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Tommy Oliver Rage Quits the Fandom

Moved to Elsewhere

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I agree that it was not a good idea to blame the fans. He probably burned all the bridges down.

I don't blame the fans for the episode. I'd rather call out the writer for the stuff.


I agree its not the fault in the fans, no pun intended, that it is in the fault of the writers staff.

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Oh man. I just heard of this! He was actually the first analyst I watched. And actually probably the only handful of analysts I feel like watching. I'm not really....interested in the analyst community? I guess not. Analizing isn't why I watch the show. Dr. Wolf is the only one I actually like.

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This is old news people, and outdated at that. Tommy did the equivalent of rage quitting his job because he felt like it wasn't treating him right anymore. He blamed the show and the fandom, but guess what, he still watches the show and he is still friends with many of the youtubers that you would of thought would of taken offence to his departure. No what really made Tommy did what he did (beyond lack of self control, which he really doesn't have much of, but more on that later) because his comment section became toxic and he couldn't handle it anymore. Not everyone can handle the constant belittling, ranting, and personal attacks he was getting by hundreds of people day in and day out over viewpoints he had about pastel colored ponies


Attacks that resemble some of the posts in this thread unfortunately


People want to paint him as a villain, but really he was just a guy making videos for some cash that got caught up in a toxic community that the youtube comment section bronies can most certainly be. 


Should he of left more gracefully, SURE, even he agrees on that, his source of income took a huge hit after he did that and his channel is really struggling, but haven't YOU ever had a moment where you lashed out at people because of bullying and belittling both real and perceived that culminated in your outburst?


I know I have. Its not anything to be proud of, but its not anything to demonize a man over. If you come to this thread just to say "good riddance" then frankly you are no better than all the people that fueled his departure in the first place. 

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This is old news people, and outdated at that. Tommy did the equivalent of rage quitting his job because he felt like it wasn't treating him right anymore. He blamed the show and the fandom, but guess what, he still watches the show and he is still friends with many of the youtubers that you would of thought would of taken offence to his departure. No what really made Tommy did what he did (beyond lack of self control, which he really doesn't have much of, but more on that later) because his comment section became toxic and he couldn't handle it anymore. Not everyone can handle the constant belittling, ranting, and personal attacks he was getting by hundreds of people day in and day out over viewpoints he had about pastel colored ponies

Uhm, what constant belittling and ranting? I looked at the comment section of the videos he was talking about, and he blew it out of proportion. 9 out of 10 people agreed with what he said. Most people liked the videos he is talking about. And even if this doesn't happen, you can always, turn of the comments



Attacks that resemble some of the posts in this thread unfortunately

You're missing the point. It's not the fact that the dude left which made people lose their shit. It's the fact that he took it out on people who he should consider his ''co-workers'' so to say, and that he basically shat on all the people who watched his videos, also the people who just want to watch his positive opinions.


He acts like it's the viewers fault for not watching his negative opinions, and starts to insult them for being to sensitive, while it's their right to not watch those opinions. Tommy isn't entitled to fans, but he's acting like he is.


To rub even more salt in the wounds, he is whining that he gets way less views since season 5, because people are to sensitive, but that's not the reason he gets less views. When you look at the videos where Tommy put clips from the show with his ponysona having different expressions, you see that the views are high. Probably because he actually put efford in his videos back then. Now with his new stuff, he just stands for the camera and talks for 8-12 minutes. Do you find it weird that the majority of your fans don't want to see that?



People want to paint him as a villain, but really he was just a guy making videos for some cash that got caught up in a toxic community that the youtube comment section bronies can most certainly be. 


He blew it out of proportion



Should he of left more gracefully, SURE, even he agrees on that, his source of income took a huge hit after he did that and his channel is really struggling, but haven't YOU ever had a moment where you lashed out at people because of bullying and belittling both real and perceived that culminated in your outburst?

There was hardly any bullying or belittling going on. On top of that, Tommy could have blocked the people who did those things, but for some reason didn't.


But to answer your question: I have never lashed out to people who didn't have anything to do with what was bothering me.



If you come to this thread just to say "good riddance" then frankly you are no better than all the people that fueled his departure in the first place. 

That's not true, because I don't believe that a certain group of people fueled Tommy's departure. Tommy tells a whole lot, but none of it adds up with the facts that lie in front of us. A lot of people still supported him in the videos, yet Tommy is acting like his entire fan base is mad at him. Also adding the fact that he doesn't put any efford in his videos with the start of season 5, it's not surprising he doesn't have many viewers anymore.


No, the real reason Tommy decided to stop, was because he just doesn't like making videos about ponies anymore, something I can really understand. But instead of admitting that, and admitting that the quality of his videos has dropped of, he blames people that have done nothing wrong and drags other content creators down for no reason. If he had just said: ''I don't want to make pony videos anymore,'' this whole affair didn't happen or at least not on the scale it has happened now

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If he had just said: ''I don't want to make pony videos anymore,'' this whole affair didn't happen and not on this scale

On that I agree, which Is why I say he should of left more gracefully


However to your points of blowing it out of proportion, not everyone handles those comments the same way. Sometimes that one angry rant comment is far more visable than the positive ones, and even 1 out of 10 can get really grating. Could he of turned the comments off? Sure, but hindsight is always 20/20, and like you said, he also wasn't really invested in the pony video thing anyway.


I'm not saying he was in the right with how he did what he did, but I can also empathize with where he was coming from, and he shouldn't be forever lampooned for it either.  

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I am not familiar with this guy's work or his "leaving the fandom" drama that is being spoken of, however I am noticing a lot of people saying that they have not watched the video or are familiar with his content that are siding against him. I find that foolish to just follow the crowd. That being said, I shall examine his content, watch his videos and check out this leaving the fandom stuff and form an opinion then. Away!



Update: So I watched a few of his videos prior to this and examined his channel as objectively as I could prior to this video being uploaded. Tommy Oliver never markets himself as anything beyond an overthinker. It's even in his banner. His content is intended to be over-analysis for entertainment purposes. While he does care about the content he creates, he is making videos to show his opinions. He makes videos to express his opinions and that is what he is doing.


As for his Appeloosa's Most Wanted video:


He DOES make valid point and to discredit those points just because you do not like what he has to say or because he says some things that are subjective rather than objective is kind of ignorant. You can't just throw out everything someone says just because parts are wrong, incorrect or unsavory. To unsubscribe and downvote his content because he makes a video you don't like is kind of rage quitting yourself.


  • He makes a point about the show not really following its own integrity as the Appeloosa's Most Wanted episode does in fact contradict earlier lore established.
  • He makes an EXCELLENT point that he gives people the option to skip the criticism in his videos and they still complain about said criticism. It is absolutely ridiculous that the fans can not look at things objectively and expect him to post anything but his personal opinions, uncensored on his channel. He is not paid by Hasbro, nor is he advertising the show, his videos are intended to try and look at episodes both through his own opinions and as objectively as he possibly can be.
  • The video doesn't really have a lot of dislikes, so I guess a lot of people agree with him.
  • The fans were basically mad that he does not share their opinion. They are not watching his content to get a new perspective, or to think, they are looking for their opinions to be validated. I agree whole heartedly that if you are someone who skips his criticisms or avoids largely even accepting he may make valid points or lets harsh words against the fandom ruin your ability to listen to another perspective, you are not objective, you're just a fan who is mad that their opinions were not validated.
  • He has been trying to give the show numerous chances despite the fact that he has not enjoyed it for a while. I would say that is giving things a fair chance.
  • He has another good point in that the analysis community falls under heavy fire the moment they make an opinion that is not the general consensus.

Honestly, I feel his points are actually pretty spot on shy of a few minor points.


For everyone upset, I say you're not really trying to be objective. His video is hardly a "rage quit" and when I actually watched it I kind of feel people here talking about how nasty he was or how he "rage quitted" to be insanely exaggerated. So you guys are kind of proving his point. People here made it out to be like he came on started flipping everyone off and screaming "I HATE THIS FANDOM BECAUSE YOU ALL SUCK!" but he actually tries to illustrate why he feels this way.


Honestly, he spoke his mind and wasn't afraid to do so despite the mob mentality that bronies seem to have. I say good for him. If you don't like his opinions on the brony fandom, I say don't bother caring. Attacking him or "tearing him a new one" is just going to assist in spreading his opinion. If you don't like his content because you can't be objective, then don't watch it.

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On that I agree, which Is why I say he should of left more gracefully


However to your points of blowing it out of proportion, not everyone handles those comments the same way. Sometimes that one angry rant comment is far more visable than the positive ones, and even 1 out of 10 can get really grating. Could he of turned the comments off? Sure, but hindsight is always 20/20, and like you said, he also wasn't really invested in the pony video thing anyway.


I'm not saying he was in the right with how he did what he did, but I can also empathize with where he was coming from, and he shouldn't be forever lampooned for it either.  

I'm not saying I can't sympathise either. On some level, I can. I just don't think that what he did was in any way justified . I also don't agree on the hindsight 20/20 part. It wasn't really a hindsight situation. If you get bombarded with hate mail, like he claimed, the the logical thing would be to block comments


And yeah, I do agree that hate comments are much more visible then ''normal'' comments, so on that level I understand where you are coming from. I also agree agree that he shouldn't be shunned forever for what he did. It was respectless and just plain stupid, but it has been a while now, so yeah

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I'm not saying I can't sympathise either. On some level, I can. I just don't think that what he did was in any way justified . I also don't agree on the hindsight 20/20 part. It wasn't really a hindsight situation. If you get bombarded with hate mail, like he claimed, the the logical thing would be to block comments


And yeah, I do agree that hate comments are much more visible then ''normal'' comments, so on that level I understand where you are coming from. I also agree agree that he shouldn't be shunned forever for what he did. It was respectless and just plain stupid, but it has been a while now, so yeah

There comes a point where you get so much crap that the best thing to do is just stop. Honestly he said how he felt and wasn't afraid of the reaction of bronies. A majority of his fans basically showed support for his decision, so it's clear that those who are against his video are the minority.

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First, I really appreciate that you, Key Sharks, took the time to look at a few videos before giving your opinion on this. There are many people who are just like: ''f*ck that guy,'' or ''he was right,'' without watching his content, so I can really respect that



He DOES make valid point and to discredit those points just because you do not like what he has to say or because he says some things that are subjective rather than objective is kind of ignorant. You can't just throw out everything someone says just because parts are wrong, incorrect or unsavory. To unsubscribe and downvote his content because he makes a video you don't like is kind of rage quitting yourself.

Yeah, it does work like that. I admit that Tommy did make some valid points in the video, and if he had just stick with those points, I would support him trough the end.


But it's the fact that he goes on to insult people who I believe have done nothing wrong. Like when he was declaring the people who are only interested in in his positive opinion as ''too sensitive'' completely regarding the fact that A: The viewers can do what they damn well please. B: There is a big chance that his watch time is not lower then ever, because people are skipping the good, but because viewers on his videos has been down in general (which I believe is because he stopped caring about the MLP videos he created a long while ago)  and C: He has no right to complain about people skipping the bad, because he provide them the option to skip the bad! I don't care that it was an ''expriment'', if you don't want people to skip the bad, then don't make skipping the bad so damn easy to do


The thing I'm trying to say, is that when you change the discussion from rational to emotional by insulting people who have done nothing wrong, the points you made cannot be talked over very calmly anymore, because the people who were insulted, will now always be more angry when the same discussion comes around, because the brain makes the connetion between this topic and being insulted at. It's psychology 101. He basically took a problem, that could have been rational discussed, and made it a much bigger problem



He makes an EXCELLENT point that he gives people the option to skip the criticism in his videos and they still complain about said criticism. It is absolutely ridiculous that the fans can not look at things objectively and expect him to post anything but his personal opinions, uncensored on his channel. He is not paid by Hasbro, nor is he advertising the show, his videos are intended to try and look at episodes both through his own opinions and as objectively as he possibly can be.

Yup, I agree. That is rediculous. However, there were not that many people who did this. Most people agreed with the things that he said. The only reason it seems more now, is because his views are so low. Let me explain


His old model, was much more enjoyable to watch. It had more things going on in it, had clips from the show, and was way more easier to watch then his new formula. What he created with his new formula, was that the casual viewers of his videos were turned off, because they are not THAT dedicated to watch his videos in the first place. Now that the videos have become much more boring then the first, they stop watching.


This means that the only people who watch his new videos, are the truly dedicated fan base and the people who are just there to be annoying because they don't like you. Those people were there before, but there were so many casual watcher who left comments, that the negativity doesn't really show itself so much, because there are way more 'normal' comments.


THAT is the reason Tommy believed there were much more hate comments now then earlier. But what really gets me, is that he doesn't even entertain the possibility that this could be the cause. I mean, you must be able to see that there are way less comments and people watching your videos, how did you not figure this out? Or at least don't insult your whole fanbase that still IS there for you.



The video doesn't really have a lot of dislikes, so I guess a lot of people agree with him.


Uhh, look the like/dislike bar. He has a new video with the highest dislikes



The fans were basically mad that he does not share their opinion. They are not watching his content to get a new perspective, or to think, they are looking for their opinions to be validated. I agree whole heartedly that if you are someone who skips his criticisms or avoids largely even accepting he may make valid points or lets harsh words against the fandom ruin your ability to listen to another perspective, you are not objective, you're just a fan who is mad that their opinions were not validated.

But there we have it again: There were a lot of people who watched his videos that also agreed or challanged his negative opinion. And even if they did skip his negative opinion and they are just validating their own opinion, then what? Like I said before, they have all the right to skip the bad. Are they doing it to validate their opinion? Probably. But that doesn't mean they are 'less' fans of his content.


And by the way, not everyone who skips the bad is validating. Maybe they have a long day at school or job, and are not in the mood to hear more negative stuff at the moment.



He has been trying to give the show numerous chances despite the fact that he has not enjoyed it for a while. I would say that is giving things a fair chance.

And there lies the hearth of the problem. If he was honest, and just said: ''I'm done with MLP, I don't find it interesting anymore,'' BOOM. I and many fans would think he was absolutely right, and nothing would have happened. Not what he did now, trying to shame a lot of people, including other content creators, for something that's his own fault


For everyone upset, I say you're not really trying to be objective.

I'm being as objective as possible. The only one who isn't objective is Tommy himself



 For everyone upset, I say you're not really trying to be objective. His video is hardly a "rage quit" and when I actually watched it I kind of feel people here talking about how nasty he was or how he "rage quitted" to be insanely exaggerated. So you guys are kind of proving his point. People here made it out to be like he came on started flipping everyone off and screaming "I HATE THIS FANDOM BECAUSE YOU ALL SUCK!" but he actually tries to illustrate why he feels this way.


No, he isn't illustrating how he feels. He is acting like a child who doesn't get what they want. He acts if he is entitled that people watch his entire video, because reasons. While it's his fault that A: less people are watching his videos and B: that people stop watching his negative opinion, by adding an option to skip the nagative opinion.


Then he tries to hide after the fact, and I use the term ''fact'' loosely, that people are disliking his videos and being angry at his opinions, while the overlarge majority of his viewers that were still there, were positive on all his opions or challanged them in a normal way.


And he could have also blocked the people who were really angry and aggressive against him. Butt the fact that he didn't do that, seems to suggest that what Tommy says isn't REALLY the reason to stop doing pony videos.


And to top it all of, he insults the people who have done nothing wrong and his 'co-workers' so to speak. So the whole problem Tommy was speaking of doesn't excist, and if it excists, it's his fault, and then he blames people who have no doing in it. That's what I call 'trowing a tantrum'




If you don't like his content because you can't be objective, then don't watch it.


Again, that's not his place to decide who is watching his content. And if his content is watched by people who harass you, then block them.


So all by all, I think his actions were in no way justified

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Guys,  Tommy is old news. I couldn't give less of a damn of what he is doing now, even if i tried.


Yes, i didn't liked what he's done, but at this point it's not worth it. Just let it go.

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First, I really appreciate that you, Key Sharks, took the time to look at a few videos before giving your opinion on this. There are many people who are just like: ''f*ck that guy,'' or ''he was right,'' without watching his content, so I can really respect that  


I want to try and be objective about it.




Yeah, it does work like that. I admit that Tommy did make some valid points in the video, and if he had just stick with those points, I would support him trough the end.


See this is where I disagree. Einstein was wrong many times in his life, that doesn't discredit things he was right about. If people can not look at things objectively that is no one's fault but their own and only backs up his point more that people are too sensitive.




But it's the fact that he goes on to insult people who I believe have done nothing wrong. Like when he was declaring the people who are only interested in in his positive opinion as ''too sensitive'' completely regarding the fact that A: The viewers can do what they damn well please. B: There is a big chance that his watch time is not lower then ever, because people are skipping the good, but because viewers on his videos has been down in general (which I believe is because he stopped caring about the MLP videos he created a long while ago)  and C: He has no right to complain about people skipping the bad, because he provide them the option to skip the bad! I don't care that it was an ''expriment'', if you don't want people to skip the bad, then don't make skipping the bad so damn easy to do


I disagree wholeheartedly. His videos are meant to be analysis. While not my cup of tea for MLP videos, they are meant to be objective, that means viewing the bad and the good. The fact that people can not handle even minor criticisms of their favorite cartoon and just skip the bad parts because they can't handle seeing their favorite show be criticized does prove that people are too sensitive. It's a show, he's not insulting your mother. He has every right to complain because he was trying to determine the source of the problem and when he found it, he was appalled. The whole "skip" button was put there to determine the source of a problem, and he found it. The problem is that bronies are not objective enough.


How would you feel if you put a lot of effort into something and people skip over the part you put the most effort into? I can agree with him that he has more or less proven his viewers are being too sensitive, and the fact that people ragequit and unsubbed him and even came onto sites like this to trash talk him proves his point further.




The thing I'm trying to say, is that when you change the discussion from rational to emotional by insulting people who have done nothing wrong, the points you made cannot be talked over very calmly anymore, because the people who were insulted, will now always be more angry when the same discussion comes around, because the brain makes the connetion between this topic and being insulted at. It's psychology 101. He basically took a problem, that could have been rational discussed, and made it a much bigger problem


Psychology isn't really a solid science. However to his credit, his fans clearly were incapable of having a discussion without getting emotional prior to this anyways. They are so used to being able to skip criticism or negativity that it's obvious even if he tried to sugar coat his thoughts that they would not have listened. Not to mention he never specifically insulted anyone. He even said he knew what he was saying did not apply to all of his viewers. If you were insulted you clearly felt like you were one of the guilty parties he was mentioning. It's a matter of self-incrimination. You can't get mad at someone for making a general statement that may not even encompass you for making it encompass yourself.




Yup, I agree. That is rediculous. However, there were not that many people who did this. Most people agreed with the things that he said. The only reason it seems more now, is because his views are so low. Let me explain   His old model, was much more enjoyable to watch. It had more things going on in it, had clips from the show, and was way more easier to watch then his new formula. What he created with his new formula, was that the casual viewers of his videos were turned off, because they are not THAT dedicated to watch his videos in the first place. Now that the videos have become much more boring then the first, they stop watching.   This means that the only people who watch his new videos, are the truly dedicated fan base and the people who are just there to be annoying because they don't like you. Those people were there before, but there were so many casual watcher who left comments, that the negativity doesn't really show itself so much, because there are way more 'normal' comments.   THAT is the reason Tommy believed there were much more hate comments now then earlier. But what really gets me, is that he doesn't even entertain the possibility that this could be the cause. I mean, you must be able to see that there are way less comments and people watching your videos, how did you not figure this out? Or at least don't insult your whole fanbase that still IS there for you.


Apparently that video did not hurt him that much. He only lost a small portion of fans and he said himself that he still has a decent amount of subs. Also not using MLP footage could be to avoid copyright claims?




Uhh, look the like/dislike bar. He has a new video with the highest dislikes


I'm talking about the actual video where he "insults" the fandom.




But there we have it again: There were a lot of people who watched his videos that also agreed or challanged his negative opinion. And even if they did skip his negative opinion and they are just validating their own opinion, then what? Like I said before, they have all the right to skip the bad. Are they doing it to validate their opinion? Probably. But that doesn't mean they are 'less' fans of his content.


You're not really a fan if you only like me when I agree with you. You're just looking for validation.




And by the way, not everyone who skips the bad is validating. Maybe they have a long day at school or job, and are not in the mood to hear more negative stuff at the moment.


They are analysis videos. Watch them at a later time then.




And there lies the hearth of the problem. If he was honest, and just said: ''I'm done with MLP, I don't find it interesting anymore,'' BOOM. I and many fans would think he was absolutely right, and nothing would have happened. Not what he did now, trying to shame a lot of people, including other content creators, for something that's his own fault


The problem is that it's not entirely his fault and that would not stop the onslaught of MLP fans messaging him asking him to "come back" nor would it fix any of the issues. He makes a good point in that there CLEARLY are problems in the MLP community and ones that need addressing. He would be a hypocrite if he felt that they needed addressing and then left silently.




I'm being as objective as possible. The only one who isn't objective is Tommy himself


I would say he is definitely being a bit emotional, I mean anyone would be because it's frustrating. However I will say he is not trying to insult the fandom, he's trying to voice his opinion on a problem he has had with it for some time and he's fed up beating around the bush. If he was trying to "insult" the fandom he would have been far harsher like say that all bronies are pedophiles or something.




No, he isn't illustrating how he feels. He is acting like a child who doesn't get what they want. He acts if he is entitled that people watch his entire video, because reasons. While it's his fault that A: less people are watching his videos and B: that people stop watching his negative opinion, by adding an option to skip the nagative opinion.


I disagree. His rant was HARDLY over the top and FAR from the worst thing we've seen. It was actually relatively tame. Look at AnimatedJames' rant, far worse and far more insulting. It's difficult not to be insulting when you are trying to explain something to people who literally can not handle even looking at criticism.




Then he tries to hide after the fact, and I use the term ''fact'' loosely, that people are disliking his videos and being angry at his opinions, while the overlarge majority of his viewers that were still there, were positive on all his opions or challanged them in a normal way.


We don't know what goes on behind closed doors. I am a YTer myself and I have to say that PM box and the comments that get filtered... They can be far worse than you can imagine. I've had people tell me that they want to kill me over criticizing Halo.




And he could have also blocked the people who were really angry and aggressive against him. Butt the fact that he didn't do that, seems to suggest that what Tommy says isn't REALLY the reason to stop doing pony videos.


I've found that blocking people seldom helps. They just make new accounts or just scream "CENSORSHIP" on online message boards to turn people against you. It's a lose-lose situation.




And to top it all of, he insults the people who have done nothing wrong and his 'co-workers' so to speak. So the whole problem Tommy was speaking of doesn't excist, and if it excists, it's his fault, and then he blames people who have no doing in it. That's what I call 'trowing a tantrum'


Not true at all. He specifically states he knows not all of his viewers fell into that category. Which means if you fell into it, you put yourself there. He never specifically said who. So you can't get mad at him for that. And other analysts are not co-workers, they're competitors.




Again, that's not his place to decide who is watching his content. And if his content is watched by people who harass you, then block them.   So all by all, I think his actions were in no way justified


That's a poor mentality. How about the people harassing him stop and act like adults? 

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See this is where I disagree. Einstein was wrong many times in his life, that doesn't discredit things he was right about. If people can not look at things objectively that is no one's fault but their own and only backs up his point more that people are too sensitive.


Your misunderstanding what I meant. I'm not saying that a person should be 100% right all the time, or otherwise the points that are valid are dicredited. The original intent of the comment, was to say that when someone starts to insult people, I can't take his the things he says about the topic serious




I disagree wholeheartedly. His videos are meant to be analysis. While not my cup of tea for MLP videos, they are meant to be objective, that means viewing the bad and the good. The fact that people can not handle even minor criticisms of their favorite cartoon and just skip the bad parts because they can't handle seeing their favorite show be criticized does prove that people are too sensitive.


Your only foccusing on point A: that the viewer can do what he pleases. But like I said in point B: I don't believe that there was a problem. The reason his watch time is low, isn't because people are skipping the bad, but because he had gotten less viewers in general because of his new way of doing videos.


Another thing: Tommy can't even know if people are skipping the bad. Youtube doesn't give that specific information at your videos. All that youtube gives you, is the total watch time on your videos. So there is no real for Tommy to know if the majority skipped the bad




He has every right to complain because he was trying to determine the source of the problem and when he found it, he was appalled. The whole "skip" button was put there to determine the source of a problem, and he found it. The problem is that bronies are not objective enough.


What problem? According to Tommy himself, the trouble only started AFTER he put the skip the bad button in his videos. He even says that the skip the bad button was an experiment to see if the videos he would make would change in quality.


So he got the problems after the skip the bad button. And this leads me to believe that he was totally in the wrong here. I don't care for what reason he decided to make the skip the bad button. Thing is, if the problems start after you do the skip the bad button, that you put in place, then you are the only one at fault when people use that said button




How would you feel if you put a lot of effort into something and people skip over the part you put the most effort into?


I would not make a skip the bad button that created the problems




I can agree with him that he has more or less proven his viewers are being too sensitive


Simply skipping the bad, doesn't mean people are to sensitive. take me for an example. I'm a pretty analytical guy myself so because of that, I can make up my mind if I find an episode good or bad. The problem with me lies in the fact that when I find an episode bad, I can't see why people would find it good. So that's the part that I look up. Why would people find this a good episode? I don't need to hear why it's bad, because I know for myself why it's bad, I already established that beforehand


But in the words of Tommy, I'm not a true fan. I'm to sensitive and should watch his entire video, or otherwise I'm not a true fan. In short, he doesn't even know WHY people are skipping the bad (In fact, he doesn't even know for sure if people skip the bad, because youtube doesn't give that kind of information) and goes of on all these people. I call entitlement where it doesn't belong




and the fact that people ragequit and unsubbed him and even came onto sites like this to trash talk him proves his point further.


I'm not trash talking him. I'm talking about his actions




However to his credit, his fans clearly were incapable of having a discussion without getting emotional prior to this anyways.


Again, most people were doing normal. Just a small minority of around 5% were being assholes.




They are so used to being able to skip criticism or negativity that it's obvious even if he tried to sugar coat his thoughts that they would not have listened.


Again, Tommy's own fault by adding the 'skip the bad button'




He even said he knew what he was saying did not apply to all of his viewers


Saying that it doesn't apply to all your viewers, yet putting them all down as 'too sensitive' and a 'hive mind' for skipping his bad opinions (that he can't even know for sure if it happens) doesn't really match up together.




If you were insulted you clearly felt like you were one of the guilty parties he was mentioning. It's a matter of self-incrimination. You can't get mad at someone for making a general statement that may not even encompass you for making it encompass yourself.


Yeah, because I skipped the bad, as well as the good from time to time, because I didn't need to hear if an episode was good, when I already think the episode is good. I then want to hear the bad, so that I can see why people might dislike an episode.


But that doesn't make a real fan, apperantly




Apparently that video did not hurt him that much. He only lost a small portion of fans and he said himself that he still has a decent amount of subs. Also not using MLP footage could be to avoid copyright claims?


If some people are a 'hive mind' then it's his own fans who are perfectly fine that he is insulting other content creators online. Not the people who get to choose not to see Tommy's videos




You're not really a fan if you only like me when I agree with you. You're just looking for validation.


yeah, true




They are analysis videos. Watch them at a later time then.


However, like I said, Tommy isn't entitled to views. People can choose: today I want to see the bad, but not the good or vise versa. The coming out of school example was just not the best example to use.




The problem is that it's not entirely his fault and that would not stop the onslaught of MLP fans messaging him asking him to "come back" nor would it fix any of the issues. He makes a good point in that there CLEARLY are problems in the MLP community and ones that need addressing. He would be a hypocrite if he felt that they needed addressing and then left silently.


True, but this is not the way to adress those problems. All that he is doing now, is looking like an entitled fool.




I would say he is definitely being a bit emotional, I mean anyone would be because it's frustrating. However I will say he is not trying to insult the fandom, he's trying to voice his opinion on a problem he has had with it for some time and he's fed up beating around the bush. If he was trying to "insult" the fandom he would have been far harsher like say that all bronies are pedophiles or something.


I'm not saying he is insulting the whole fandom, I'm saying that he insults people on the basis of pure assumptions and wrong conclusions


The problem is, that there aren't many viewers left on his videos and so his watch time is at an all time low. Which makes sence, seeing his new setup. He caused the problem, yet is unable to see it, and goes to insult other content creators. I call that being a dick




I disagree. His rant was HARDLY over the top and FAR from the worst thing we've seen. It was actually relatively tame. Look at AnimatedJames' rant, far worse and far more insulting. It's difficult not to be insulting when you are trying to explain something to people who literally can not handle even looking at criticism.


I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with what I said? I'm explaining why, to me, Tommy is acting entitled, and you go on about that it's difficult not to be insulting.




We don't know what goes on behind closed doors. I am a YTer myself and I have to say that PM box and the comments that get filtered... They can be far worse than you can imagine. I've had people tell me that they want to kill me over criticizing Halo.


True, and I understand that. But tommy made it look in his video, that the majority of the people were leaving hate comments, while that simply wasn't the case by a long shot. 


And even if it was so bad, then I don't undertand why Tommy doesn't block these people. It's very easy to get mad, but that doesn't solve everything. The only thing someobody has to do to stop the harrasement on some level, is to block comments and people. There is no other way of stopping harrasement, instead of completely deeting the youtube channel.




I've found that blocking people seldom helps. They just make new accounts or just scream "CENSORSHIP" on online message boards to turn people against you. It's a lose-lose situation.


Problem is, these assholes were probably already turning people against you. Blocking them doesn't change anything about that


For the new account, yeah, they can still continue to do that. However, in this instance, you can at least do SOMETHING against these people. By not doing anything against it and just being mad on a camera, to people who probably didn't had anything to do with the harrasement, certainly doesn't help anyone




hat's a poor mentality. How about the people harassing him stop and act like adults?


It's simple to say that, but you as youtuber must know that there will always be THOSE guys. You can't stop it by screaming at a camera. That only makes the situation worse.


The only two things you can do as an content creator, is to either ignore it or to block these people. You can't reason with these idiots who bully people online

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when someone starts to insult people, I can't take his the things he says about the topic serious


Well I'm a bit more objective than that I suppose.




Your only foccusing on point A: that the viewer can do what he pleases. But like I said in point B: I don't believe that there was a problem. The reason his watch time is low, isn't because people are skipping the bad, but because he had gotten less viewers in general because of his new way of doing videos.


I doubt you can legitimately prove that considering he has access to his watch statistics and you and I do not.




Another thing: Tommy can't even know if people are skipping the bad. Youtube doesn't give that specific information at your videos. All that youtube gives you, is the total watch time on your videos. So there is no real for Tommy to know if the majority skipped the bad


Inference wise, he can draw a moderately safe conclusion. Watch time dropped around the introduction of said button. Naturally we can conclude the two more than likely are related.




What problem? According to Tommy himself, the trouble only started AFTER he put the skip the bad button in his videos. He even says that the skip the bad button was an experiment to see if the videos he would make would change in quality.   So he got the problems after the skip the bad button. And this leads me to believe that he was totally in the wrong here. I don't care for what reason he decided to make the skip the bad button. Thing is, if the problems start after you do the skip the bad button, that you put in place, then you are the only one at fault when people use that said button


I don't agree. He put it there to test a theory. He WANTED bronies to prove him wrong. To prove they could be objective enough to handle criticism, but they did not. He has every right to be disappointed in them because he was trying to prove himself wrong in suspecting they could not handle criticism. He was giving bronies a fair chance to prove to him that they can take a little criticism, they failed.




I would not make a skip the bad button that created the problems


You are basing the entirety of your argument on this fact that he put the button there. When he blatantly mentions people were attacking his negative criticisms long before said button existed. People were making completely irrelevant arguments against him as a person for his negative criticisms long before a button was made to protect their feelings. The button was only verifying that these people's precious feelings over a cartoon needed to be protected. I've checked out his other videos before this button was made and there are plenty of nasty comments of how much they hate the guy because of his opinions. I am almost certain he gets even WORSE things said to him in private and that don't even up getting put up because youtube flags them. I know I get them even on my tiny channel for my opinions. I get even DEATH THREATS over criticizing Halo. There is no doubt in my mind that he gets the same if not worse.




Simply skipping the bad, doesn't mean people are to sensitive. take me for an example. I'm a pretty analytical guy myself so because of that, I can make up my mind if I find an episode good or bad. The problem with me lies in the fact that when I find an episode bad, I can't see why people would find it good. So that's the part that I look up. Why would people find this a good episode? I don't need to hear why it's bad, because I know for myself why it's bad, I already established that beforehand


Oh come on, you know a majority of people skipping are not in that boat though.




But in the words of Tommy, I'm not a true fan. I'm to sensitive and should watch his entire video, or otherwise I'm not a true fan. In short, he doesn't even know WHY people are skipping the bad (In fact, he doesn't even know for sure if people skip the bad, because youtube doesn't give that kind of information) and goes of on all these people. I call entitlement where it doesn't belong


The basis of your argument is that he does not have beyond a reasonable doubt proof basically. He has his youtube stats which do tell you your average watch time over a course of time. He knows when he put in the button and from monitoring the chart, he can clearly see a drop in watch time AFTER the introduction of said button. How is that not evidence? Because it is not beyond any kind of reasonable doubt? So basically you will not believe evidence that is "more than likely true" because it leaves even a tiny possibility of error? I am almost certain if this issue were flipped around you would be telling people that expecting murder trial level of evidence is ridiculous.


Face the facts man: the evidence is there. It may not be concrete, but there is definitely more evidence to suggest he is correct than that he is not. There is literally no evidence to suggest that his video style changing is why the view time went down.




I'm not trash talking him. I'm talking about his actions


I'm not referring to you. There are plenty of people within this thread that were not exactly objective about this issue.




Again, most people were doing normal. Just a small minority of around 5% were being assholes.


Verification of this supposed 5%?




Again, Tommy's own fault by adding the 'skip the bad button'


Is it Toyota's fault for speeding tickets for making the car go too fast? I mean realistically there will never be an instance for most people where you car NEEDS to go to 120MPH, but they give you the option. You choose to use it, but is it their fault for giving you the option? Do you see the problem?




Saying that it doesn't apply to all your viewers, yet putting them all down as 'too sensitive' and a 'hive mind' for skipping his bad opinions (that he can't even know for sure if it happens) doesn't really match up together.


He never said "ALL of my viewers are too sensitive" or "ALL of my viewers follow a hive mind". The only people implying it are the ones who are mad. I viewed his video, so I am a viewer and I know he was not talking about me because I know I do not fall into that category. People need to stop being so literal when it's convenient for them. I am certain if he said "bronies are great" and someone pointed out that he may have only been talking about a "few" bronies, someone else would try and argue that it was "implied" he was talking about bronies in general.


Literal only when it supports an argument is rather ridiculous.




Yeah, because I skipped the bad, as well as the good from time to time, because I didn't need to hear if an episode was good, when I already think the episode is good. I then want to hear the bad, so that I can see why people might dislike an episode.   But that doesn't make a real fan, apperantly


You know you're a real fan do you not? So if you are offended at that point it's because you chose to take Tommy Oliver's opinion to heart instead of being objective and saying "Okay, well that's his opinion, but I know it's not true and does not apply to me so whatever". Unless someone specifically says your name and says some shit about you, you can't really say someone is insulting you directly except under certain circumstances. Just because you happen to be a brony and I say something like "man I don't like how bronies clop" doesn't mean I am instantly saying anything about you. If you know you don't clop, then you have no reason to be insulted.




If some people are a 'hive mind' then it's his own fans who are perfectly fine that he is insulting other content creators online. Not the people who get to choose not to see Tommy's videos


Oh come on, let's get real here. People on youtube insult other creators all the damn time and people don't care because guess what: it's none of their business or they are objective enough to say "well Tommy Oliver may not like them, but I still appreciate their content so I can watch both." If you choose to only support one or the other, you're just picking sides in a war that does not exist. If Tommy Oliver hates someone, that's not my beef and I can still watch his content AND the content of someone he hates with no disputes. People are acting like suddenly the people he insulted will stop making content if you keep watching Tommy Oliver and their content.


At the end of the day those content creators are probably not even insulted because they do not give a damn. People are getting insulted for them which is dumb.




However, like I said, Tommy isn't entitled to views. People can choose: today I want to see the bad, but not the good or vise versa. The coming out of school example was just not the best example to use.


He never said he was entitled to views, but he is entitled to being able to make content without people harassing him over negative opinions which people do. He should not have to incorporate a way to protect their feelings because they can not handle someone saying they don't like Applejack without sending that person hate mail. If anything the guy is noble because he later comes out to say he could have just kept making MLP analysis videos and saying everything was great to keep getting paid, but he chose not to because he didn't want to make money like that.




True, but this is not the way to adress those problems. All that he is doing now, is looking like an entitled fool.


I've been in the MLP community for a long time. Let me tell you something: trying to address problems in a collected and calm manner never seems to work. Bronies resist criticism or feedback that isn't overwhelmingly positive so much that sometimes it takes someone being a dick to wake them up. I don't think anyone can realistically deny that when the problem is the inability to take criticism, sugar coating the problem isn't helping, it's making the problem worse. The entire stem of the problem is that they can't admit there is a problem, so how is sugar coating the problem going to help?




I'm not saying he is insulting the whole fandom, I'm saying that he insults people on the basis of pure assumptions and wrong conclusions   The problem is, that there aren't many viewers left on his videos and so his watch time is at an all time low. Which makes sence, seeing his new setup. He caused the problem, yet is unable to see it, and goes to insult other content creators. I call that being a dick


You go on about assumptions and wrong conclusions, but you yourself do not have any evidence to support the theory that his format changing is the problem.




I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with what I said? I'm explaining why, to me, Tommy is acting entitled, and you go on about that it's difficult not to be insulting.


I am talking about this thread in general. People are acting like he was waaaaay worse than he was. It's insanely difficult for him to try and not be insulting when trying to illustrate this problem because the problem itself is that bronies can't take criticism. How is he supposed to dress that up nicer to get them to listen? The whole problem is that they need it to be dressed up nicer for them to listen, so doing so is only fueling the problem. Sometimes things like this become a necessary evil.




True, and I understand that. But tommy made it look in his video, that the majority of the people were leaving hate comments, while that simply wasn't the case by a long shot. 


How do you even know that? Youtube filters out comments that it deems too offensive. For all we know he could have death threats in his filtered comments section. If you are going to criticize him for making assumptions you should not do so either.




And even if it was so bad, then I don't undertand why Tommy doesn't block these people. It's very easy to get mad, but that doesn't solve everything. The only thing someobody has to do to stop the harrasement on some level, is to block comments and people. There is no other way of stopping harrasement, instead of completely deeting the youtube channel.


You answer your own question:




Problem is, these assholes were probably already turning people against you. Blocking them doesn't change anything about that




It's simple to say that, but you as youtuber must know that there will always be THOSE guys. You can't stop it by screaming at a camera. That only makes the situation worse.   The only two things you can do as an content creator, is to either ignore it or to block these people. You can't reason with these idiots who bully people online


The problem is that the problem will NEVER be solved if we maintain a mentality of that it's our job as content creators to ignore and block these people instead of getting these people to behave like civilized humans. You only just delay the problem for another day. I prefer long term solutions.

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I doubt you can legitimately prove that considering he has access to his watch statistics and you and I do not.


When looking at his videos from season 4, where he still had the old way of doing videos, no video about an episode got under the 30,000 views. Most even got above the 40,000 views. Then wehen we look at his videos about season 5, there is only one video going over the 30,000 views. All the other videos were far beneath that.


I think it's fair to conclude that when you have a significant less amount of viewers, that your view time gets a lot lower




Inference wise, he can draw a moderately safe conclusion. Watch time dropped around the introduction of said button. Naturally we can conclude the two more than likely are related.


Watch time dropped at the same time he used his new video mode. This is also the time that he introduced the ''skip the bad'' button. So no, it can't be concluded that those two are related. In fact, saying that his watch time has dropped with less viewers is not an opinion. It's a fact. With less viewers, you get less watch time.


Saying the watch time has dropped because of the ''skip the bad'' button, is actually not factual, because you (and tommy, because youtube doesn't give that info) can't be sure if people used the skip the bad button.


This that with less viewers you get less watch time, is a fact.




I don't agree. He put it there to test a theory. He WANTED bronies to prove him wrong. To prove they could be objective enough to handle criticism, but they did not. He has every right to be disappointed in them because he was trying to prove himself wrong in suspecting they could not handle criticism. He was giving bronies a fair chance to prove to him that they can take a little criticism, they failed.


You make it sound like the guy is god or something. That he 'tested' the bronies ;)




You are basing the entirety of your argument on this fact that he put the button there. When he blatantly mentions people were attacking his negative criticisms long before said button existed. People were making completely irrelevant arguments against him as a person for his negative criticisms long before a button was made to protect their feelings.


Good point




Oh come on, you know a majority of people skipping are not in that boat though.


Probably true




The basis of your argument is that he does not have beyond a reasonable doubt proof basically. He has his youtube stats which do tell you your average watch time over a course of time. He knows when he put in the button and from monitoring the chart, he can clearly see a drop in watch time AFTER the introduction of said button. How is that not evidence? Because it is not beyond any kind of reasonable doubt? So basically you will not believe evidence that is "more than likely true" because it leaves even a tiny possibility of error? I am almost certain if this issue were flipped around you would be telling people that expecting murder trial level of evidence is ridiculous.


Nope, I would believe it, if it was more then likely true. But the thing is: his views went down when he introduced his new way of doing video, which means his watch time also went down. This was around the same time he introduced the ''skip the bad'' button.


And like I said earlier: it's a fact that with less viewers you get less watch time. We have no way to assume that people actually used the skip the bad button, while it's pretty much certain that when you get less viewers, you get less watch time.




There is literally no evidence to suggest that his video style changing is why the view time went down.


There's enough evidence. The videos with his new style except one, all got under the 30,000 views, while with the old style, most of his videos got over the 40,000 views.


100 : 40,000 x 30,000 = 75. 100-75 = 25% 


He got, in general, a decrease of 25% on his videos in terms of viewers. That has a VERY big effect on the watch time.




Verification of this supposed 5%?


Alright, I think it's fair to assume that the people who were bullying also disliked the video. I specifically talked about his Tanks For The Memory video, because Tommy was talking about that one in his video


1059 + 137 = 1196 people voted on the episode. This is 100% of the voters


100 : 1196 x 137 = 11,45% of people voted negative


Now, I have to admit that this number is more then twice as high as the number I gave. This still is, however, around 1 out of 10 people. This number can even be lower, as people can also dislike for an completely different reason than that they were offended, but let's stick with 1 out of 10 people.


This not a very big number, actually




Is it Toyota's fault for speeding tickets for making the car go too fast? I mean realistically there will never be an instance for most people where you car NEEDS to go to 120MPH, but they give you the option. You choose to use it, but is it their fault for giving you the option? Do you see the problem?


But Toyota is not going to complain when people drive their car around on120MPH, which is the main difference with Tommy. For me, this difference makes Tommy in the wrong, and Toyota not.




He never said "ALL of my viewers are too sensitive" or "ALL of my viewers follow a hive mind". The only people implying it are the ones who are mad. I viewed his video, so I am a viewer and I know he was not talking about me because I know I do not fall into that category. People need to stop being so literal when it's convenient for them. I am certain if he said "bronies are great" and someone pointed out that he may have only been talking about a "few" bronies, someone else would try and argue that it was "implied" he was talking about bronies in general.


I refuse to belief that everybody who skips certain parts of Tommy's, is not a true fan. To use the example with me again: there are people who have good reasons not to watch it, outside of ''I'm looking for validation.'' And to me, what Tommy all says, sounds like he's talking to the people who skip certain parts of his videos.




I've been in the MLP community for a long time. Let me tell you something: trying to address problems in a collected and calm manner never seems to work. Bronies resist criticism or feedback that isn't overwhelmingly positive so much that sometimes it takes someone being a dick to wake them up. I don't think anyone can realistically deny that when the problem is the inability to take criticism, sugar coating the problem isn't helping, it's making the problem worse. The entire stem of the problem is that they can't admit there is a problem, so how is sugar coating the problem going to help?


Then I like to ask how being angry is going to help? You said yourself that these people cannot take criticism, then how is insulting them the way of convincing them?


i will answer it: it isn't. The same way that calmly talking it over isn't the solution with these people. Truth is, these people have such a big ego, that nothing will break trough their thick skulls, either nice or angry




You go on about assumptions and wrong conclusions, but you yourself do not have any evidence to support the theory that his format changing is the problem.


Condsider that problem solved, with the looks at the the views before and after his new style




I am talking about this thread in general. People are acting like he was waaaaay worse than he was. It's insanely difficult for him to try and not be insulting when trying to illustrate this problem because the problem itself is that bronies can't take criticism. How is he supposed to dress that up nicer to get them to listen? The whole problem is that they need it to be dressed up nicer for them to listen, so doing so is only fueling the problem. Sometimes things like this become a necessary evil.


You seem to have the idea that things like this can be solved, while these people are beyond any help




How do you even know that? Youtube filters out comments that it deems too offensive. For all we know he could have death threats in his filtered comments section. If you are going to criticize him for making assumptions you should not do so either.


Fair point




The problem is that the problem will NEVER be solved if we maintain a mentality of that it's our job as content creators to ignore and block these people instead of getting these people to behave like civilized humans. You only just delay the problem for another day. I prefer long term solutions.


Again, you're acting like these problems HAVE a solution, while in reality, this kind of behavior will not stop. Assholes are going to be assholes. In fact, screaming at a camera might be even less effective, because now these people see that what they are doing is getting to you, which is excactly what they want!


Simply not giving them the attention they so desperatly need, in many cases is the best solution.



But anyway, I don't think you and I are going to get to an agreement. Feel free to counter the points I made here. In fact, please do that. It's interesting trying to see the things from another perspective. I'm proabably not gonna react to that again though. Not a native English speaker, so writing these things costs like an hour or so for me,  :blink:  and I feel that I have said anything that I wanted to say.


Great discussion

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When looking at his videos from season 4, where he still had the old way of doing videos, no video about an episode got under the 30,000 views. Most even got above the 40,000 views. Then wehen we look at his videos about season 5, there is only one video going over the 30,000 views. All the other videos were far beneath that.   I think it's fair to conclude that when you have a significant less amount of viewers, that your view time gets a lot lower


False. View time is not based upon amount of viewers. The two could be completely unrelated.




Watch time dropped at the same time he used his new video mode. This is also the time that he introduced the ''skip the bad'' button. So no, it can't be concluded that those two are related. In fact, saying that his watch time has dropped with less viewers is not an opinion. It's a fact. With less viewers, you get less watch time.   Saying the watch time has dropped because of the ''skip the bad'' button, is actually not factual, because you (and tommy, because youtube doesn't give that info) can't be sure if people used the skip the bad button.   This that with less viewers you get less watch time, is a fact.


We know as a fact that the amount of viewers does not change the watch time at all. Watch time is based upon how long the average person watches your videos. A smaller amount of viewers would only decrease the number of people to survey that average. So if say we had 100 subs that watched videos for 10 minutes on average. If I drop to 50 subs, that watch videos the same amount of time... That's still 10 minutes on average.


So we can not conclude that the amount of viewers has any impact on his watch time. It's a possibility, but the more likely possibility is that the skip the bad button did because the watch time dropped after introducing something that directly lets people not watch parts of his videos. Hypothetically speaking, the chances are far more likely because we have more evidence to point towards this than viewer count dropping.




You make it sound like the guy is god or something. That he 'tested' the bronies


Not at all. He was a fan who was losing faith in his own fandom and wanted to be proven wrong. He wanted something to show him that his thoughts about his fandom were wrong and that it was still a community he could give a damn about. They did not meet his expectations.




while it's pretty much certain that when you get less viewers, you get less watch time.


As I explained that is not true.




There's enough evidence. The videos with his new style except one, all got under the 30,000 views, while with the old style, most of his videos got over the 40,000 views.   100 : 40,000 x 30,000 = 75. 100-75 = 25%    He got, in general, a decrease of 25% on his videos in terms of viewers. That has a VERY big effect on the watch time.


To be fair, older videos in general get more views than newer ones because they've had more time to accrue views. So while 25% is a good estimate, it may be closer to 15-20 for the sake of factoring in a little bias that you or I can not predict. Though as I said, that's all irrelevant.




Alright, I think it's fair to assume that the people who were bullying also disliked the video. I specifically talked about his Tanks For The Memory video, because Tommy was talking about that one in his video   1059 + 137 = 1196 people voted on the episode. This is 100% of the voters   100 : 1196 x 137 = 11,45% of people voted negative   Now, I have to admit that this number is more then twice as high as the number I gave. This still is, however, around 1 out of 10 people. This number can even be lower, as people can also dislike for an completely different reason than that they were offended, but let's stick with 1 out of 10 people.   This not a very big number, actually


Let us assume for a second those are the people. 11.45% is actually relatively high... If 11.45% of people who WATCHED the video (and not just the people who rated it) were harassing him that's a good 2,000-3,000 people. Could you handle 2,000-3,000 people harassing you? That's not a small number.


Let us now drop the assumption and go with your 1 in 10 number. Out of 40,000 fans that is 4,000 people.


Let's be even more generous than that and say it's 1 in every 20: that's 2,000 people.


Let's be more generous still and say it's 1 in every 50: That's 800 people. That's nothing to sneeze at. 800 people. Have you ever even gotten 800 messages in a week in your life? Imagine 800 hateful and rude messages? This is not a machine we're talking about it's a human being and human beings have their limits. Realistically I don't think ANYONE could get mad at you for flipping out over 800 nasty messages or "blowing it out of proportion".




But Toyota is not going to complain when people drive their car around on120MPH, which is the main difference with Tommy. For me, this difference makes Tommy in the wrong, and Toyota not.


Actually Toyata will complain. If you are driving a car in an unintended way you are not covered by the warranty, even if the car is CAPABLE of driving that way. The point is that you do have to admit that the fact that so many people were "thankful" for the ability to skip the criticism says something about fans. Sure there are the occasional people who have legitimate reasons for skipping and I am sure that he is not even talking about those people, but we all know that is not why the majority skips. Don't you think that shows there is at least SOME kind of problem that needs addressing that so many people can not even handle criticism of their favorite cartoon?




I refuse to belief that everybody who skips certain parts of Tommy's, is not a true fan. To use the example with me again: there are people who have good reasons not to watch it, outside of ''I'm looking for validation.'' And to me, what Tommy all says, sounds like he's talking to the people who skip certain parts of his videos.


That's EXACTLY what I am saying though. He never said ALL of the people who did that are the problem. He knows there are exceptions to the rule, but generally people don't spend time pointing that out because it's obvious. I am positive he is only referring to people who skip the criticism because they DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT are the ones looking for validation. He knows that like someone could skip ahead in a video because they are rewatching it to find a specific part to show someone, etc. He CLEARLY is not talking about those people, but does he need to make sure he points out every exception to the rule?




Then I like to ask how being angry is going to help? You said yourself that these people cannot take criticism, then how is insulting them the way of convincing them?


At that point you generally aren't even thinking clearly. However even if you are, tough love can sometimes work. Sometimes when someone who is big in the community has to come out and say something like that it wakes a lot of people up. Sometimes it doesn't. It's a gamble, but Tommy was willing to take it and honestly I give him kudos for that.




i will answer it: it isn't. The same way that calmly talking it over isn't the solution with these people. Truth is, these people have such a big ego, that nothing will break trough their thick skulls, either nice or angry


Mostly true, but Tommy may view it like I do: if I can help even ONE person to become better, I feel it's worth the effort.




Condsider that problem solved, with the looks at the the views before and after his new style


And I have disputed that above.




You seem to have the idea that things like this can be solved, while these people are beyond any help


Having the mentality that the issue is unsolvable is how it remains unsolved, not people being unhelpable. I have more faith in human beings than that.




Again, you're acting like these problems HAVE a solution, while in reality, this kind of behavior will not stop. Assholes are going to be assholes. In fact, screaming at a camera might be even less effective, because now these people see that what they are doing is getting to you, which is excactly what they want!


He wasn't screaming. Tommy was just pointing out things and speaking harsh truths. He hardly "rage quit". I would say if trolls were trying to get him to flip out, they failed. Instead of lectured them like little children. I've seen mad, Tommy wasn't mad. That being said, while assholes will always exist, problems within the MLP fandom can be mostly fixed if we all keep a better mentality about them. Just saying "well, they will always exist" is just more or less giving up.




Simply not giving them the attention they so desperatly need, in many cases is the best solution.


That is ASSUMING that all of the people who are skipping the criticism are trolls. These are not all trolls, they are people who can't handle harsh truths or criticism. Giving them no way to run from it might actually help them. If Tommy even opened one person's eyes to the fact that they need to be able to handle criticism, I consider that a victory. That person may one day open someone else's eyes. You have to think about it as the glass is half full.




But anyway, I don't think you and I are going to get to an agreement. Feel free to counter the points I made here. In fact, please do that. It's interesting trying to see the things from another perspective. I'm proabably not gonna react to that again though. Not a native English speaker, so writing these things costs like an hour or so for me,    and I feel that I have said anything that I wanted to say.


I apologize. I am not trying to "argue" with you per say, but I am trying to show you another perspective. Instead of just thinking of it is "Tommy Oliver insulted bronies and left the fandom" think of it as "what can we as fans do to improve the fandom." If you disagree with Tommy Oliver that is not an issue at all. The issue is what are you going to do to prove him wrong? You can say he's wrong all day, but if you are not going to do anything to prove it, then what difference does it make? We should take this as a learning opportunity not just deny it. To say that a fairly large entity leaving the fandom is NO indicator of any kind of problem is to just deny ourselves a learning opportunity.


Show Tommy Oliver that things can be different. If you see people leaving hateful comments on someone's youtube, report them. Show support to the content creator that you appreciate what they do and sympathize with the fact that some people are just spamming them with hateful comments. Show them that you CAN be objective and encourage others to do the same. When you see someone getting angry over the fandom or the show being insulted, calm them down and try to show them that being  objective about it is far more helpful.


If you help each other, you become the solution. 

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I know I shouldn't keep this going, but, it must suck for him. He was a major Rarity fan, He would have loved the last three episodes. Too bad. Not like I care, though. Except Rarity Fans seem to have short tempers.... He's not the first. 


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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Yes, yes; I know this isn't the main point of the subject/topic/thread...

But, as a gearhead I need to address something some folks here were talking about.


Is it Toyota's fault for speeding tickets for making the car go too fast? I mean realistically there will never be an instance for most people where you car NEEDS to go to 120MPH, but they give you the option. You choose to use it, but is it their fault for giving you the option? Do you see the problem?


But Toyota is not going to complain when people drive their car around on 120 MPH, which is the main difference with Tommy. For me, this difference makes Tommy in the wrong, and Toyota not.


Actually Toyota will complain. If you are driving a car in an unintended way you are not covered by the warranty, even if the car is CAPABLE of driving that way. 


Actually, Key Sharkz, you are incorrect.  Legally speaking, you are allowed to drive any properly equipped vehicle (*1) at any speed (*2) on private properties in which you own, or other private properties in which the owner have granted you access (*3); and on any professional/closed track or course in which the owner or manager has granted you access such that you are authorized to drive there (*4).

*1 - All tires have a speed and load rating.  From the factory, all vehicles must legally be given tires with proper load and speed ratings.

*2 - A vehicle is legally required to be built to withstand the speeds in which it can reach.  Some vehicles come stock with governors (aka, limiters) that will not allow the vehicle to keep accelerating once a certain speed is reached.  For example, a vehicle's speedometer may read up to 120 mph, but the vehicle may be governed at 108 mph.  This ties back into the speed rating of the factory tires, and as well it ties into the structural durability and safety of the vehicle as a whole.

*3 - You cannot be given a speeding ticket if you are on private property.  If you or someone you know has private property with some kind of long stretch of smooth land or road, the police cannot ticket anyone for speeding on private property.  

*4 - And of course, the same goes for any closed/professional track/course, such as the Nürburgring track in Germany.  However, depending on the track, there may be rules regarding equipment that you must legally follow, possibly helmets and roll cages.  Those rules are specific to individual tracks, and some may differ.


My point is that despite the fact that you can get in trouble for speeding on public roads, and despite the fact that you are to follow the speed limits... 

Car companies are still required to make cars strong enough to go fast.  

If you understood gear ratios, you'd understand why "cars can go 120 mph."  In order to achieve better fuel efficiency at highway and/or interstate speeds, you add gears to the transmission, and/or adjust the gear ratios.  Typical vehicles today have somewhere between 4 and 8 gears in their transmissions (not including reverse; and regardless of auto or manual).   Anyway, take for example a car with 4 gears.  My truck has 4 gears.  I could be going 55 in second gear, revving around 3,300 RPMs.  Or, 55 in third gear, revving around 2,200 RPMs.  Or, 55 in overdrive (4th gear), revving 1,550 RPMs.  

Up-shifting into higher gears allows the engine to rev at a lower RPM level.  This makes for a more fuel efficient vehicle.

But the fact is, having those higher gears allows people to go faster speeds.  The vehicle must be built to withstand those speeds.

Thus, Key Sharkz, in your hypothetical scenario... If someone drove a brand new car, totally stock (not modified), went 120 mph, and got a speeding ticket...

Yes it is the fault of the driver and not the car, but, the car company will not complain.  They would have no reason to complain.  

~ Miles

Trust me, I know about cars.



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I think you know you're horse famous when people argue about cars on your departure thread.


Also, update:


  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I remember him, I can't be assed to read the text walls in this thread but it's a shame he left because he used to be one of the strongest supports of the "don't be ashamed, take back the label" movement.

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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