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Which MLP *character* would you marry?

Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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Marry a character of the show?


Why, there is only one mare that i desire...


She is the most gorgeous pony that will ever be, more gorgeous than the brighest star on the clear night sky. More perfect than the most pure gem hiding in the depths of mother earths womb.


Flowing sliken mane. Soft velvet, pearl fur. Deep sapphire, almond eyes. A long ivory horn, curved and sharp. Full, inviting lips. A body hewn from the finest marble, peerless in its shapely, sensual flawlessness. Strong, supple, sinuous legs. A big, but tight and well-formed derrière, seductive and without equal. Smooth and slender hooves, perfect for kissing. The voice of an angel, sweet and alluring.


But even her physical perfection pales when compared to her lovely character.

Generous and selfless. Intelligent and creative. Artistic and inspiring. Forgiving and friendly. Strong-willed and brave. Elegant and noble.


Rarity senpai is beauty personified. In body and spirit... Words like perfect, flawless and immaculate fail to describe her true self. All words fail... there is only love...


To think of marrying her makes me feel like i glimsed a vision of the paradise. I am not worthy of her... But if she wanted me...


I would carry her on my hands, she deserves as much. She deserves to be loved truthfully and limitless... and i would fulfill this. I would be hers truly, forever.


Where would we go for honeymoon? I don't know... i would let her decide, for every place i would be with her is like heaven for me...


And foals?


HEHEHEHEHEHE! You bet... :muffins:

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You . . . . have a pet name for her? :wat:


Hey! I'm not judging!

SA you gotta step out of the Debate Pit more often :D


Seriously though ... even I have a pet name for her. Rarity has more pet names that I can recall off hand. Such as the life of the Rarifan

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Probably Applejack. She's got her own family business, she works hard, she has an awesome accent, and she's the most sensible and grounded character in the entire show. Plus I'm sort of lazy, so I'd need someone who'd kick me in the ass and get me doing stuff.


What, I like blonds. Sue me.

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Uh, this is a bit of an odd question, being that I am human, and we're talking about marrying ponies here. If it was where we were both the same species (Both pony or human), or actually, regardless of that, there's only 1 pony I'd ever dream of marrying:


Honeymoon? That's easy. Somewhere tropical, like Hawaii, or somehwere in the Caribbean.


And as for kids, only way I'd do it is if we were the same species. Whether we're both human or ponies.


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1. Applejack, strangely enough. I like her work ethic and her focus on family. Honesty doesn't hurt, either.

If I could work up the courage, I would ask for her hoof in marriage, although I am pretty shy sometimes.


2. Someplace that involves site-seeing sounds fun, or maybe even somewhere tropical. Also, I like the sound of going on a hike.


3. Yes, but not immediately after marriage.

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I would marry G1 Tirek. He's the most attractive thing on all of MLP. Just kiddin'. Even though I don't really care for marrying a fictional character, I would say Maud and I are the most similar we can get.


That frac is SO much better than anything Rarity wears. Maud is best pony.

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Twily without a doubt!


why Twilight Sparkle?

I just love everything about her. she's Intelligent, Modest, sweet, and beautiful beyond words.


Everything I want in a woman is in that absolutely, incredibly beautiful and adorable purple pony. (the very definition of Adorkable, I might add!)



I also have so much in common with her. her desire to learn, her curiousness of the world around her and her love for reading are all things that I either currently share, or parts that remind me of my younger self that i want to get back into.



2. Honeymoon? Hmm, mostly where Twily wants to go. Its more about being with her than anything to me, but Id love to see places with lots of historical interest, both on earth and on her world.


3. Foals? maybe.

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1. Either Twilight Sparkle or Pinkie Pie. I love them both, but I doubt either of them would love me back.


2. Probably somewhere romantic and beautiful in Equestria, though I guess one of Earth's major landmarks would be sweet.


3. Yes, after a few long and happy years of being together, we would have kids, and I would be a great dad.

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Pinkie Pie. :) Do I need to say more?  :lol:




  1. Best pony
  2. Best pony
  4. Parties with everypony and tons of cake + cupcakes!
  5. Come on, it's Pinkie Pie!



Edited by ~Luna Squee~
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1. She is my favourite character.

2. When I did a personality test it told me I was most like Applejack.

3. She is a great mix of funny, sweet, and feisty.


So sorry fellow bronies but I call dibs. :)

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