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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm cocked his head in confusion, "Still what? Still making explosives?" He asked curiously. "Because that's one thing she's definitely doing, the cute little bomb-maker that she is." Storm reached behind a nearby table and pulled out his party cannon, "Even made me an awesome party cannon! Though sometimes her bombs tend to have weird affects.." The blue pony leaned on the cannon, rubbing a hoof against his chin in contemplation. "Like that time after we first met and she made one that turned me pink, or the time I ended up with some different animal appendages.. I think she mentioned something about putting Everfree mushrooms in that one though.." Storm shook himself out of his thoughts before smiling at Molotov, "I haven't seen her in a while, since I've been out of town. I'm guessing you know her.. Oh, I know!" He grinned, putting his party cannon away and slinging a friendly hoof around Molotov's neck in a half-hug. "I was thinking about visiting Blitzy after everypony's been fed, maybe you could come with? I'm sure she'd be happy to have some friends visit!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom


"Yes, another one. This one's a lot more vivid than anything else I've had before."

Lin propped herself up and listened closely. Sen gave himself time to breathe and get his bearings, ensuring he still isn't dreaming or in a state of dreaming. Just to be sure, he also started fiddling with his bedroll, pillow, and anything else he could touch, anything that told him he's awake. Whatever he saw, whatever he felt, it was all too real and it was disturbing to say the least. 


"We have this practice of burying those who are no longer with us in life and planting a tree where they are buried. I was at a place where mother is buried and I wanted to pay my respects to her but she... she climbed out, looked dried up, emaciated, and was blaming me for what happened to her. Then father appeared looking just like mother and said the same thing: 'It's all your fault! You left us when we needed you! You're no son of mine!'"

Lin chimed in and moved closer to her brother. "But father disappeared and mother wasn't even given a proper burial. They told you to run because they wanted you safe."

"There's more," Sen interrupted. "You and Omen were there as well. One open pit in the ground where the old willow tree once stood and you were waiting for me there. You were angry - no, furious! You told me I let you down and regretted ever looking up to me. Then Omen came from behind, opened a gate into the pit and quietly said 'You don't deserve us; you don't deserve happiness' before kicking me into it." 


"There's no cure for the nightmares, but I can ask the healer to give you a sleep sedative potion. Maybe they'll go away when we catch Solasan." Lin grabbed Sen's pillow and fluffed it up before placing back on his bedroll. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


His ears turned a bit to her. "I'll take a pound then." He took out some bits laying them on the counter. "Don't really have much anyways." He went over to it, and scooped it into the bag. "Oh and, thanks for the candy." He placed it on a scale (OCC assuming there is one) He scooped some out to make sure it was a pound exactly. "So, five bits right?" He made sure there was five bits on the counter. "Any extra?"


@@Blitz Boom


Astral pondered the question for a while, looking outside. "2 hours, 2 hours.... How can I make it worth it? While staying within your budget?" She looked at Chow. "How about, 200 bits?"


Misty chuckled a bit. "That's alot." She said covering her mouth with a hoof. "It might not affect our bits that much."


Astral shrugged. "It's late anyways, he can pay us tomorrow. and it doesn't matter how it affects our budget" She walked over to him. "Really depends on whether or not you can pay us now, or later." She asked, putting a hoof forward. "If you can do it now..." She gestured to her hoof. "Put the bits here."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom,

Draco smiled slightly as he looked at his lady genty. "I will only sing for you my sweet," Draco whispered gently. "If you wish it," he stated simply as he pulled her close to him gently. He hummed a song for her as they arrived at the park. He looked around slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom,

*Cacora heard the youngling speak, as she approached the Orphanage, her home.* "It can be tough living without parents. I should know, I grew up here. I am Cacora. What's your name?" *To the youngling Cacora's words are solid. She holds a compassionate heart that most find odd normally. Only one had a more compassionate heart than her, Fluttershy the element of kindness.*

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"Stop your groveling, you're making me hungry," Hunter said sarcastically. Then in a slightly more serious tone, he added, "By our own definitions, we Kitsune aren't demons, though by some definitions it could be said that we are. I have no intention of 'sucking out your soul' or anything like that. I'm here to protect someone, nothing more. She seems to be with a trustworthy group for now, and I expect her curiosity will keep her near them for a while. I guess she's not in any real danger." He had no idea how wrong he would soon be.



@@Blitz Boom


"Here, we are as but mere spirits, at least until this battle is over. In this form, you can see the departed, and so too can they see you. Go to them, they need you," The Traveler stated in a gentle but deep voice. He knew well that anything that Zhu might say could be hard for them to believe, but the presence of the one they know through legends as Grandfather, the Creator of Skhala, Mother of all Serpanthera, would help convince them. However, he would keep his distance. This moment was between Zhu and his parents. It was still possible for the two of them to move things, so if Zhu tried to move the rubble, he could, not that it would do much good. No living creature could see the two of them, which is what was important. One glimpse of The Traveler could change the outcome of the entire fight. Pivotal moments like this weren't easy to change, but the Royals seeing him would be no small thing.



@@Blitz Boom


When Vivid touched Charlie, she'd be able to hear him sobbing inside her head. "What is this feeling? I've never felt anything like this before. It's coming from them and I don't know what it is." Nobody ever had a reason to hate him as a tree, nor had he ever felt hate, so the fact that such an emotion even existed was a shock to him. What purpose could such feelings possibly have?





"You've never been to a candy store before, have you?" Blossom asked rhetorically. It was clear that he didn't know how things worked. "You can put several different types of candy in the bag, as long as it's from these bins. For every pound of combined weight, it's five bits. Isn't there anything else here that you'd like to try?" She appreciated his enthusiasm, but the fact that he'd gone with the first thing he tried and nothing else was a bit odd. It was as if he was rushing to try to get out of there. That was impossible though, nobody ever wanted to leave a candy shoppe so soon.



@@Blitz Boom


Rounding the last corner, Penny told the others, "It looks like we're here." There they stood in front of an old building that looked like it was painted recently. The siding was like rounded fish scales each painted a different color, creating a rainbow of pastels. The first floor had a large glass window, through which several displays of candy could be seen. The roof shingles were square and resembled pieces of chocolate, as did the sutters on the second floor windows. Over the door was a small awning that looked like an overturned peanut butter cup. The sign on the building said, "Penny's Candy," and had a border that looked like two candy canes with the ends touching.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich


He looked at her with a smile. "Uh, not really." He looked at the candy. "This is really the only time I've stepped inside one, to purchased something instead of taste testing it." He looked around, gummies and such, candy canes. stuff you'd expect. "Hmmm..." He walked around a bit, he had scooped a bit of the candy he had grabbed back, so he could fit a larger variety than just that one candy. "So my guess is that all the candy costs 5 bits per pound, without variations across them?" His cluelessness to how it worked showed in that sentence, he put the bag on the counter with candy corn, candy canes, few gummy candies and some heart shaped ones inside it. "I'd guess it has to be that way. otherwise payment calculations would be complicated." He looked at her. "Also, I'm quite fond of sugar." He said already realizing how much candy he had.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Driz, @@Blitz Boom, Interesting fact: When Siren's sleep at night, they tend to be vertical with their heads above water. Serenade was so tired, that she bobbed to the surface and floated like a log. The current in her pond would gently push her sleeping form around until it bumped up against the edge.m 

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@@Blitz Boom,

   After a few moments silence to give Last Stand enough time to start wondering if there was going to be a response, Widdershins's body begins to slowly levitate off the ground until it stops at about two feet off the ground. Then it does a few quick spins then lands with an audible enough thump right back where he was, but snout up this time. One long ear slowly & dramatically drapes itself across Widdershins's face & eyes as a cartoonishly large sword appears in midair above him to drop dead center into the space just above his front appendages. Barely recognizant of this, he launches into a monologue he clearly doesn't expect to be interrupted, nor would it likely seem he would stop if it was.


   OH!  Did the brutish mare strike down the innocent, giant wyrrm twas only seeking repast in the sunny town sku-are! Viciously she did rend him in twain  with nary a thought to his... uh, recompants.


   Widdershins raises his front tentacle & lobster claw to his chest in a playful, puppy-like manner and raises one end of his ear to open a glowing eye towards Last Stand.


   ...and you know, we ought really try something with your mane. Need to up your Cuteness level a bit; I'm thinking pigtails!


    But Anyway!


  With that, Widdershins springs himself up and over his lower half to turn around and land facing Last Stand, landing on the hilt of the sword & further embedding it a few more inches into him, seemingly deeper then Widdershins ought be thick. A small, almost imperceptible whisp of purple mist leaks out of the 'wound.'


    And I should HOPE Discord isn't around! We probably have rules against Drakaguul operating in close proximity to each other! Well... probably.

  Well, Stand was it? Funny, don't see you attached to any muscle-bound men, ah-hah!  Well, I Assure you, I am only here to help!

    Why, your sharp, cutting  words...

With this, Widdershins places his tentacle on his chest right above the blade, wiggling it a bit in its hole.

  ...truly, duly, deeply wound me!

  Why! I was most likely raised among ponies! Whyever would I want to harm such an incredibly adorable species!?

  I want to empathize & emphasize that point my dear Big, Black, Brooding, Boisterous, Beady, Braid-Bedecked Boopy!

  Widdershins punctuates his sentence by lightly patting Stand on her muzzle between her eyes with his tentacle.

    Why would I ever...

  As Widdershins loudly proclaims, he flings his front limbs wide, his right claw popping off mid-gesture to fly towards the nearest wall in slow motion. Though nothing else around it seems to be moving as slow.

                       -want to...

   The claw slowly bounces on the ground, each clack echoing deeply somehow until it reaches the wall, where it very slowly closes itself in one final, even deeper clack. A small, fluffy, almost drawn cartoon speech bubble slowly arises above the claw with the word "Poof!" written in pink.


  Suddenly, several blocks down an inhabited house begins to crunch in on itself with the sound of a large, ghostly-sounding balloon deflating. Each of its family of five manage to safely dash out of the house in time to stop on the curb and look back one final time as the small house implodes in on itself into a tiny pinprick of white light.


   Widdershins's head whips around as the noise starts, just as genuinely surprised as any other nearby pony. Afterwards, to break the deafening silence he chirps up with:

    ...Huh.                   .....I'm sure that was a coincidence.


      ...anyhow.... uh, Pancake?    A pancake loudly fwaps down over both Widdershin's & Last Stand's heads.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



           "Eh-heh..." Ambie gets back up to sit back on his haunches and rub his cheeks with his front hoof's knee as the color slowly starts to come back to him.


   "S-sure... just d-don't.... *ahem*  ...Well that's nice.  So, uhm... who were you trying to protect then?"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Molotov were conflicted. On one hoof, he wanted to slap the smile off the pony's face for keeping up talking like his sister were still alive, and even producing some sort of cannon from... Somewhere, to make it fit into things. But on the other hoof, the more he went on, the more it sounded like he might actually have seen her.


Blitz were a strange foal, and they had all known it in his family. Even for one of them, she were a bit crazy and impulsive at times, especially when it came to the creation of explosives. Something which wasn't the best when she were also slow to learn proper safety measures, as she didn't have the patience to properly prepare something instead of just setting it on fire, then see what would happen. At least they had learned her to run away from things pretty early on, but beyond that, she were generally slow to accept there were more than distance to factor in.


Still, no matter how much it sounded like he had actually met her, it had to be impossible. There were nopony left in his hometown, and if somepony like his mother couldn't do anything against whatever had taken them all, how would Blitz be able to get away?


His plans settled on punching this food guy a little to make him stop playing with his heart and hope when he noticed a certain scribbling on the cannon, and zoomed in with his lenses. There, a few millimeters from the wheels, a small scratching could be seen, which when zoomed properly in on, would say that this was made by Blitz Boom, and since he had never seen her working on a canon like this... Or was this something she had done the times he wasn't there? He didn't...


He stood with a trembling lip again and looked at Storm with a cautious light dimly lighting in his visible eye.


"Blitz is... Alive?"


It seemed like he were still trying to cope with this, but still struggled with the mindset that she couldn't have made it out when nopony else had. Perhaps if he were given some sort of proof? For example the picture that Featherweight had taken when Storm had been turned pink for a time, which included a certain filly rolling on the ground and laughing at how silly he looked. The colt had given them the photo afterwards, and Blitz figured she'd just get it lost, so Storm might have it if it were, which would be pretty solid evidence, as Molotov knew that neither his parents nor Blitz had ever been near this town before. His mother had considered the town a safety risk not worth taking, even if it might have been someplace worth putting your eyes on when the elements of harmony surfaced, among other things. Too many monsters for her taste.


Meanwhile, over with the other two, Void winched a little when the question about where Troy were came up, though it were barely visible.


"Troy is pretty far to the west, and d-doesn't interact with Equestria really, so I can understand that you w-wouldn't know. I haven't been there for twenty years now, and I don't really have many g-good memories from there, but I can remember a few recipes a-at least. Usually need local stuff for that l-like Blackroot, which I didn't think they e-exported, but for some reason there w-were something in the kitchen, so I thought that perhaps it would be okay.


Uhm... I-Is it okay? I don't really know how you prefer your f-food in Equestria, so it might be worse t-than what you said you could make."



@@Moon Dancer.


As they approached, a few, somewhat painful moans were heard from the room before a pony exited said room and went directly for the steam room. He didn't even take notice of the two of them there, but that was okay, as Bubbles focus were more on the masseur anyway.


The giant form of Bulk Bicep in all his glory captivated him as it so often did, but as the stallion looked over and noticed the alicorn with a small, confused grunt, Bubbles snapped out of it a little again and pointed towards Senvious.


"Our guest here have requested a deep tissue massage. Could you prepare the table please?"


Bulk didn't really say something, but just turned around with the old blanket on the table, and put a new cover on it after tossing it in a bucket to the side, at which point everything would be ready for Senvious to get a massage of the kind he had requested. As soon as he had gotten down on the table at least.


In a barn on the other end of town, Alonsus raised his head to give a curious look at the changeling king after some of the things he had said. namely the first one.


"You were knocked out through a massive monster attacking town? One heck of a heavy sleeper you are if nothing in that attack managed to wake you.


And how is it you are a former king? I thought your kind's royals ruled until they died."


Alonsus kept cleaning up after that, before finally putting the lid on the barrel and rolling it up on his back. It was a heavy one, but he were a big, robust earth pony. He'd manage, even if he wasn't going to be insanely fast.


"Much better. I will need to deliver this to the food parlor, so perhaps beginning there? Perhaps a disguise of some sort would be in order though, just in case? Looks can mean so much after all when you want to introduce yourself to new ponies."






"200 bits? I think that's pushing it a bit there lass. Might've been a tough one, but not enough to cover for a smacking of that caliber. Cause if we're going to those sort of ranges, I'd have to counter with a moving service bill just to make sure I'd still have a bit of coin to work with. I'll go for a solid hundred owed to ya, and then take that as a costly but reasonable price for underestimating you. Paid tomorrow that is. Again, most of my stuff is in Ponyville, and I dunno if you recall, but there was a giant monster there that meant I had to haul flank outta Dodge before I had a shot of packing anything."


When Chow before had mentioned that they should try not to rip him off, he hadn't expected them to kinda try anyway. Might be their view on cash were skewed since they could make their own, but he couldn't just magic up bits whenever he felt like it. He had to work hard for it, and quite frankly, Ponyville wasn't a good enough place to really earn a whole lot on pet food for him. It was why he had to run a bit of a side service as helping the nervous and/or tourists around the Everfree Forest as a combined guide and protector to make a bit more for his savings. It didn't give him a lot either, but every bit were one step closer to him being able to get back home to Griffinstone again, so it all counted, and paying 200 bits would effectively remove at least three month's worth of savings for him.


Now granted, he knew there'd be more of a demand in Canterlot for what he made, and he could set the prices up compared to the dingy little town he had left again, but that didn't mean that he thought trying to commit robbery on him was the way to go. Had to be a point where things would be reasonable for a silly bet, and their first draft had overshot the mark in his mind. Hopefully they'd agree on the new one, otherwise, it was time to start haggling.






Long Stare was silent and rummaging through her conflicting thoughts as they reached the park, and were actually so deeply invested in it that she didn't see something that was most certainly not supposed to be here: A chunk of the Ponyville clock, sitting idly where a bush had broken it's fall.


Whereas the other parts had been tossed to the forest, this one had fallen short without the lookers really taking notice, which would become quite a bit of a problem as they were going to need all the parts they could get their hooves on to repair the tower effectively.


Or well, perhaps it was more accurately to say that it had been left unseen, as about the same time to two of them arrived, a giant sigh of relief were heard from the opposite direction and a stallion with a tussled mane, small glasses and a vest appeared, wandering around the clock and examining it. He seemed to talk to himself as he did this, unaware or just not caring about the others there, but as with so many others the forepony had gotten to work here in Ponyville, that tended to happen at times when confronted with something related to the rebuilding efforts.


"Yes... Yes, I think this will do. Long as the core isn't ruined it can work. Oh please don't let it have a bust core."







The filly turned her head at the voice and smiled at the approaching mare.


The spider in her hooves took notice of her too, and began twitching a little in the filly's grip until she reaching him up to her mane, where he crawled in and looked out at the newcomer with his red eyes. She didn't really seem to mind the large arachnid hiding up there though, and just got up on her hooves to give a small salute to Cacora.


"Heya, my name's Jelly Drop, and the shy one is Gary. Don't worry about him, he won't bite."


Her hoof went down again and she looked over at the orphanage slightly before returning her gaze to this mare who had apparently grown up in there.


"My dad grew up in an orphanage too. He keeps saying it was hard at times, and especially if you didn't get adopted, so remembering to be extra nice to them is important. Usually he takes me to the orphanage in Canterlot several times a month were we help and play with the foals, because he says he remembers how much he would've liked somepony to make them feel wanted too."


There were more in it that she didn't know about, which were that he wanted to make sure that Jelly did not make the same mistakes that he had done in his youth, which included feeling like anypony were better than others. It had been what had fueled his rage when he were a kid, as he thought everypony looked down on him because they were better than him, and he didn't want to ever have Jelly to feel like this inadequacy were a thing. Beyond wealth of course, but she knew that just because you were rich it didn't mean that you were better, just more productive or lucky.


Of course, it also helped to soothe his guilt-ridden mind in the process, as he had caused the orphanage a lot of troubled when he were small and didn't feel like they really deserved all he had done to them, so he wanted to make some amends.







"I've never pushed somepony into a pit before."


There were a wealth of things in this story that she could focus on, but every time she tried to think of something to say like *How does the dead speak?* *Why would we be angry at you?* or *Sounds like a silly dream.* it didn't feel right to say. Far be it from her to truly know morals and what were the right or wrong thing to say in a given situation, but from what she had seen of them, anything that involved family was a tricky thing to talk about. Especially the parents, as that seemed to be one of them touchy subjects that wasn't easy to deal with without making things bad.


Since this had involved the parents a lot, as well as Lin and her, it all seemed like bad things would come from poking at it, and especially calling it silly, so she just stayed quiet for now about that and focused on a part that didn't seem to really go over those parts.


Frankly, her addressing the fact that he saw his dead parents in a dream would likely have been better, but she were going by experiences thus far, not the caring way that most others potentially would have.


"If Salosan does this to your dreams, we need to find him before you need to sleep again. Don't want him hurting you when you sleep."





@@Seamore Sandwich


Zhu made no attempt at moving even a pebble from the pile as he slowly approached. Knowing he had just witnessed his parents death were testing him enough. Seeing their broken bodies would do nothing but bring him harm and potentially break down, and he would not do that. Not one the one chance he had of finally seeing those who had spawned him.


Besides, Celestia would find them soon, once she were done mourning and would find this scene. She had never told him about this night, and just said that she found his damaged egg in an abandoned camp somewhere, but he could see how this would go. She would find the corpses, and at some point, his damaged egg would get into her view. What she had thought when she decided to give a chance to this unborn life that had lost everything he didn't know, though he suspected it was guilt. Guilt over what she had to do to her sister, and what they had accidentally done.


He knew now that he had to go and meet her, his reservations aside, to tell her that he now knew what had happened, and tell her that he forgave them both for this. They hadn't known that his parents had sat down to get a rest near their castle, so what death came were nothing but an accident. One that he understood his adoptive mother had spend many years trying to still atone for, by taking his egg and doing what she could to make it hatch, as well as giving him a home when he finally hatched.


It had always puzzled him why she had taken him in when it were. He was a freak of nature in a sense, even if you didn't count his egg being damaged in the way it had been, and if it got known that she cared for a being like him, there could have been scandals. The ponies of old were not always tolerant of others, that much he recalled, and yet she had taken the risk, and given him a chance after an accident that wasn't her fault. The amount of guilt she must have felt every time he wandered around on his own, or the first time he asked why he wasn't like her or the other ponies... How she could bear that and still raise him with a smile were amazing to him.


As he got closer to the specters that now floated over the rocks though, his mind wandered from that and instead focused on the two he could finally now put a face to, after wondering for centuries. It was rather striking how much he looked like his father really. A few differences, but he could see where most of his looks had come from.


"You don't need to worry. You may be going away, but your line won't die out. Despite the damages, the egg will hatch, and your son will survive. He will grow up with a loving and caring mother who will help him through the damages this magic did."


Zhu put a paw up to the hood of his robes, and pulled it back to reveal the serpentine, tiger-striped head beneath it.


"I know it must be hard to believe, but as the great Creator is my witness, it is the truth."


He bowed deeply before them both, whilst feeling a tear roll from his left eye again.


"My name is Dolly Zhu, and this... I never thought I would ever even know what you looked like."





@@Seamore Sandwich


Vivid slammed her hoof into Charlie's bark, and answered him with a slightly growling voice. Not because she were angry at him, but because of them, and how they were meddling with them both already.


"Life isn't pleasant. There is fighting, there is greed, and like now, there is hatred. For all the good that it haves to offer, these are the sort of things we have to deal with when we live, but this place... It makes it worse. It ignores the good and focused on the bad, and if we don't get done here and out soon, it is going to consume us. I need you to focus Charlie, and try to ignore them. They are not real, we are, and if we are to survive this place, you need to try and snap out of it and remember that.


Don't leave me here alone Charlie. Focus, and fight it! They are not real, and neither are their hate, or anything else they throw at us."




@@Seamore Sandwich


"Ohoho, what a charming place. If I did not know any better, I would think it had sprung out of a fairy tale book."


Scarcity tried to be polite about this, but quite honestly she thought that this were bordering on tasteless. She understood the theme for the shop considering it were a candy store after all, but it was just so overdone and a little tacky to be honest. Might just be her own taste of course, but she liked a bit more subtlety than something that went so much in your face as this did.


But to each their own of course. Nopony had the same preferences, and it did have a certain kind of charm. They would see when they got to the interior though. That would be the interesting part as far as she were concerned, as she were curious as to what exactly might be in stock of somepony who made magic chocolate. Sheep with candy floss growing out of them? That would be rather intriguing.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Storm smiled, "Of course Blitz is alive! Cute little pyro scares away even the timberwolves, so I'm pretty sure the everfree forest is stuck with her until she wants to move out." He pulled out the picture Featherweight had taken of Blitz's first prank on him. "See? Here's a picture of the second time we ever met. She was pranking me for accidentally ruining one of her bomb stuff, I ended up walking around a bright glittery pink for a week - Left lots of ponies asking if I was Pinkie's long lost brother, hah!" He laughed a bit, holding out the picture. "She looked so adorable laughing that I couldn't even really be upset at her... Later, we both apologized; me for ruining her bomb, and her for her slight overreaction. We ended up friends and Mayor Mare doesn't want our prank wars within four miles of the town anymore."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom


*Cacora smiles.* "That's very kind of him. To be honest, I only remember the Orphanage. However, they told me I was school age, when I was found on the front door step. Want to come inside?" *Cacora starts for the currently closed gates.* "This always happens when Ponyville gets attacked. The caretaker locks the gates to protect those inside. I, however, happen to have the key." *She removes the key from her bag with a wing and uses it to open the gates.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Blitz Boom,


There was a second of Astral's ears lowering a bit. "You know, 200 is a lot." Misty proclaimed. "100 would be worth it still."


Astral turned to Misty. "Alright, Chow, I'll go with 100 instead." She said turning her head back to Chow. She waved her hoof, dust collected from the air into her hoof, and created a single bit in her hoof from it. "Not that it would make much of a difference either way..." She placed it on Chow's head. She could've just handed it over, but she just wanted a chuckle. "You can have that."


Misty chuckled a bit too. "Almost makes up for messing my mane up." She paused for a moment. "Almost." She said in a rather serious tone,


Astral placed a box down with a thud. "Okay, so that's it for all our stuff."


Misty looked to Astral, having not even heard Astral go out to get another one, she was rather surprised from Astral's sudden appearance. "I thought we finished it on the two hour mark."


"We weren't, but we are now." She looked outside. "It's also getting late, so we should probably get some rest. Or sleep."  She turned back to Chow. "Can we make the Canterlot gardens the first destination for the tour? I heard so much about it." She said in a very excited tone. "I especially want to see it because the God of Chaos was there." Misty coughed once, implying Chow might not know who that is. "Oh right! the God of Chaos is Discord."


Misty nodded with a smile. "I kinda want to see it for that too, being magic users and all. But since he's good now..." She looked at Astral. "I don't even know why it would be excited for that actually."


"I've wanted to see all the last known location of the Gods, Discord is a nice start for that." She tappd her chin with a hoof. "Well, any of them is a good start. But Discord is the closest."


Misty rolled her eyes, heading upstairs. "Chow, I think she can fill you in on the Gods of Equestria."


Astral looked at him with a smile. "Well, either that, or the bits. Just 20 is fine though..." She swung her hoof down wards, cutting a hole in reality, making a portal. Astral pulled the book out of the portal. "Hang on, do you already know of them?"

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Y-Yes, I'm quite alright, thank you Florence...though I must ask if you're uncle is well. He looks rather upset." Zen frowned, "And I do apologize for my outburst. That was...truly unlike me. I assume it was the negative emotions overloading me and the traumatic memories.." 




"No thanks, the person roleplayin' as me wants to keep us as far out from the main storyline as possible. I'm a comic relief character, after all." Deadpan let out a small chuckle.

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@@Blitz Boom


Lance thought he saw some reaction when he asked the question, and immediately felt bad for asking. He quietly ate his stew before speaking again.


"Okay? It is the best stew I've ever eaten. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that. And compared to my cooking? Don't insult your cooking by pairing it with something as awful as that. I'm telling you, my cooking makes nails look like chocolate. I'm surprised food that I've cooked isn't classified as a safety hazard."


He paused.


"In short, I'm not good at cooking."


He almost asked another question about Troy, but quickly stopped himself. Instead, he smiled weakly.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Blitz Boom


"It's not that Solasan is hunting me through my dreams. Sometimes, these things are influenced by events outside of control and the emotions I felt end up seeping into the dreams. Like having feelings of doubt about whether or not I am welcomed here. The villagers may not make their thoughts known through words but their actions can be understood as being cautious or unwelcoming. I read those and don't think much of them while I'm awake but what I really think of them is magnified in dreams. I see more of it even if I don't want to. Usually doesn't happen twice in a night so I should be able to sleep better, at least in my experience." 

"Are you sure?" Lin worriedly asked. "This one's different from the others you've had before."

Sen simply nodded, preferring to not mention the numerous instances of recurring nightmares that have happened over the years spent on the road. No one seemed to bother with it and he was content to stay as far away as possible from crowded spaces. That contentment was enough to keep the attention away. Lin thought it wasn't enough to persuade her but she will leave it be for the meantime. Sen nodded and smiled to both Lin and Omen before going back to bed. 

"Omen, would you walk with me? I could use some fresh air and I want to get something off my mind." Lin quietly opened a gate small enough for them to crouch through, attracting little attention. Everyone needed the sleep and the noise would be most uncalled for. 

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Satin quietly read over the list of supplies she'd packed for the nth time as the two pegasi flew the carriage through the air. She sighed, rolling up the piece of paper with her magic and stuffing it back into one of her bags. Traveling could be such a stress, and traveling for a show was even worse. She had to make sure to bring everything she needed for her stay, like clothes and makeup, but had to double it to include all her performance outfits. She gazed out at the scenery below, the trees and flowers captivating, but oh so simple. 'Why can't life be more like that?' she mused to herself.


"Ma'am, we should be arriving in Ponyville shortly," said one of the pegasi, pointing towards the town no coming into view. "When we touch down, would you like help with your bags and finding your place of stay?"


Satin chuckled. "I think you know the answer to that already, Mr. Cloud, but because I know you're just doing your job, no, I should be able to handle it myself. Thank you though." Her gaze shifted towards the other pegasus. "And Mr. Storm, please give my mother my sincerest thanks for lend you to me so often. I know it must be tiring. I'll be sure to throw in a few more bits for you when we land."


"It's nothi-," Storm started, stopping upon hearing the slight sound of Satin's tongue slithering slightly. He sighed. "Aye, tis a bit tiresome, due less to the actual flying than to the time away from family. Though your extra bits help with the apology presents i get the kids." Storm and Cloud chuckled. "Landing in two," the two said in unison.


Once the carriage landed, Satin gathered her bags and gave the two pegasi a goodbye and a generous amount of bits, before setting off to find a place to stay. As she walked through the town, Satin gazed upon the buildings and frowned. 'Why do some of them look so haggard? Heck, some look completely destroyed. I'll have to ask the pony who runs the hotel or inn here.'


After a good half hour of searching, Satin was stumped. 'Do they not have an inn or hotel or anything? I had it on good authority that I'd have somewhere to stay. Unless....' Her gaze shifted towards some of the destroyed buildings. 'Could it have been one of those? Maybe not, and I missed it, but still... Hmm. Better find someone to ask.' Satin looked around, finding nopony in sight. She set off to find anyone who'd talk to her and tell her what had happened and where she could find a place to stay.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Void chuckled. Harshly. A bug reference to a bee hive and the Changeling Queens, well timed too, he sighed and frowned slightly though, the situation becoming direly complex with each passing conversation between him and Belladonna

"Yes. Let's avoid war. Unless it comes down to winner takes all, or some sort of apparent issue war isn't deemed needed in my eyes, I assume yours too Belladonna. Wait, that sound before, that you were listening to is your boss? How do you know sounded like depressed sobs to my ears..."

Void gained increasing intrigue in this pony, they were strange, yet severely normal and composed, how can somebuggy pull that off? Let alone in the first, what is it now, hour of meeting? He contemplated the situation further inside his head, planning paths, and viwing varying outcomes, none seemed pleasant, he kicked a tree, then his horn sparked to life and his holed hoof turned a sleek shiny iron like colour and his kicked it again, swifter, his hoof becoming lodged as the iron club like hoof got stuck, he quickly pulled it out, sighed a second time, relieved he can let of steam without worry.

"Sorry 'bout that, helps sometimes you know? Medical emergencies..."

Void paused, chuckled once more, a sour bitter one without clear portrayed emotional stability 

"I may assume not. I shall not be violent. At all. It is bad for business with my own kind eh? And they would tear me apart... I would prefer if you did come along when I journey to Hives? I would greatly appreciate it, also Changelings are not savages, you won't get drained upon entrance, especially with me so no worry on that part. Your way with words, eloquence, it's great, amazing even. I need this ability you have with conversations, stability, without my emotions getting in the way as I feel I may lose myself, and my own appearance from these events, I will lose my species too... Well, 'evolve' anyway"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood Drops twitched her tail and picked up a bottle of odd liquid and began to drink it. She felt funny, then her head hurt. Then it stopped hurting, she smiled blankly. She felt really odd, the room began to spin, then it stopped. That must have been some really potent drink. She blinked at Blitz and frowned, confused. She didn't know who this pony was, she frowned as her brain refused to do anything. So she followed her instincts.


She let out a low growl at Blitz and moves towards her showing her teeth, this filly wasn't like her, not like her at all. "I want to bite you" she remarked to the filly. She moved forward to give the filly a bite, she would bite anypony she saw.






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@@BloodDrops,@@Blitz Boom,


Missklang stood inbetween Blood and Blitz.


Now now,  I am sure you don't want to do that. Don't you remember? There is an angry dragon out there on the loose that would gladly test her fireball launching on you if you bite Blitz.


Blood clearly looked very uncooperative and didn't listen to common sense. Missklang looked into her eyes and saw just animal instincts. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage.


Now, you are not the only one to know how to growl. 


He assumed a low stance, putting his body as closely to the ground, ready to jump forward and showed his sharp pointy teeth to Blood while starting to growl as well. His pupils became almost a perfect thin black line as his eyes glowed. 

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@@Blitz Boom,

Draco grinned slightly as he looked at Long stare. He felt doing something silly for her. He looked at her right in the eyes and said "I'm going to do something quite silly for you my dear," Draco whispered gently. He began to tap out a beat with his hooves. He pulled out his fedora and a suit. He placed them both on quickly. He looked handsome as he smiled charmingly at Long Stare. He began to sing and dance for her. As the song went on Draco's dance began to be come abit sillier. He was embarrassing himself for her.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Blood ignored his talk. She was past that stage, she was at the biting stage. She was just about to barge past him when he growled... A challenge.




Blood stopped and looked at him, she showed her teeth and growled back. She noticed he lowered himself to the ground and she copied him. 




She twitched her ear noticing he had narrowed his eyes, she did the same and let out another growl.




She blinked realising he was prepared to bite her. She didn't fancy getting a bite. So she submitted.


She sat down and looked away, she didn't want to bite anymore.

  • Brohoof 1






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@@Frosty Frost

@@Summer Breeze


Nerzhei threw out a large rock the rolled heavily over the ground in the opposite direction the others had come from, before walking out of the cave and looking towards them all. in particular, this newcomer they had brought along.


"So you're the lost pony they scavenged up at the beach."


She gave a narrow look at Blue, examining her and trying to get a good impression of her, which thus far were that she were barely a threat. Not to her at least, which were all that mattered in case she tried something. Her opinion though, were that she wasn't. She seemed naively calm considering she were facing a dragon, but no weapons, no apparent hostility in her stance, and a friendly atitude seemed to point more towards the mare being more or less harmless. She'd keep an eye out though, just in case. You never could tell everything from a first meeting.


"Very well. I am Nerzhei. Scholar, and currently the most safe chance of getting out of this country any of you ponies will have. This cave will serve as someplace you can all sleep tonight. I'll take a guard duty when I'm back. Come on Lotus, it's time to go catch a fish."


She knelt down and held her hand flat so the pink bunny could use it as a sort of lift up to the dragoness' head, where she'd grab hold in the hood of her robes before Nerzhei spread her wings and went to the sky, heading towards the sea. She'd be back soon enough, but for now, the collection of ponies and the dryad would be on their own.


And speaking of Lyriel, she wandered towards the cave and looked in at the bare rock, then knelt down and whispered a little to herself whilst spores spread from her hand and over the ground in there, covering the surface slowly in a thick layer of soft moss.


"I believe this will be better for you, yes? It's been a long time since I really saw a sleeping being that wasn't a dryad, and we always sleep in tree form with our roots stuck in the ground, so I could be mistaken. I just recall the animals that once were looking pleased about a soft layers to rest upon."







Playing games and showing a normal sword would do nothing to him wasn't much of a problem for Last. She expected that sort of thing from a being that were as beyond reason as the draconeuui were, which is why the comment about dolling her up almost made her flare again, but were as mention, expected, so it soften the blow a little.


She drew the line when he imploded a house and nearly killed the residents in the house though. A family no less, which meant that this... Imbecile, had just attempted murder on several ponies, and then what? Played it off like it was nothing? Did this fool think that she would just accept that he almost killed five citizens and destroyed everything they had, and then think it funny because he made a strange food fall from the sky?!


Last was not in a position to do some actual fighting, but that didn't mean that she couldn't threaten as she in a swift movement both shook the pancake (a food item she had never seen before) off her head and grabbed hold of the hilt of her sword with her teeth, before withdrawing the magical blade that she had gotten in the dream realms.


The white fire that soared on the blade felt like it was roaring with greater intensity as her anger rose, whilst she locked her open eye on the strange mismatch of several animals in front of her, and spoke in a cold voice.


"How dare you to take more from this town than it have already lost! Fix what you have ruined, or I swear I will make you regret it, one way or another."


The chance that she could actually do anything about this being were minimal, but she didn't really think of that as much as what the draconequui had done, and her want to stop him before this happened again to a perhaps slower family.





@@Moon Dancer.


Bulk didn't really say anything. He just pointed towards the table and waited for envious to get up, and once he did, he'd get started on the massage.


It wouldn't be pleasant, that was for certain, but deep tissue unfortunately hurt in the moment, and especially if you were really tense in it. The end result though, would be well worth the amount of pain that might come from Bulk's professional treatment.





@@Moon Dancer.


Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far aw- Wait, hold on, wrong script.


*ahem* Meanwhile, in the other end of Ponyville, Alonsus looked at the king with a curious look, but nothing hostile per se just yet. What he said about being a heavy sleeper were rather impressive in a way, since trying to sleep for weeks sounded impossible to him, but his main focus were about the hive, which counsed more plausible than him not having one considering he was a royal.


"Perplexing why you are not with your hive then, but I take it you don't want me rummaging around in that? I would insist on knowing further, but let it not be said that Alonsus does not respect boundaries when it comes to guests of Ponyville."


The stallion was full of air, but at least he wasn't unreasonable towards Transmutation. Long as he remained a guest and not some sort of invader or otherwise cruel towards any of the citizens, he shouldn't be interrogated like a villain. If those boundaries were crosses however, Alonsus might be one of those who shone a flashlight in his face and asked questions another time. Would depend on how things went really.


"And if you don't a disguise, that is up to you. I will not force you. You will likely get strange looks though, but if you can handle that, you can come along, see how things goes, yes?"








Molotov stared at the picture, frozen in both action and thought as everything just started to center around this picture. A image that showed this pony, pink and sparkly, next to a laughing foal that he had thought were dead at this point. And there was no chance that this had happened in the past, as he knew that Blitz had never been near Ponyville. Their mother would have never allowed it.


He were pretty much in stasis like this for several minutes before Carmen crawled up on his face and used her metallic legs to squeeze his snout hard enough to make it hurt quite a bit, at which point he did manage to snap out of it. Carmen fell down on the table though in the process, but she seemed indifferent about that and just looked around her.


Molotov on the other hoof, nearly exploded in excitement.


"She's alive! Praise Celestia in all her glory, my little sister is still alive!"


There was a mixture of laughing and crying going over him for a little before he managed to get a little bit more control over himself and look at Storm like an impatient foal.


"Where is she? I got to get to her now. She have got to be scared and distraught out of her mind after these two months on her own. Please, I have to get there!"


This one, Void would be unable to ignore, though she did manage to answer Lance in the silent period before he went somewhat crazy in it..


"T-Thank you, I didn't know if it had gotten any good, so it's n-nice to hear that somepony likes it."


Since the ingredients from Troy were such a delicate thing to handle, along with how long it had been since she had last had the chance to really try to make this, it had been a bit up in the air about how it were. Storm had said it was good, but he seemed like a genuinely nice pony that wouldn't want to be harsh, so she didn't know if perhaps he had just been too nice to tell her that it had been a poor attempt. With Lance adding to it his opinion though, it managed to bring a smile to her face, along with a little blush, as she wasn't used to genuine praise from others.


She had even chuckled a little at his comment about how his food were so bad that apparently nails looked positively delicious in comparison, which had brought forth a rather fun mental image of his food being taken away in a bio-hazard container and somepony needing to cleanse their mouth with a full bottle of mouth wash, just to get the taste out. Not the nicest thing, but it did seem so silly that she couldn't help feel a little uplifted over it.


And that was about when Molotov went a little overboard and made her smile fizzle away, and a twitch appear at her right eye, though she wasn't saying anything yet. Might be she were in shock by the sudden burst though, but it was hard to say if it was that, or if she just got surprised and were *rebooting* in her mind, so to speak.







Jelly got a huge smile on her face at the question about whatever or not she'd come in.


"Totally! I've just got to Ponyville, so I don't even know anypoiny yet. Mighty be new friends in here. Long as they don't go after Gary. I don't like those who tries to hurt my friend."


She rose a hoof up and stroke through Gary's fur, which gave a low, but noticeable sound that sounded a bit like a mixture between a cat purring, and the air going out of a tire. It was a good sound and meant he enjoyed being pet, but unless you had ever heard a spider happy before, it would likely be kinda strange.


Looking excited and ready to go in, jelly placed herself right behind Cacora and waited, brazing herself. Both for how it might look in there, and for the possibility that she might have to dodge somepony. Sometimes others came after Gary with a broom, so she had to be prepared so she could move before he got his head bumped. He really didn't like that, and things wouldn't go great if he started hissing at everypony and spew web after them.







"Phew, that's a monkey off my back. Not literally though, those nimble little bastards ain't possible to get off if they don't want to. Took me a freaking hour the last time and cost me half my mane. Though I guess it's my own fault for accidentally vaulting over a gate and stumbling into their enclosure. Zoo at least so.


Anyway, my banning from every zoo in east Equestria aside, I'll-"


He made a strange frown as the bit was placed on his head, like if he had been a cat that somepony had put a slice of salami on, though he didn't back down more than a few steppes before raising his hoof and looking over it, before flipping it towards Misty in an easy to track, high angle.


"I got 99 problems, but this bit ain't one."


He grinned a little at them, then waited for the bit to either be caught or fall on the ground before leaning in to Misty a bit and looking at her amused. He knew that she could likely transform him into a duck or something if she got a bit of prep time, but that didn't mean that he couldn't find her and her serious face all sorts of fun.


"Y'know, we're gonna have to even the score one of these days then. I happen to know where there's a joke shop in town if you want some ideas? Tomorrow though. Like Astral said, we're through, and night's falling. Shops have either closed or are starting to, and it's only about what... An hour before the Night Guard starts stepping in? Take it from one who know, they're more suspicious than the Solar ones, and wouldn't overhear you two saying stuff about magic by accident. Best to have patience."


There was a time when the Night Guard had stopped him with a package that he had brought in from outside town where he'd been hunting, and they wanted to see what he were dragging along. It had been a long night at the station after they found the deer, but it got sorted eventually. They even let him keep the deer, though they told him to wait until he got a special permit for these sort of things. They weren't used to hunters 'round here, so they had to make a thing that he could show if push came to talk.


Awh carp... He had forgotten all about that. His current one expired when he left town, and he left the original one at home even, so it didn't matter if it was all fresh and stuff right now anyway.


Alright, alright, he could fix this. He just had to haul flank and get to the station, then be prepared for a few hours of talking and theyh migth be able to get something sorted for the time. He had to make sure to bring his papers for the shop though. It'd be easier to explain why he'd wander around with dead animals with that in hoof.


Heh, perhaps he could even be so lucky that Flowing Mane were there and could remember him. Might ease things. Granted, he was a right twonk to speak with, but at least he were somewhat reasonable and had a good memory.


Straightening up again, Chow let out a small cough and looked over towards Astral.


"Anyway, I better get a move on before it gets too late. You know where my shop is, so just come out there from after 'round 6 in the morning and forward. I should be home by then and prepping things, so I'll leave the door unlocked. Just use the bell in there when it is, alright? We'll see where we go from there, but you can be sure we'll take the gardens. Just figured that perhaps you'd want to see the food parlor first and pick up some breakfast. Can't have you eating the hedges or something, eh?"


Unless there were something else, he'd give the two of them a brief hug, then leave the room and get on his way. If there were, he'd stick around and listen. Momma didn't raise a rude boy.





@@Lil' Lovebug


"Aaah, good to be back again."


The street Satin were on right now were somewhat empty in it, until a pony walked out from what looked like an alleyway that looked like somepony who had a rough night.


Now, the mare in question were strange to look at as it were. She were mostly covered in cloth and a big, fur-like scarf, all in deep purple, with the cape haveing the marking of an apple/skull combination for some reason. Her skin had slightly glowing marking on them showing a little the more exposed places like her face in intricate patterns, and her ears seemed to be flickering flames, though how that even worked were hard to tell.


A scaled tail with a pointy end like an arrow waves slightly behind her, mostly covered as well, and as the narrow, red eyes focused on the only pony she could see here on the street and slowly walked a little closer, the length of her horn became quite noticeable too. It weren't the length of a princess, but it wasn't too far off.


"How peculiar. I didn't think one of Canterlot's higher class would come here to Ponyville, and especially not after it got attacked. I'm rather impressed."


The mare's voice weren't mocking in the slightest, but rather smooth and somewhat alluring, rolling off her tongue like honey. YOu could hear she were also sounding somewhat impressed, but the alluring undertone might muddle that a little bit.


"I suppose a welcome is in order then. I could also help if you would want that? It is a small town compared to Canterlot, but you would be surprised how easy it is to miss things even when you look.


Ah, and before I forget it. My name is Vivid Loss. Interesting to meet you."


Vivid hadn't had a good night, and frankly hopd that it wouldn't continue on right now. After she had been fixed up and placed Briar's new eyes into his head, she were drained enough to almost fall asleep in the middle of the street, but managed to get back to the void again before passing out. She had needed a lot of sleep and quite frankly, she still wasn't too fresh in it, but she figured she could need a change of scenery and to stretch her legs. There were a limit to how much she could tolerate the snoring of demons, though it were still calming for a while. It was just a fine line between soothing, white noise, and something that would make her grind her tee´th. Especially if they talked in their sleep, but usually that wasn't an issue.







So feelings and things you thought on influenced dreams? interesting. Master had always said that it were random what happened. That a few bits and pieces of wants and desires mixed into a chaotic mix, and he had even showed her sort of what dreaming were like when he asked her to walk into a quiet lake, then let chaos swirl around her for a few hours that showed her random things and resonated with sounds there. That had always been her imagination on how dreams actually were, and quite frankly, she envied others when that were.


Strange as it might seem to others, it was calming to her to be in the middle of all such randomness, and she had beed jealous over others that could sleep, as they got to experience something she never did.


Then along came Sen, and her view started to change a little. Though she knew chaos wasn't good for everypony, and that it might make them uncomfortable, his nightmares seemed more direct than just random, horrible stuff. It seemed to be tearing into specific bad things in his mind, and just get worse a little by little. She had only seen three nights, that was true, but she kept watch over him as he slept, and knew what she had seen. Even last night, which seemed the most calm of them all, hadn't looked completely peaceful in her eyes.


She wished to ask about this, but he wanted to go back to sleep and try not to have more bad dreams, and Lin asked her to come with her for now, so she kept quiet, although she did hesitate a little, as she didn't know if she wanted to leave Sen right now. Times like this seemed like somepony akin to Discord in her mind. Looking strong and powerful, but needed others to watch over him once in a while, yet this house seemed kind of safe enough, and she did have his scent... Yes, she could follow Lin for now.


Walking through the gate, she didn't know where Lin would want them to go, but hopefully it wouldn't be a misplaced one, as she were still new with this. Omen knew of siblings of hers that had opened several gates directly in the sky and fallen a few times over in their attempt to get away, so she didn't rule anything out.







"I-It's okay. None of us is taking things t-too well right now."


Florence smiled a little at first, but looked a bit nervous at the question she was given about her uncle. Though after a little of waiting for him to get a bit more out of range, she went in close and whispered to Zen, not wanting the others to hear this.


"You mean the hurt look in his eyes, right? I saw it once too. I think he's okay,  just... He's been on his own, thinking me and my mother was d-dead for so long because of him. It hurts him more than he's willing to show, and I think that knowing we were alive, but got hurt because we thought he were gone... It torments him. It makes him think he failed us."


Florence let out a small sigh.


"I won't defend what he says, but whatever have happened the last ten years, it have left him broken. I can see it in his eyes, and the way he acts. Even for a griffin, he's too hostile, and wants to keep everyone away from him. You don't do that unless you have a reason. I just wish I knew what it were so I could help him, you know?"


It was easier for her to control her ´nervous stuttering when she whispered, though it couldn't keep up. Zen would have to be fast with a reply to not make the others think they were planning something strange, unless she wanted to speak up about it. Though why would anypony do such a thing.







"Roleplaying as you? Are you trying to pull the *we're just cartoon characters controlled by hairless monkeys* routine again? I told you, nice try the first time, but I ain't falling for that one. Waaaay out there along with.... I don't know, sirens or something weird like that."





@@Handsome Changeling


Belladonna lifted a hoof and pushed her monocle slightly in again as Void let off some steam towards the now damaged tree. It was a nuisance this piece of glass, but what one didn't do to see right. It was fortunate at least that she didn't have to use one for the left eye too, as she did not like the idea of having to wear a pair of glasses constantly. She had been offered that a few times before, and she had refused every time. At least a monocle had some kind of class to it.


Before saying something though, she used her horn to pull out a business card from somewhere under the cloak and float it towards Void, letting it stand there for him to take if he wished to. On the piece of paper were the usual stuff, including the name of a business: Quartz Construction.


"I have worked as a personal assistant to Clayton Quartz for five years now, and it requires me to know his ups and downs to stay ahead with my work. I have observed him for far too long to not know what every little tick he makes means, and after getting an increasing number of letters from him after he traveled to this town, I could see in his writing that he were stressed more than usual. The last one were hurried and had droplets of spare ink on the side, along with a seal mark upside down, and he only makes these mistakes when he is not mentally prepared for everything happening.


His sobbing means he broke from too much and needed time to get himself a breather. Usually that entails crying, and it follows a specific pattern in volume and pause between deep breaths. It is how I can tell when it is ready, as well as knowing that when he is done, he will wander out and continue out of town whilst he cleans his eyes to let the tear stains get a chance to dry before speaking with others again."


Belladonna knew a disturbing amount about her boss, including how much sleep he needed versus how much he allowed himself at times, which were when she would put a sleeping concoction in his drinks to let him rest, and then take care of the work herself before he came around. He did not know she used to observe him as he slept, but that was likely for the better too, as she would have been fired rather quickly on in that case she'd say.


She had also timed how long he were away generally for errands outside of the office, what particular clients did to his mood, hid food habits at work, etc. In essence, she knew him well enough to point to what would happen with him at any given time, even before he had any idea himself.


This kind of obsession was harmless though. she simply did it because she appreciated the chance he had given her when she came to Canterlot and looked for work, and wanted to be prepared to help in the best way possible when things happened to him. That it sometimes required her to do things that were generally not seen upon as acceptable were a lesser concern for her.


"I would have went directly towards him earlier, but I had the need of some local flora for a test project of my own, which is why you met me here in the forest.


As to the subject of the hives, you should be aware that I don't fear being dragged in and drained. My concerns are more around what happens if they just take me. I have been there before and would rather prefer to avoid that again, though it should be easier when entering the hive along with you I assume. A small bit of leeway can make a noticeable difference, and begin the path towards a mutual understand between the new hive and the classic ones. A case of agreeing upon neither annihilation or assimilation if you would."


Belladonna didn't talk about the point he brought up about wanting to be more objective like her and not get controlled by his emotions as much, because frankly, she would prefer to have a little of what he had at times rather than this. Being too objective on things made you neutral too most things, and the more towards the center it got, the more degrees of wrong came in there, like the greying zone of what were morally okay, as being objective told her that it were not harmful as long as you were not noticed and it was done for a better cause, whereas one with passion like Void here, would likely have been able to tell themselves that doing such a thing was horrible.


But as the saying goes: The grass is always greener on the other side.







@@Changeling Neon


"Hey, no biting, that's not nice."


Blitz pouted a little. She had been told plenty of things in her short memory, mostly regarding being somewhat crazy and a danger to everything around her, but she had never been threatened to be bitten before, and that just seemed very rude. Also painful, and pain was bad.


Or okay, it wasn't entirely true that she hadn't been threatened with bites before, but that was the timberwolves, you'd expect that. They wanted to go find prey to go nom nom on after all, so that was understandable, even if they didn't want to go near her anymore because she had lobbed some grenades and stuff at them before. Ponies on the other hoof, wasn't supposed to go and bite others, so that would just be mean.







Long Stare was mesmerized, and once more began to listen to him like there were nopony else around, which unfortunately there were. Something which would be rather obvious once a large *Klang* sound popped up behind the two of them near the end of Draco's performance.


"Sorry! This part were looser than I expected. And considerably heavier. Who on earth would even use this sort of thing in a clock? It's inefficient power-wise."


The pony rummaging through the part of the clock he has found seemed to ramble on to himself more than anything near the end, which really made it seem like he usually only had himself to talk to, but eh. To each their own.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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(just to make sure I understand, anypony can just jump right in, along with posting a link to their chara bio yes? I want to make sure I understand clearly before posting something and making myself look like a silly pony [123456789098765432] Sorry about the numbers, I needed extra characters to meet the character limit)

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@@Blitz Boom,


Storm blinked, "Your sister? I didn't know Blitz had a brother.. Well, I'd be happy to take you there! Blitzy has a little shack she lives in inside the Everfree Forest; the area around it is pretty safe, if a bit littered with craters and such." He gestured at Void and the food stand, "However I can't take you right this moment, since I have to help Void here with the food distribution and such; I don't think she'd appreciate it much if I just up and left her here.."


"Oh, Oh, Oh! I can take over that part! I'd be happy to help Void out with the giving of the foodstuffs!" Pinkie cheered, popping up suddenly. "And you can take Molotov to see his two-month lost sister!"


"Well..." Storm glanced over at Void. "Void, what do you think? I don't want to leave you here to fend for yourself, and while this seems pretty important and Pinkie's volunteered to help you, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable with the situation.. So I won't leave until the job's done if you think I should stay."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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