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Problems you see in real life and don't see in Equestria.


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It first occurred to me to make this topic while watching Jerry Springer with my sister. So I've seen problems in real life that i gladly haven seen in Equestria. These include adultery, pregnancy problems, relationship problems, ect. Not all have to be sex or relationship related, but that, in my eyes, is where most of the problems take place. What are a few of them that you all have seen. (Please no explicit pictures if thought of)

  • Brohoof 2

All the Ponies

:please:  :smug:  :lol:  ;)   B)  ^_^  :sunny:

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You barely see annoyed pony. Everypony mostly seem to enjoy whatever they do in the background. Just look outside in our worl and count each happy and each annoyed face ... see?

  • Brohoof 5

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Everybody accepts everybody.

Even when they've done something bad, they deserve a second chance.



Is what you see in Equestria.



Now, the exact opposite is what you see in real life.

Well, most of it.

  • Brohoof 4

LOOΠΔ // olivia hye - egoist

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There doesn't appear to be any poor or lower-class ponies seen on the show (unless we're not looking hard enough). Then again, it's a bright happy show, so why would they show sad homeless ponies :C ?

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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There really is not Governmental problems. Everything seems so fair in Equestria and everyone seems so accepting. Unless, well....maybe a few ponies here and there and evil forces that are always stopped by the Mane 6.


Um, it seems like everything is always a joyment and no stress or nothing, and even when there is, it always gets resolved very quickly rather than long periods of time. There also is no drug problems or MAJOR crimes, like murder or rape. All of the food seems very delicious and healthy, unlike the unhealthy fast food restaurants around here. 


Even the "bad" in Equestria does not even seem bad really at all. It all gets solved very quickly, easily, and everyone works together.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

The irony is that Equestria is governed essentially under a dictatorship, and has social and political cohesion not dissimilar to what Nazi Germany was like. In a similar way I don't see their economy struggling either.


They have one big problem we will never have though, and that is magic. We already know, from the pilot episode and several two-parters how devastating this can be to their society, as much as it is useful I am glad humans don't possess it.

  • Brohoof 1
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From what we've seen, their education and related social systems are not as broken and dehumanizing as they are in the real world. They are not standardized, and they don't kill individual talents and motivation like they do in the real world. In fact, they respect and appreciate individual talents and allow ponies to develop them to best serve society, unlike how the systems in real life generalize you, then leave you to fend for yourself. Who would have thought that the magical candy-colored ponies have a more modern education system than the real world does?


Although, there is one outlier. What is Diamond Tiara doing learning about cutie marks? How did she even get hers anyway? Hopefully they're teaching her to stop being a jerk.

  • Thanks 1
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You don't see ponies paying taxes...just saying!


And there's no terrorism or anything like that either. It just seems to be an all-round happier place to be. And it's nice to escape the real world to Equestria for a while

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to DSanders for my signature 

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Well what about the ponies and other creatures who survived wars and how that affects the way they think and how they look at the opponents. (I mean wars that seem to happen before the mane six show up). In this world after WW2 we see that all Nazis were terrible, however not all were horrible. Some disagreed with Hitler's views. (Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Panzer the German tank force).This may be the case with the wars that veterans from the winning side say that all their opponents soilders were bad, maybe they weren't


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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Tribalism, racism, any form of extreme nationalism: There is some tribalism but unlike here in the real world, it doesn't lead to hate speech, fighting, and even wars. Not too much extreme us vs. them mentality in MLP. You also don't see a pony race insulting another pony race and in the Equestria Games, you don't see much hate speech and fighting in the audience. Not even ponies throwing things on the field.

Edited by CC_FlutterMaud

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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The thing is that the three pony races have kinda put their differences behind them and agreed on one set of values to live by. It's not all equal though, and there does seem to be a class system like there is in the UK (working class = earth ponies, middle class = pegasi, upper class = unicorns). The fact that they all live in separate places justifies this to me. There is some tension we can see between them (e.g Rarity Takes Manehatten, Grand Galloping Gala) but otherwise they seem to get along without much fuss.

Edited by Paianni
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Murder. Ponies don't kill other ponies right? 

Well Humans murder other Humans, tigers murder other tigers, yada yada. But can't be totally sure on that one.


I'd say the biggest problem is the fact Humans just can't use that thing known as acceptance. Really when you look at all the issues (of at least most of them), that's pretty much what the source of all issues are, lack of acceptance. That incident that was actually posted on here the other day about a chlorine attack at a Furfest (and I still say it's got to be a hater) and if it were that again is because of lack of acceptance.


ISIS making all these demands, there was one about the black flag being put up at Downing Street too. Lack of acceptance. Fights at Schools like bullying, it's all because in this world, acceptance is a rare sight. The list goes on. In Equestria, everypony accepts each other and that's why it's so peaceful. On Earth, not so much and that's why war sparks.

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Well this is a show for kids so i guess they didn't even think about it... BUt corruption doesn't seem to be there. Also not too many criminals..like serious criminals.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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1) the ponies will never experience waiting for the next season of MLP to air on TV

2) the ponies haven't experienced not knowing what to do with their lives after finishing an anime

3) the ponies haven't gotten moved by a disney movie

(Wow a lot of TV related things here)

4) religious problems?

5) ponies have not yet dealt with the loss of a loved one (probably never will)

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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Gay Rights/LBGT Rights



Pet Abuse

Foul Abuse


Bad Weather

Crops Failing

Sickness Pandemic


Freedom of the Press

Right to bare Arms


Government Spending and Shut Down


Yah this list could go on....


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The Equestrian society and culture isn't effected heavily by corporations and their media messages.

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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Remembering where you parked your vehicle in the Wal-Mart parking lot.  (Not my problem either, as I have no vehicle / don't drive lol.)

Internet goes out when you really wanted to Skype or post on a forum.

Your video game pre-order is taking way too long to ship from Amazon.  Darnit!  Knew I shouldn't have chosen the super saver option!

Dane Cook tells a joke.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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  • 7 years later...
On 2014-12-12 at 7:23 PM, Paianni said:

The fact that they all live in separate places justifies this to me

This might actually be the reason why there's not much conflict between these races.
Let me explain why.

When each race has their own cities or countries dominated by that particular race or species, they always have a place where they can go (or go back) when they want to find others who are like them. It's their "safe space" (ugh, I hate that word), a place where they can feel comfortable and belong. But they still can mingle with representatives of other races or species, by just going to their place, or to some "common ground" where they can mix. Places such as Ponyville, where all three races coexist, or places like town squares, marketplaces etc. This balance between "safe space" and "common ground" is what makes them so peaceful, because they can always choose in which of these states they want to exist at a particular moment, and it is solely their choice.

People in the Human World often believe nowadays that "segregation" is always a bad thing. They want to diminish it at all costs, by making everything "multi-cultural", "inclusive", "diverse", choose your own zing word. But the problem is, it doesn't quite work that way, and everyone with a half brain can see it with their own eyes, just look around. Why? Because it's FORCED. It's not natural. Segregation is bad when it's forced (e.g. when certain people can't go to certain places or meet with certain people), and mixing together is bad when it's forced as well (when people cannot avoid each other when they want). When you mash together in one room people that are different, either by their beliefs, or nationality, or skin colour, or culture, or religion, or politics (choose your own divisive factor), and they don't want to be mixed, it increases frictions and irritation, and slowly but steadily they start hating each other and fighting, because they can't stand each other, but they don't have any "safe space" to which they could escape and relax. That's why there's so many tension in multi-cultural spaces if they are not balanced by segregated spaces.

Let me use a rainbow as an example (y'all like rainbows, don't you?). The rainbow has bands of colours, which are beautiful on their own, each of the colours has its own special features that make it unique. And they create beautiful Harmony (i.e. the rainbow) when put side by side, because then they complement each other perfectly, reinforce each other by contrast, etc. But if you try mashing them together, you either get an ugly brown-ish goop (when you use pigments of paint), or a dull shade of gray, or somewhere between black and white (if you use light). Either way, you get something that is ugly, dull, and devoid of colour. Why? Because now all the colours mix up and cancel each other (yes, I used this particular word deliberately). Instead of Harmony, you get cacophony. It's like playing all the notes of music at the same time – it makes an ugly noise instead of melody.

Harmony comes from diversity, but only when the things that are diverse are put side by side, not when they're mashed together and clashing. Each colour of the rainbow needs to have its own space to breathe, its own place in the greater whole, where it belongs and fits. Only then the colours can interact with each other constructively and reinforce each other, creating Harmony of the Rainbow. (BTW that's one of the things that rainbow activists got wrong – they don't even understand the ideas behind their own flag; the flag tells them what to do to live in Harmony, and yet they do the opposite, trying to forcifully mix all the colours, making more harm to people and ideas that they're claiming to represent.)

This is also why Equestria worked so well for so many years throughout the show: because every species and every type of ponies have their own places where they could find ponies (or creatures) that are alike, and live there peacefully and undisturbed, yet still being able to meet other species or races on "common grounds". But once I saw what happened in the series finale – with Canterlot becoming flooded with all sorts of creatures, all crowded in one place – I thought to myself: "Well sh%, ladies and gentlecolts, we're just seeing the beginning of the end of Equestria". And G5 movie kinda confirms that :q  It was cool to see Griffons, Dragons, Changelings, Hippogriffs, etc. from time to time, either visiting the pony realms, or when ponies were visiting theirs. But when I saw them all mashed together in one picture, it started to look like Pony.Town (if you know what I mean): with shorks, borks, shadows, statues, wolves, skeletons from Undertale, lizard ponies, virus ponies, blob ponies, bat ponies, snowponies, but not many actual ordinary ponies :q  (And as you probably know, even in Pony.Town, each nationality has their own corner of the map where they gather, i.e. segregation occurs naturally even there, because similar attracts similar, and dissimilars repel each other.) Such mixup is a perfect way to induce frictions and tensions in the society, and I'm pretty sure that's what happened to Equestria after season 9. Most likely ponies of different kinds, and different species of creatures, started to get on each other's nerves and driving each other crazy, due to their differences that they couldn't simply accept, but also couldn't escape. There was more harmony in Equestria when each of them had their own place to live, and interacted with others only when they wanted to, to solve common problems, exchange some ideas or goods, etc. When each of them could retain their own culture without pushing it on others or having it pushed upon them. Culture kinda implies a separate group of people, living together, having their own traditions, clothes, beliefs etc. Mixing everything in one cauldron is a good way to lose any culture whatsoever.

So yeah, if there is a lesson to learn from this show for Humans about how to live in peace and harmony, this might be it.

Edited by SasQ
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