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Do you have a senpai?


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I used to, before I lost contact with him. Nothing bad happened, we just took different paths.

He's been there for me everytime I needed him and I did the same. He's been my "role model" untill I decided to not have one and focus on being the authentic myself rather than trying to be someone else. But still, I guess a bit of my personality (and charm) comes from him.

Right now, I don't have a senpai and I doubt I'll ever have one again. I tend to look up (or look down) to nopony. 

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Whatsapokemon is muh senpai



He's a great artist and an all-around cool guy, and he even teaches me some art tricks and stuff.

He notices me quite alot, thankfully. x)


Unfortunately, he's very hard to please and brutally honest, so showing him my art is always an adventure

That just pushes me to be better, though


He also ships me and my horsefamous friend HARD because we always bicker


Edited by Dattebayo
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I tend to look up most if not all people around me because everyone has something unique in them and something new and useful that I can learn  =) 


I guess i dont have one in particular, but i kinda look up to some of the mods on here. theyre really good at crowd control. then again crowd control is easy on this forum because not too many bronies on here rage on the forums.


a senpai isn't someone you look up to.


a senpai is a person who has more experience in something than you in something.


for example, let's say you started playing world of warcraft, and you made friends with someone who had been playing the game for years and knew way more than you.


he would be your senpai.


let's say you got a new job, the person who had been working there longer would be your senpai.


it's about experience, it's not so much about whether or not you look up to the person, but people are generally portrayed as looking up to their senpai in anime.




I don't have a senpai, it'd be cool to have one though. 


and it doesn't originate from anime and manga, it is an honorific like san, chan, tan, and kun.

it originates from Japanese.




just saying.

Edited by Lucky Star
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Yeah, even if I would disagree and argue, I’m one of those types who’ll end up having a senpai. I have about 3 people whom I call senpai in real life. 

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It's confusing for me xD My girlfriend considers me her Senpai, yet she's a year and one month older than me XD So technically she'd be my Senpai, since I look up to her? Meh, who cares honestly, it's just a fun word to use when being cute :muffins: (or annoying.... or serious)

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I don't know if it's just me being a nerd or not but at my first comic-con I met David Hayter and I got his autograph.  His signatures were $10 but I only had $20s.  So he offered to say something as Snake while I recorded it.  I super panicked when he offered and had him say something that came to my mind.  When he was doing the Snake voice while I was recording it, I nearly felt faint.  I don't know if that counted.


At the same time, Austin St. John was there too at the comic-con.  Being my childhood hero that he is, I was so nervous and I was afraid I was gonna start crying when it was me who came up to see him.  His role as Jason, made me everything that I am today.  Wanting to be the good guy. 

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Senpai = It originates from anime and manga. It's someone older than you. Someone you look up to. If they give the slightest attention to you, you sort of explode. They are just really admired by you and if you are a senpai, bask in it!


Senpai = It originates from the Japanese language. It was not a title invented for manga or anime.


My Senpai would be my Onii-chan. My BBBFF has always been there for me. Even as adults, I can talk to him about anything.

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Arin Hanson - Egoraptor - his work and him being on game grumps actually helped me with career choice. I've already won a contest for it. If he noticed me I'd fucking explode-a-lize.

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Well, it's not any of the ones I mentioned, but I was playing BF4 tonight and I ran into XFactor, someone who knows some of the people i've mentioned [i asked him to get levelcap on XD]. Now I just need to find ReviewTechUSA and my life will be complete. 

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  • 2 months later...

No. I respect a decent number of people but I try to avoid putting anyone on that big of a pedestal.

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  • 6 months later...

No, and sorry if I sound like an arse, but never had or really want one.

The whole concept of role models kinda wierds me out; the idea of idolising, looking up to, seeking the approval of or wanting to be like someone has always rubbed me the wrong way.


That's not to say that I am not inspired by other people, but I tend to keep the two things separate.

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