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Aurora says, "My name is Aurora. And your plan won't work because two of our class mates are sleeping."


She then sigh, "Ok an extra 5 minutes plus major clue recap."


She then looks to the closest not Lektra Unicorn and asks, "Do you have the Ability to see magical auras?"

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Skylar growled. "Hmmph! Oh, grouchy one!" She slammed her hooves rudely in front of Lightning's desk. "Wakey wakey! We need to solve the mystery of our teacher!" A thought suddenly ocxured to her. Lektea was a female name. There were only two mares that hadn't introduced themselvws-- the sleeping grouch number two and the one with the tiny robot following her. It had to be the grouchy one, there was no way it could be the one with the robot!


@@Love She stormed to the mare's desk. "Oi! Is your name Lektra Bolt?!" She demanded.

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@@Dreampuff, Blush blinked. She had no idea where anything was. Instead of getting flustered, she tilted her head. "You know my dear, I was brought on only this morning, so I'm not sure where anything is. I'd be happy to accompany you as we try to find it though, so you don't get in trouble with the hall monitors," she offered unhelpfully.



@@Little Red, Tranq looked up again, bleary eyed at the noisy pony demanding her attention. "No. My name is not Lektra Bolt. Is your name noisy, rude or obnoxious?" she hissed. "I'm trying to sleep. Think you can keep it down? Your incessant shouting is loud enough to wake the dead. How that other pony has slept through your nattering is beyond me." She laid her head back down with a dramatic roll of her eyes, covered by her sunglasses.

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Sigma observed the commotion going on around the room as what was once progress regressed in to accusations, bad plans, and claims of not caring. "I need to regain control of the situation." Sigma thought to himself.


"All right, first off, allow me to say this:" Sigma started. "The plan of introducing ourselves isn't going to work for the obvious reason that the teacher can easily fake a name. With a roll call sheet, assuming everypony in the class is present, we'll be able to call everyone to roll and pick out the pony who's name wasn't called, who will be the teacher. If the teacher tries to impersonate one of the other students while everypony is present, the actual student will call her out. However, if it turns out that someone is absent..." (Sigma thought for a moment.) "We'll just have to formulate a new plan." "Now!" Sigma yelled authoritatively. "Everypony, go look for a roll call sheet as well as a key, except for one of you..." the white unicorn muttered.




Sigma turned to the bad-mouthing stallion, and stomped his hoof in an attempt to wake him up. "I'd imagine an impolite, carefree individual such as yourself would know a thing or two about picking locks." Sigma mused. "If you successfully pick the lock to the other room, then you'll help our chances of finding the roll call sheet."

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Aurora takes a seat next to Lektra and Sparky. She says to sparky, "Just a nod or shake will do. Can you understand what we are saying?"


She is looking sparky over. She is upset that the others are ignoring her again. She was trying to help them and they weren't listening.

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Hilarious. That was the only word I would use to describe what Sparky was showing me. While a couple of students had the right idea, the mare from the back with the interesting mana signature had everyone beat by leaps and bounds. I was still amused. If I wasn't trying hard to pretend I was asleep and keep my breathing steady, I would be rolling on the floor and laughing loudly right now. She had moved to sit near Sparky by the teacher's desk. Not like I was using it anyway, so there wasn't any harm.


Yes, you should answer her. Please do. I gave him the directive by our link to respond normally to the question, but he was unable to speak and his head wasn't configured to nod. So he did the next best thing. He knew he had her attention, so he stretched out a claw and made a motion as if to write on top of the desk. He had no quill, but he moved his claw in a wavy pattern to pretend to write. We hoped that was sufficient as I continued to 'sleep' and observe the students by sharing his sight.

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Aurora nods and places a writing pad and quill before Sparky. She then says. "That better?"


She waits for the being to answer. She also looks to the others. "Maybe this one can help us figure it out."


Aurora desides to help them one final time. She stands next to Sparky.

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"No. My name is not Lektra Bolt. Is your name noisy, rude or obnoxious?" she hissed. "I'm trying to sleep. Think you can keep it down? Your incessant shouting is loud enough to wake the dead. How that other pony has slept through your nattering is beyond me."

Skylar opened her mouth. Then closed it again. That... was actually a really good come-back, she thought, very impressed. "Fine. I believe you." She said, turning away haughtily. Her respect for the mare was too high for any suspicion that the mare could be a teacher.



"Now!" Sigma yelled authoritatively. "Everypony, go look for a roll call sheet as well as a key,

Skylar jumped at the shout of the formerly very composed, prideful unicorn. Her respect for him rose as well. Wow, every pony here was so tough! Was this a gangster school or something? This school might not be so bad!


"Sir, yes, sir!" She said, saluting sardonically. "Key!" She began turning the room upside down with her rather exaggerated looking.

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Sigma looked around to see if anyone besides the eccentric mare were actually going to follow his orders (he would've been impressed with himself if someone did). Amongst the view, he explicitly noticed the strange little contraption for the first time. Before, he wrote off the device as being a small project of the teacher's with no intelligence beyond scripted responses, and decided to ignore it, but if that pegasus (who's been paying more attention to it than Sigma has) is anything to go off of, then it's capable of actually thinking. "That's really impressive." Sigma thought to himself. "Maybe this school will live up to its reputation after all, and that it just came off at a bad start."


Sigma then looked at the pegasus beside the contraption. Magical auras, was it? Sigma didn't know much magic, so he couldn't judge the probable effectiveness of the plan, and originally decided not to explore the idea further, but maybe that was short minded of him. One thing's for certain, that pegasus in the back row seems to know more about this particular situation than he does.


Sigma walked up to her. "I personally like my way of doing things better, but that could just be a cognitive bias." he explained. "I think I accidentally ignored a question from you earlier. What was it again?"

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@@Sigma@@Little Red,

Lightning laughed.

"Sure, I could pick a lock for you, easy. But why the hell should I?"

He pointed at Skylar,

"You see her? Yeah, she's what I call a good leader. Sketchy, over there", he nodded towards the stallion, "gave a suggestion, no matter how stupid I might have thought it was," He turned towards Sketchy, "no offence," he turned back to Sigma, "Skylar over there, took it into consideration. She actually cared about what he said, and it doesn't matter what she may have thought about what he said, she acknowledged him for it. But you, you're just one of those guys that think everything you think, is correct. You couldn't give a damn about what others here have to say. I actually have a load of respect for Skylar, but you, zero. You wanted to use me, to do your work. So don't think I will ever listen to you."

He turned to face Skylar's direction.

"What would you like me to do, Skylar?"

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Sigma did his best to conceal a scowl, and then closed his eyes to think for a moment. He knew right off the bat that this stallion was gonna try to be a problem, but the response he got wasn't what he was expecting. "Hmm, am I being unfair to the others?" he thought to himself. "Well, I gave a good argument against the plan of having everyone introducing themselves, so I at least addressed it properly. I think the only person in this room I've been unfair to so far is the pegasus in the back, and I'm addressing her right now to make up for it. No, I think this stallion just has a talent for getting under ponies' skin."


"Listen," Sigma told him. "I want you to forget how smug you think I am, and simply ask yourself this: does the plan make logical sense to you? If it does, then it would be unreasonable for you to not go through with it simply because you don't like the pony pitching the idea, and it's not like I'm using you to do things I can do myself. I have absolutely no idea how to pick a lock!"

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"Personal feelings do not come in to this in any way. It's not that I don't like you, that I'm not doing as you ask, it's the way you act. I don't see you as a good leader, so I'm following who I think to be the best choice. I don't see you as a good leader, even when you try to be. Sure, I'll most likely end up picking a lock, but I'll only do it if the situation deems fit, and everyone agrees."

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"You see her? Yeah, she's what I call a good leader. Sketchy, over there", he nodded towards the stallion, "gave a suggestion, no matter how stupid I might have thought it was," He turned towards Sketchy, "no offence," he turned back to Sigma, "Skylar over there, took it into consideration. She actually cared about what he said, and it doesn't matter what she may have thought about what he said, she acknowledged him for it. But you, you're just one of those guys that think everything you think, is correct. You couldn't give a damn about what others here have to say. I actually have a load of respect for Skylar, but you, zero. You wanted to use me, to do your work. So don't think I will ever listen to you."

Skylar blushed, beaming with pride. Wow! She'd befriended her first tough guy! How cool was that?!


"Awright!" She said, swinging a hoof around his shoulders. "Let's break into that teacher's secret lab, yeah?! Who needs a key! Psh!" she'd all but forgotten the unicorn stallion at this point as she rushed to the 'secret lab' door.

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Dashia asks Sigma, "Can you at least detect the magical aura on this one?"


She turns to Sparky and asks, "Do you have a name? If so, What is your name? Mine is Quantum Aurora."


She looks around while waiting for a response from all. She thought it is better to help the others.

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@@Little Red @


Sigma saw what just went down, and let out a sigh. "Same product; different packaging." the unicorn thought to himself. All he could do at this point was help search the next room when the door opens and hope the teacher considers him for the extra credit.




Sigma turned to the pegasus, and shook his head with an already defeated expression. "I'm sorry, but I don't know a lot about magic." the unicorn told her. "Or at least, not in practice."

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Dashia asks Sigma, "Can you at least detect the magical aura on this one?"


She turns to Sparky and asks, "Do you have a name? If so, What is your name? Mine is Quantum Aurora."


She looks around while waiting for a response from all. She thought it is better to help the others.

Sparky grabbed the quill in his right claw, dunked it in ink, hesitated for a bit, and then decided it was fine to write an answer to the question. "Nice to meet you Quantum Aurora. This unit is called Sparky. This unit is either referred to as male or genderless. This unit is not a female. This unit will not help find the Maker. This unit is observing the class for the Maker." Sparky scrawled on the writing pad for her, grabbed it with his other claw, and moved as if to give it to her.

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Aurora looked at the paper. The paper glows for a moment. She then says, "You don't have to do anything. You gave a clue right here. My guess is the teacher is your maker. That being said. Creations made by somepony also possess their magical signature or mana flow. All one has to do is detect your magical aura and said aura will link to its matching aura. Magic 101 basic magic identification."


Aurora hands the paper that Sparky wrote and another paper with all the clues she has given to Sigma. On the page with the clues is also the name of the spell, Detect Aura. She then sits back at her desk. "By the way, the teacher is the only one with a key to the door."

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Sigma looked at the spell instructions written on the sheet of paper, and immediately became uneasy at the fact that the pegasus was asking him to perform a spell.


"I don't think you understand." Sigma said, trying his best not to sound frantic. "I mean, I really can't perform magic. I've had countless tutors fail at teaching me so much as simple levitation. I don't know why, but I just can't grasp the most basic of spells, even when most unicorn foals are able to perform them."


Sigma looked down at the floor in shame; explaining his ineptitude to ponies was never any fun. Though, he felt that something else needed to be said, so he forced himself to look back up. "That stallion with the could-care-less attitude; he knows how to pick locks, so I don't think the absence of a key is going to prevent us from getting in to the next room."

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@@Sigma@@Little Red,

Lightning knew he had been mean to Sigma, but he hated watching him feel bad about himself.

"Everyone has flaws, yours is magic, and I can tell you I have a ton, so don't feel bad."

He followed Skylar to the door,

He grabbed two pens from a desk and inserted them both into the lock. He twisted the blue pen around and heard a tiny crack, he pushed the lock in further and used the other to dig into it, he heard a loud click and he turned the knob and pushed the door open.


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Aurora says, "Even so somepony should have been able to use the spell. However, If you didn't want my help you should have said so. And just because I know who it is doesn't mean I would tell."


She looks upset. She goes over to Sparky, "once class actually gets started, please have the teacher come get me. These ponies are driving me batty."


She then heads out into the halls and sits by the door.

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"Well here I am at Canterlot High. I feel bad that they had to do a security check on me. I am not bad. I guess I should do something to keep ponies from being scared."


Green Eyes transforms into a blue earth pony noticeably lacking a cutie mark. He then proceeds to enter the building. Upon wondering the halls he spots Aurora and walk up to her.


"What's wrong?"

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Skylar had already forgotten everything and every-pony else. She flew in the office.


Inside was dark. In the center was a strange.. machine. This proves that she's a spy! She began voicing her thought, then wondered how it proved it. Because she couldn't think of any reason other than 'it's a giant machine.'


Deciding not to voice the thought, she flew around the small cylindrical contraption, examining the crystal in the middle. So.... this was magitek. It was... surprisingly... "awesome," she murmured, aloud.


At hearing her voice, she jumped, which was hard, because she was flying, and ended up banging her head against the ceiling. "Ow!" She snapped, then noticed the work desk beside the machine. She flew down.


There, sitting happily on the desk, was...


"An attendance list!" She cried, lifting it into the air. She proceeded to do depressing dance moves in the air, accidentally dropping the list.

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@@Little Red


Sigma overheard the commotion from the other room, and decided to call out to the eccentric mare.


"Be sure you count the number of students on the list, and the number of students in the room before you start calling names!" Sigma yelled. "For this plan to work perfectly, there needs to be one extra student in the room compared to the list! If there's less, then someone's absent, and the plan won't work because then the teacher can impersonate one of the absent students! If there's more, then we can narrow down the possible students, but not pinpoint the teacher completely, not to mention that it would raise the question of why there's more than one extra student in our class!"


@@Midnight_Aurora @@MoltenKitten


Sigma, deciding that he should try to stay proactive until the teacher is found, walked up to the classroom door and poked his head out. He started by addressing the pegasus who gave him advice earlier.


"I-its not that I didn't want your help." Sigma stated shakily, knowing that he must've done something wrong if the mare was sitting outside the classroom with an upset look on her face. "I was completely open to your plan, it's just that I'm not capable of carrying it out." The white unicorn looked off to the side; consciously trying to stop his ears from drooping. "An attendance list was found, but there's still a good chance that the plan won't work since it relies on every student being present and not absent. If it does turn out that a student's absent, then your plan will be the most reliable one at our disposal. The spell can be carried out by someone more competent than me, and the teacher will be found that way. However," The stallion said. "a lot of effort has already been invested in the attendance list idea. We need to go through with it before deciding whether or not it's a bust. I implore you to walk back in to the classroom so we can take attendance."


Sigma then turned to the student he had never seen before. "Who are you? Are you in this class?"

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"Yes I am in this class I am late because I was sort of caught up with things." Green eyes hesitates.

"There was a um moving party so I got slowed down on my way here. The name is changeli- I mean change tides, I mean Tidal Change, my name is Tidal Change." 


"So what exactly is going on?"

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"Yes I am in this class I am late because I was sort of caught up with things." Green eyes hesitates.


"There was a um moving party so I got slowed down on my way here. The name is changeli- I mean change tides, I mean Tidal Change, my name is Tidal Change." 


"So what exactly is going on?"


"The teacher set up a challenge for us: whoever finds her amongst the students gets extra credit. The students in the class managed to acquire an attendance sheet, so assuming nopony's absent or illegitimately in the classroom, we should be able to figure out who the teacher is through process of elimination. May you please come in and take a seat so we can check you off the list?"

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