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Blitz Boom

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     Mary shot up and looked around, seeing Maple. 

     "Oh, uh. Hi! Nah, just surprising me a bit. Im Mary Melody and you?" Mary says standing up. "Also, you seem distracted. Whats wrong?" @Maple Bat


Edited by MaryxMelody
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@Blitz Boom

Warlock hummed as he listened to the spirit. He got the idea, but he had to know what mark he was looking for. What did it look like? He couldn't ask that, this spirit had only a voice to talk to him with. If he met Chow directly, he'd likely end up back in a stone prison, or in prison if Chow was in one even if he could get out it wouldn't end well. He let out a sigh. He drew on the ground, a circle but out of boredom. "You are a smart fellow to know that about me. A solid gold statue though, haven't heard of anything like that." He stood up, walking over to the bookshelf, pulling out a book. "But if it contains the element, I'll look for something like that. Maybe one of these books says something about it." Every book floated off the shelves, in a circle around him. Warlock reading over every page. "Athriel, is there any book explaining what the mark you mention looks like. or how to erase it?"


Nectar prepped for the teleportation. Soon after looking around to examine the place she was now in. She glanced over to Golden. "I'm pretty settled with the idea of helping you, so that's my choice, again, and I may need to be reminded who this pony in question is. As we have no idea where those other ponies teleported. or if they are here. Heck, the guards might need to search all of Equestria." She said, letting out a sigh. "That is if the pony in question is the one that teleported."

Francis stared at her, snickering. "I'm pretty sure it's not, other wise Golden wouldn't know if she was here at all." He turned to Golden. "Still, I don't believe you mentioned this 'Pony in question' Before, unless you have and we are just really ignorant." Nectar gave him a menacing stare. "I'm joking! I hope."


Iron star let out a sigh, and a chuckle. He had the appearance of being blind again as he watched Chow go through his antics. He was actually blind when using omnipotence, unable to see what was currently going where he was on as he watched events elsewhere unfold, he also went deaf too but that's only if he wanted to hear something too. "Yeah, seems I was right. The whole Scarcity thing did go well." His eyes turned back to normal. "Warlock is still conversing with that Athriel being though, if she tells him anything about the Element of Greed we'll have to intervene. Oh actually, as soon as she tells him where it is. we can teleport to the location of it and fend it off."

Astral smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a plan, probably a better one too. but what do we do with it?" Iron Star looked down. "If we hold it, it might affect us."

"We could just levitate it into a bag, or teleport it away so he won't know where it was. Neither would Athriel either actually."

Misty raised her hoof, the two looked to her. "Or... we let the Canterlot guards deal with him. We'd stay out of harm's way that way."

He shook his head. "With any element of disharmony he could wipe out the entire army." Misty backed up. Iron Star created a magical construct of the page form before. "Remember? In fact it took a month to stop Warlock last time, with only one element! Although with barely an army to help, and only Celestia, Luna, and Sapphire Star could fight him."  He dissipated the page. "It's not going to be easy. Even if there are different circumstances now. We do have more alicorns, many unicorns, a huge army. But I'm unsure if that can change anything if he has the Elements of Disharmony."

Astral let out a sigh. "Maybe, we can stop him for good this time. Reform him or..." She paused, looking down. "Or we kill him."

Iron Star put a hoof on her shoulder, Astral looking up to him. "Let's leave that as our last option, but we might very well have too, along with Athriel."

Misty got closer to Astral. "Please at least give reformation a good long try before killing him."

Astral and Iron Star nodded. "We will." Said Astral, and Iron Star at the same time.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Maple was surprised normally people tried to get away from her when they saw her fangs they where normally very scary that she was going to dink their blood, however, she looked at who she was talking to and grew a little more comfortable.

"Well, Nice to meet you Mary. I'm Maple." she said "And nothings wrong just something feels off."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Mary confused what by what she ment by, off. "What do you mean off?" Mary tilted her head to the side. She opened her wings a little/

     Maybe she means something in her famly Mary, let that thought slip through her mind but soon dismissed it. No, I am pretty sure, she would be asking around if so

@Maple Bat

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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich "Not completely full, just mostly full. My cave back at my parents place had this huge ole snapping turtle, He respected only three creatures. Myself, my mother and the local mail mare." Serenade gets up and stretches out, wings and legs, then eventually sighing in relief. "That's the one thing I hate, having to wait on Nobility."

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Starburst suddenly felt the weight of the package he had strapped to his back, his only reason for being here... other than to escape the dragon outside.
"No, not at all. I haven't given much thought to same sex relationships." He looked around at the crowd before continuing, "I probably won't as well, though I don't condemn them."
"And yes, the dragon outside, and delivering this," he gestured to the package, "is what's keeping me here still. Any other questions?"
Edited by CentipedeGhoul
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@Blitz Boom, @Anypony is may concern

*Cacora nodded and started for the food place instead.* "I am sure Pinkie is making a party there. She is our residential Party Pony. She is also an Element of Harmony. If you truly wish to be helpful, they can help ya find your place."


*She knows exactly where to go because earlier in the afternoon she was there getting a bite to eat. Instinctively she is sensing for emotions. She doesn't know she is doing it. Her empathic nature is not in her control. It acts as random as chaos itself.*


*Hopefully when they arrive others will be there. Hopefully she will find the party pony.*

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@Blitz Boom

"Who, me? No, I bet she's just getting used to Ponyville, and that's making her work better. I had nothing to do with it."

However, as he said this he grinned widely. 

"Okay, maybe I had a little to do with it. You'd be surprised how much talking with somepony without worrying about being judged helps sometimes. It helps me a lot, for sure."

He stopped talking for a moment, as if to finish the sentence, but decided to add one more thing.

"I mean, if I could talk to somepony often without being judged. Void was one of the first besides my parents."

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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"Its just odd." she said. "I feel out of place here... Like I don't belong. Have you seen my mother around here a talk with her would help."

She had this odd look on her face. The look of someone who was lost, confused, and alone. She wasn't scared but she knew where she was wasn't home.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Blitz Boom @Summer Breeze

Frosty followed Nerzhei towards the beach, throwing his stones at random trees. He ran out of stones just when they arrived at the beach.

When Frosty saw the masks that Nerzhei pulled out, he grinned. He always liked magical doodads.

"So the grey gems give me air? Nice. Are there any strong currents or anything that I need to worry about?"


Blue sighed on the inside. She was speaking to a tree that hadn't seen any civilisation for Chrysalis knows how long. Of course Lyriel didn't know what "what's up" meant. She'd forgotten that.

"Y-yes, I slept well, how about you? Or wait, do you actually need sleep, since you're a tree-creature and all?"

Usually she wouldn't be very interested in how anyone's sleep had been, but Lyriel was a tree. That was definitely something that made her interested.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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3 hours ago, Maple Bat said:


"Its just odd." she said. "I feel out of place here... Like I don't belong. Have you seen my mother around here a talk with her would help."

She had this odd look on her face. The look of someone who was lost, confused, and alone. She wasn't scared but she knew where she was wasn't home.


     Mary looked at Maple. "I am one of you!" Mary smiles

     "What does she look like, though?" Mary looked around, hoping to help. Mary gives her a reassuring look telling her, that she will be okay! Not to worry, She is there for her!

  • Brohoof 1
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"What do you mean one of you?" She wondered "She's a yellow pegasus with a pink tail and mane, 3 butterfly cutie mark, you know shes the element of kindness."

Maple returned mary's look with a glance that told her I know just nervous


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You have fangs! Like me! " Smiles and opens her vampire/bat wing. "Oh! I know where she should be! Follow me!" Trots to Fluttershy's house



(Mary is 25% vampire, 25% bat, and 50% normal)

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Maple began to worry what had happened to her that gave her this bad feeling. When She and Mary turned to where she knew why she felt this way, Fluttershy's cottage was normal , like it was before she got with discord. She wasn't supposed to exist here.

"Umm... hey I've changed my mind about this." She said panicked "Do you have some where I could stay for a while so I can sort all of this out."



My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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     "Yea! I live in ponyville! I have guest room in my house! Would that work?" Mary ask, Maple. She hoovered in place a bit. She started to get a little worried, this new pony, was acting stranger by the minute, in a worry some way. She wanted to help her, so she offered a room in her home.

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"Yea that would work thank you" Maple said "Sorry about making you take me here just to change my mind right before we arrive"

She knew how this seemed to this other pony, A pony who is confused by everything that happened to show up out of no where. Maple knew she was in an alternate universe so she was unsure how to approach anypony about it, She wondered how she got here, if she served some sort of purpose here.

"Hey this another weird question" She started "Do you know where is Discord right now?"

She asked that because Discord would be relatively calm or understanding of her situation, she had hoped.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat@MaryxMelody

*As they are talking and deciding what they are going to do, a smallish looking Megamare 'toy?' jumps past them and over to what at first glance looks to be an oversized breezie. It seems to be muttering to itself as it makes a motion with its head and the 'toy?' does a backflip. What anypony can tell is it is controling the 'toy?' with magic but there is no glow from a horn of anysort.*

(TK usage with Cosmic's antennae as if they were a horn. He just hasn't seen enough to make them glow. So yeah he would stand out. Besides the 'toy?' Isn't a toy. It's a harmless illusion spell.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Trixie .

"Oh, don't be such a sourpuss Keeneye, the town's still open and free to explore, and it wouldn't make sense to go away now anyway, since we'd just have to go back eventually. We might as well have some fun! Isn't that right Muffin?"

"Technically yes, but I remember the last time. Try to keep your fun more in line please."

"Oh phooey, where's the fun in that? Gotta keep you on your hooves, hehe. See you later!"

"...I'm going to regret leaving you two alone I think, bu8t yeah, I need to get back to my round. See ya."

After the guard had left, Sorrow started to giggle a little and lean in closer to Keeneye.

"Now that the fun police is gone, and since you didn't seem like you wanna do too many goodie stuff, how about we go and act a little stupid? Come on, I know a great place for stronger cider. Perhaps that'll cheer you up a bit, huh?"

She wasn't giving up on Keeneye. Sooner or later, she'd get a genuine, happy smile from him, even if she could see it'd take a loooot of work if things kept up like this. She had the time though. Not like she had much else to drag in her as it were anyway.




Nerzhei tentatively took hold of the ruby. It wasn't the sort of gems she usually worked with, but it could be sold for a good chunk of bits eventually, and get her cash for further study materials, and potentially some materials for a house rather than the cave, so she wasn't complaining.

"Thank you Lord Ancalagon. Creating the pressure for precious stones are not an easy task, but as you mentioned, studying leads to improvement, and furthering oneself is something worth sticking to the books for. It can end up useful.

As for my heritage, I couldn't say. My family is mostly degenerates who wouldn't know a letter from a leaf, so any back-tracing is virtually impossible. I just know that I don't squander my gift like those... Shortsighted buffoons."

She didn't have much nice to say about her family. They were idiots with half of them nbot knowing what to do with their magic, and the other half not having any to begin with, though you'd barely be able to tell the difference. That had been brought up a good bunch of times between them, and were one of the reasons why she had left home at an early age to go seek places where she could actually find knowledge and improve. In her eyes, her family was dead, just as she were in theirs.

Last didn't really care for that though, even if she heard the dragons yapper on about things that could be important. She were more focused on what Ancalagon said to her there at the end, which made her open widen her eye a bit in surprise.

"More helpers? I have no idea what sort of guild you're running, but I'll take any workforce I can get. Long as they keep up the standards. I'm not going to tolerate walls that just fall down on a limb. When are your people showing up? Morning? day after? And how many? I need to inform the mayor about getting more cooks to the food stand depending on how many shows up."



@Twilight-Shimmer @Foxy Socks

The phoenix wasn't responding with anything but a low cooing sound, as it was dozed off for the time being. It'd likely wake up when they got nearer to the open area where the food stands were, as it was more noisy, but for the time being it seemed to want a bit of peace.

"You're right actually, it does smell good. Kinda strange though, I could almost swear I smell... Stew of some kind, but there's something about it. I don't know what, but it smells strangely familiar, I just can't put my hoof on it."

Amazon kept smelling the air, trying to put an image to the smell. She knew it was stew, that much she got from the weak waft, but what was it otherwise? The smell was getting on her nerve as she knew she had smelled it before, but not being able to get a hold on what exactly kind of dish it were got to her. One of those small annoyances that didn't make much sense, but they were close, so she'd see what kind of thing this were soon enough. Might just have been too long since she had it to recognize it.

"Oh well, we'll see soon enough. I just hope they have a good variety so that there are things we could all eat. I hope for something with grapes, even if they're likely not too common around here. Any of you two have some preferences? Apple pie? Stew? Root soup? Something else?"




"I will send you back if you are ready, but it will not be the place were you started. Wherever that were, it took you over and nearly killed you both, and I don't want either of you to go there. It would just happen to you again.

If you want to explore the place, send Omen in. She might not understand what she finds, but she can tell you, and it doesn't seem like this legion of souls haves an effect on her. They would have taken her from me too if that were."

The thought of it made it feel like a small knot were forming in her chest. Omen would have been a bad thing to have been taken over, as her body were resilient and made in large parts by chaos, which made it difficult to cleanse like with Lin's body.

"As for them getting here, let them come. I may be weakened from cleansing the two parts that got here, but even at my worst, I can still send them to a place  they would be dealt with. Like the inside of a collapsing star for example, or the core of a sun."

It might seem somewhat extreme, but there was a limit to how much she wished this amalgamation to spread, and she couldn't use time to cleanse all who came here. She did not have the power for doing that to a large group, yet she could open gates to any world as she pleased to. Sure, her and the unformed siblings could not go through them, but that was a benefit when attempting to push something into a collapsing star or black hole. The suction didn't affect them.

"But to return to the subject my children, I plead you to not return to where you were taken over. Go near, send Omen if you truly must to discover what facts it is that you seek, but don't attempt to wander where you were stolen before. It could be a trap, if this thing really does remember things from you, and feeding yourself to them will only spell ruin for you. I cannot do much for you if it happens again right now."

Shame fell over her face as she thought on this, and how helpless she'd be to help them regain their bodies if they return here again soon as part of a collective of stolen vessels.

Turning towards the wall, she swooped her hand and a large gash appeared in it, from which Omen slowly wandered through and looked at them all with big, curious, unblinking eyes, unaware of what had been said in her absence, but more focused on how Sen and Lin seemed awake too regardless. That had to be a good sign after all, yes?

"Everything okay?"

"Yes my daughter. Please, come in. Your siblings seems prepared to leave soon, and it is better if you accompany them from in here."

Omen wandered through and without a sound, the wall closed itself again.

Mother turned to the others, and with warm eyes gazed over them until she reached a claw forth and poked to the air not far from the three, opening a swirly gate leading out to the edge of the Longma town.

"It will lead you close, but not too close I hope. I would have liked to keep you here longer, so that you may regain your full strength, but I understand the urgency in what you say. There is a world that needs your help, but please, remember my words Sen and Lin."

She leaned down and gentle rustled a couple of claws through their hair with a big, warm smile on her face.

"And try not to make me worry so much for you again, okay?"




"Can't see them, but... Perhaps. The griffin must have learned it from somewhere...

Blood of a fallen hero, written... With the feather of a phoenix. Mark of a shield, scratched... Trapped. Disrupt the mark with a strike or new line and... I should be free. I would suggest... A slash to his head. Hits the bone, doesn't... Kill him. He's mine to judge..."

Athriel had no love for the petulant child that she were trapped in, but she sure didn't want anypony else to kill him. He had been her warden and tormentor for a while now, and him and the griffin were hers to bring down in a way she saw fit. But even if she got free of him, she wouldn't be able to really give them a proper punishment until she got her element. SO she would have them alive, then wait until she got what was hers, and then... They were hers.

"The methods of the griffin was... Effective, but not hard to deal with. If you hurry, you can do something about it fast too. The pony... Is not with the witches anymore. They sent him away, and he... Talks with a simple pony now. You can go to him fast, release... Me, then I find a new vessel and we leave. I show... You were thing are. I don't trust saying words. Not just you, thinking... Someone might be listening in. I don't trust... Witches."

She didn't know about the pony looking in over things, but she could see what Chow did, including his little trip in Astral's home, and she had seen and sensed enough to know that she couldn't underestimate what they might do, especially now that there were three the same place.

Typical of a being of deceit to mistrust others, no matter how baseless or not it might turn out to be.




"Worry not. The generals will first secure Canterlot, then the search will spread around further. They need to be certain the capitol does not fall first though, as is protocol.

As fir the pony I mention, she is not a teleporter of any kind, though she is a unicorn. She is an antique dealer who have more eyes in town and beyond than I could dream about for... Varying reasons, of which I keep hidden as long as she assists me when I require it. The help she can provide far outweighs the alternative, and in situations like this I need any help I can get."

Golden shivered a bit as he thought over some of the things he had caught his contact in, and of what he had been able to tentatively connect to her, even if the evidence were weak with the best of wills. Not a pony with clean hooves to say the least, yet an effective contact that were the lesser of two evils to have with him, rather than against him or imprisoned.

"In any case, we should proceed.with some degree of haste. Whomever teleported the four - be it another entity entirely or one of them - are not going to be limited by much when it comes to distance if they are able to do this. Hang tight please, if I may be so bold."

Another flash of light and the three of them would find themselves in a store that seemed closed for the time being, as there were no customers, which surprised him frankly Usually there were several nobles in here looking for something among the expensive, old things that were sold in here. perhaps she had a closed day? Oh well, he did not mind if that were, it saved him too many witnesses of his companions.

He had originally intended to enter the area from outside, but crude as it were, he had taken a snap judgement call about where they should go, and luck had been on his side.

"Please beware your movements in here. She would not like for us to ruin some of her wares, especially not with these costs."

Somepony clearing his throat behind them caught his attention, and he turned to be greeted with the form of a pegasi in a custom set of armor, looking at him with a neutral look, though at his companions with suspicion and a battle stance. He had gotten pretty close to them as well before he had been noticed, but he hadn't been a beginner among the Solar Guards either. Quite a high ranking one before he went private.

"I swear, I will never get used to how quietly you move, but I digress. Could you inform S-"

"She knows."

It wasn't often he talked that much, so Golden was not surprised to hear how little he were told, though it were slightly irritarting considering how busy they were here.

"I had not expected you to bring visitors with you though. I believed we had an agreement about that Golden?"

This one he did hear before she spoke, but she didn't care for hiding her presence either as she wandered in from the other room and looked over the three shown up with a smile on her face, though a devious look in her eyes.

"I am afraid that desperate times require desperate measures Scarcity. I require your help."

The antique owner moved closer to him with a chuckle.

"Something with your little episode in the garden I assume? Poor Celestia needs to watch her lawn ornaments more from what I heard. Containing foist a draconequus, then a being calling himself Warlock that seeks the elemnts of disharmony. What a mess you drag to my door."

Sun took a step back and grimaced as the elements were mentioned.

"Those have safely been stored away a long time ago. Whomever this Warlock is, he will not get to them. But how do you know who this is, or what he seeks?"

Scarcity went into a pearly laughter and closed the last bit of distance whilst looking at them all, especially the two unwelcome guests.

"I have an eye witness with some information. Come on out dear."

Another came out of the door she had come from a bit after that, cursing under his breath and looking at the three there with some degree of regret over having to do this in his eyes.

"Well crud, this is getting all sorts of awkward now. Three I need to have a chatter with instead of just one sky-sniffer."

Golden recognized him, he recognized the diplomat, but Chow had no idea who the other two were. Francis hadn't looked like that the last time he had spoken with him at least, and the queen was a surprise. He didn't think those had a place inside Canterlot.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"I don't like snapping turtles. My brother looks over some at the reservation he works at, and every time I go there to visit, they start to slowly circle him and snap at me if I get near him. He thinks it's really funny, but you try to get a feather bit off by one of those and it stops being a  laughing matter. Hurts a bunch."

Ziggy her her right wing, remembering the particular ill tempered one that had managed to get a snap of a few of her feathers whilst her brother were laughing his badge off.

"Anyway, protective sort of pets aside, I don't like waiting either. Doesn't have to be nobles, just waiting in general is tedious. All the time I had to just sit in a chair at medical school and wait for something to happen were driving me insane, and my teachers were at least nice. I can't imagine how bad it must be if the one you're waiting for is a snob with his muzzle full of sky.

Never made sense why some ponies like to put themselves at being so far over everypony else. What's there to gain from that? You'll just be looked at badly by others. No point in that."



@CentipedeGhoul @Lil' Lovebug

"I had noticed the package, but I figured it was something of your own, not something you were the courier for. Mind me asking though: If you are here to deliver a package to somepony in the inn, why have you not attempted to look for said pony? You could ask the innkeeper for example. She seems efficient when it comes to know things about her business."

It seemed mean for her to keep digging into his sexuality, so she skipped that part for his sake and wondered over to what were perhaps her fault, as she had dragged in him a bit so he didn't have the chance to just go and get his job done. Not as literally as the innkeeper had done, but still, she had contributed to him not having been on track it seemed.




"If you have helped her in any sort of way to end up like this, I owe you one for sure. Sis have never had too much confidence and this is the most social I've seen her in years. Pretty close to a miracle right here."

Null looked on as Void kept going at it, taking orders, doling out the food, and to her surprise, being hit on by a few of the workers. Apparently the shy thing were a wanted thing around these parts for the stallions - as well as one mare who gave Void some eye wiggling to accompany things - though it didn't get them anywhere except making Void stutter more for a bit and get a little red on her cheeks. At least that was still the same.

"Alright, she still got some way to go, but I take what I can get.

So, you two are speaking, getting all friendly and now she's somewhat more comfy in it, as are you. And I getting the gist of it? And... . *sniff* *sniff* What's that smell?"

Void stopped briefly at the counter when she heard what her sis were saying, as a light flickered into her head and she filled a bowl with the stew she had made and quickly put over to her.

"H-Here Null, I hope it's okay."

Null didn't have tha chance to say anything before Void got back to the counter, but what more were there to say? There was now a steaming bowl of stew in front of her, and if she wasn't mistaken, this was Troy food. Herthy, dificult and spicy. Just like they'd grown up on.

She took a few sniffs of the bowl, then took a bite that seemed to perk her up quite a bit more before slowly starting to eat. She had no idea how this had been made here, this far from their birth place, but she were gonna savor it all the same.

"Dang, this is good. Have you tried this Lance? Ain't any food like Troy food, provided you can get it cooked right. Blackroot especially will make you weep if it gets mishandled."



@Holiday Agnaktor @Summer Breeze

"Closer we get to the gems, the more current there is. Keep sharp or they'll try to drag you to sea. Beyond that there's not much beyond sharks. been a while since I had one of those for lunch, so I ain't complaining if one comes around."

Reaching her hand up to get hold of Lotus, the bunny initially kicked her hand a little in protest over being left here, but the dragoness wasn't having it and just took hold of the squirming little terror.

"The sea would kill you Lotus, and I'm not getting your blood on my hands. You stay here, and find something to do until we're back. Find some crabs to fight perhaps."

To others that might sound like a small joke, but considering the somewhat evil look that went over the bunny's face before she snickered and ran away, that actually sounded like quite a good idea to her. violent little fluff ball that one.

"With that sorted, are you ready? Faster we get this done the faster we can get out of here, so put the mask on and lets dive."

Back at the camp, Lyriel smiled a little wider at the question she were presented by Blue.

"I do sleep, though not like you seemed to do. I root myself and fully shifts into a tree to relax, then feel my consciousness slip away as the dream world welcomes me. I don't sleep very heavily. A result of living a place where others may come to harvest trees at any time of day. I would not wish to be harvested after all.

My dreams tend to revolve around the better days, when my people were not heretics, and we spend our days peacefully under the earth mother's gaze. What of you though? I am curious as to what dreams you might have as your body rests."




"An Element of Harmony? What's that?"

Think Discord if he was sane and worked to help ponies.

"Ooooh, Discord's opposites. Hehe, cool, I wanna meet her. But is she s a party kind, perhaps I need some sort of gift to give her. Yeah, I bet that's a good way forth. Something like..."

Anomaly snapped her tail and out of nowhere, a pretty box with string crudely put around it showed up and landed on her head. What was inside it was impossible to say, but the fact that it was moving and made sneering noises wasn't exactly encouraging.

"Yeah, this should do. And hopefully this one won't end like the last one. Hehe, what a mess."

Jumping up, Anoamly's feet split and extended with springs, causing her to walk wonky and raised above others, where she could get a good view of others as they got nearer.

"Weeee, what a view. Who're we looking for again? What does she look like?"

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich "I never understood that mindset in you ponies..I mean it works when it comes to Apex Predators and their prey, but your just ponies." She tosses her forehooves in the air, "The only ones who could act like that are your Alicorns, but they don't." Serenade walks over to her bookself, "Ziggy? What do you know about Princess Sparkle?" She runs a hoof along the spines of her books, eyeing the names of each ones. 

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@Blitz Boom

*Cacora chuckles and says,* "Pinkie is the pink Earth Pony with a big smile, a poofy mane and tail and normally she will surprise ya with a hi when ya least expect it. Also she has three balloons for a cutiemark. You'll recognize her by her overzealous optimism." *Cacora looked more from the ground when they got there. She hopes that present for pinkie doesn't cause problems. She also wonders where Discors is. Anomaly has been causing a bitof chaotic flow with her 'creations'.*


*if Pinkie is spotted, Cacora would go over to her. If she isn't spotted, Cacora asks the nearest pony* "Excuse me. Where might I find Pinkie? I have a new friend who would like to meet her."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom

Sen bowed his head in resignation. There wasn't another lead they could chase, not one that is already apparent. Omen going in might lead to some results but how everyone will go about doing their respective tasks is another matter. As much as Sen would like to go back and get the matter over with, mother was right. It won't be resolved if they get sidetracked into another life-threatening situation but working fast is just as important.

"Alright, we could stay for a while and think of alternatives. We left a friend of ours in the village; he's gathering more information from one of the villagers affected by Legion's magic. At least if we couldn't use the cave, he might have something else for us."

"I agree," Lin chimed in. "Omen's resistance to possession will come in handy. It's a shame we couldn't get any other benefits to the possession. Legion's wealth of powers could be advantageous for us, especially if it means it allows us to walk back in without issue. Unless..."

Lin turned away from the group for a second and thought hard about the last thing she said. There was something much more about the possession than gaining a few memories crucial to stopping Legion. What if memories weren't the only benefits the siblings obtained? Sen did say he used Legion's magic as if were his own even if he couldn't use magic. It was mostly passive but there it is. If they gained use of those, even temporary use, it might help them greatly. A two-front approach is in order.

"Brother, could you try using Legion's magic again? Any simple spell will do. I'll head back to the village and gather a few things." Lin immediately opened a gate to the village and walked through before it closed. Sen didn't react fast enough to get some parting words across. 

"For the record, mother, you're scary when you're angry." Sen quipped hoping to get her to smile. She's been through a lot and couldn't help but feel responsible for it. He wanted to give her reprieve from difficult emotions. "I mean, seeing my own mother angry back in the day got me to straighten out my rowdy behavior but what you said... well, now I know I shouldn't get on your bad side." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Warlock stood up, chuckling a bit. "I know, I fear Iron Star is watching us." He lifted a hoof, casting a spell similar to the one Astral cast, seeing it turn green. He growled. "I will kill him!" He swept it away. "I must find Chow as soon as possible! But if Iron Star hears or sees any more of this I'll have to kill him before I can continue, and that only will cause Astral to want vengeance." He yelled in frustration, hitting the ground cracking it open. "And unlike him I can't see everything so I can't even try to kill them all in one go." He said with a growl of anger. "And they will likely stop me from freeing you even if I don't go for them first." He closed his eyes, sighing heavily. "I must find the elements first, then they can't stop me, but they will try to stop me then too." Fire surrounded him, ready to teleport. "With no way to plan without Iron Star knowing, I'll have to wing it." He lifted his hoof, surrounded in fire, so he was prepared to fight. Suddenly, Warlock was in Canterlot, he had used Athriel's connection to her prison to track down Chow's location and teleported to it, he approached the shop, knowing the guards that would likely be searching for him, would be heading for him right now. He floated up, and burst into the room they were all located.

Francis looked at Chow, with a smirk. "I hope you can explain the true course of events to us, as well as everything else that happened." Nectar said getting closer to Chow. "Then we can c-" Nectar enters a battle stance suddenly once she hears the shattering of a window. "WARLOCK!"

They wouldn't be able to do much before Warlock grabs Chow, and teleports away, not wasting any time with a battle. Taking him to the castle of the two sisters, pinning him to the ground. "If you want to be let go you will let me free that thing in your head." He placed his sword over Chow's right eye. "You should be happy I'm doing this actually, so stay calm."


Meanwhile back at the store... Nectar exits her battle stance, looking around awkwardly, Francis letting out a sigh "Um, we have an issue." Francis stated obviously. He looked to Scarcity. "Now we only have her to explain, and it's entirely possible she won't."


Iron Star sees the events unfold, grabbing Astral and Misty. "We need to hurry, we can't let Warlock free Athriel!" He teleported them away. Appearing behind Warlock, who turned to them. "Surrender now!" He said with a growl, holding a magic spear.

He laughs maniacally knowing any hit wouldn't hurt him, putting the sword on Chow's neck. "But who will surrender... You, or me? Will you strike, to have this-" He paused, removing the sword from his neck. "Well actually Chow has committed many crimes, innocent wouldn't really fit him." He looked to Chow's face. "He's even committed crimes involving blood magic." He moved his sword over Chow's right eye. "Why give up so much just to be like the others? Were you really that left out?" He placed the sword above Chow's eye, on the forehead. "What a shame."

Iron Star threw a magic spear at Warlock, which bounced off, he snickered as a result. "Did you think that would work?" Astral asked, in a battle stance, waiting for Athriel to appear now. "In fact, we should've gotten Chow as soon as you figured out Athriel was inside his head!" She yelled looking to Iron Star.

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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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On 5/3/2017 at 6:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

The silence from Phoenix were met with silence from Smokey, thinking this a hard point that he had stepped on that were not to be spoken of, and seeking some kid of other thing to direct the conversation upon to get away from this awkward moment.

"...We're at the camp it seems. Should not be too hard finding our target then."

Moving along like nothing happened, Smokey wandered up to a yawning pony looking over a chart, that didn't turn to talk to him until he had cleared his throat to get the attention towards himself.

"Can I help you?"

"I do hope so sir. Now, this may sound strange, but we're looking for a draconequus."

The pony rolled his eyes.

"Oh, That one. Follow that way and you'll find him. Impossible to miss."

"Thank you. Shall we Phoenix?"

Smokey started to move in the direction he had been pointed by the pony who seemed less than impressed about the draconequus, but halted to see if his companion would follow.

Phoenix remained silent, simply giving Smokey a light nod before they moved along. it certainly was awkward for her that Smokey had to bring up such a topic. she had gotten over it years ago, and any mention of it was simply an unwelcomed reminder of what had happened. it's not like she needed the sympathy of other ponies either. she knew what happened better than anypony else, and it simply bothered her that anypony would care.


through all of these thoughts, her face remained blank it took some effort, though. she would deffinately try her best to keep such further hints from slipping over her tongue in ways she hadn't even realized. she shook her head a bit as she got her thoughts away from what had happened. rather, she began to ponder what was ahead. what was this draconeques going to be like? 

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@Blitz Boom


As Zhu got closer, he would begin to see what creatures he was chasing.  They were an odd pair of ladies indeed.  The one in the front carrying the egg was the bipedal version of a hairless cat, while the taller one following behind was a large black Labrador.  Their futures were hidden, but if Zhu knew his history, he would know their end well.  They were a notorious pair of thieves by the names of Skye and Brooke, known for stealing magical artifacts.  Eventually, one such artifact would bring about their demise.  Suddenly, Skye, the cat, stopped dead in her tracks.  She turned to look directly at Zhu with her beautiful blue eyes.  There was a pendant around her neck with a gem glowing bright green.  It was designed specifically for two purposes, finding magic, and protecting them from it.  "Open the portal.  We have company," she said, then Brooke put a hand out in front of herself while grasping the trinkets with her other arm.  One of the rings on her paw glowed, then a portal opened up in front of them and they ran through into another forest.  The portal started to slowly close behind them.


@@Blitz Boom


Charlie tried to pull the door open, but it wouldn't budge.  Turning into a form akin to Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, they tried again, pulling with all their might, and the door shifted slightly, but settled back to a closed position.  "We'll have to get her to open it herself.  It's locked by fear," Charlie whispered into Vivid's mind, obviously confusing genders.  Miles was crying and covering his face out of fear.


@Blitz Boom


"I just had a thought.  The griffon chocolates could probably used for conducting trades with the griffons.  Being the same species might make it easier for them to trust you."  Penny paused for a moment.  "Although... given their nature, I would expect they'd actually end up trusting a griffon less than a pony," she said with a little laughter.  "Either way, it's something to consider for marketing.  I'll just right that down."  She made a notebook and quill appear, as well as a fancy pair of reading glasses, then wrote a quick note before making it all disappear again.

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@Blitz Boom

@Foxy Socks


Stardust smiled up at Amazon and Foxy "I have no real preferences in stew's so long as it is good. Then again I love so many different kinds of foods there's not many i really dislike. He paused a moment then added "I once tried fish in a town where Ponies and Griffons lived, it was not too bad, not great but not bad" He left unsaid that fish had not been the only meat he had tried, In Truth he had once even tried Bacon and Chicken but he did not wish to creep out his companions by talking about it

  • Brohoof 2

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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