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What Is It About You Makes You Feel Less Connected From Most Forum Members?


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My indifference toward issues that others may hold dear, maybe? Most of the time I just don't feel like participating in a discussion, even if it's related to something I personally like. I'm too much of an introverted lurker :wacko:


Tried my hands on a much smaller community of the same vein as this one, ended up really badly for all parties involved ZlCHy.png

  • Brohoof 1


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Yeah, even in my small time here I get like, creepy level of happiness vibes from some people that border a tad on disingenuous. It's such a stark contrast to other places I visit where they have open threads for the sole purpose of bashing other people and their opinions.  :lol:

Edited by Redstreak
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And the kindness that the community totes feels very forced. The "love and tolerance" motto is total bullshit and I feel it's a form of subliminal peer pressure. Too many people try to change who they are to fit better with the community.


If love or tolerance isn't a part of who you are, don't be that way. You're better off being natural.


I'd argue that it's not something to be proud of if "who you really are" is someone who has to try hard in order to be polite and respectful to other people. I understand the feeling of it all being forced, though. If you have a certain mentality an overdose of warmth can feel rather faked.


To me, I feel that some of the disconnect that might take place in this community can be simply from how big it is. This isn't a tight-knit, closed group of friends; it's a bunch of people, likely primarily strangers, who are conversing about one show. This isn't ultimately a bad thing. Many of the people you know in your life aren't going to be very close to you. But in some ways it makes it difficult to latch onto people to become close to within the community.


The best way to fit in in any situation is to be approachable and approach yourself.

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Well, firstly there is my musical taste that is really different from a lot of people here in the forums, I tend to listen to more obscure kind of metal music in opposite of some members that listens to more mainstream metal music.


Secondly, I tend to be a more passive member in these forums: I have rarely found myself interested in roleplays and fan stuff (except fan drawings) and I like to post on thread that I feel more comfortable to post in.

I know that feeling, man. Sometimes, I think I'm the only person in the country that listens to Russian metal. I may not be too far off. But one thing I have noticed Is that people into metal rarely listen to all the same bands.

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Well,Everytime i post,i check my post,then hesitate to post it or delete it(depending its useful/Good Infomation)Or Move on to another topic,Which no MLP Forums user will do. -_-

I Don't Roleplay yet,Unless someone invites me+I Haven't set a story for my Ocs yet

  • Brohoof 1

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” 

DeviantArt Account/Youtube account

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Well,Everytime i post,i check my post,then hesitate to post it or delete it(depending its useful/Good Infomation)Or Move on to another topic,Which no MLP Forums user will do. -_-


Actually, you'd be surprised at how often I've heard of people on these forums backing out of making posts because they feel they won't contribute or that it may come off as foolish. Whatever the reason, I encourage you to have faith that your words will be taken with warm reception. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm...well, I don't like FIMfiction.net. That's the only thing I can think of. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and reading, especially MLP fics. I just don't like the site. On the technical side they've made great improvements (the filter actually works now xD), but I've had nothing but bad experiences trying to write for them myself, and the overall mood of the place is kind of weird and negative...not like this site at all.


And FIMfiction is undoubtedly the fanfiction place for bronies all over the word, so basically that's a whole segment of the fandom I don't feel connected to. It sucks.  -_-


Not at all! I think you are interesting. :D

Aww thank you :D


I always thought it was kind of odd when I see a fanfic I really like on there and it has more negative votes than positive. Some of the comments I've read on some of the stories were bad as well. I feel bad for the writer.

  • Brohoof 1

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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I don't have an OC, nor do I have any interest in roleplay, plus I'm not really too knowledgeable about news and geography and so on  :please:

Edited by Edwarda_Bronette
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I'm a big fan of FiM and, more recently, the entire MLP series, but I am not a 'Brony' and have grown increasingly less fond of the fandom since I joined.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm pretty narrow when it comes to video games. I really only play Pokemon, Mario and sometimes Zelda. 


I'm not too into anime. It just never interested me enough.


I don't have strong views in any political party. I find both of them to have problems.


I don't have an extreme love or hate for religion.

  • Brohoof 1



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Meh, i'm just a man who appreciates his solitude. I don't make much effort to spark conversations, but i don't ignore other people. Sometimes i talk so much i can't seem to shut up! But yeah, i think it's mostly because i have weird and crazy ideas sometimes, and it throws most people off.

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I tend to run hot and cold.


Running through some posts from the last day or so and I'm not impressed. Frankly, I can be a dick at times without really intending to be. I can also be amazingly blunt, and I can see how some things could be taken the wrong way.


Not something I do consciously, but it is something I'm aware of. Always kind of kept others at arms length.

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First, my age - obviously.


Next, I have no interest in games or role playing.


I come here because I like the show, but more importantly, I like what it says about life.  I don't find the "love and tolerance" thing fake.  (Although there may be many who do fake it.)  Watching MLP FIM makes me feel good.  And I'm interested in why others like it and what that says about them.  I actually like it when people analyze things about the show.  (I always wondered whose idea it was to make the inside of pony mouths and pony tongues orange.  What's up with that?)

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I don't particularly like talking to people


its just

If somebody adds me, or maybe even I add somebody who updates their status too much, despite how friendly and open they are towards everybody, I will probably unfriend them

Sorry  :(


Plus, nearly every single person I meet I get bored of very quickly. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm too... hmm... I dunno.


I prefer to have longer, deeper, more in-depth, or more intense conversations than most members here. Sometimes the short conversations and playful banter I see around here is okay, but it often leaves me still feeling somewhat unfulfilled.


I'd also say that I'm not a fan of either anime or Pokemon, so there's that, too.

I agree. This forum largely consist of threads with short outbursts of opinions, which in turn is scrolled by and forgotten. Little discussion and progress. I'd wish there would be more of that, and is the reason of my declining interest in this forum. I haven't actually looked for a smaller forum with a tighter knit community yet, but I might want to some time.



It all comes down to random factors that I couldn't really tell you. I don't get along with everyone and it's not always because we are or aren't into the same things. I just don't click with most people here to the point I can really get into a conversation.


I have no close friends on this forum because of that. I've found plenty of people I can have one or two good conversations with, of course, but no one that will likely become lasting friends with me after they or I leave.


I'm not against making friends but the few times I've gotten even a little close to someone we just kind of grew apart or were only really in-sync for one conversation.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make this a "woe is me" post. I'm just stating the facts. It could be me, it could be them, it could just be timing, but I feel generally disconnected from this community.

Same problem with lasting friends. I don't seem to click too much with anyone in here, and those I have tried too invest more time with has slowly drifted off. Won't blame anyone though as I may also very well lose interest.


Regarding video games I often feel like it's a huge hype machine of mainstream games. I am a gamer, all the way through, and play all kinds of games. Just in January I finished 4-5 interesting games. 


Despite this going against the very message of the fandom, I feel that people on the site act far too kind. A lot of times it has an unnatural vibe to it, as when a lot of people act too nice, the box of hammers that is my brain tells me that something is amiss. So I end up becoming a lot more cynical when I visit the site, compared to what I would say is an optimistic nature elsewhere. So I end up isolating myself in this broken us vs. them mentality. So much for friendship being magic, I guess.

Also I don't like forum roleplay or OCs, even though I have one for that specific purpose.

EDIT: On top of that, I'd say the sheer size of the community makes it feel like there is no community, just an amorphous mass of threads and messages under a web domain.

It's absolutely this "be friendly" kind of vibe on this forum, but I honestly like it. The internet is generally a harsh place because of anonymity and lack of consequences. Keep in mind that in "real life" people are also too kind. Smiling and apologizing to strangers they bump into. I think it's nice and polite, and those social rules make everything a little bit more pleasant.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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I agree. This forum largely consist of threads with short outbursts of opinions, which in turn is scrolled by and forgotten. Little discussion and progress. I'd wish there would be more of that, and is the reason of my declining interest in this forum. I haven't actually looked for a smaller forum with a tighter knit community yet, but I might want to some time.


In my opinion, smaller internet communities aren't all they're cut out to be. They're rarely all that active, and there isn't an influx of new members to keep things going. At least on a forum like this, we get new people joining every day. That's a good thing. It keeps everything alive.

  • Brohoof 2




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Oh, there's several things.

  • I don't visit this site as much as I used to. A year ago I'd visit daily, now I visit maybe once a week.
  • I have no friends on this site. I used to, but I've lost touch with all of them.
  • I'm losing interest in ponies due to the hiatus. 
  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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~Instead of writing short sentences I tend to write paragraphs and use a larger vocabulary.

~ I don't have an OC as of yet; I will get to that when I can.

~I'm not interested in anime, most cartoons, Pokemon, or video games.

~I'm not all that interested in computers and technology.

~I don't partake in many controversial threads

~I dislike being called a Brony. Rather, I like to be referred to as a fan of the show.

~I don't collect merchandise, nor do I cosplay. Though I don't mind going to a convention in the near future.

~I dislike shippings, Princess Trollestia, socks on ponies and many other ideas the fandom creates.

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I will make a list


-G3 fan

-YouTube Gamer

-I'm someone who enjoys sorrow

-if I ever meet you in real life I have fantasized about you causing harm to me at least once.... until I get to know you

-I'm an open book about a lot of things

-I rarely lie

-I'm an eccedentesiast

-I'm a mute and its very hard to get me to talk when I'm not behind my keyboard

-I hate ships


-I hate romance.... it sickens me


that's all I can think of at the moment I'm sure there is more that makes me stand out though

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
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Well, there's the fact that I love G1, moreso than I do G4 at the moment. I don't hate G4 by any means; quite the opposite. I just happen to like it more for some reason. Specifically, the series My Little Pony and Friends, because I consider the two specials to be one of the least impressive parts of G1. Typically, that brings up strange looks, though thankfully nowhere near as much as the people who love G3... sorry for the crap you get, guys.


Another one would probably be my unrepentant love of Diamond Tiara, from a "mama Fluttershy" standpoint, anyway. Though the people that don't like her are right about her in some respects (obviously, bullying is horrible), and... *sigh* everyone's entitled to an opinion, she gets way too much trash from the fandom. (Fimfiction is lousy with awful Diamond Tiara stories.) I keep it civil, but i'm always tempted to blow up on people when they say she's worthless, or deserves to get raped/murdered/emotionally destroyed for what she does. That... obviously keeps me from connecting with a lot of bronies.


Probably the last one is that i'm amazingly competitive, though I try to hide it. I love challenging other people's opinions, and i'm not afraid to admit i'm wrong. Unfortunately, I tend to get the "well, it's just my opinion" or the "let's just agree to disagree" here, often before the conversation even starts. It's to the point that I almost never say anything on most threads unless someone raises the flag first. Even then, I feel like i'm coming off rude... and I can't tell if its me or the forums.

Edited by Shimmer5000
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Another one would probably be my unrepentant love of Diamond Tiara, from a "mama Fluttershy" standpoint, anyway. Though the people that don't like her are right about her in some respects (obviously, bullying is horrible), and... *sigh* everyone's entitled to an opinion, she gets way too much trash from the fandom. (Fimfiction is lousy with awful Diamond Tiara stories.) I keep it civil, but i'm always tempted to blow up on people when they say she's worthless, or deserves to get raped/murdered/emotionally destroyed for what she does. That... obviously keeps me from connecting with a lot of bronies.

I think you're unique in terms of how much you like Diamond Tiara as a pony and I respect that. There's some people who prefer antagonists over protagonists and I respect that. Like you said, everybody's entitled to their opinion.

  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I've been a member of MLP Forums for nearly two years now. (There's a whole seven other people with join dates earlier than mine in this thread. We also just reached over 32,000 registered accounts.) Yet no one here really has a clue who I am. (i.e. Actually know me, not just able to identify me...) Most of the friends I had here have either left the board or got banned. Majority of those members don't even try to stay in contact with you after they leave. A lot of them don't even tell you...they're just gone one day, and that's it. For me, taking the time to get to know people and then having them vanish on you has really discouraged me from wanting to try again. I think to myself, 'Why bother? It's not worth it.' So the amount of time I've been here and all the friends I've lost contact with makes me feel somewhat irrelevant.


I have a lot of interests that are shared with many users here...aside from still liking the show, I have multiple OCs (WIP), try to participate in RPs that catch my eye, play a few PC games, and quite enjoy theorizing with other people about Equestrian society and how it works. But I also have some interests that most people find to be...weird. Just look at my avatar, signature, or profile. Won't take you long to figure it out. This is just the way I am.


Another thing that bothers me around here is all the negativity. I will be the first to admit that I'm not the most joyful user on the site, but when I log on here and see that sort of thing, and people that constantly shoot down any encouragement you have to offer them, it makes me want to log off and go do something else. It is nothing personal against any users here, but I've reached a point in my life in which I'm sick of all the self-pity and want to find a way to get over it.


I do not post a whole lot, either. Still having the butterfly rank after almost two years is kind of sad. :P A lot of the time what will happen is I will write up a post, read it over, think 'This sounds stupid' to myself, and simply not post. Sometimes I really question why I still visit this board on a regular basis. Most days I don't really have a good answer. Maybe it's just out of habit. I've been playing the forum game for many years now...I've been a member of communities where I feel like I'm a valued contributor, and also places where most people wouldn't know me from a hole in the ground. :lol: This is just the way things are.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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