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What month did you join the herd?  

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I had a weird reaction to bronies at first, but now it's an everyday thing for me. My older brother known as Brisineo, he introduced me to ponies... Kinda... Well both me and him go on Funnyjunk all the time together and just look at interesting things. We see pony pictures every 3 posts and we have no idea why... Since it was his computer, and he's on it all the time, he watched the first 2 episodes. I caught him watching them, and he told me "Dude, check this out! This is sooooo freaking awesome!!!". I glanced at the screen when Twilight was saying something cheezy (I don't really remember what she was saying). I then simply called my bro. gay, and walked away. I became a hater, and he kept annoying me about ponies for a month until I finally watched it.........


Yeah... Well now I am completely obsessed and I think of ponies more than anything else in my life. Me and my older bro. have gotten into ponies more and more, and now everytime I go into his room, he's doing something pony related on his computer. I join him in what ever he is doing and we have a great time. My life is now ponies and I am ok with it! :)


I don't really remember when I became a brony, but I think it was around last March...

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I saw many videos on Youtube, and saw a lot of people with pony avatars on a forum I browse. Basically I watched a few videos, asked some questions, got persuaded to watch a few episodes and I loved it. This all happened a year ago tomorrow. (July 11th, 2011)

  • Brohoof 1


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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I've mentioned this topic on a couple of other posts (to include "Ask Ol' Sarge"), but I figured I would address in a topic that is dedicated to that question.


I officially became a Brony during the 12 hour ride home from BronyCon that Skullbuster and I attended. I had known about the show because of Skullbuster and his transformation to Bronydom. I had watched a couple of shows at his insistence, and I had agreed to take him on kind of a father / son road trip to BronyCon. When I agreed to take him, I figured this would be a good way to check out what this whole Brony thing was all about.


What I didn't realize was the effect that meeting all of these cool people would have on me. I sat in on the panels, listened to Lauren Faust talk about what she was hoping to do when she created MLP:FiM and her reaction to this community. I listened to John de Lancie speak to his belief that Bronies would be a shaping force in the world because our their dedication to the show's values. But I felt it when he said "I am with you" while wearing a Brony shirt.


I was hooked.

  • Brohoof 2


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I knew what the show was long, long before I became a...brony. I knew I would like it, I knew its humour would appeal to me and my love of dolls and cute things would have me get a ton of ponies, brush their hair and display them proudly.

People I didn't like, kept telling me to watch it, and I was very wary of being involved in a fandom like this, so different then what I am used to (not surrounded by crazies, fun or not, but normal people, territory unwalked to me)

It really started with the pinkie pie toy I won, it sat in the package for a month before I opened it, and took a picture of one of my dolls on her back and thought it was cute.

Soon after I wanted to write a really bad fanfic (I wanted it to be legendary, Cupcakes legendary!) Any good fanfic (if there is such a thing) at least needs to know something about the characters, so I watched the first episode, then the second because as much as I hated to admit it, the show was funny and genius for making the first episode a 2 parter...

After about...5 episodes I stopped to write but nothing would come. I couldn't write something so bad about something I had grown to like, (thankfully on my own).

That was not that long ago, and soon my first full length con as a fan (though the mini con did help and was a ton of fun, and I bought some ponies afterwards at walmart, good times so far, good times)

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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I was familiar with the show for a bit last year in the summer, though, I wasn't a huge fan of it at the time. I found Rainbow Dash my favorite and that was the only name I could remember back then. But then in November of 2011 I came across a few funny Pony/TF2 Garrys Mod videos and it had me going. Eventually I was curious and decided to watch a few episodes, I was then hooked.

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My journey, if you will, started with a YouTuber named "joshscorcher" reviewing the first two episodes of the show (part 1 and 2 of the pilot). Prior to that I hadn't heard of it, but later, at a club at my school, there was one guy who was an open brony and made constant references to the show and his love of it.


I was curious about it by now, and started off watching small clips of the show online, which, thanks to constant referencing from the commenters, led to me reading two fanfics, Cupcakes and My Little Dashie, in that order but at very seperate times. Cupcakes disturbed me, not helped by the fact I read it at night, and left me with trouble sleeping for a little bit.


However, My Little Dashie I read one day while my parents and sister were away for the day, and I didn't have anything to do, so I thought, "What do I have to lose?" While many people claim to have cried reading it, I didn't. On the outside at least, I managed to hold that back. After reading it I thought, "Okay, if someone made that based on the show, there has to be something to it." Then I, albeit with initial hesitance, watched the first two episodes, liked it, and continued on for a few more episodes, not sure where I ended, but my parents came back home as I finished my last for the day.


I watched a few of the other episodes later, and enjoyed some of the fanfictions people wrote about them. And that's my story of becoming a brony.


I still haven't seen all the episodes, but I hope to see them all some time. Also, very few people know I'm a brony, it's a well kept secret for the most part.

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I think it was some time in september maybe october I remember it being after watching the Ballad of the Brony vid by SaberSpark and then round december i stop calling myself a brony because of certain "true" bronies and was anti-brony for a few months then i join this forum and started calling myself a brony again yesterday.

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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A year ago. I was so curious why the show was so popular, but I did like how cute the cartoon was. So I spent the summer watching S1, and got hooked. Now I want a bunch of pony merch, and I openly talk about it with everyone. They think it's cute/funny of me to like a show for kids, but hey. It's ridonkulously cute so I will watch it. :P
  • Brohoof 1


I like dollies.

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'Bout 6 months ago, I started playing TF2 and I came across this Bronyville Server, and I've never heard of the show, so I looked around Youtube, and the show was actually good and funny, and so I foudn out more, basically I had becaome a Brony.


"If you can't make the moon interesting, try setting it on fire"
- Void Chicken

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About a month ago when a couple of friends told me about how good the show was. I always loved cartoons (90's cartoons were the best!) so it was really easy to start watching it and boi was I mighty surprised!


I also am glad I didn't hate on or deny it a single time, this is leik the best show ever! ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

I became a brony in late April/early may this year, when I watched the season 2 finale. I was hooked instantaneously. I had to spend the next week watching the 50 other episodes.


And that's how Equestria was made! Maybe next time, I'll tell you how I became a brony.

Edited by Hamez

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I became a brony sometime in June of last year.


It was a fairly hot summer's day with nothing going on, and I, as always, was lying down on the hotel room couch with my laptop comfortably positioned on my lap, or knees or some such. I was being pushed closer and closer to insanity by the mind numbing boredom, and it got to the point where my brain was looking for anything at all that could possibly entertain me. Finally, it settled on a possibility -


Hey you! Check out that old chatroom from that guild you used to be in 2 years ago! I bet it's still running!


Well, good idea brain! I'll go do that!


As I logged in to my account and whatnot, another thought crossed my mind - I should introduce these guys to my favorite show ever!


Not My Little Pony - not at that point in time at least! No, as I logged in, I had firmly resolved to introduce my old guildmates to the show that goes by the name 'Happy Tree Friends'. Go figure!


So I logged in the chatroom, and greeted the two others that were there. Following that, I set my plan in motion!


"Hey guys, know what's an awesome show?"


Well - to my surprise, one of my guildmates goes and says -


"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"


Well - I raised an eyebrow, sure, but I didn't actually give it much thought. I just responded with "Ha, I'll have to give that a try then!", really quickly jotted it down on my mental bucket list, and went about my day. Never did get to show them Happy Tree Friends...


About four days later, in another bout of boredom, I remembered the words of my friend...


My Little Pony, huh? I guess I'll give it a try!


So a trip to youtube and one search later, I was watching Episode One.


Hey, this intro is cool. This SHOW is cool!


By the end of that day, I had watched the first three episodes. Nothing drastic, but I definitely really liked the show already.


It was actually around episode 7 that I realized: "Holy crap, a LOT of people love this show!" How I spent every day on the internet browsing forums and whatnot without seeing stuff about ponies...I have no idea.


So, about a week later, I was watching episode 26. Being oblivious, as often is the case, I hadn't realized episode 26 was a finale...so after I finished watching that, I promptly typed in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode 27" into the magical little youtube search bar. To my dismay, I found no episodes.


What? Where's episode 27? Has it not been uploaded?! Or...could that have been...the season finale?! To Google!


I found out then, much to my dismay, that there had only been twenty six episodes thus far. Well then, no time to waste! Following that discovery, I asked the all knowing google when season 2 would come out!


Anyways, I'm rambling - I'm well past the point where I became a brony in this story...so that's it!


Great stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think the first time I heard about it was back in last Oct. or Nov, but it really didn't come to my attention until around April when a friend showed me Magic.MOV and Epic Cupcake Time. I didn't really know what it was and didn't really think about it to much. In early May, I watched the first five minutes of the "Cutie Mark Chronicles", but I stopped because I knew that I didn't want to be a brony (I thought that they were too weird and creepy) and I didn't want to become addicted to the show.


In June of this year, I stumbled across all of the "When I'm" Youtube videos, along with the Duck Sauce pony spoofs. So then I just decided, "What the heck, it's summer, ill give it a chance." I ended up watching all 52 episodes that week. Then I decided... "Hey, I guess i'm a brony." I'm now glad that I'm a brony and a part of this wonderful community.

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15th of January at around 10am. TheFineBros uploaded their "Teens react to - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" episode, shortly after I began watching the episodes one after another.


I had heard about it beforehand and wanted to see what it was like but didn't get around to it, but after watching the teens react to episode I decided to check it out. :)

Edited by Lost

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Twas a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Youtube to be exact. And i still remember the date. September 7th 2011 i believe.

Now to begin this story, i was wonderin' if any of u knew who the Yogscast were. If not they are these two British video game commmentators who are pretty famous over on teh youtubes.

Well anyway, they just uploaded a video and they were talking about Diablo III. (this was before it was released) and they were talking about the secret pony level. And as i they were talking about it, one of them, Lewis, was talking about that tehre was this my little pony show and how his girlfriend Hannah liked it and actually drew OCs of they minecraft characters.

Anyway what got me to watch the show was surprisingly... the comments. Naturally as with many videos that mention ponys, there was a flame war in the comment section. And i saw how there was so many poeple who actually watched the show. Saying that it was good and stuff and that if u watch it u probably will like it.

I was surprised by that. So i actually decided to give it a go. And to be honest, one of the best decisions of my life. (i am only 15 however...) I watch the first episode not expecting much. And i think it was that, that actually made me keep watching. I had such low expectations that as soon as i saw Twilight readin' that book... i was shocked. The animation, the color... it all just poped and look amazing.

Pretty soon i watched the next ep. Then the third. And the fourth... and well... The rest is history.


I rambled on again didn't i? =/

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I am a bit of an accidental brony. I became a fan of the show about three weeks ago after becoming curious about this huge fandom. I know for a fact that fandoms this large don't just randomly appear out of thin air. So, I finally decided to watch episode one with an open mind to uncover the reason why the show is so popular and to learn what attracts the older audiences.


After watching the first episode, I realize that my plan had failed horribly. I completely understood why the show was so popular, but because of that, I had grown to like it. That's really something for me considering I never watch TV at all anymore. I then decided to continue watching episode 2 and to sit back and enjoy the show.


So a couple weeks later, here I am, eagerly awaiting the next season.

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A friend of mine showed me an episode back in November, Winter Wrap Up to be specific. Song got stuck in my head and kept playing over and over and over for several days. I couldn't stop thinking about the show.


I knew what was happening, I knew I was innevitably heading down the path of becoming a "Brony" as my friend had called it. I fought against it and managed to delay long enough until Winter Break when I finally gave in and watched Episode 1.


The rest is history I guess. By episode 2 I was hooked, and within a month I willingly called myself a Brony. Then I began to search for the Herd and found places like Equestria Daily, FiM-Fiction, etc. From there I ended up being T-shirts, a couple of the toys, and before I knew it I was attending Summer Bronycon 2012.

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My friend told me he was a brony, luckily i already knew what one was since I go on the internet alot, about a week afterward I watched the first 2 episodes, I didn't really like it and Never watched it again. untill near the end of july.


I soon watched more episodes, then I figured out. I love this!


So that's my story of me becoming a brony, not an exciting story but still a story. So in a nutshell I became a Brony Near the end of July 2012 because of a friend and my curiosity.

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not exactly sure when, but i remember being at a friends house and seeing an episode in a related video list, so i clicked on it and watched and loved it lol

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On 3dsforums thiers a optional pony banner. First time I clicked I thought wat? And thought it was silly. Some of my peeps thier had pony avis. Saw the show was on demand one night I watched...got hooked.

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I became a brony about three months before school ended (School ended in June for me).


I was just roaming some youtube videos when I came across ponies...

Everything went uphill from there...

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