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Fluttershy isn't shy... and never really had been, with the exception of the first episode where she first meets Twilight Sparkle. But even then, it was more of an act of social anxiety, as someone who is shy would still answer to questions, especially when they are in a one-on-one conversation. She has never acted like that since the first episode, so she was more or less out of character in comparison of the rest of the show.

Yes, Fluttershy is the following: timid, introvert, meek, reticent, quiet and apprehensive, but she isn't shy; she can, and has on numerous occasions, went up to a stranger or group of strangers and talked to them, without breaking a sweat.

She also has stage fright, but this is also not related with shyness. Anyone can have stage fright, but the show just decides to go with the whole cliché "cowered who is scared of everything" stereotype, and uses Fluttershy as the main protagonists that overcomes fears, instead of using other characters to create more unique and realistic character personalities. Although, this is a kids show after all. All the characters are strongly based on stereotypes and each have particular roles within the show. This is used to make it easier for the audience to follow as well as demonstrates juxtaposition between each of the characters.

Most people, including myself, would have assumed Fluttershy portrayed as being shy, due to her name: Flutter"shy." However, her name is only to describe her being a pegasus and having an interest in animals. It also describes her butterfly cutie mark, by the use of assonance, consonance and end rhyme.

I have done a lot of research in to this subject from books and articles; not just searches off the internet. I'm sure some people may disagree with me or have a different understanding of the word "shy." This this is just my thoughts and knowledge on the subject. I'm not trying to go against anyone who likes Fluttershy being a shy character (I'm aware some people relate to her that way, witch I think is great; there's nothing wrong with personal alterations.) I just wanted to share this information, as a lot of people can get confused with the true meanings and definitions of words. A lot of other forms of media have made the same misunderstandings in their work too. It's a miscommunication made by many people as it's never a popular topic and possibly mislead by varies of social dialect.


For those who don't know, the "true" definition of shy, is to feel unconfotable around strangers and find it hard to talk to them. That is it. Fluttershy has never deminstraited this ever (apart from the first episode's "funny" joke with Twilight.) People confuse being too kind and polite, timid, scared and quiet with shyness.

Edited by FlutterstepHD
  • Brohoof 10


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I remember first watching the show, and just assuming, that most likely Pinkie Pie and RD were the most popular of the show, with Twilight and Rarity in the middle, and Applejack and Fluttershy being least popular.


Then, when I went on forums for the first time and found out how popular Fluttershy was, I was honestly shocked. I immediately questioned this, and looked it up with most sources believing she is so popular because she is cute...

Honestly cannot agree or disagreed with that, I still question why she is so popular.


I'm a very shy, introverted person, and honestly cannot relate to Fluttershy in any ways, but she is definitely my most researched pony due to me not understanding her.


I personally consider her to be shy, but I do agree with a lot of what you're saying.

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adj. shi·er (shī′ər)shi·est (shī′ĭst) or shy·er or shy·est

1. Easily startled; timid: shy deer.
a. Tending to avoid contact or familiarity with others; retiring or reserved: shy student who stayed in the back of the room.
b. Characterized by reserve or diffidence: shy glance.

You can argue that she is still timid, but yeah she stopped avoiding contact when she befriended Mane6. Especially now when she is so assertive toward others and easily make new friends like Discord and Tree Hugger or Seabreeze. She may want to be reserved toward strangers at public places but she doesn't seem to be shy anymore. Surely not with extrovertic Discord around.

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I think it depends on where you draw the line so far as being shy goes. Just because someone is capable of basic social functioning, that doesn't mean they aren't shy. It just means they're less shy than they could be.


Because shy is such a subjective term, I guess some people will say that she is shy while others say that she isn't. It all depends on what "shy" is to you, and probably has a lot to do with self-comparison (as in, an outgoing person would be more likely to describe her as shy than a very shy person). I do agree though that she is at least less shy than she was to start out, and has made a lot of progress in overcoming her Anxiety, and for that I am proud of her and of the writers for pacing that development more appropriately than most shows do.

  • Brohoof 4

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Well season 1 and 2 showed her shy side the most and the proper way. She doesn't like being in the limelight of any place. When she is put on the spot to represent she freaks out. She is also less likely to talk and especially less assertive.


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Yes, Fluttershy is the following: timid, introvert, meek, reticent, quiet and apprehensive, but she isn't shy


Those are the definitions of shy (except introvert). "Timid" is a synonym for "shy" and is included in its definition in numerous dictionaries.


It's not really a matter of subjectivity - the matter of subjectivity is only in how shy she is, not in whether or not she's shy.


Also, social anxiety and shyness are not mutually exclusive; in fact, those who are predisposed to being shy also are often more likely to develop social anxiety. You also don't stop being shy just because you have less trouble talking to people. Fluttershy is still more at home with animals than she is with other ponies, and most people with social anxiety appear perfectly fine talking to people in public but inside still suffer from that anxiety. Not to mention most of the time we see Fluttershy speaking to ponies, it is with friends of hers. It's very rare that outside of assertiveness episodes she speaks fully to other ponies, and even rarer she does it by herself without her friends around.


I mentioned it in the first sentence but the only word that isn't in shy's definition is "introvert", and that's because introversion is only the fact that you gain energy from being alone and you're drained while within human company. Most people are actually closer to being ambiverts (gaining energy and losing energy situation-wise, rather than where you are), but my point here is that someone who is an introvert can in fact be outgoing, just simply need more alone-time. (Twilight is actually a decent example of this.) I can't even imagine how awful it would be to be an extrovert with severe social anxiety...

Edited by Luigi
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Those are the definitions of shy (except introvert). "Timid" is a synonym for "shy" and is included in its definition in numerous dictionaries.


They may be traits that are more common, due to shyness, but timid means feeling uncomfortable and unsure about yourself as well as being easily startled. You are more likely to be timid if you're shy and vice versa. That is a feeling you could feel being shy, but is also present if your worried, angry, scared and surprised. I am fully aware that anyone can have social anxiety, no matter if you're introvert, ambivert or extrovert.

Edited by FlutterstepHD
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They may be traits that are more common, due to shyness, but timid means feeling uncomfortable and unsure about yourself as well as being easily startled. You are more likely to be timid if you're shy and vice versa. That is a feeling you could feel being shy, but is also present if your worried, angry, scared and surprised. I am fully aware that anyone can have social anxiety, no matter if you're introvert, ambivert or extrovert.



You know, the definition wasn't exactly the crux of my argument.

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You know, the definition wasn't exactly the crux of my argument.


I never said or implied it was.

I remember first watching the show, and just assuming, that most likely Pinkie Pie and RD were the most popular of the show, with Twilight and Rarity in the middle, and Applejack and Fluttershy being least popular.


Then, when I went on forums for the first time and found out how popular Fluttershy was, I was honestly shocked. I immediately questioned this, and looked it up with most sources believing she is so popular because she is cute...

Honestly cannot agree or disagreed with that, I still question why she is so popular.


I'm a very shy, introverted person, and honestly cannot relate to Fluttershy in any ways, but she is definitely my most researched pony due to me not understanding her.


I personally consider her to be shy, but I do agree with a lot of what you're saying.


I do wish they were more charters similar to her, as she very unique and has lots of characteristic traits :) 

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I'm sure some people may disagree with me or have a different understanding of the word "shy." This this is just my thoughts and knowledge on the subject.  (I'm aware some people relate to her that way, witch I think is great; there's nothing wrong with personal alterations.)




You do realize that your own thread leaks from a personal, subjective alteration as well?


Friends, we are talking about animated cartoons here. The animators won't start drawing a bunch of sweat just to emphasize the moment, nor the writers will start a mini-career on psychology to uncover the actual manifestations of a 'shy' attitude. It's clear that here we're digging far too deep into something that could be simply accepted as a fully endorsed fact.


Fluttershy, despite her ongoing progress while interecting with her fellow ponies, is without any doubt remarkably bashful. Being timid doesn't mean that you'll ran away as soon as someone speaks up, nor that you'll cringe in fear against a simple pat on the shoulder, this is a strong stereotype, and I'm certaing that most of the victims of their own awkwardness towards the world must feel pretty outraged and embarassed when people mentions such things.


Of course, there's shy people and shy people. Fluttershy should be considered as a model, a paradigm that shows how overcoming one's true fears, these being silly or serious, is possible with the help of true friends.

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Being timid doesn't mean that you'll ran away as soon as someone speaks up, nor that you'll cringe in fear against a simple pat on the shoulder, this is a strong stereotype, and I'm certaing that most of the victims of their own awkwardness towards the world must feel pretty outraged and embarassed when people mentions such things.


Of course, there's shy people and shy people. Fluttershy should be considered as a model, a paradigm that shows how overcoming one's true fears, these being silly or serious, is possible with the help of true friends.


I do agree with a lot you say. I think MLP has put in a lot more effort with their characters, than most shows have, which is why many people care about them so much and why these forums even exist.

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm pretty sure that people called "shy" are often introverts and do well once they are with friends they feel confident with. It doesn't mean they stop being "shy" it just means that they are comfortable around a smaller group of friends. Throw Fluttershy in a crowd of strangers and she's more likely to show those same traits. 


D: being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people.




So yeah she IS shy but not around her friends and she has gotten "better" over the 5 seasons, baby steps..... 

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I'd say she's still an introvert, especially compared to someone like Pinkie, but she has undergone character development over time, as have all the others.

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She hasn't been shy since she met treehugger. She was still not shy for a while after that thing with the half bull guy, but then that went away, and during season four she met treehugger, because it was when she went away and discord pretended to be ill. And since we all know treehugger is stoned as fuck, fluttershy has been smoking some with her and now it has made her not shy.

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Fluttershy has shown multiple examples of rather extreme social anxiety which has made her avoid many social situations, this has improved as the series has gone along but Fluttershy still has a few things she needs to work on. Social anxiety and shyness actually often go hand in hand but you can have shyness without extreme social anxiety as well as with it. With that said Fluttershy actually has lived up to her name quite well.

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  • 3 years later...
On 6/27/2015 at 2:15 AM, Flutterstep said:

All the characters are strongly based on stereotypes and each have particular roles within the show. This is used to make it easier for the audience to follow as well as demonstrates juxtaposition between each of the characters.

One thing to point out, I think the main characters of MLP are more like archetypes than stereotypes. The difference is an archetype is a pre-established starting point of a character, stereotype is the character’s conclusion by being a certain way.

Twilight is a bookworm, Rainbow Dash is a tomboy. Buy they don’t stop there, they do more with the character.

I think you already know this, but i’m just pointing it out.

Edited by Sepul-Coloratura
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