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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Moonlit


Trinket attentively listened to their response, and nodded in understanding afterwards. Perhaps it would be best to let the Royals learn about Serenade as soon as they could, in order to avoid any possible misunderstanding in the future. After all, neither parties had any ill intentions.


"I'm sure they'll comprehend! The Princesses don't look like they hold onto grudges for that long-- or... I think, at least." She giggled. "But hey! Um... If you want me to help with anything, I'll gladly do what I can! It's the least I can do to repay today's meal."

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@@Driz,@@Blitz Boom, Serenade shakes her head, then looks straight at Trinket, "All I....ask is that....until such...time Ponies...are ready....keep my....condition secret." She brings her tailfluke up and wiggles it, "And before....Ziggy suggests....it....perhaps....a line of....plushie...Sirens?" She raises a eyebrow before starting to giggle uncontrollably. 

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@@Blitz Boom,@@Missklang,


Blood Drops glanced at them, they seemed busy and wasn't paying her any attention. She stepped back over to her discarded firework and licked the fuse, it tasted funny, she then picked it up and trotted over to the group, blinking dumbly at them. Unknown to her the fuse was smoking. It then sparked into life, the wick being burnt up as it got closer to going off. Blood Drops was still carrying it in her mouth, though she had pointed it towards the workshop by the way she was holding it


She liked this firework, she decided she would take it with her, maybe even buy a box from Blitz afterwards. She could just steal a box, but that wasn't her. She glanced at the strange pony "So who are you and your teleporting powers?" she asked him






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@@BloodDrops,@@Blitz Boom



"So who are you and your teleporting powers?"




Missklang smiled, making his sharp canines shine.


You can call me Missklang. 


He looked at the smoking fuse and smiled again.


Be careful, it would be a shame if your head blows up or start burning. Let me help.


He levitated a small pair of scissors from his saddlebag and levitated it toward Blood Drops, then cut the fuse and levitated the scissors back.


Such a shame, it looked like a really nice firework. 

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@@Blitz Boom


Upon hearing about the bones of the creature, Derplight looked around to see if there were any. Curious to see how big they can get since this creature, or demon, had to be big to destroy all this property. His ears perked when he heard about a lost limb. Derplight counted with his hoof Briar's legs and saw none were missing. Weird...


"Um, what limb? I see you still have all four of your legs..." Derplight questioned.


This question didn't linger on since Briar stepped into the slip Derplight made earlier. I gotta a come up with some excuse! Derplight eyes widened as he came with a little lie in an instant. "Oh...that...I... uh...was in Canterlot! Yes, during the invasion! I was there. At Canterlot. The changeling invasion. I was caught up in the craziness," he spurt out. He wasn't lying exactly. He was really there, just not one of the ponies being chased...


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Blood Drops blinked at him confused, he still hand't answered the question. "SO WHO ARE YOU" she repeated. She then glanced at the smoking cord and put the firework down. "I wanted it to go off though" she protested. She blinked "You owe me another firework," she finished 






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I am Missklang, Missklang Dengeser if you wished for the full name.


Missklang smiled again.


If you are asking me about my profession, I have none. I simply wander around hoping to get involved in some adventure, for self-entertainment.


He stopped, thoughtful.


Well, I guess you could technically say I'm a guardian of somepony of importance to me, and run occasional fetch-quests and alike when asked by that somepony. 


He levitated a small box filled with an handfull of cherry bombs from his saddlebag and levitated it to Blood Drops. 


Here, for the firework. Those are hoof-made bomb infused with poison joke toxin. Upon explosion, they have a random effect on a small area, like a room, which lasts for an hour. It could be colour swapping of things, gravity reversing, gender change, basically the things you would expect of a poison joke. They are harmless and explode either when you lit the fuse, or upon violent contact with something, like being thrown. And don't worry, if needed, upon contact with water the effect disappears immediately.

Edited by Missklang
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@Frosty Frost

@Summer Breeze


The smile on Lyriel's face spread a little further when she saw Summer fly within sight and begin her descend towards them.


It must be nice, to be able to fly like that. To feel the wind between your feathers and the sun even closer on your skin than staying on the ground could. Though, how much did the pegasi appreciate this gift? Or were they akin to birds, and didn't feel a difference before something happened that kept the sky out of reach for them? She had met those feathered ones with broken wings before that chirped to her about needing to spread their wings and fly again, and she helped them as well as she could before they all left the valley, but she did wonder how long they kept in mind and appreciated their ability to fly after each time she had found a broken one.


Birds were generally kind creatures, but their minds were small, and memories short. They could forget a thing like this again, but what of pegasi? Going by Summer as example, she seemed like a greater mind that were able to contain memories for longer than any avian she had known, but did she have the capacity to truly appreciate the gift she had been given? Even if she had not tried to be kept from the skies? Perhaps it were something that she could ask of another time, but for now, the ponies needed rest of both mind and body, so she would retain her questions for now.


"It is good to both see you return Summer, and to hear that the camp is prepared for your rest. As for our den-mother, I'm sure Nerzhei will see reason in why we brought you Blue, worry not about her. Summer seems to just like to tease others a little."


She chuckled slightly, then looked down on the rabbit that were keeping a fine speed with them. Whatever or not Nerzhei were an issue were to be determined, and mostly seen in how well she managed to hold down that rage that seemed to burn under the surface when she were introduced to the unknown quantity that were Blue, though Lotus she had her doubts about when it came down to her ability to behave. The little critter seemed to take much after her scaled friend, but with less restraints and since she looked cute, less took her serious. Something which inevitably would create conflict, though she could hope that it would be minor things again, and not like it were with Blitz. She did not want more of her equine friends hurt or knocked out than there already had been.


"We should be on our way. Let us march on my friends, and see what we will have to use for our resting place tonight."


Nerzhei would be at work somewhat still when they showed up, digging some very small holes in the ground inside the cave that looked more like dents, to soften some places where the ponies could rest, but none large enough for herself. She figured that she would just stay outside tonight, and guard whilst reading up a bit more in one of her books perhaps. Day wouldn't be too far off, so missing a few hours of sleep wouldn't end up killing her. Though, she likely would doze of regardless. Digging the cave out were draining on her magic, and her right arm could use some rest by now instead of just hanging down her side whilst she dug with her left.


She wouldn't take notice of the entourage before they would begin speaking, stomping, or something else like that.






"Nopony is perfect, not even Princess Celestia."


Stargazer let out a sigh, as he took in everything that Senvious said. Words that mostly rung true, but carried a negative message to things. That being that they weren't prepared enough when bad things happened, which sadly, were something he could agree with.


"She cares deeply for the country, her family and the ponies in it, but she is somewhat idealistic. She doesn't react on major threats like this by claiming we need to secure places more, but instead seem to assume it won't happen again, or that next time, whoever defeated the evil thing the last time would be ready to do so if something surfaced afterwards. I believe she is learning, but things like that takes time, so it is mostly up to us to make sure this town and the ponies in it are kept safe for the time being."


It could be that he were wrong, and that more were done than he generally thought, but it at least looked to him like not much changed. Or at least, not in a speedy fashion.


"As for why they are not called queens, I assume it have something to do with the dual leadership of the country, though I am not certain. I do know however, that they are not rulers because they are alicorns, but because they were chosen by the united pony tribes to do so. It have made alicorns a status symbol in Equestria, and the sign of somepony strong and wise that is bound to lead, even if small steppes are taken. Why, Princess Sparkle doesn't even technically have any land to rule over. She just watches over this town, when she isn't going to Canterlot or something similar. And though Princes Cadence have the Crystal Kingdom to rule over, she have gotten there not simply because of what she is, but because she have proven herself to fit the role that ponies expect when they see an alicorn.


But, this is just what I understand of things. There is a long row of tradition, laws, and so forth that I haven't made myself too familiar with that plays a part in things too, but that isn't an area that interests me much. I'm not a historian or a pony of law after all. We do have some though that mi-"


"B-By Celestia, what is... T-This can't be."


Stargazer turned to see the familiar form of Clayton looking with big, intimidated eyes at Senvious, clearly not knowing what he were going to do here. Typical of him when something strange happened from what the thestral could tell, but who were he to judge in this situation? It were kinda weird after all.


"Interesting timing. Sir, you asked if there were somepony important in town? We have a few that is to the locals, and amongst them we have Clayton Quartz here. He is the supplier of the materials you have moved, and I assume here to see why they were flying?"


"Y-Yes, yes, that's why I-I'm here. The forepony, Last, she wanted to see... I'm so s-sorry for interrupting you. Please forgive me."


He gave a formal bow to Senvious, not sure what to make of this encounter, but somewhat certain of one thing at least: This was an alicorn, and considering what status those had here in Equestria, he might have interrupted a talk between the Night Guard and a highly esteemed guest from somewhere, which could be immensely bad. Both for his health and his business.







"No. To be moved like that would take a lot of magic, and that would leave us with less unicorns at the building site as they'd need to lay down for a while. It wasn't time efficient."


Whilst Last talked, Long Stare seemed to slowly getting back to her senses, though immensely confused about what were going on beyond her being shaken like a bottle of easy-bake pancakes. Well, that and the fact that it seemed to be Draco that were leaned in over her and were yanking her around.


"P-Please stop. I'm a-wake..."


Her vague voice sounded more shaken by the motions instead of nervous right now, but things would likely change once she got her bearings, so he might want to enjoy the brief moment where she were just looking confused into his eyes, unsure of what were going on right now and trying to remember what happened before.







"Very well, We will meet again tomorrow. Fare well my friend, and worry not. I shall be there to pick you up when the shift begins."


It confused Alonsus a little why Lance acted so strange all of a sudden, but perhaps it was simply the scale of all they had to get done tomorrow that were starting to hit him. Something which he could not blame the newcomer, as it were quite the feat to get it done. But then it were good that they had him after all. Nopony would do as good a work as Alonsus.


Depending on what direction Lance would wander, he could run into several ponies. Some heading for the market with filled carts, others scrambling about, and if he looked enough, he might find some others that seemed in converstaion, such as the forepony who were talking with a pegasi that were shaking a unicorn. An odd trio that might capture his eye, if something else didn't catch his ear first. That being that the food parlor set up to feed them until the rebuilding were complete, were starting to open. It shouldn't be hard to follow somepony to see that if it were.





@Handsome Changeling


Belladonna gave a short look at Void's hoof before lifting her own and shaking it.


"Strong grip, but held back some. It clouds things a little, but I would still assume that a purely physical confrontation wouldn't end well for me if it were. Good that I have nothing to fight with you over for the time being."


She let go of his hoof and lowered her own to the ground again.


"As for what to call me, Belladonna is sufficient. I'm not a noble and have no use for titles or the like."


She looked around briefly, potentially looking for something, but didn't find it if that were the case it seemed.


"I am not familiar with your particular hive, nor the norms about hybrids. I know they are not well received by ponies, but the changeling side of things are new. I had thought that they would be somewhat more welcome there, though I suppose it makes some sense why they would be outcasts there as well. Perhaps why she seemed so attached to her pet, and the unusual species she chose for that.


Though, what in particular might it be that causes dislikes to halflings, as you call them? Is it an instinctual thing perhaps? Or by chance something more in regards to them being perceived as outsiders as they're not fully of the hive's usual chain?"







It took her a little to take notice of the note from Stormy, but when she did, there was a slow reaction to things.


At first she just starred at it, yet a little by little she began to go into a slowly rising laughter at the absurdity of the little drawing on there. She didn't know why it got to her, but it weren't more than perhaps a minute after she first saw it when she found herself with tears falling down her eyes and a great laughter that though quickly went down again. Not all the way down though, as it seemed like Stormy had managed to get her somewhat out of the slump she had been in.


"T-This is... Hehe, I like the drawing."


It had been some time since she had found herself headed downwards so much, but it had slso been some time too since she had last begun to think much over what happened back then, and tried to talk about it. Trying to share it seemed to take the air out of her sometimes, and begin to pull her down as some terrible memories started to resurface there, and she had enough bad things to keep in mind on a daily basis without having to remember that day. Made her keep it at bay as much as she could, but it were like trying to make a dam. Eventually when there were a crack, the water would crash through. She was just thankful that this time around, there had been somepony to help her get out of it well.







Chow wasn't doing well in keeping in his emotions at the time when the two reached a halt in their verbal spar. Or as it was less politely said, he were laughing his head off for a solid 10 seconds before he got out of it again and began to tone down.


"Awh man, I swear, never a dull moment with you two. That right there was just golden."


Wiping a joyful tear from his eye, he took a few steps back before either of them would try to knock him out. If they hadn't already taken a swing yet. Either magical of physical, still counted.


"You got some brains going there Misty. Schooled Astral pretty good there, and I suppose me too for thinking on messing with that lil' braid of yours, eh? Tell you what though, if I do end up messing it on purpose, how about you take a close trim right down the center on my noggin?"


Chow put a hoof at the base of his skull, then ran through his mane to signal what he meant. Basically, he'd run around with a reverse mohawk sort of thing, which should look about as dumb as it could get. Especially since he'd have to work with a comb-over then to try and hide it, and that sort were even worse in his mind.


"I'd look a proper fool then, right? Though, sort of some bad news to come along with this."


He took a step towards Astral and gave her a big, mischievous grin.


"The deal doesn't include you. Had my fun with shorty's mane, but you're still a bundle of joy with a few pokes left in ya, and until I'm done with those, I ain't shooting myself in the leg by giving you the same option voluntarily. I'd end up bald before the day was done."


How much he were actually going to be after her was hard to say, but likely not as much as it sounded like. He just had a sudden urge to try and see if he could mess with her a little and rolled with it. The two of them seemed sorta okay with his antics thus far, so it shouldn't be too much of a bother, as long as he didn't go and scramble Misty's braid up again. That'd end up being something he'd regret now that he'd given her his word that she could mess his mane up, which were a promise that he were likely gonna regret sooner or later.


"Heh, messing about aside though, are you sure you don't want us to just drag things into the house first before we wander off, instead of going with wards? Misty's right in thinking that the tour can wait, considering it's just a spur of the moment sort of idea without any strings to it, so I ain't bothered if we just finish the job before on to the next. Can't keep leaving things half-finished everywhere."




@Derplight Sperkle


Briar let out a sigh and let a small frown grace his face for a moment.


"Yes, the famed attack on the capitol. Quite the horrid thing for both sides I would imagine. The ponies getting attacked and dragged off are easy to see as victims, but what of the changelings that did not join in on the attack? They have far more prejudice and suspicion around them now than before as a whole, because of what one queen decided to do, and frankly, I mourn that they have to deal with that sort when the majority likely didn't even agree with what amounted to a fools errand."


He had heard some whispers that a new king had risen recently that were trying to repair the reputation of changelings and get relations sorted with the royalty of Canterlot, but until he met this king himself, he wouldn't put too much trust in it. Especially not as he couldn't see how there could be a king instead of a qwueen in a changeling hive, from what he knew of them.


"And about my limb. I do apologize that I did not specify more on that. Allow me to elaborate."


Slowly, as to not cause any issues, he let the remaining vine he had on his left side slide out from under the cape and stand about the height of himself, with the four *petals* of the flower bud opening and closing at an equally slow pace. Considering the thickness of these, and how they looked, it shouldn't be hard for his conversation partner to tell that it were made by smaller vines that tied up somewhere under the cape/in his body.


"As mentioned, I am an Evergrown. In a sense I am a fully functional and biological piece of fauna that have a general pony form, though the details can get confusing at times. I can assure you though, that I am as much a living, thinking being as any pony, despite me technically being a plant. I'm just more flammable."






Happy gives a bit of a grin at her question, remembering the times he had thought over that himself, and what he'd do if he were faced with a way out of here and back to the fields that he came from.


"Truth be told? No, I wouldn't return. I hadn't any family or friends waiting around for me when I was there, and they certainly wouldn't now if they saw me, so I have little to return to but my vineyard, and that's likely been sold off in the years I have been gone.


I can at times miss the technological advancements I had at hand, but this world haves its own advancements a little by little, is cleaner about it, and there's plenty of magic around. Never a drop of that back home, and since getting my own magic after my conversion, I have a hard time imagining a functioning world without it. And I'm pretty sure that if any of them saw me cast a spell there, I'd be trapped in a cell and poked at for the remainder of my life to find out how they could steal that ability. Not exactly my imagination of a good life."


He leaned back against a tree and stretched his limbs, once more thanking some sort of deity for being free to do so for the time being. He didn't mind wandering as a pony anymore, but at times, he could really just use to be how he actually were, and not think of himself as compressed or anything like that. Outside of the hive though, he generally only took action behind that thought when he were alone. This were the first time with a conscious, talking non-changeling nearby.


"Also. I gotta admit that I like to be a traveling salespony. I meet all sorts of fun ponies, dragons, etc. like this. Even Breezies, who's sorta like less mischievous pixies.


Mind me asking you something though? How come you pop between worlds? I mean, you said how you did it, but never really why you'd do such a thing. Never know if you'll end up somewhere dangerous by doing that for example."







"I don't understand. What does it matter for the rest of you that Lin found the strange ghosts?"


Omen hadn't much of a clue about what went on right now. SHe could see that it was seemingly important, and that it might include some sort of drastic thing for the longma race, but in which way she didn't understand.


She would get it if it were just to stay away from things like the orb, who gave bad magic that tried to kill them, as they couldn't be sure about getting saved in any sort of way if they went under the sway. Lin had been lucky that the circumstances were right, and even she had not gotten through this unscathed or with any degree of ease.


Yet, what did it matter when it then came to things like the ghosts? They had been helpful, and they kept guard over the evil thing that had taken over Sen for a time, but what beyond that? Lin had said they were exiled ones, and from the sound of how Ghilan had spoken about them, they sounded like they had just been ones that had headed for the outside and gone missing. Some sort of cautionary tale, but not something that she at least could see how were a direct problem for everypony here. They had stayed where they were after all, not started to march on town.


She couldn't see the apparent point that were made later on, that this story in itself wasn't the trouble as much as it might show that so many others, likely more horrid ones, could also be true, and that it showed the tip of what might be an iceberg of things that had been hidden from them. Good, bad, confusing, anything there and in between that they knew of might not be as it seemed, but for Omen, that kind of thing wasn't registering as fitting in her head. Somewhere along the road there was a piece she didn't see, and it derailed things.








Nerzhei seemed strangely quiet as all the talking went on between Missklang and Blood, but Blitz was all but that.


At first, it was just an incomplete *hello* more to Missklang, that got interrupted when she saw Blood holding a rocket in her mouth that were lit and gave off a small meep, which wrre then followed by a larger one when she saw that said rocket were targeted towards her workshop, which as mentioned a small bit earlier, held enough stuff that could explode to potentially level a fair chunk of the forest at the minimum.


Thankfully, Missklang got things sorted before it got so far, but she didn't take any chances and begun on securing her hut from future issues. Or okay, she closed the door, but that were secure too. Sort of.


Before she had a chance to say something though, Nerzhei finally began saying something after a few minutes of being in her own mind.


"...So, Missklang? I thank you for not letting Blood here embrace you and leave me with even more ill ponies around my feet, and for stopping this scatterbrained little mare from exploding the forest, but I have to ask you something.


What... Are you doing here? A failed teleportation spell made you land in the wrong place?"


She didn't say fully what she wanted to, as this... Being, in front of her hadn't given reason for her to out him currently, but he should be able to tell from the way that she asked that she knew something, and considering what he might know of the senses of dragons who weren't a drooling imbecile, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what.


She didn't understand how he were a thing though. Or well okay, she did, as she understood how nature worked, but that didn't mean that it made sense to her that she were actually looking at a living, breathing halfblood of this kind, even if the physical signs weren't obvious of the non-pony ancestry. Yet, physical differences or not, she knew what she were looking at. The smell mixed with pony were subtle, just as the energies were, but she knew what the signs lead to, even if she wasn't entirely sure what to make of it.


She had several questions towards Missklang considering this information, and most of it regarding his family, physeology and apparent magical improvement over regular unicorns, but she would want him away from these two before she asked. Or at least Blood, as she doubted that Blitz were going to be a problem as much as the forgetful zombie mare were.


"Wait, you make explosives from Poison Joke yoo? Ooooh, I wanna see! The sort I make doesn't look as pretty as these, but I wanna see if they do sort of the same. Could you light one Blood? Pleeeeease?"


Blitz made her best puppy-dog eyes impression as she looked up at Blood, hoping that she would show what these were able to do, though after a moment of this a light would flicker over her head and she would turn towards Missklang with a questioning look in her eyes.


"Hey wait a minute. Didn't I see you a few days ago? There was this big spider that all sorts of ponies fought, and I think I saw you before I went home."








"Oh come on, it would be perfect! Just imagine, tiny fluffy siren hugs for everypony. Who wouldn't want that?"


It hadn't been the first time this had been brought up in the weeks that her and Serenade had known eachother, but her stance on bringing the options of fishpony huggles to everypony hadn't changed, even if it wasn't totally the real deal.


She hadn't expected that Serenade would actually suggest it to somepony though, as she liked to keep all things siren shush and under wrap, but it was cool that she did. This way, Ziggy wouldn't have to worry that she might say something that her siren friend wouldn't like as it might expose things a tiny bit too much somehow. Plus, since it came from a bona fide siren, Trinket might take it more serious than if Ziggy more or less just began going *Wouldn't she be an awesome fluffy?* out of nowhere.


Granted, didn't mean that anything would come from it anyway, but you know, odds and all that were hugher this way. Though perhaps Trinket needed to try a fishpony hug herself before she could really tell? Hmm... Perhaps she could try and nudge Trinket over there eventually, just to be safe.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"It's time to get up my dear apparently some pony is transporting the materials to the clock tower," Draco stated with a grin on his face. He smirked slightly and said "Maybe I'll get to knock some heads," Draco stated as he cracked his neck. "Haven't had a good scrap in quite awhile,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Lance was about to enter his cottage, but he had second thoughts. Am I really that tired? I mean, I'd bet I'd just lie on the ground and not sleep. I think I'll explore instead... He looked around Ponyville, and he got a different vibe than he had just hours earlier. It felt just a bit more bleak and mysterious.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Blitz Boom,


Misty smirked looking at Chow's mane, while it still wasn't much to work with. She could mess it up. "I'm sure I'll make use of your option." She walked back out and over to the wagon, she carried another box in.


Along with Astral who looked around, uncertain what could give her solitude, her face showed her embarrassment from earlier. She placed the box on the floor of the house, sitting down next to it. Opening the box with some sneaky magic, she looked inside, checking what the box contained. "Misty, if you bring me the boxes, I can check if they should go upstairs. Or downstairs." 


Misty nodded, placing a box in front of Astral. "Sounds like a good idea."


Astral stood up, carrying the box over to the basement. "It's really empty down here." She mumbled to herself as she placed the box on the floor. She walked back upstairs. The door closing behind her. "Oh right, I had forgotten it closes after a while." She walked into the main room, she opened the box Misty had carried in previously, checking it as well. "This can go upstairs." She said, with a bit of mumble, while carrying the box upstairs.


Misty turned to Chow. "Where did you get all those scars?" She asked, prodding one of them. "Was it the griffons?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom,

 Void tilted his head in confusion "Grip an important factor when you meet somebuggy new? I apologise if that was too tight then ma'am, and further sorries if I am being overly polite, usually am around new ponies lately, especially the more racial places, spreading the joys of the Changelings new and old in the Crystal Empire was hard after all, but it worked, all the Crystal Ponies who feared us have a slightly better disposition... Sorry rambling"
Void let out a chuckle, easing up around this eccentric mare and even going as far as to let his sillier side show itself, the normal self he hides around new acquaintances.
"Well Belladonna, awesome name, makes mine sound like a damn feral to be fair, I was feral when in the Hive, a zombiepony groaning and just nodding at everything" He added emphasis with a rather nasty sounding raspy groan emitted from his muzzle

His face contorted at the mention of hybrids though, he readied himself for an explanation 
"Well, they are seen as abominations by most hives, especially mine, the Miasma Hive, unless you have been to Las Pegasus you wouldn't of ever met another of my Hive, and be glad you haven't, they are rather cruel and so loyal it is painful to see, Queen Miasma has a tight grip on them, the hybrids are unpure and not true bloods as we say, ironic that outcasts such as myself even keep this disposition slightly, it's hard to break it, just like a bad habit" His words most of the time accompanied by a chuckle, sigh or groan varying on what topic he mentioned, his right muzzle side creating a smirk out of instinct for him as he spoke.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Blood Drops smiled at him, "THANKS" she loved presents, especially explosive ones. She put them eagerly into her bag, she decided to try and not infect these ponies. They gave her free stuff.


@@Blitz Boom,


Blood Drops glanced down at Blitz and dropped one of the poison joke things onto her, she then blinked as the Blitz filly disappeared. She waited several seconds for the filly to reappear but she didn't. She frowned "You sure these work? They not very funny" she remarked. 


She dropped one on the floor and the grass began to die off, leaving a large bare patch which began to slowly spread out.


"Think its just using my own powers against me really" she commented dropping another onto a flower which ended up killing that too.


"Killing stuff is kind of fun though" she remarked.






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@@Blitz Boom


Storm smiled as her heard Void's soft words. "That's a redeemable coupon by the way; Exchangeable for one super duper cheerful and sincere hug! Intended for use on the terminally sad, as side affects on those that are already happy may include but are not limited to; Joy overdose, happy explosions, stuck smiles, and silly grins." He rattled off like he was advertising a product, a very silly product indeed. "Or you could just ask for one of course, after all; I'm just as willing to hug you as I am to help you with what ever you might need Void."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom, @@BloodDrops,  




"...So, Missklang? I thank you for not letting Blood here embrace you and leave me with even more ill ponies around my feet, and for stopping this scatterbrained little mare from exploding the forest, but I have to ask you something. What... Are you doing here? A failed teleportation spell made you land in the wrong place?"


You're welcome. And yes, well, actually no, the spell functioned perfectly. You see, I'm searching for a dragonpony. So, as I didn't know where she is, I tried to cast a searching spell who would detect dragon blood in the close proximity to pony blood in a forest. There aren't many dragons hugging ponies at the same time in forests, but here it was close enough for me to detect it. So I teleported myself here. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I'm looking for.


The look on the dragon's face... That stare was almost dissecting him and filled with questions. He knew that kind of look just too well. That was a look of a curious researcher eager to find out more about an unknown thing. He smiled.  




"Wait, you make explosives from Poison Joke yoo? Ooooh, I wanna see! The sort I make doesn't look as pretty as these, but I wanna see if they do sort of the same. Could you light one Blood? Pleeeeease? Hey wait a minute. Didn't I see you a few days ago? There was this big spider that all sorts of ponies fought, and I think I saw you before I went home."


Missklang turned to the voice.


Oh, isn't that Blitz? How are you? Yes indeed, we met before. I fell down in the bushes I think.


Missklang looked at Blood Drops.


You know, the effects do stack up so the more you add, the messier it will get.


He looked at the death aura spreading on the ground. That wasn't very good. Luckily, as he constantly got scolded for blowing these up in random places, he started to carry water bottles just in case. He took one and splashed it in Blood's general direction. The patch did remain. He frowned his eyes.


Well, that's a curious side-effect. You see, my bombs are "locked" on a certain effect upon creation so they can't target a pony specifically, and everypony in the radius gets the same effect from the same bomb. I wonder what did cause this? Hmmm. It must have been a "time acceleration" one or something like that. Don't worry, it's not a very common one...

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"Y-Yeah, I think I'm good doin' that.." Deadpan sighed, his eyes showing a sadness that will probably never fade.




"....I'm coming with you." Zen stated bluntly, her face stern. Quite frankly, even Zen herself was a little surprised that she did that, but she was sent here to help, and this poor griffon clearly needed it more than anyone, in her eyes at least.

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@@Blitz Boom


"It means a lot more than just proving the existence of those spectres." Sen scoffed and walked right into the hut with no forewarning, making his presence known to the surprise of the elder. "It means our stories, our lives were possibly shaped from lies. Some inconveniences our leaders were perfectly fine with sweeping under the rug while we blindly believed them. What have our elders been hiding from us indeed, I wonder?" 

Lin was warned of the signs that her brother might be slipping, if not already, into a much worse state. She noted an almost completely different Sen from the stoic or cheerful brother she once knew, the anger in his voice becoming all the more apparent. But at the same time, she refused to believe that this is where she must intervene. Venting in anger is sometimes a good way to come to terms with the past and Sen had a lot of pent-up anger that he needed to let out. He did have a point, however, that perhaps Solasan may not be the only one responsible. She barely knew the elders that came before him and didn't exactly bother to read up on them. She didn't have the chance to say what was on her mind as Ghilan picked up where her brother left off. 

"I know you have the right to be angry, Sen, but-"

"But what? Has ignorance made you blind? Of course Solasan would be happy to keep up the tradition of elders lying to their charges. Maybe you're feigning ignorance and you are no different than him."

"Sen, that's enough!" Lin snapped and stood between the elder and her brother. "He's here to help us. He's not like Solasan and he sympathizes with you. We all want to help you. Antagonizing our best chance at finding a resolution to all of this won't do us any good."

For the moment, Lin's words reached out to Sen and he backed down without a word. He understood what was at stake and the young longma returned to calmed state. If it was one thing that bothered him the most, it was what kind of impression he was leaving on Omen. Probably a negative one given his most apparent outburst. He couldn't bear the thought of driving away the first friend he ever had outside the village. Right now,he would start kicking himself over a most obvious mistake, a potentially costly one at that. If he wasn't stopped at that point, he shudders to think what his pride and anger would have wrought. 


"I'm sorry." Sen calmly said to everyone in the room. "That was unbecoming of me. I came to let you all know the council is ready to meet us but I just couldn't help letting my thoughts out."  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Moonlit@@Blitz Boom


Trinket looked slightly baffled for a couple of seconds. She didn't actually expect Ziggy and Serenade would suggest creating toys based on Sirens in order to spread the idea of them being harmless, simply misunderstood creatures. But at the end of the day, it did sound like a good idea in her mind.


"I mean... Uhm... I could totally do it!" Trinket said, nodding her head several times. "Only... it wouldn't exactly be easy, per say... I'd need to measure a Siren's exact proportions, as well as maybe get accustomed to their shapes and perceive every single detail of their forms." She started pacing around the house, mostly thinking out loud.


"I'd also have to draw various sketches to get the hang of actually transferring all of that onto the fabric." At that point, she was completely lost in thought.


"Maybe I should also study the Sirens so I could better understand their historical behavior patterns and general lifestyle... You know, all of those are extremely important when making toys!" Needless to say, she got really into the idea.

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@@Driz,@@Blitz Boom, Serenade rolls her eyes, the  quickly reaches out and drags Ziggy into a hug, her forelegs draped over Ziggy's shoulders and her head resting on top of Ziggy's head. "Ziggy....not all...ponies would....like a hug....from a Apex....predator". She turns back to Trinket, "Once I...get a new...locket....I can...explain things...or perhaps....you'd like to...accompany me...to my meeting....with Princess Sparkle....I could...use the...emotional...support." She flashes Tricket a closed mouthed smile. 

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@@Blitz Boom, The batpony shrugged hearing the twos response "better safer then sorry" he shrugged not offended, a bit annoyed at zin but he let it pass. The thestral was still getting use to being around a feline after all so he'd imagine the two would learn ore from each other with trial and error. Like how they got out of the dream realm for instance, cresent hoped they wouldn't face a similar  challenge with the youngsters quest.  


Once things looked good he led the two out of the tree house pulling one last lever to lock everything up he pulled out the map zeccora gave him. "all righty then this way" he said folding the map and leading the through the forest.  


"let me know if things start looking familiar for you" he said

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Stargazer just nodded, not sure what to make of the knowledge that apparently, there were a place where all they knew where alicorns. He knew he should pass the information along when he had the chance though, but for now, he needed to think. Something which Clayton wasn't as able to do as he rose his head and his eyes got even more filled with wonder and somewhere deep down, terror. Alicorns were powerful being after all, and if there were a place with several of them... What would happen if they ended up bad? The devastation could be unparalleled to anything he had seen before.


"H-Hang out? Surely I'm not worthy for such a t-thing? I am no noble, nor somepony of any importance. Surely for an honored guest such as y-yourself, a more fitting partner would be fitting? I mean, I-I could show you around if you so wished? P-Ponyville is not as its finest right now, but there are several structures that might be of s-some interest, or perhaps the local heroines? The former bearers of the elements of harmony w-would surely make for more fitting beings to speak with, y-yes?"


"So, this is what kept you then?"


A jolt went through Clayton as he turned around, knowing who he were going to see by the voice alone, but praying that he had heard wrong somehow. The personalities between an alicorn and the forepony... He might be overthinking this, but he couldn't help it. The possibility made him worry too greatly to shut it off right now.




Last didn't care however. Soon as Long Stare had been able to walk again, she had started walking towards the train station, and considering what Draco had said, she expected him to have followed right after too. Something in his voice had made it sound like he were looking forward to a confrontation, and that were something she could use in case there were something bad happening. Couldn't really attack anypony herself without risking her life right now, and she hadn't any guards near to use, so that had been her best option.


Turns out she had a guard here already, and one she remembered too. Good worker that one, but needed a rest soon, or he'd be useless for the next time it was his shift. Something she didn't want, as he had done well in shaking things up with the pegasi during the rough first hours of getting things into motion, and she could use that again later on if things went wonky.


Behind her, Long Stare looked with big, confused and amazed eyes at the alicorn not far from them, but covered slightly behind Draco. She had only ever seen alicorns in photos and story books, and only ever heard of females, so seeing this one made her brain stagger a bit, as she tried to figure out what she were going to do. Something Last didn't feel as she just kept wandering towards him and gave him the same look as she'd give anypony. He wasn't one she had given her oath of service to after all, so why should she consider him as one with a higher authority? Being an alicorn wasn't enough for that in her eyes.


"I take it you moved the materials then? Good, it will save time. That being said, I need to know who you are, and why you're here. You're not part of any crown I've ever heard of, and strangers doesn't sit right with me."


Stargazer let out a sigh and cleared his throat after that to get the attention of Senvious.


"Sir, meet Last Stand. Current forepony in charge of the rebuilding, and sadly, not one who finished her manner classes. I can't say I know the others, but if they're local, I can assure you that they are more than likely good ponies."


Stargazer gave a weak smile towards Stare and Draco, hoping that they would act well around what he would think of as an honoured guest.







"Well ain't this just a hoot? Gone all the way to this dingy little place, and of course the princess got her doors closed. I swear Carmen, if I didn't need to get this to her, I would've bolted on the spot."


The somewhat annoyed voice came from around the corner, and if either Lance would poke around or wait a moment until the pony came around, he'd see a uhm... *interesting* sort.




The wings were folded down and the spider currently sitting on top of a saddlebag down his left side, but those were just a few oddities, considering he looked like a somewhat futuristic gearsmith of some kind. and that his belt seemed to be made of leather. Not that usual for ponies to wear, considering it tended to involve killing animals, but then again, could be false leather. A lot of that around.


The spider - likely Carmen - spun it's head around and glanced at Lance when they passed him, then turned and made some clicking sounds until the strange pony turned his head.


"Jeez, what's gotten into you girl? We need to have your flux core destabilized again?"


It was about that point when he saw Lance and lifted a hoof to give a small wave his way.


"Hey there. Sorry about Carmen, but you know how animatronic assistants can be sometimes. They get fascinated by the weirdest things and start clattering on until you look, or their heat exhaust begins to power up too much from the effort and the sound gets on your nerves."







"My scars? Well, varied reason, but like you guessed, the old ones at least comes from back home, fighting with the other kids.


You gotta remember, griffins ain't like ponies. They got some pretty sharp claws and a more predatory instinct, so when they grow up they tend to have some fighting between them just like ponies would skip ropes. Usually doesn't make any harm, but they're used to count the depth when there's feathers or sturdy fur to run through too, so when they tried on me... Heh, let's just say that it took some times before they got right how much struggle they could use with me before it left permanent marks."


A big smile spread on his muzzle as he remembered the good old days when he would have a brawl with the other kids. Might be he'd end up bloody a few times, but he felt included those times when he got jumped, so he'd consider those the good old days for certain. Especially when he got a little better at fending for himself and he started to knock some feathers out. Plenty fun when he were able to carry his own.


"Most ain't old though, and will heal a little by little, but those are just fighting scars. Catching boars and stuff like that ain't safe work without having magic, so I get some scraps now and again. Nothing too serious."


He kept moving a few more things whilst he chuckled a little to himself over a few of the recent catches.


"Oh right, there is one more thing. The series I got around my stomach? Fell down a hill and crashed into a pile of rusty metal. Worst part is that I saw it in advance, and there were this pony telling me to stop being stupid and move a bit, but still thought that wandering on crumbly grounds wasn't gonna be a bother. Heh, guess the brain ain't always at it's best, you know? I ain't the only one I bet though. Like, I bet you made some silly little mistakes recently too, eh? Like not packing Misty in a frilly, pink dress for a good laugh for example."


He laughed again at the mental image as he moved things around. Might be he were a clumsy idiot at times, and he'd be the first to sign on a paper saying he were a simpleton, but he at least had some humour. Or well, at least to himself. He were pretty sure that Misty wasn't gonna think it was funny that he tried to put the suggestion up that she should be dolled up.





@Handsome Changeling


"I evaluate those I meet. It is a habit of sorts, and it gives me a picture of those I meet. Often effective.


Your grip tells me you have strength, your armor that you have been a fighter for a while, and the condition that you are focused and methodical. A thoughtless brute wouldn't care enough about their gear.


Your manners are good, but you are still cautious when you meet new ones. Tells me you're open to meet others as you say, but you're not overly naive and trusting. If you were, you wouldn't have hissed."


Her ears twitched slightly, but she didn't react on it. She just kept her gaze on Void, as she finished what she had started.


"It is a first impression, but it prepares me for what to think another will do. Leaves me with a better understanding than stereotypes and racism, which otherwise might have made me meet you with hostility. Something I think would have met me with an equal amount, and I wouldn't stand well in a physical confrontation against you.


As for how you were, as far as I am aware, that isn't unusual hive behaviour, though I hardly need to tell you that I would think. And my name is not as impressive as you might think, simply descriptive of my proficiency in toxins."


She kept quiet for a little as she turned the information that were slung her way around Las Pegasus and the hive he came from, but eventually she would begin to speak again when she felt like she had the right thing to say. it wouldn't do to accidentally anger this one after all.


"I used to frequent Las Pegasus years ago, but I met no changelings there. If I had, I can imagine things would not have ended well if your hive functions the way you say. I have little love for tyrants, and they will simply make it harder to make the new generation of changelings accepted after the new king have risen.


About that though, you are aware of him I assume, yes? The king of the *New changelings*? What is your opinion on him, and the mutation of the hive he have overtaken in the process?"


Belladonna had her own opinions on this change in them, and the thought that Thorax would potentially begin to attempt to convert the other hives regardless of their want or not, but she wished to see what Void Crawler thought of them first before speaking. Arguing with loyalists hardly ever went well.








Nerzhei more or less ignored what Missklang and Blood were saying right now, though the look she sent Blood would make greater beings than herself cover in horror at the sheer rage that flowed out of her eyes. She would have reacted on it and thrown this pony towards the other side of the forest if she had the time, but she couldn't right now. She needed to find out where BLitz went.


Missklang mentioned something about her being time shifted, but she doubted that it was going to be as easy as just waiting for her to pop back into existence, and as she heard a faint sound from far above her, that proved correct.


She were hard to see, but her ears were good enough that she could faintly hear the scream from the dot that were falling from far up in the sky, and reacted instinctively, by shaking Lotus down on a nearby rock - she hated getting too far up into the air - spreading her large wings, and then take flight up to catch the filly. The dragoness had some good speed in her flight, so she got to her a long time before she reached the ground, and slowly flew down with the excited filly.


It seemed that what she had thought were a scream were instead Blitz thinking this were fun. Potentially because she thought she were getting saved and didn't have to worry, but she wouldn't rule out that the filly really were at least slightly crazy, and genuinly just thought that the rapid fall towards the ground were fun.


They landed a little after, and Nerzhei let down the giggling Blitz who started to run around in circles around her and going off about how fun it had been. She however, had other fish to fry, as she looked at Blood with narrow, cold eyes and anger in her voice.


"I keep my promise, and help you pony, but I swear to everything that's holy to me, that if you try something like this towards Blitz again, I will bury you under five feet of solid rock and leave you there. I will not let your reckless behaviour cost someone else their life."


It would take her a bit of time after that to calm down again, but she still tried to speak with Missklang. Hopefully he wouldn't take the angry tone to heart.


"You said you were looking for a halfblood. Why?"







"I m-might cash this in sooner than later then, b-but I think we need to get the food ready first. I don't think it will be t-too long before somepony might get here hungry. They have w-worked so hard after all."


Void took the coupon and put it a bit to the side before checking her pots. They seemed fine after she had tested them, including the stew - though she did add a bit more salt to the stew and stirred a few times - but she could use another opinion, so...


"D-Do you think that you could taste these S-Storm? You seem to know food well, so your opinion would be n-nice."


The food should be fragrant and robust, with a strong taste that would go into the more spicy degrees, but shouldn't allow Storm to breathe fire. That sort of spicy unfortunately wasn't something she had any experience with, though perhaps when she tried his curry later. Best to keep a bucket of milk near that dish she'd suppose though.







"Let's go then, so that we can get them to their deserved afterlife as quickly as we can."


It pained Sea to see the pain in Deadpan's eyes, and knowing that it would take a long time to go away, if ever, but he had a job to do here unfortunately, so he had to move, and get the bodies to the garden where they could rest for the time being. Might be hurting the emotional wounds to go through these things for Deadpan, but he didn't have any others that could help him right now, and the faster he could get this done the better for the comedian. It should give him a bit of emotional relief to see that they had gone away how they would have wished it, even if the situation were going to be... Strange. At least for him, as he didn't know what were supposed to happen with just leaving the boat. But, whatever were required after all.







"I might as well too, before you two end up at each-others throat."


Null didn't think this the smartest idea, but she begrudgingly had to listen to her morale sometimes, and right now that told her to follow and try to mediate between Zen and the overgrown feather duster. Florence didn't seem like she'd be able to stand much up to them at least.


Besides, if there were some dangerous things, and this griffin already had shown to be around cursed objects... This situation might require her touch to not end in disaster. Or one of her feathers, but she didn't give them out to just anypony,


"Fine, then we're leaving."


It would be interesting to see if they'd be getting out of the hospital without issue though. Considering he had been chained, and still had a good deal of said chains tied to him, it would at the very least raise some eyebrows.







Behind Sen, a gate that Omen had opened silently closed again.


She had listened to what he had said, but even she could tell that he were going towards places he shouldn't. Somewhere that Mother had warned them about, and that Lin had expressed her fear about, so she had started to prepare by openeing a gate behind him, and were considering pushing him through when he had a go at Ghilan.


What to think of the elder she wasn't sure, but he seemed helpful thus far, and gave her little reason to think badly about him, so for now she didn't think there was much reason to go at him, even if perhaps Sen had a point. Not one she could see right now, but it was hard to see through the anger too. It seemed to make him lash out and be irrational a lot recently, and whatever meditation he had done hadn't done much to change that.


When Lin had intervened however, it seemed that Sen calmed himself some and let the anger go away for the time being, so she didn't have a reason to push him through yet. She wanted to give her friend the chance to do what he needed to at the meeting, but since she also had Mother and Lin's words to keep in mind, she needed to be ready to do something when it seemed to flare up.


If the situation came around again, she would do it without hesitation. Sen would be pushed through, and he would stay in her home until he were calmed down and whatever came from the meeting would be over. Though she didn't know anymore if she were doing it because Mother and Lin had given their warnings, or if she meant herself that it would be for the better. She wasn't used to thinking emotionally like that, and the blurry line in her head between what might really influence her actions right now was... Frustrating.


Still, he were calm now, so at least for the time being she didn't have to think on who she did it for when she pushed him through, and away from this world. A betrayal in his eyes more than likely.


She got a memory of the time she and Lin went near the well. Of the look that the false Sen gave her as he lied broken on the ground, and called her out. Something like that were what she expected he would do if she did this to him, but this time it wouldn't just be a mirage. It would be real, and the thought felt like something in her chest got heavy and started to sink.




Omen wandered calmly over to him, and bent her head so that she could look at his face.


"If you go too far, I have to send you away. I think it will hurt if I did, because you would think I was against you, but when I try to think on how it could be if Lin or Mother were right, it becomes worse.


I don't understand this strange pain in my chest when I think about that, but I know what is expected of me, and I know that if it comes to that, somepony needs to stop you.


Please, don't make me have to do that Sen. I don't want to send you away."


Omen's voice were still mostly neutral, but slight amounts of pleading, worry and a slight bit of fear mixed in. Considering how void her voice normally were, it more or less ended up being the same as if a regular mare had embraced him and sobbed it out whilst crying down his neck.







"It will be a time before that I think. W-We weren't exactly neighbours with Ponyville. Might be a day or two?"


"Plenty of time to stretch my legs and enjoy the sun then."


There hadn't been more issues with Zinthar after they had the little episode with the box, and certainly nothing from Cover-up, who were just happy to have companions on the road this time and didn't want to accidentally insult them in some way.


He did think on how this really were a strange team a few timed though, and how they would inevitably clash along the road. He were pretty easy-going and didn't complain about much, so the chances were good that there wouldn't be confrontations from him at least. But the others...


Crescent were a nice pony thus far, and he seemed to be easy enough to be around, but at times he seemed a little pushy with how he wanted things, and if that leadership got challenged, then what could end up happening?


Zinthar might well challenge that leadership just for the fun of it, as he seemed to be another strong personality that did things out of spite, and were confident in his abilities to hanfle things. He were prideful and scary, but it did seem so far like he were just thankful to be around others, and he hadn't actually hurt any of them yet.


*sigh* Perhaps he were just overthinking things because he were nervous again. His reasonings didn't even make sense after all if he began to look through it, but it was just hard to let go of your worries like that. Especially towards Zinthar.


"S-So uhm... What sort of thing do you guys normally do? H-Heroing stuff perhaps?"








"Apex predator or big huggy fishpony, same thing."


Ziggy hugged back as well as she could, whilst letting out a pleased, happy *mmm* sound. Much as Serenade might say that not everypony would be willing to want a hug from a siren because they were big predators that went around and said *rawr rawr*, Ziggy just couldn't see that being true if they had first tried it. It was even kinda addictive really.


In fact... Perhaps she should share this with Trinket? There wouldn't be a better way for her to get what she were talking about when it came to siren hugs other than trying it she'd think.


"Hey Trinket? You wanna try too? I bet you'd learn all sorts about sirens right here and now by getting a big hug. I dare youuuu."

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom (I'm going to start using color text and stuff just to see how it goes)


Lance was not a big fan of bugs. He thought Carmen was just a huge spider, and was about to book it back to his cottage when the gearsmith spoke to him.


"Oh, uh, nice... whatever you just said."


He didn't know what a 'animatronic assistant' was, as he never really worked with robots or machines. 

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Blitz Boom,


Storm grinned, pulling out a roll of clean tasting spoons. "I'd be happy to!" He replied happily, walking over to her dishes. "Hmm.." He hummed, meticulously inspecting and tasting each dish. After a few moments of this, "Yum! I'd say they're all delicious, especially that stew!" He exclaimed excitedly. "It's spicy, but not so much that it's all you can taste; there's also a deliciously arrayed accompaniment of other flavors. I'd vote a ten out of ten!" He held up a scorecard with a big 10 on it and placed it next to Void's pots.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,

Void nodded, constantly at all the retorts she gave, he admired her actions and well thought out paced conversation, it made her far more interesting then most brutes Void has been met with lately, many ponies willing to clip a Changelings wings for them just being natural almost parasitic creatures by nature, not to their fault. He was also massively impressed she pinned the first assumption of him perfectly, cautious yet friendly is how he himself always put it.

"Las Pegasus... Well the Changelings there, my old brood, operate far more intricately then one would assume, holding places of strong higher ups and the lower citizens too, behind the scenes it is quite worrying what is going on in the less central regions of the city of vices. The fact my breed of Changeling feed upon not only love, but adapted to food upon envy and jealously makes their availability to food far easier giving them less reason to worry, the Queen like stated isn't friendly, she is vain, snobby yet quick to anger, rather like that festering husssssk Blue Blood... Sorry ahem, had some past confrontations with that vain whisper in the wind."

Void's proceeded hiss in 'Husk' only pronounced his anger and not only to Blue Blood, but his Queen, Hive and Las Pegasus itself had an effect on his manageable demeanour, quite potently at that. The wings upon his back flickered gently as he prepared his next conversation response to what Belladonna said to him.

"Well either way, simple or not, your name is unique and quite easy to be spoke, flows well in the muzzle, and your ability to assess situations and creatures such as me, is amazing, good job you got me down to a perfect list nearly in how you speak of me. Now then... ... ... ..." 

His pause, long, longer then a minute making it fairly strange considering his speedy talking approach suddenly halted.

"The... KING... New or not shall likely be forced out... Chrysalis will have no affairs with him and this is apparent, their new kind are disliked, even by ones such as myself, to change their image without worry, we don't have to be the same yes, but to change our entire appearance after millions of years is petty, meaningless and vile. I dislike him, massively and his disgusting ways, he teaches the false ways as I say. I am PROUD of me, my image and who I am, him, obviously not. Thorax can as honest as my words can be, Die. Horrifically by the hole filled hoof of the Queen of Queens, and if she listens to his ways. A new leader shall rise, and if I must step into that role. Trust me. I shall"

Void's more internal instincts flurrying at the chance to talk of the 'New King' of the Changelings, his tongue almost spitting on each mention of him, his muzzle grizzling up like a bear and causing his face to contort into an amalgamation of hatred, his love for the Changelings he knows strong, and the emotions towards change bitter and almost putrid in a cesspool of vile emotions. His anger calming quickly as he felt rude in front of the new mare he is having civilised conversation with, so with a simple 'Ahem' again from his muzzle he calmed down and rubbed his muzzle with a hoof.

Edited by Handsome Changeling
  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@Blitz Boom

@NightMare Star.

Draco pulled out a rather large manual from his saddlebags. He looked at the alicorn male with a roll of his eyes. He looked to Stargazer and just sighed. "Courier code 2355 section b state those who move the package without the permission of the recipient. Will be fined heavily by the courier's guild," Draco stated simply. He looked at the two and asked "Who moved the materials?" Draco asked the two as he held a professional stance.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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