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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

"Really? she frightens you?" Draco asked with a grin. "Ever been in a f 5 tornado before?" Draco asked with a raised eyebrow. "I don't recommend it. Those things are like the wrath of Celestia in wind form," Draco stated with a laugh to himself. "And those are in the lands with no pegasi in them so the weather is wild and never tamed,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm chuckled, "Yeah, that's what a lot of ponies do with Pinkie and I. 'It's just Pinkie being Pinkie' or ' Storm being Storm' they say." He responded with his usual happy smile, "It's part of why Pinkie and I are such a good fit, it's something we both see and do. She's the only other pony I know who can see all the stuff I do, do all the stuff I can do, and we can trust each other's little niggling feelings, like her twitchy tail and my itchy ear."


Storm paused as his ear twitched, as if to dislodge something that had settled there, before he took a large step to the side. a second or two later, a flowerpot crashed onto the spot he had been occupying. "Things like that. So if anything, I would guess she feels as happy as I do to have somepony else understand these things."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"....A monastery for your information, but yes, I suppose someone could call it the 'inner peace' place." Zen mentally, and almost physically, cringed at Null's very poor grammar and brash nature. Oh well, she's had experience talking with people like her before.




"...No....dude, I found something..." Deadpan whispered as he pushed away what once was probably a book shelf and saw....


three skeletons.


"No...dang it..." he hung his head low, trying to hide his tears.

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@@Blitz Boom


"Maybe I should practice for the time being, but we can't really do it out in the open. Perhaps we could to so in my old home. The villagers aren't too keen on seeing magic being performed." Lin moved a wooden barrier out of the entrance and walked into the old hut. "The old elder Solasan and my brother do not have anything in common, really. What I meant to say is that when pushed too much, my brother might turn to extreme measures, likely not just wanting to see Solasan put down but anyone who supports him. I do know that the former elder had a family of his own but they've long since passed, what I don't know is how he came to his understanding the world and how he views freedom. He seemed to firmly believe in what he was saying."

Lin didn't forget much about how her old home looked like. Everything was right where she last left it, the cookware, the linens, the shelves, they were there and untouched. Well, most of it anyway. Anything that could've been degraded with years of wear and tear or eaten by moths were surely gone or damaged. Her old toys were nowhere to be found either but one thing remained. Out of anything in her room, the book on ancient myths and artefacts was still there, right down to the page with a bookmark.     

"Huh, would you look at that! The last book I read before I ran off." Lin picked up the book and opened to the bookmarked page. "I didn't really read it because of interest, more of finding something that could help me."

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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom


Trinket steadily slowed down on her own meal at the same rate as Fah'lina approached the bait she'd set up. Once the rodent was close enough and took a bite out of the decoy muffin, the blue mare slightly jumped on her seat, impressed it had actually worked. Slowly and carefully, Trinket lifted up a hoof and drove it towards Fah'lina, trying her best not to display any sort of ill intention. Once she got close enough, she managed to steal a stroke out of the squirrel's soft fur.


"Sh...She really is adorable..." Her face brightened up like a Christmas tree. "I've just never seen one of those before... what did you call it, a knight-squirrel? This is so amazing... Where did you even find her?"

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@@Blitz Boom




"That is none of your business," the stallion snapped.  "Also, it is a simply illuminatory conduit through which alpha-magic is energized into its tertiary arcane state and-"




"Slow down, Zoi, you don't want to fry her brain.  Also, your guess is as good as mine as to why he does that.  He likes it, though, so I can't judge him."


"You best not.  Your glass house is much larger than mine."

"The glass is thicker, too."

Zoisite glared at her.  "...damn you."


"Anyway, Zoisite is a prodigy in his field of planar magics.  As unintuitive as it all sounds, he actually gets every word of it."


"It is because it is as simple as basic non-linear differential calculus.  It makes perfect sense and I find it hard to understand how nopony else can see what I see."


"And you should be proud of yourself for that."


"Oh yes, am I not the special snowflake?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom,


Astral looked around, noticing how there happened to be enough rooms for them all, she figured that'd be the case anyways, because this house was for them, so of course there would be enough rooms for them. "Which room will be mine...." She pointed at each room, doing a bit of "eeny miney, mo" Before she found herself pointing to one of the rooms, she entered the room to check it out.


Since Astral was upstairs still, Misty wandered back outside to help with carrying stuff in. "Sorry Chow, but I think with you around, it's easier for Astral to talk about... what we talked about." She whispered, trying to leave out the word 'magic' in case of listening ears. Misty carried a backpack in, which held the magic books, she looked around inside, turning around to Chow. "Where is the basement door?" She asked whilst whispering. Yet again, leaving out a key word that could give away what she was referring to to listening ears.


Astral came back downstairs satisfied with the room she picked, walking out the door, carrying stuff in box by box, or the occasional individual book. "Yeah, neither of us know where it is." She whispered passing by Chow. "Unless it's incredibly obvious." She said looking at the stairway. Expecting a hidden door there, she hadn't spotted one, yet. "Although it's a good thing that we don't know where it is, thinking about it; It's a secret after all."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom



*breaths in deply


"I am a changeling"


"well half one my horn and wings are chrisalis"


*looks ocward 


"well i don't eat love or any thing i used to when i was younger but my,.. father taught me not to eat love"


*looks sad at the word of the father 


"i wish he was here"


*she says in a sad wisper


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@@Driz@@Blitz Boom"It's kinda difficult to get Pears in Ponyville, I have to get them shipped in from Canterlot or Baltimare but honestly" ​She munches down on a second muffin, blueberry and banana, "totally worth the cost. And as for teaching, my mother is a better cook then I." Serenade finishes her muffin, then smiles. "You'd have to ask Ziggy, Fah'lina here came part and parcel with her"

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood let out a snort of annoyance, she trotted after the dragon for several more steps and then stopped. She had trotted into a odd shaped crater. She blinked at the dragon "Are we there yet?" she asked again. She glanced at her hooves, they were not green anymore but yellow. 


She blinked at the Dragon "I got yellow hooves" she remarked. She got out of the crater and trotted around leaving yellow hoof prints. She began to lick her hooves cleaning the yellow substance off them. She let out a small happy snort "tastes rather nice" she remarked, she began licking the yellow puddle in the middle of the crater completely forgetting they were meant to travel somewhere.






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"And don't give me a look for that Crescent. I might have been gone for awhile, but I still know that zebra's tend to know a good deal more than they're letting out. They don't tend to lead one into death traps from the stories Ive heard at least, but still, I don't believe she doesn't have some idea of what it is we'll find there."
Cresent only nodded to the comment from the feline.

"she knows a lot more then I ever do when it comes to the world and sense shes the main reason im alive I doubt she will lead us into danger willingly" see the reaction from the youngster cresnt decided to try to relax him.


"and don't worry if you don't kow how to fight ill teach you along the way which brings the next question" he said taking some more of the pasta then after swallowing he asked the youngster


"whats the story with you and this town, zeccora didn't say your side of this quest she has for us" he asked

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@@Blitz Boom



"Seeing as this isn't a bone saw, I don't think it would do a good job at that even if that was my plan," Seamore said with a slight grin. "I have the tree notched to fall away from us when I cut it down. It'll be safer to cut the tree than to pull on him until either his neck breaks or his horn snaps. Anyway, I should probably tell you what's going on. Originally, he was zapped by one of the Everwood trees and was unconscious. That's when we sent for help, but he eventually got up and started running... straight into this tree, knocking himself out again. I couldn't say wether or not he was fully conscious before it happened, so he may be 'out of body' still, as I'm aware is a possibility with Everwood." Seamore continued what he was doing, beginning to cut into the tree. He was cutting slowly as to not cause the tree to come down too quickly and possibly cause the tree to split in a way that could hurt Dr.Xeno.



@@Blitz Boom


"Continue to watch his fates as we walk, and you will see how simple it is to change fate, but know that I have learned what to do by trial and error, and I have seen the same events unfold many times, and in many different ways," The Traveler said, walking toward a hill. At the top of the hill, as the sun began to set, the Traveler sat down casting a shadow into town. The builder was about to choose a spot for the clock tower, but the change in lighting changed his plans. His future would now show paths with much more catostrophic outcomes. One future would show The Forgotten One crushing his enemies with the weight of the tower. Another would show the tower falling on the school while class was in session. None of the outcomes seemed good.




@@Blitz Boom


"The signal is unusually strong right now, and I sense his fear. Right this way." Charlie opened a porthole style window in the ground. It was small, too small for Vivid or her other guest, but big enough for Charlie to skitter through without even considering that the others might have trouble with it. It was a dream after all, they should be able to figure it out on their own.




@@Blitz Boom

@anypony else in Canterlot


Out in the streets of Canterlot, Penny Buttercup was levitating a sign that said "FREE SAMPLES" and an open box of chocolates. She was wearing her saddlebags, which seemed to have more boxes of chocolates sticking out. "Get your free samples! Magic chocolates! Speak a new language, grow wings for a day, breathe under water, and many more!" There didn't seem to be a lot of interested customers, though Penny was being quite loud. Hopefully she'd catch somepony's attention soon.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"Once I find all the parts, it's just a simple matter of getting the parts that still works together, replacing what doesn't, find a new lense for the tower, and other things like that. Fixing a clock - and especially of this size - is no easy task, but I have worked with watches since I was a foal, and I know what I'm doing. Not even the first time I have to repair this one either, though it is the first time the damages have been so severe."


It wouldn't take long after that when they'd run into another part of the clock, with parts strewn around. Less had fallen off here than at the other one, in part because this were a smaller piece, but they still had some work ahead of them to gather this all up, like at the last spot.








"A-A tornado? Heavens above, I would never go near one of those things. I have seen enough of what it can do of d-devastation to know that I would run at the mere notion of one."


Images of towns torn apart by tornadoes came to mind, though never ones he had seen himself. It were from pictures, and history of one of the towns he had lived in with his parents before he had been able to afford to get them all back to Canterlot. A smaller town without any pegasi nearby that had been hit unexpectedly, a few days before the weather team would make a round to clear the worst from their skies.


It had been roughly twenty years before his family had moved there that it happened, but the depictions were very descriptive, and left little to the imagination about what would happen to a town if such a thing were allowed to roam freely. It hadn't shown in details about the fate of those who had been stuck in town when it hit, thankfully, but the outcome of facing such a force of nature couldn't exactly be pretty.


"And the f-forepony is still plenty terrifying if she wishes to be, even if it might not compare to a force of nature. Her eye speaks of swift, horrible things to happen if you don't comply, and her words sting with ice if she is dissatisfied. That, a-and she's somewhat controlling, and I don't do all that well around ponies like that."






So it wasn't just him, but also Pinkie that could do and see things like that? It had been hard enough for her to imagine how it would be to explain one pony being able to do stuff like this to Null, but two, unrelated by blood? She was really not going to believe her with this. Not until she met them at least, she'd assume.


"It s-sounds like you and Pinkie makes a great c-couple then. I can imagine having somepony that u-understands strange things happening around you would be nice, and vice versa. Makes me wonder what it would be like if you two had a foal, and it p-passed down."


An image of a small, pink foal with Strom's mane and tail running around and making random stuff happen all around, flashed before her eye. It was a little horrifying to think about, but it seemed rather harmless and lovely too really, and at least a foal like that would have parents who understood and could help it control it's powers, so it would likely go better than it had with her and Null. Their parents hadn't had much of a clue how to handle them except trying to tell them to just keep a bit of distance to others, and that hadn't worked out all too well...







"Eh, many names, same concept. And I don't think it would do me much good to have gone there anyway. I prefer to be on edge and prepared. Void on the other hoof..."


Null let out a small sigh and jumped up on a chair that was in the hallway to have a seat.


"Void is a nerve wreck. She hides it well enough these days, but she wanders on shaky grounds. Not that I can blame her really. Loosing a limb from misplaced trust makes everypony seem like an enemy, and she's too good of a pony to meet that with anger. She just gets paranoid, and that stuff wears you down."







Time hadn't been kind to this place, that much were certain. Things were either decaying, or looked to be in some form or another, had plenty of marks of wear and tear that no upkeeping had made worse, and whatever personal items there seemed to have been there on the road that Lin led them through, were either missing of destroyed in some fashion. A pity to see that her home were like this, but from what had been said about Sen and Lin's mother, it seemed tragically fitting.


At least it appeared that Lin had found something in here that hadn't been taken by time. A book of some kind, that had apparently been a point of research for her before she went and go the cursed artefact, or whatever you'd call the strange thing she had taken which gave her powers before.


"Must be an interesting thing to find again. Perhaps something you could use again another time. Strange things are out there, could be good to be prepared if you met them."


She moved a little closer and sniffed the book. She knew what energy it would have if it had any - which it didn't. Had been too long for that - but it was a habit of hers when it came to interesting things, and a thing of information and a physical memory of sorts for Lin, fell under that category in her mind.


"The page it's on. Does it show the orb you found?"






"So you can travel between worlds? B-By Celestia. That's gotta be... Hold on, please."


At the sight of his wagon, Happy sped up a bit, withdrew the key from under the metal plate around his neck, and unlocked it. He spent a few minutes rummaging around in there before he'd pop out again with three bottles. A golden one with dark waves circling through it, a dark drink which seemed to have some sort of red here and there in the mix, and a good old Apple Cider.


He put them on the ground, popped the top of the raven drink, and took a couple of hearty gulps before putting it down again. Though her nose were weaker than most anything in Equestria, his human companion might detect the smell of something chocolaty, mixed with wood. There were more variances in this, but the smell tended to stand out as a pleasant beginning at this... Well, he had no idea if there were something like it were he had come from anymore, but here he just tended to call it a Raven's Heart.


"Aaah, that helped. Now, as I were trying to say, it's gotta be one heck of a ride to travel between worlds. That's a special thing for you, or do we gotta worry about an invasion of your two-legged friends?"


Happy grinned at her, and seemed a whole lot more chipper after getting a little something for his nerves. Not drunk in the slightest though. It'd take five of these bottles to get him even slightly buzzed because frankly, this bottle was nothing, but it helped on things a bit for sure.


"Heh, just pulling your leg. If there was an invasion force coming, it'd likely contain more than a single scout that just bumped down. Guessing you got lost, or went searching or something? I ain't on the big up and up with technology. I just hear the stories, like how all humans comes from this one world where there's no magic, and machines does most stuff. No animals talking and all that are apparently a thing too, but not sure how much of that is true. You got magic too where you're from miss?


Oh, and before I forget it, name's Happy Hour, and I'm a winemaker, amongst other things. And don't worry, I ain't drunk, a little sip like that just helps me calm down and opens up the tongue when I meet unusual situations. Can I offer you something to drink? Got some random things, and some apple cider if it is. I like to keep a few bottles at hoof in case anypony isn't into drinks."


Few questions where in there, but he hoped more than the rest that she'd answer something about her world. If it turned out that she came from a world where there were magic... Well, wasn't his home then, that was for sure. That place was boring, lifeless, and controlled by machines.








"I tried to find pears here in Ponyville too when I got here, but nothing. Perhaps the Apple family makes it seem silly to have that kind around? Or could be they just don't like it around here. Hard to say, but oh well, yummy pears now.


And I met Fah'lina at a river in the forest. She might not look like it, but she's actually a predator that hunts fish. Think you could show her?"


The mimic lifted her head and shook it before going back to nibbling at her muffin.




She rolled her eyes, then took a few steps back from Trinket and then opened her mouth wide. The maw that met Trinket were larger than should have feasibly been possible for the mimic to have, as it were big enough to engulf her head if it were needed, and from the three rows of sharp teeth that were seen in there, it were clear that if something got in there, it were supposed to stay. It also showed a small amount of light from where the light filtered through her gills, but it was only three seconds before the mimic closed her mouth again, so it was more than feasible that she had missed this before the maw closed and Fah'lina returned to eating her muffin.


"Cool, right? Scared me into a tree the first time I saw it, but you get used to it pretty fast."





@Hazard Time


"So it's a conduit, yes? You use it to transfer one sort of energy into another, and the glowing is a by-product of the changing magic? Or is it more something akin to the light being the end result, through the usage of the specific magic you talked about?"


It took her a few jumps, and some climbing after she had said her part, but eventually, she'd stand on a lower part of the *couch fort* and giggle triumphantly.


"Hehe, your fort is getting invaded."


Whilst she were a foal, and her mind could scatter around a lot, Blitz wasn't stupid, and when something could be explained like it were a sort of machine, she could generally understand at least a chunk of it. And this didn't sound much different from transporting electricity, or creating something different by using several components, like when she mixed up for her concoctions or more experimental fireworks.


She climbed a little more up, then turned to face the two again. after they were done with their little sibling fight.


"What's planar magic? Like, using the moon or sun to do things?"







"There plenty of things you need to keep in mind when it comes to Scarcity. One of them, is that she's not one to be underestimated. If she says something's hidden, she means it, and doesn't put it in an obvious place. I think that's why you were given the instructions in the envelope, and frankly, I bet you're never gonna find it without that."


The envelope would mention exactly where it was and how to both open and close it, through the floor in the kitchen. It were sound sensitive, and required a precise series of sounds and pauses from some of the decorative pots, pans and other assorted kitchenwares being hit by a decorated silver spoon to open. It were rather simple to close, with a lever with a small timer beneath the floor that would allow you 6 seconds to exit, and it could be opened from beneath with just that as well.


A rather hard one to crack, and as it turned out, it would also be a real hard one to fix, in case something wasn't kept where it were supposed to, or fell down. A minor assurance from Scarcity to make sure that eventually, whoever would mess with this were going to need her, which both kept her safe, and would make it sure that she could keep adding some favours as time went by.






"I understand. Both what it is like to not be like others, and to miss a father figure. Mine left me when I was 10, as he were scared of what I could see, and I can assure you, time does not heal wounds when it comes to family. You just learn to get more used to it."


She assured that there were no others near to hear them before she responded. Not for her sake, as she didn't think it would change the opinion on her anyway, but for Star's sake, she'd rather not have words spread out that could potentially expose her.


"You told me something that were hard, so perhaps I should inform you of something too then. I am not a regular pony either. I was once, and I lived a long, fruitful life of helping those no others did as one, but death scared me. It left me more weak than you'd think a mare of 95 would feel, and I after much prayer, I were approached by somepony who made me an offer. To sell parts of my very being to some who offered me power, youth, and eternity.


That was 3835 years ago now. And though I have since regained my soul from the demons that once bought it, the changes are irreversible. The influx of the demonic powers, combined with a few... Accidents, that have happened to me over the years, keep changing me, and in the end, I suppose I will become exactly what they name me."


A small chuckle escaped her.


"The mare of demons."







Personally, Nerzhei wouldn't have tasted whatever were in that small crater Blood had fallen into, but to be fair, what could really happen to the mare that'd top her current, infections disease? Frankly, whatever could infect her from this would likely be an improvement, though nothing would end up happening.


The dragoness looked around, and noticed the vegetation starting to become scarce in the direction they had wandered when the crater showed up. Several more minor holes and just plain old strange colourings were seen, and in the distance... Yes, there it was, a hut of stone, next to what looked like a shed of some sort, but they'd see when they got closer.


"Hey, we're getting near Blood. Let's try and keep focus before you end up drinking some sort of acid."


If whoever lived here would be in either the stone hut with the wooden door blocking it, or the shed who had seen better days with a creaking door would be anypony's guess. Nerzhei for one though, decided to knock on the wooden door when they'd eventually get there.







Cover-up would be hesitant, but eventually, he'd start to talk about what had gone on with Zecora, in details. He had to pause a few times, as he grew sad, and even cried a few times. Though it were good times to do so, Zinthar didn't go after him in any sort of way over this. There were a time and a place for acceptable teasing, and he couldn't afford the support of the few beings he knew for a badly timed one. And laughing art a crying foal would definitely get him into some hot water.


When he were done, the colt had withdrawn into himself a little to gather himself again, which then seemed as good a time as any to say something for the feline.


"Interesting creature that attacked. Something worth hunting, that won't be missed it sounds like. Count me in."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Sounds like that mare has a stick so far up her plot that she can't walk straight," Draco stated with a laugh. "And sound like she needs a good flank kicking," Draco stated as he clapped his front hooves together. "Or a roll in the hay," Draco stated jokingly and quietly. He snickered slightly to himself as he began to hum a song his father used to sing to him.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


"Yes, the orb..." Lin examined the object on the page, a golden orb with intricate lines embedded into the it. The last time she came into contact with such an object, there was a distinct light emanating from the center and out of the grooves all over the it. There was a distinct lack of heat from it though, and any time she attempted to scratch it didn't leave so much as a mark. A curious artifact it was but she didn't have the wisdom to tell herself the risks were too great, and that cursed object nearly destroyed her.

"No. It's too risky. That object is said to grant many things to its users, among them knowledge, power, both if one wanted them badly. I wanted to be able to use magic and well... we both know how that turned out. The book says it has driven many others insane and the weak of mind are susceptible to its negative effects, some didn't survive coming into contact with it. But this line is what is most intriguing about it."

Lin pointed to the last sentence and drew one claw across the text, careful not to tear into page. She read the words aloud to Omen.

The common belief is that this object was created by a precursor race, one with advanced knowledge in crafts and in the arcane. They were able to weave two supposedly unrelated disciplines together and create a repository of knowledge and power. But whatever happened to that race remains unknown to this day, perhaps they, too, have suffered the ill-effects of their creation and all that is left of them is this: a warning.  

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@Blitz Boom


¨Well you seem like a nice mare to me being that someone else knows about demons¨


¨well maby we can be freinds I do already have a freind thats possesed by a demon¨


*covers mouth with hooves


¨woops did i say that ¨


¨dont tell anypony that ether its kinda a secret¨


¨i am sure its not that wired to you that i have a freind thats possesed ¨


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Derplight had wandered through the outskirts of Ponyville, looking for a shop to help fix his couch. His derpy eyes scanned the town from afar, to see if he could spot a shop from the outskirts. The last few towns he had been through did not take kindly to strangers, or just changelings for that matter. But I thought King Thorax would change everyponies' opinions of changelings, but some seemed not to take the message. All I wanted was a patch! Derplight thought.


Secretly though, Derplight still searched for that pink pony he saw a long time ago. There hasn't been a single pony like her since Canterlot. But before he could explore, he had to take on a form. He tried without it a couple towns back, and it wasn't exactly party time...


Green magic wrapped around Derplight as he took a form of a sky blue pegasus with a bubble cutie mark. The red eyes however still were wrong. He was never able to fix that after the accident. Nonetheless, he pushed on to the northern part of town, where it looked... wrong.


"I'm pretty sure homes are supposed to have four walls and a roof, but all of these don't have four walls. Strange town this is," Derplight said to himself as he wandered around.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Blitz Boom


Storm grinned at the thought, "I bet that would be amazing." He said, daydreaming slightly. In his mind Grey and another foal, not dissimilar from the one that Void had in mind, were playing together and happily eating muffins and cupcakes.  "I bet that that they would be great at baking too."


Shaking off his daydream, he turned back to Void, "So now that we have the tables all set up, what's next boss-mare pal?" he asked, enthusiastically bouncing in place.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom


Astral opened the envelope as soon as Chow mentioned it contained how to get to it. She scoffed lightly, realizing it would be easy to bypass with telekinesis, but decided against it. she walked into the kitchen and pressed her hooves against the floor. Checking for magic properties, since the envelope mentioned stuff to do with sound. She didn't feel much, but she started to like the texture of the wood floor. She got up, trying to find the decorative spoon it mentioned, finding it after a full minute of searching. "So, I wonder what it looks like." She peeked at the envelope. "Oh." She took it over to herself with levitation, tapping each kitchen object it mentioned with the spoon in the right order, with the right pauses. Her ears turning towards the origin of each tap.


Misty walked to the trap door when it opened. "Let's hope nopony is still down there." Misty walked down first.


"Why would anypony be still down there?" Astral asked herself.


The stairs gave creaking sounds, Hoof steps could be heard, his ears perked up to the noise. He turned over, spotting a zebra, a rather young zebra in the light of the new opening. "Oh sh-" He covered his mouth, remembering the rule against swearing in his hive. He had to hide, but there was nothing down there, he knew this pony may be smart enough to spot him, but it was just a young zebra, deciding to hide as a box, knowing he might be spotted.


Misty spotted a box in the corner. "Oh, somepony left a box down here." She wandered over to it, oblivious to the fact it was a changeling.


Astral walked down. "Why would they leave a box down here?" She asked, her voice echoing once she entered the basement. She approached the box, trying to open it with telekinesis. "I'd be sure Scarcity took everything out."


'ow ow ow ow' repeated over and over in his head, he had to reveal himself eventually, other wise he was gonna lose part of his body to this mare. Suddenly, he felt his disguise reveal, from the pain alone.


"AH!" Astral yelled out loudly, surely announcing something was wrong to Chow, who was probably still upstairs, who knew. She cast a sword and shield spell, placing one in her right hoof, and the other in her left.  "Get behind be Misty!"


Misty screamed to, instinctively summoning, then swinging a sword, almost cutting the changelings head off. "Get away you monster!"


He looked side to side as he backed up against a corner while Astral approached him, deciding he had only one option. "If that's what you want!" He said with tears, teleporting behind the two, running up the stairs, to the front door, pausing in order to disguise himself as a cyan pegasus, with a blond mane, possibly giving Chow a chance to attack him, since he had ran past him earlier.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Zoisite rolled his eyes once, and a second time when his sister gave him a look.



"I don't expect you to understand, but if you insist.  Keep in mind that I will not be stopping to answer questions and you will have to wait until I am through.  If you interrupt me, I will not start again.


"The circle itself is the conduit.  This one in particular is exactly 19.24 centimeters in diameter, as dictated by the Hoofholtz equation for non-magically enchanted wood.  This allowed alpha-magical energies to permeate the barrier between planes and collect in a reservoir, generating an arcane field of a magnitude of 50 Trots.  An Ångstrot rune was inserted inside, and this excited the energy collected into a higher wavelength that now iridesces."


Zoisite allowed a moment for the pride to wear off before he lapsed into his next diatribe.  "The sun and the moon?  You are thinking of Celestial magics.  Planar conjuration is much newer and much less intuitive.  In lay-pony's terms, the best way to describe a plane is a realm of reality with its own laws and rules.  What is reality to one plane is nonsense to another, and the only thing separating sanity from insanity is a semi-permeable membrane of ether.  Beings of matter may not traverse through it, but energy has no form and is simply an abstract description of the ability to do work.  Through the use of summoning circles, a skilled conjurer is able to tap into a source of near limitless energy.


"The only downside is it is incredibly dangerous to those who know not what they are doing and do not take care to operate under controlled conditions.  This is no foal's plaything, and our minds would be unable to comprehend the destruction caused by an unrestrained summoning circle."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom


As soon as Fah'lina showed off her predator aspect as Ziggy had suggested, Trinket immediately recoiled the hoof that had been petting her. For some reason, 'predator' was the last thing that came to mind when she looked at the knight-squirrel. What the mare feared at first was just something along the lines of nibbles and scratches out of self-defense if the creature felt threatened for any given reason. A shark-like jaw large enough to fit any fish Fah'lina's own size was something Trinket did not expect at all. At that sight, the mare shot up from her seat, searching for cover under the table while still peeking outside.


"S-Scared you the first time, h-huh? I c-can see why." She slowly made her way out of hiding and back onto her seat, after the creature had closed her mouth. "So she's... like a semi-aquatic predator? Like... a beaver or something?" She asked intrigued. That would explain the indoor pool if it were the case.

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@@Driz@@Blitz Boom "I was given the reason, 'why would I want pears when Apples are better'" She shrugs, before cleaning up her plate and taking the garbage away. "It would seem she is, because that would explain alot." Serenade gives Trinket a smile, "Despite how she looks Fah'lina has never bitten anypony except Ziggy, and I think that's because Ziggy has a very chewable mane."

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@@Blitz Boom, Cresent was feeling a bit teary eyed hearing the yougnsters story but knew better the to show it, after the coltfinished he sighed. "dang, going through all that its amazing you can smile. I see why zeccora needs my help with this, and you shall have it cover" he said getting up to hug the colt


"we'll find out what happened and your home I promise" he said letting the youngster go from the hug the sitting to be his eye level. "now then no more tears from you ok, they don't tastes well with pasta" he joked going back to his seat to carry on eating.


"after this its best for you to sleep, we got a busy night ahead of us with packing and such we'll head out at sunset tomorrow" he said confidently.  

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood drops drank the last drop and nodded at the dragon. She followed after her until they had reached a hut. She blinked as the dragon knocked on the door. Blood snorted and walked up to the shed and kicked the door open. She glanced around, she spotted more of that tasty yellow liquid and began drinking it.When she finished she trotted out and looked back at the dragon, she stood in front of the door. She let out a low burp breathing out yellow fire, scorching the front of the door.


She blinked looking contented with herself, she then nudged the door open. "HELLO" she called inside the house, stepping inside. She wiped her hooves onto the doormat, causing it to begin to smoke. She looked around the hut and turned back to the dragon 


"I don't know if nopony is home" she remarked






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