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Why is the Pony Creator looked down upon? (Examples please?)


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I honestly just saw a video about that earlier today. Here is the link: ....Okay, so I couldn't post the link for some reason... but the video is by someone named MAdMunchkin. (Stupid computer, LMAO XD)

Oh, and its called: "Why I still hate the pony generator.

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I honestly just saw a video about that earlier today. Here is the link: ....Okay, so I couldn't post the link for some reason... but the video is by someone named MAdMunchkin. (Stupid computer, LMAO XD)

Oh, and its called: "Why I still hate the pony generator.

It's kind of ironic because I can't see her pony fitting in Equestria either.




Too many accessories, she has multi colored mane and tail (reserved for special characters like Cadence and Twilight, occasionally there are some standard ponies with it but not common), and there hasn't really been a furry legged pony yet so it feels a bit off. That's an example of an OC I don't like even if it's hand drawn.


Here are some other cringeworthy OCs that are not made by the Pony Creator.





Edited by cidershield
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It's kind of ironic because I can't see her pony fitting in Equestria either.




Too many accessories, she has multi colored mane and tail (reserved for special characters like Cadence and Twilight, occasionally there are some standard ponies with it but not common), and there hasn't really been a furry legged pony yet so it feels a bit off. That's an example of an OC I don't like even if it's hand drawn.


Here are some other cringeworthy OCs that are not made by the Pony Creator.









Wat da hell are those abominations O_o


Waaaaaaay too many colors; it burns my eyes!  

  • Brohoof 4



The Magic of Honesty

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It's kind of ironic because I can't see her pony fitting in Equestria either.




Too many accessories, she has multi colored mane and tail (reserved for special characters like Cadence and Twilight, occasionally there are some standard ponies with it but not common), and there hasn't really been a furry legged pony yet so it feels a bit off. That's an example of an OC I don't like even if it's hand drawn.


Here are some other cringeworthy OCs that are not made by the Pony Creator.






Whoa! I've never known OCs can get that crazy! That looks freaking ridiculous!


And I recall her saying something about her OC resembling some sort of horse breed in real life or something? I believe she said it in a video with Silver Quill and Dr. Wolf.


And I've never really noticed the multi colored tails and mane thing before. My original OC had a multi colored mane and tail because I wanted him to look like toast with butter and burnt edges. (Hence his name, Toast).


Now that there is a Griffon generator, (I've always wanted a Griffon OC but lacked the software to draw through the computer) I finally made the switch. :)


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The way I see it there are two sides:  The ones that hate it for unfounded reasons, and those that hate the creator for founded reasons.


The unfounded side complains the creator is terrible because people get to make recolors of the same bodies.  Blah blah blah.. the same with a movie, or a book, or a discussion.. If you don't like it, or the results of it, don't continue to partake.


However, the group with a founded reason to hate it can be summed up with a sample discussion below:


Critic: "New OC, I see."

OC: "Yup.  He's blue and green and I love him."

Critic: "So, who is he?"

OC: "Huh? Oh.. name. . . Ummm... It's a secret?"

Critic: *sigh* "Okay then, do you at least have a backstory or personality for this new character, or is your super new character just a part and color combination?"

OC: "Uhh..  sure, there's a backstory...  I just don't remember it right now."

Critic: "You're full of ****, aren't you?"

OC: *nerdrage start*


I'm sort of having this problem from the other way around. I finally created an OC for a story I'm working on. I know her name, her mother's name, her background, (Her mother's background, too for that matter, but she's not really in the story) likes, Cutie Mark, and special talent. I can't draw worth beans though, so I have no visual representation of her. I may try and get someone who knows what their doing to draw her for me. I haven't decided yet though. My sister in law is a really good artist. Maybe I can show her pictures of a bunch of canon ponies, and then describe mine to her. (She's not a fan)


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Because it has a lot of cringeworthy OCs that pooped out of that Evil pony creator

I would like to print out an Horrible OC and put it on fire... Literately!

  • Brohoof 2

*Boops You Nose!*

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I'm sort of having this problem from the other way around. I finally created an OC for a story I'm working on. I know her name, her mother's name, her background, (Her mother's background, too for that matter, but she's not really in the story) likes, Cutie Mark, and special talent. I can't draw worth beans though, so I have no visual representation of her. I may try and get someone who knows what their doing to draw her for me. I haven't decided yet though. My sister in law is a really good artist. Maybe I can show her pictures of a bunch of canon ponies, and then describe mine to her. (She's not a fan)


See, this is an understandable use for the pony creator.  You know who the OC is.. looks are the final step, and not everyone is an artist.  The problem is most people view OCs as just looks and nothing else and use the OC as an excuse to get free attention 'cause attention w'horses.

  • Brohoof 2

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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Characters made in Pony Creator are always seen from a profile view, which looks bland in my opinion.

I think it's a good tool for getting a general idea of an OC, but you really should have an artist draw it for you when you're done.




I understand that the artistic creativity that the Pony Creator allows is very limited. However, it is the only way that I got mine looking how I wanted. I really like the way she looks in my avatar. When I ask an artist to make her for me, I don't have any creative control whatsoever, and usually end up not thinking it fits what I wanted at all.


Sure, I'd love for more artists to draw her, but at the same time, if I end up not liking it  - which happens since I have no control over it - then what's the point?


And seeing as I can't draw at all, this is the *only* way I got to have any creative control whatsoever. I don't see anything wrong.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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1. I can't draw, and it's also something that doesn't interest me, so spending time on it is not gonna happen.

2. I don't care about spending money for people to draw my OC.

3. I don't want to beg to be drawn either, but if anyone offers, that's cool.

4. It looks show accurate. Some drawings I see don't even seem to be from the MLP universe. Not that that is a bad thing, I love art.

  • Brohoof 2



(Drawing by Digiral)

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It's not so much the Pony Creator that's the problem.

A lot of people make terrible OCs, and the easiest way to create them visually is through the Pony Creator. Because of the high amount of OCs being created in the Pony Creator, there's a high amount of bad designs popping out. So it's not that the Pony Creator makes bad OCs, it's just that more bad OCs are brought to light.

Edited by Unikitty
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Well, Pony Creator is a pretty handy tool to experiemnt with one of the most fundamental aspects of an OC: the color scheme. If you are committed to making a color scheme that works, it'll be handy to have sliding bars to be able to punch in numbers to immediately see the effects.


Here's one OC of mine (drawn)




Credit goes to Antidaeophobia [Source]

Check out her DeviantArt while you're at it.



And this is how he started out





Pony Creator allows someone to get the most basic design aspects right which some people can either request or commission artists to do. The nice thing for astists here is that they already have a design they can work with instead of having to take descriptions from someone who isn't really sure what he/she is talking about. It can save artists quite a lot of headaches if you ask me.

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It does not promote creativity.


Certainly, an array of preset attributes will help you create something, but it will still be an alteration of someone else's work that is not entirely yours.


True creativity will manifest itself through one's own capabilities.


Learn to draw.  ;)


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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It's frowned upon because it's seen as lazy and all the designs look similar.

My God...

Kill it with fire! XD


Call Celestia. Shit just got serious.


Art by DoeKitty

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You can tell from my avatar that my OC is pony creator-made. I can draw ponies decently with a pencil, but getting a pony from the black and white pencil stage to the color quality of the show is a task I am completely unfamiliar with. I think the pony creator is a good tool for people like me who just don't know how to get our OC drawings to look that good. Plus, I don't want to pay anyone to draw an OC for me. 


In all honesty, it's nobody else's business.  :comeatus: 

  • Brohoof 2

160zaea.png"Yeah, this post needs to be about 20% cooler."

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It's kind of ironic because I can't see her pony fitting in Equestria either.




Too many accessories, she has multi colored mane and tail (reserved for special characters like Cadence and Twilight, occasionally there are some standard ponies with it but not common), and there hasn't really been a furry legged pony yet so it feels a bit off. That's an example of an OC I don't like even if it's hand drawn.


Here are some other cringeworthy OCs that are not made by the Pony Creator.





That OC is actually pretty badass

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Pony Creator by General Zoi is known for it's creations for some very bad OCs. (and i'll admit, I used to use the crap outta this as well, I won't play innocent).

Not to mention, I don't think the second game has some good mane styles. The first game doesn't have good accessories like the second, and basically rips off already existing mane styles.

When people use the pony creator, especially for OCs, they fail to mention Zoi and his/her pony creator (thus not crediting him), and call it "art". No offense to anyone who does that.

I think the only thing the Pony Creator I good for is passing time and helping people construct OCs. Well, I guess because that was it's intention, but still. 

I never liked the pony creator, even when I was using it. So I mostly just sketch it out of I have an idea and do away with it, even If it looks like butt.


That OC is actually pretty badass

By the way, that Tamaki though.

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I actually think most of the hatred stems from the fact that a lot of people now have the ability to make OC's, but Pony Creator makes it so that a lot of only focus on the visual, and not the character itself. I can't tell you how many OC's i've personally seen that were just seemingly created on a whim with no background or personality, and it pisses me off every time when people are proud of having done essentially nothing.


Basically, I don't mind the program itself, because it helps people who already have interesting ideas finish them and make unique, interesting OC's. But unless you put more effort into it than just creating a face, they're neither original, nor characters, and a quite a few people who know who they are need to stop pretending they are.

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Although I can understand the arguments that the designs are often too similar and people create silly OCs with it, I feel like it's looked down upon simply so the fandom can hate on those who use it. I mean, the only real solution is to draw your own OC or commission a drawing. Well, what about people who can't do either of those? What then?


There's really no reason, in my eyes, to dislike it. Like alicorn OCs, it's a stupid stigma, if a minor one.

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I think it's partly for the crappy OCs it's been used to make, and how easy it makes it to pop out an OC.  The irony of it is being a tool used for making Original Characters that doesn't really allow for originality.  Which is where my dislike of it stems from.  Some of the ones made in it are alright, some are the super lazy kind that are just straight up recolors, some are the idiotic (but funny, and also kind of sad at the same time) red/black alicorn kind.  It's kind of funny that I made my OC as a joke, but still ends up being more original than many OCs out there.


And here's a tip for the ones saying they can't draw- trace.  It will look better than free-handing it, and you have a reference to make the body, mane, and tail just they way you want.  Because while Pony Creator can make some really bad OCs, making one as bad as this requires a personal touch.




Actually, I think the background may be used in Pony Creator, I can't recall.

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And here's a tip for the ones saying they can't draw- trace.  It will look better than free-handing it, and you have a reference to make the body, mane, and tail just they way you want.  Because while Pony Creator can make some really bad OCs, making one as bad as this requires a personal touch.


attachicon.gifGodawful OC.jpg


Actually, I think the background may be used in Pony Creator, I can't recall.


And I just stabbed my eyeballs out.


Was somebody trying to make a horrible OC, or were they actually trying to make a good one?

My Everfree Empire OC's: Hidden Antler, Earth Pony Ranger

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And I just stabbed my eyeballs out.


Was somebody trying to make a horrible OC, or were they actually trying to make a good one?


Yes, I was trying to make the worst OC I could think of.  The machine gun leg was a personal touch.  It still makes me laugh every time I see it.

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Pony creator, in of itself, isn't a bad thing. It allows people to easily bring their OC to life with pre-made assets. I started out with it for my character, but now, I have real artwork and poses of it (Humble brag.) But really, the pony maker has a lot of options within it that you wouldn't expect to see on a pony; butterfly wings, antlers, dots and lines on the fur, etc. are all options in the maker, and there are a lot of people who haphazardly use them for the sake of uniqueness at the sacrifice of artistic cohesion. 


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Everything looks down right terrible when created from it


Black and Red ocs


Makes emo stuffs







~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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