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Mint Petal

What month did you join the herd?  

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I became a brony in April 2013 as I had heard about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic but I never thought of watching it. I just thought it sounds good but I can't be bothered to watch it. In school I knew that two of the boys in my class watched it and they were talking about it one day in April so I asked them what it was like and told them that I had heard about it but not watched it and they told me to watch it. They also said to watch a few episodes at first just to give it a bit of a chance and that I could download some episodes from youtube, so when I got home I downloaded the first five episodes and watched them and I enjoyed them so I started watching more until I had watched them all (it took me a weekend to watch them). That is the story of how I became a brony.

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Sometime in February probably. The first episode I had to wait for was Sonic Rainboom. Then a lot later during summer I started actually interacting with the community.

I was exactly the same, just a month later then you. Sonic Rainboom is one of my favourite episodes too, although it's pretty obvious why...it stars RD :P  

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I became a brony May 2nd, 2012.


I didn't know what it was until I saw a guy at my school with a RainbowDash figure. I didn't think much of it. I just heard it was called My Little Pony and that the figure in his hand was RainbowDash. But...then I saw this everywhere soon after I joined the Internet. I started to get a little curious here. People were talking about it, getting avatars, making quotes. Then one day, I came downstairs to find my older sister watching it. It was the episode "Winter Wrap Up." I felt my heart jump at this. I was watching it and instantly fell in love with it when the song came on. Later that day...I watched more. I went to Netfilx on my IPad and watched the first episodes. I fell even more in love with it at the end.


So, after that, I was looking at plushies, figures, watching more episodes, and connecting with all the characters each episode. I claimed myself to be a brony the day someone asked if I was one, considering I was using a RainbowDash avatar.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I started to becoming a brony when I was forced to watch the the entire season one DVD set while on a long car trip to New York, I live somewhere in Virginia, so it takes about 7 Hours to get their I thought it would be painful because I had watched some of Generation 3, but when my Mp3 player died, It was in the middle of the Poison Joke episode, my favorite to this day, well next to the appearance of the Changelings.   

Cannot Find Epic Beatles Signature  :( 

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I don't remember exactly. I first started watching the show some day in autumn last year. I watched few episodes from youtube and got bored after a while. So I didn't actually care about that show at the time.


Now this summer I started to watch this show again and become brony for real. I'm not really sure why....

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I can't remember exactly what month I became a fan but I believe it was June of last year.

I remember, My best friend had first started talking to me about it, and honestly, I thought he was just being stupid and weird when he watched it and I couldn't fathom why he would watch it when it was made for kids. Eventually I decided to be a little more open minded and when I got bored I had decided to watch the first season on Netflix. Then I instantly fell in love with it and apologized for making fun of my friend about it! Now I'm glad he told me about it ^_^


Credit to AlicornSparkle

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Well I loved MLP when I was younger. Sparkleworks was my favorite pony.(I made bookmarks with stickers of her on them.) I became a brony after watch MLP. Friendship is magic. I fell in love with the show.

*Siggy Made by Me*

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I'm going to guess June or July of 2011. I saw a 9 hour video of all the episodes from Season 1 on YouTube, don't ask me what compelled me to click on it but i did. My first episode ever was "A Dog and Pony Show", brings back memories. Then a little while later a became more involved with the community and here I am today. Brony and proud.

“The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.”

http://soaranddash.tumblr.com http://politetosociety.tumblr.com http://www.fimfiction.net/user/TheEgghead

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I will admit, I was a hater at first.  A couple of my fiends enjoyed the show and said I would like it but i was like no that's dumb. Why would i enjoy a show for little girls. Then finally i got bored and started watching it and then.... By the end of season one i was apart of the community.

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I joined the herd after the boy that I like mentioned that he liked it and explained why he liked it. So I watched a few episodes of season 1 over Christmas break of Dec 2012 and I was hooked. In between school work for my junior year of college, I went through seasons 2 and 3 rather quickly and now I'm hooked. :D


I had a few friends who liked ponies but I never got into it until aforementioned boy said he liked them. Things feelings will do.

  • Brohoof 1
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I became a brony only a few days ago. My finish friend had Pinkie pie as his Skype Picture and insisted that I watched the first episode of it. I did I then fell in love  with the show and haven't looked back since! I've discussed with him a lot it mainly goes that Rainbow Dash is better than Pinkie Pie :D

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by : Pinkmist :D

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Well I am a moderate as most people would say. Just found out the fandom by myself and curiosity gets the best of you.


Eventually you end up watching something you'd never imagine you'd like.

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I think I became a brony sometime in March. My brother told me about it and I beacme very curious. Unfortunately, my brother is not a brony anymore, but that's his choice. Anyways, I started watching the show and I really enjoyed it. I even joined the brony club that was created later on. It has helped me gain a lot of friends, some I see all the time, some I have never met yet and hope to someday. This fandom is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you all.  :)

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How I became a brony is quite a long story. I actually went from being a flat out troll, then a raging hater, then a logical anti brony, then a brony in denial, and eventually, a brony!


Prepare yourselves for a long post....


I first saw MLP back in 2010 (I think) when my sister was watching it. I, like most other people, thought nothing of it. I just assumed that is was just another stupid girls' show.


Then, in 2012, I started to get into the internet and memes, but whenever I searched "rage comics" or "troll science" in Google images, I kept finding My Little Pony-related memes. I wondered why were there so many ponies in the search results and eventually came to the conclusion that the pony memes were probably just made by trolls.


Around the same time, I had a friend who mentioned that there were a bunch of bronies at his school. At the time, I had no idea what on earth a brony was, so I asked him. When he told me that they were a bunch of guys who like My Little Pony, I assumed that all bronies were a bunch of gay attention whores. (I couldn't have been more wrong.)


About a month later, I eventually got fed up with seeing ponies and brony posts on non pony websites, so I did the unthinkable:


I decided to troll the bronies! :(


I found a pony website and posted a few hateful comments, but to my surprise, the bronies deleted them, rather than responded to my hate (love and tolerance at its finest there). I tried again, but this time, attacked them for liking the show and accused them of spamming ponies everywhere. After a long, brutal flame war that lasted several weeks and took place in several threads on the site, the bronies finally convinced me that it was okay to like MLP and that not all bronies clopped or spammed ponies everywhere. I was still an anti brony, but a more logical one.


During a lull in the fighting in the flame war, I decided to watch an episode of MLP, just to the hell of it. Believe it or not, is didn't instantly fall in love with it. However, I started to watch more and more episodes with "non brony commentary". Eventually, I was watching more and more episodes and fanimations on YouTube. Something just kept drawing me to the show/fandom, but I was still an anti brony because reading "Cupcakes" and "Rainbow Factory" left me with a bad impression on the fandom.


Then, sometime in August, 2012, I read "My Little Dashie."


At first, I thought "this is gonna be sooooo terrible," but I actually found it to be well written. I cried at the end, too ;_; .


Only then did I discover the true good side of the brony fandom. I became more and more attached to the show, and before I knew it, I was watching whole episodes without commentary or people making fun of it. As season 3 came out, I was always watching the latest episode every week, but I still thought of myself as an anti brony.


My denial phase lasted from November, 2012 to around February , 2013. It officially ended when I changed my Black Ops 2 emblem to Derpy. I was still shy about telling people that I was a brony (even other bronies).


Then, in May, I found this site and decided to join, so I could talk with some of my fellow bronies, and that's how I got to where I am now.


  • Brohoof 1

*Insert edgy signature phrase here*


I'm back...

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I can't remember exactly when I became a brony, but I know it was sometime near thr beginning of last summer.


As for how, I originally hated ponies and thought everyone who liked them were stupid and annoying. But after awhile, I admitted that was stupid of me to do, so I sucked up my pride and watched the show, and I loved it. Now I'm an even bigger brony than the people I was criticizing beforehand. I got even more into it when one of my friends got me into making pony OCs.

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I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was sometime in January. At least that is what sounds right. I had started watching it because a really good friend of mine watched it and every time we were able to be out of uniform at school she would always wear something MLP. At one point she wore a shirt with pretty much every character that had a speaking part at one point (not background ponies though). I had started asking her a few questions about them, but I still wasn't quite understanding it. So when the weekend rolled around I just marathoned it, and to this day I am a hardcore fan.

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On May 31st 2013 I got my wisdom teeth taken out. Which meant I couldn't do hardly anything for a few weeks. When I was having quality time with my couch my sister started watching the show on YouTube (before they took all of the episodes off.) Being bored and not having anything better to do I started watching them. After that week I had seen about 20 episodes. I liked the show but I didn't want to admit to myself. My sister kept watching the show and even though my teeth weren't sore anymore I would watch it with her. Now I have seen every episode. Some a few times. I was instantly drawn to Rainbow Dash, who which my sister WOULD NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT. I finally admitted to myself that I was a Brony when I found myself looking up pictures of Derpy and Rainbow Dash.

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Blame creepypastas, curiosity and the fact its a cartoon. I gravitated over when I saw the first couple episodes. I dunno why, I guess I like cartoons a little too much. Then again, it was after also a recommendation on Youtube's part. 


Though, I was a late brony. I came only at the beginning stages of Season 2, but was early enough not to miss the release of Luna Eclipse. :D




LUNA=Best Princess


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Ah it was at my best friends wedding! it was about the time season 2 was starting up. Anyway me, him and his husband were sitting down and having a nice glass of wine. They had told me they got some tattoos of this thing called a Cutie mark on their hips, Marshall got Pinkie Pies' and his husband Seth got Raritys'. I asked them what was a cutie mark? so they showed me and then they told me all about the show! so I got home I looked it up and I started to watch the first season. After that well lets say I never stopped watching it!


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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It was back in the of 2011. And in the world called high school. My friend and I were having lunch, I know school lunch right. But anyway another friend came and ask us if we seen this show called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. (At first me and my friend thought he was talking about gen 3 ponies.) So we said no and ask why. He said its cool man you should watch it.  


So the next day my friend told me that he seen it and that I should give it a try. First I called him crazy for watching something girly like that. But then he said it kinda like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and different from the 80's one.  I said fine and he said to come over after school watch it. Since then I been watching it every morning on tv.



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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the way i became a brony is when on a school night i was bored at 11:00 pm, I decided to watch one episode on youtube and i instantly got hooked and i watched half of season 1 that night ( exaggeration ) until 4 am


                                            signature by Night Sky

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Strangly enough, I was introduced to MLP FiM through Screwattack's Death Battle. The episode Starscream vs Rainbow Dash got me interested. After searching, I watched the first season and was completely hooked.

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Well, I guess I paid a random visit to /co/ and was enamored of these pretty ponies and their occasionally ironic and usually provocative captions.


A couple of weeks later I was working in the field. We got snowed in and had nothing to do, so on a whim, I streamed Dragonshy from somewhere. Youtube, I guess. I think it was pretty new, as well. So late 2010 I guess?


The rest of that field trip was filled with the wonder of discovery. It rawked ^_^


ADD: I will forever associate MLP with Nunavut (where we were working) -- the Crystal Empire!

Edited by decoherence
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