatever it took for his beloved queen.

The thought would keep him occupied until eventually, Ambie and him were done and he waved goodbye to the likely halfbreed. He'd get his wagon parked around where he set it and lock himself inside the wagon to sleep, aiming to be up at around ten or so.

(Next day)

"Graaargh! Infernal, bloody noise!"

He just wanted to be rested, was that too much to ask after the last few days? Just a little sleep? Did he have to be forced to twist and turn over the sound of ponies and that large, bellowing dragon going off again, pretty much as the sun had risen?

Happy eventually stopped hammering his hooves into the floor of his wagon. It didn't do anything, and the noise outside were too much for him to just try and get back to sleep. So reluctantly, he unlocked the door and left the wagon, looking like he wished to pummel somepony.

Sadly, that wasn't an option here, and even in his cranky mood, he knew that. So with little else to do, he just had to grit his teeth, and get on with finding some materials before he'd have to meet up with Ambie again in a few hours. Perhaps if he were lucky, he'd have to break something to get what he needed.



@Widdershins @Dji

"A dragon can be bribed or talked with. Know what can't? A several thousand pound Ursa Major looking for a snack. So can your complaints and get moving, unless you want to be bear chow."

Spicy had run into an Ursa Major once in her life before, and that one time were plenty enough. She had never been so scared in her life, and most things she had been against since then just seemed to pale in comparison to that monster. It gave her some perspective against other things, but it also made her fear spike high once she as much as heard the sound of a growling bear. The bigger, the worse it just became, so she were hauling flank to get away.

They would soon reach Ponyville like this, though she wasn't stopping until she hears a rather familiar voice telling her quite promptly to. Before that... Well, thankfully the ponies knew how to get out of the way, and the scene in front of them were basically near the edge anyway, so not much time for something to go potentially wrong.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins

The wolves stopped dead in their tracks and fell to their knees, paws desperately trying to cover their ears to the sound, but failing miserably.

They had never encountered something like this before. Ponies and their tricks were one thing, but transforming into this fishy creature and assault them with a sound that felt like a cheese crater on their minds? They weren't meant to deal with this sort of creature.

One by one, faster and faster, they got to their paws and ran as quickly away from the siren as they could, until only the matriarch herself was back. She shakingly rose up and barred her teeth at Serenade in a vague attempt to threaten the unknown creature, before slowly backing back into the forest herself. The pack would have to find something else to feast on tonight, and once again have to think about whatever chasing ponies were actually worth it. They never got to eat them, and more often than not, they ended up getting hurt by one of their tricks.

Meanwhile, in the past, Cherish and Ziggy fell through from basically nowhere, and landed in the small, closed off section of the castle that a certain spirit were in.

Cherish didn't get how they ended up in here though. She had run for a cluster of trees with the mare who suddenly had started to scream as they reached the area, and she had seen some kind of crumbling stone construct, then out of nowhere, they had suddenly shifted into the castle again. What was going on here?

It didn't help her thinking that Ziggy kept on screaming. The loud voice were getting to her, and it made her gnash her teeth.

"Please be quiet. I have to... I don't know wh- ...I need to thi- ...Grrrr, just shUT UP ALREADY!!!"

Cherish turned towards Ziggy and in her agitated state, smashed something akin to a force-wave into the mare, who hit the wall and fell down limb and unconscious.

"Oh no. Nononono. I-I'm so sorry. Please be okay. Please don't be dead."

Ziggy didn't seem dead, thankfully, but the ghost finally saw what had made her scream the way she had. During the marehandling that had happened when the spectre had yanked Ziggy away to assumed safety, the fracture to her leg bone had worsened and broke. Much as Ziggy was a medical professional and would know how to help others in the same situation, it was a completely different situation to be in herself, and the cracked leg bone were causing her a world of pain that was not mixing well with her panicked state.

Currently, she were knocked out, which could be seen as a good thing, but if they didn't get her to a hospital within the next hour tops, things were going to get really ugly for the wounded mare.




Something would be wrong from the moment they touched her. Omen would feel cold and slimy. More than a bit of bad weather would be able to account for, though she didn't say anything about it. She didn't even greet the siblings as they dragged her towards the house, she just kept talking.

"Find.. Sen..."

Things just got weirder as Lin tried to dry her off. No matter how much she would do it, Omen wouldn't seem to completely dry, and water would keep breaking here and there on her body, limbs, and even face. A few of them made it seem as if she were crying, but nothing in the glassy look suggested any emotion that would make one cry.

"Find... Way..."

Nothing really did show in the glassy eyes honestly. No recognition, no emotion. It didn't even seem like she took notice of what happened around her, or who were currently talking to her. She just kept on with the broken sentence in an unusually hollow voice, and stood still, dripping on the floor.

A sound that would likely not register with anypony would follow soon. A scaley body, slithering away from its improvised sleeping arrangement, and towards a voice it considered important. Though distorted, and far more audible that the voice who usually only rung in the mind, not talked from a mouth, it was still something it recognized and went towards.

But it felt something was wrong too. It didn't even have to get close enough to see Omen's eyes for that. It smelled the air and found it reeking of something moldy, not the vague, flowery aroma that Omen tended to give off for sensitive noses.

It made the drake stop before hitting her, and instead slithering up Lin's leg instead. Though it had gotten a little more used to Sen, Lin were still the more familiar, and as she seemed to also be closer, it was the better way to the drake. It seemed to shiver now and again though, as it made it's way to Lin's head. Even more as she reached the head and slithered slowly closer to Omen, who were slowly opening her mouth again

"His.. Chance..."

As it got nearer, it sniffed the air again, and reeled back with claws over its nose. This wasn't the right smell. This was wrong. Moldy and rotten, not sweet and with traces of fresh dirt.

The drake opened its mouth and gave off a small hiss towards Omen, and its scales started to crackle. It didn't know who this were, but to it, this was certainly not its carer, and it didn't want this mockery here!

A small shower of tiny fireballs headed towards Omen, and hit her straight in the face, but she didn't twitch. Omen normally wouldn't really, but then again... She wouldn't start to fizzle like this one did, right?

Words stopped as the fizzling got worse, and then, as if her plug had been pulled, she went into a distorted, pale zap and was gone. The only thing left behind a vague voice, quickly vanishing into thin air.

"Help... Me..."

In her place, something wearing old, threadbare clothes and a face that had long since washed off now stood. A mixture of mud and rotting sticks seemed to make the base of its form as the old construction started to crumble down in front of the three,

This wasn't Omen. Never had been. The scarecrow that had laid buried in mud outside of this very town for a long time could not be her. But then, how had she talked? Her voice had been there, clear as day. All of them had heard it after all.

Surely they weren't going mad. Were they?



@The Resident Brony

"No, I am neither, but I am the third party you seem to forget. The one who brought you to this hospital in the first place."

Vivid stared at the Alicorn. It seemed that even if he were an abnormality himself, and still weakened from his short rest, he found it in himself to think that she was in the wrong here, or were an enemy. The thanks that you got for helping somepony sometimes...

"But please, by all means, call a doctor and complain that the one who didn't let you stay in the dirt should be ejected from this place. I'll be gone before they have a chance to even see I'm here, little colt."

She could. Vanish, then reappear as they left, then repeat until they didn't answer his calls anymore. It would be disturbingly easy really to have him seen as a lunatic like this, but if that is what he wanted, who were she to stop him? Perhaps if he were in a locked room with a straight jacket on he'd be more talkative.

"Or you can realize how pointless it would be, and listen when I tell you that I didn't come here to argue or to fight you, alicorn. I am here because I was slightly concerned, and quite a bit curious. Male alicorns were unheard of in my time, and yet, here you are, defying what we once saw as facts. It is... Peculiar."

She wouldn't introduce herself just yet. Soon, but Vivid did not see a point in trying to connect with somepony who'd just throw a tantrum this soon, and his first response had left her wanting. They would see how his second approach would end, and then take it from there.

Couldn't be so bad for him though, right? After all, it wasn't as if she had lifetimes of experience dancing around a subject after all. *chuckle*



@Foxy Socks

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. It's just so freaking boring to wait for evolution when I can make it happen right here."

She snapped her tail, and a little in front of them, some weed started to grow and sway grab for a mouse that was getting closer to it.

"Everything must change in its own time though. Force it too much, and everything will crumble."

"Big words from somepony made out of rapid evolution."

"I accept the irony in my statement. Ah, but if I can make another? I wonder if since you like unusual things, you have examined the rose bushes near the Apple farm? I was there recently, and they seemed to smell like carpet cleaner and hold baubles of some kind of purple dye inside the flowers."


With that, and an intrigued look on her face, Anomaly snapped, and went to look around the Apple farm.

"Did you actually find something like that?"

"It's a big world full of wonders. Who knows for sure what is and isn't true?"

His smirk told her the answer she were looking for, though she didn't condemn him for it. It was nice with a small bit of relative normality around them, even if some of the couriers gave them funny looks as they got to the more populated areas of town. The locals themselves wouldn't much, as they had seen the three of them around, but outsiders were a different story.

"Now that we have a brief moment of silence, might I ask if we should go and see what repairs they're doing on your house Foxy? I seem to recall you being one of the hardest hit ones, in terms of your living arrangements, yes?"




Pop were narrowing her eyes and looking at the baker like she wanted to slap the arrogance out of her. Quite a hard hit that would take more than likely, but it was starting to get really tempting to see if she couldn't hit just the right amount through some trial and error.

"I got half a mind to-"


Benny rose his voice, which had suddenly gone rather stern.

"You have to stop this before you end in a brawl, and I have to haul both of you off to a cell where you can think about things. And don't think that I won't. I'm a Royal Guard, and it can take quite a while to determine who started the fight. Several hours in a dusty cell, away from everything. Does that sound good to either of you?"

"No... I-I'm sorry honey."

Pop hung her head in shame. She knew that when his guard tone came up, she had gone too far again, or were about to, and even if she were his marefriend, she knew he'd haul hr off if he had to. He had an obligation to the law after all, and he couldn't be a fair guard if he let his personal relationship cloud his judgement on who should get punished.

Benny didn't like to see her like this, but he had to keep the tough act up for a bit more, as he looked at them both before pouring some water on a bit of the towel and handing it to Pop.

"Clean your hoof, and then I want to see you two shake on this, and let bygones be bygones, alright? No more fighting between you two."

The act didn't last the entire way through the sentence, but at least he didn't end with a *please?*. That would really have undermined his authority, though he knew that Pop would still have listened to him at least. He had her attention now after all, which could be seen as she rubbed her hoof clean of whatever little dirt there was there from wandering the streets, and looked at Victoria to see if she were ready to reach her own hoof forward. She had a clean hoof now, so this shouldn't become a big deal, right?




"I hope it is. I need to work with the magical crystals in a liquid state to try and reshape or fuse them. It is bound to be some rather strong stuff."

So this were possible then, along with the others too? This shop seemed effective, and thankfully, she should be well equipped to pay for it. With the large Ruby Ancalagon had given her, she had at first contemplated using it for some kind of experiment, but after using her brain for a little longer, she had instead taken it home, then chipped of some of it and sold it for a good deal of bits. If she kept doing this, she should be financially safe for a long time, if she didn't spent her bits idiotically.

"As for the sleeping potion, I need something that will keep me out for somewhere between six and eight hours. I get occasional sessions of insomnia and it's killing my productivity levels to go through days like that."

She didn't knew why she explained herself to him. Perhaps the ponies were already getting to her with their attitudes and ways of speaking far more than normally needed? Or perhaps she were just a bit more relaxed and letting more be said, as the ponies were less threatening and mocking than the dragons she had grown up around? It didn't matter she supposed, and it might actually be of some help, if the potion should be for something underlining. She wasn't sure how it worked honestly, as this was a field of study she barely knew anything about and the books of Zebra elixirs she had gotten were still unopened in her cave, but it stood to reason that information might be helpful when it came to these. Wasn't like she were spewing out personal information after all, which were a completely different topic.

"Speaking of, how strong are your potions? Sounded like you had slept through the attack that happened on the town a few days ago, yes? Sounds efficient if that sort couldn't rouse you."



@Dji @Lloyd @Widdershins

Screecher nodded slowly.

"Good. We should be able to depart for the capitol soon then."

She were contend with the answer, and had started to think on about what to do after this to get their search back on track for Warlock, Athriel, and potentially Astral, in case the later had not returned to Canterlot as it had seemed. The element seemed controlled for now, so that was good, though... Was it safe to leave it with a random pony like this, in the middle of this town? She would think no, but how to convince them to follow her to the capitol?

"Should we come along? I mean, this here gem doesn't seem safe here, right?"

Okay, sounded like it wasn't that much of an issue, though unfortunately, the general didn't have a chance to answer before a sound caught her attention and she turned around to see a griffin, a pony pulling a wagon, and a dragon on said wagon, heading right for them. What a day this were...


The general proclaimed her command, but wasn't sure if the three would listen. Hence why her stance turned ready to fight, though a battle didn't get to happen. The pony managed to stop the cart a little before hitting any of them, and started to gasp for air in front of them. Usually Screecher would ask how the pony were or asking what got them running so fast out of concern, but looking over it, she knew this mare. And from the sound of her voice, it wasn't in an overly pleasant way.

"Ah, it's you. Who's after you this time?"

"*gasp* Can the p-polite chatter General. We *gasp* both know you don't mean it. And it wasn't a w-who, it was a what. An Ursa roared and- Whatever, you get the picture."

Spicy kept gasping for air, and tried to get her pulse down again after the chase. Not the most dignified way tog get into Ponyville, but right now, she didn't care. If it was between her dignity or being eaten, she'd take the hit to her mojo.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added colors.
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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