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Why should FiM have gore in it?


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Everywhere I go, I always see some Brony saying that the show should have gore, and they even question why the show has no gore. They actually question it. How illogical can you get? Why WOULD there be gore in MLP? Just because Bronies watch it DOES not mean that children watch it (with or without their families).


"i hope dat dymund teara dies a paynful and horibul deth in teh end of teh seasun"


"y u no make a gory deth for princes celetia i wanted her 2 die paynfulee"


"y is der no gor in da show i want gor in da show"


If you want to watch gore go watch an 18+ movie. Don't complain because something else doesn't.

  • Brohoof 7


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I don't get it. In a show targeted towards young girls, why would anyone expect violence in it? This isn't an adult show... MLP is the last place I'd expect to see bloody violence.


Slightly off-topic: I have a feeling I know what you're quoting...

  • Brohoof 2

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I saw this kind of requests, I think it's because they need an "universal" reason to say that they like the show. After all, everybody can watch a show with blood, even one with ponies. I think that's their thinking.

  • Brohoof 2
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I believe not many bronies want gore. And don't worry, it will never happen~ <3 <3 :D:)  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :pinkie:  :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 3


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I've literally never seen these requests being said seriously, ever. And I've been around this fandom since season 1. Requests like these aren't common at all among the brony fandom, there's a lot of gore and horror fictions and art, but I doubt most of the fans making those actually want the real show to be like that. Pretty sure most of those people are joking, exaggerating their hate for characters they aren't fond of. Not many people like Diamond Tiara, but I have no doubt most of them know her dying a violent death would never actually happen in canon.


 If there are people saying this seriously, then they are a minority.

Edited by BasementPinkie
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That would never happen no matter how many bronies requested it. I can't really see the fun in gore anyway, I think it's rather uncomfortable. Even more uncomfortable than porn to be honest.

However, there are plenty of fanwork that already has gore in it, such as "Smile HD". So if they want to see MLP gore, go watch those creations that are actually made for older bronies.

  • Brohoof 2

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My opinion, for all it is worth:


One of the many fabrics of the show itself in my opinion is innocence, and the absence of any such gore and more 'adulty' themed stuff is not only because it was a show originally aimed at younger ones, but also because it's nice to watch something that doesn't involve all of that, because it is horrible! I've never seen a brony talk about wanting gore, but it'll never happen anyway, because as I said, one of the main points of the show is to be fun and cute to watch because it has ponies!  :pinkie:  And that would be entirely contradicted if such gory content is added. 


My opinion in summary: gore just doesn't belong on MLP. It's the wrong place for it. And as Little Riolu said, just go and watch an 18 rated movie if you want it  :)

  • Brohoof 2
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i wouldn't want gore but i can see a lot of potetntial in more empathized way of handeling armed conflict (like in the comics, for an instance when the pirate ponys are clearly shown to wield cutlasses and a fight is depicted with sayed weapons. even magical violence is shown by twilicht roasting the pirates with some kind of shock spell.), The fight against tirek was somewhat of an appetizer for what potential the show could have with a bit more adventure and no fear to show a sword or a spear clashing together from time to time. ^^


i would still be AGAINST a depiction of death or graphic wounds but sme armed conflict couldn't hurt the shows appeal to manny. (considdering how popular the royal guard and the nightwatch are amongst bronys).

also showing a swordfight in a kidsshow isn't that uncommon and could be done if you considder that they even showed an alcoholic baverage in the show =D

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:blink: This is the first I've heard of such things- :okiedokielokie: where are you hearing these things, and what place?


:( I mean, MLP is literally the opposite of that. :grin2:

  • Brohoof 3

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Ive never seen someone requesting that, ive only seen a lot of of gore art, like the countless Pinkamena Tumblrs and Creepypastas.


But i can see why someone wants to see, something a little bit more..mature.

I for myself would also find it cool if one of the Villains would seriously go so far to hurt someone seriously, or if the fights are a little bit more intense.

But first, this is a Kidsshow, so no.

And second, thats why we watch it, right? Because its not so bad as many other series, not so sad, it doesnt remind as so much on the bad things in life.


But i can understand why people would like that.

Maybe they want the show to be more exciting for others as well, maybe they want to show the series to someone, but they are afraid that others would find it boring, so they which that it had something more extreme to it.


But in all seriousness, there are other series for that than mlp, Mlp is still a Kids Show, damnit  :lol:

If you want to watch something more serious or gory than...watch something more serious and gory.

Mlp is a family friendly show, and it should always stay this way. 

Edited by PsychoTwi
  • Brohoof 2


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"i hope dat dymund teara dies a paynful and horibul deth in teh end of teh seasun" "y u no make a gory deth for princes celetia i wanted her 2 die paynfulee"


Uhhh neither of those sounds like honest wishes for gore or blood, that just sounds like wishing negative consequence upon a character they don't like. Those are two very different things. 




What Twilight's DBZ smackdown with Tirek wasn't enough for the "mature" seekers? 

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Evidence? Because I've never seen anyone say that and I've been in this fandom since mid-2011.


Personally, I like seeing and produce MLPFIM gore and violent content, but I don't approve of it officially appearing in MLPFIM.

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What Twilight's DBZ smackdown with Tirek wasn't enough for the "mature" seekers? 

Im a aware of this fight, but from what i understand, this was the only time that a really serious fight happened.

Like once...and then until now, never again  :lol:

Thats why maybe some people wish the show would be more like that.

But for me, i already found many Villains to be cool. Like Tirek, Catrina, that goat thing in the older series, Chrysalis.

I guess some people would just like the show more, if it would much more focus on adventure and fights, like other series do.

One Piece for example. Most of the time, it consists of humor, colorful worlds, seems to be some sort of kind friendly show and then BAMM!

And the awesome fights begin between the characters.  :sneer:

I guess they want the show to be more for an wider audience. So that more would watch it.

I dont know.

For a Family Show, mlp its perfect in my eyes  :wacko:

But other people might want the show, to be more like other more mature shows, so that more friends of them would like it...i guess  :ooh:

Edited by PsychoTwi
  • Brohoof 1


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Don't get me wrong, I loved that fight, but I actually like that it's the rarity no pun intended. And we have had "fights" in the show, the Mane Six fought the Changelings, Cadence and Twi fought the Talzworm, and even recently all of Ponyville got to lay the smackdown on the Tantabaus.


So it's not like these fight scenes never happen. Even then, there's no gore but still plenty of excitement to be had. Even then, even then, part of the reason I like MLP is that it can so easily switch gears between fighting a monster and just a social problem.

  • Brohoof 1
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Everywhere I go, I always see some Brony saying that the show should have gore, and they even question why the show has no gore. They actually question it. How illogical can you get? Why WOULD there be gore in MLP? Just because Bronies watch it DOES not mean that children watch it (with or without their families).


"i hope dat dymund teara dies a paynful and horibul deth in teh end of teh seasun"


"y u no make a gory deth for princes celetia i wanted her 2 die paynfulee"


"y is der no gor in da show i want gor in da show"


If you want to watch gore go watch an 18+ movie. Don't complain because something else doesn't.

I really would like to know where you go to see comments like those, and that....online....grammar if they really type like that -_-"


Anyway I'm going break this down as I can on how I feel with them on the subject. They should quit watching MLP while they can because all they going to get is disappointment. They not going to air nothing gorey on tv at all. Only thing that can happen to them is being bruised. Even the battle Princess Twilight had against (forgot the name but starts with a T) was like a whole Dragon Ball Z moment. She getting toss and slammed into a mountain and still looking okay at most.


I think some of us has that moments some characters need to be punish for how they treat others in the show but gore is NOT the way. I feel disgusted they're that many who wants to see it. I'm doubting they are bronies, or else they'll accept to like the show without gore.

  • Brohoof 2


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@ Steel Accord


Yes, we had fights. But from what i saw, these fights are not...like intense.


There was the Tantabus, but they didnt fight directly, like combat. They often just use Magic. ( as far as i remember )

Other shows have fights, that also consists of punching, multiple weapons, blood and often end with someone either really hurt or totally like K.O. Or someone dies.


Chrysalis got simply kicked away with magic, but not like, knocked down completely. Fights are there, but not that intense.


But i give you right, Mlp is fine how it is.

We dont need to serious stuff in the show, we already had enough for a family friendly show.

And if they would include intense fights, than some parents and the media would probably blame us bronies, like :


" Thanks to bronies, i cant watch the show with my children anymore. The show is now way to violent, there are way to many explosions! Why cant these adult people not watch something else! They should leave children shows alone! "

Or something like that  :lol:

I mean, the media is already criticizing us for Parodys like the Pony.mov series and the various Pinkamena like Stuff.


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Everywhere I go, I always see some Brony saying that the show should have gore, and they even question why the show has no gore. They actually question it. How illogical can you get? Why WOULD there be gore in MLP? Just because Bronies watch it DOES not mean that children watch it (with or without their families).


"i hope dat dymund teara dies a paynful and horibul deth in teh end of teh seasun"


"y u no make a gory deth for princes celetia i wanted her 2 die paynfulee"


"y is der no gor in da show i want gor in da show"


If you want to watch gore go watch an 18+ movie. Don't complain because something else doesn't.


My reaction to said Bronies:



  • Brohoof 7
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I don't want gore, cause I don't like gore, I just want more epic scenes, like the one Twilight VS Tyrek  :D

Of course it will never have gore in MLP, the show have been created for children above all



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I don't know where you are hearing this from, most bronies that would want that sort of thing have enough creepypastas to read to last them into retirement. I for one certainly don't want the show itself to take that direction. I mean, I wouldn't be terribly disturbed if they cranked it up to Powerpuff Girls level of violence ever once and a while, but much beyond that would feel counterintuitive.


It's for reasons like this that the idea of fandom creations exists. We know that the show will probably never deal with any subject matter that dark, so the people that want to explore that concept can via fanmade content without disturbing the canon for people like myself who'd rather not have it there.



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I don't believe I've ever personally seen someone demand gore to be on MLP, but I don't doubt there are fans out there that wish for it. Either way, it won't ever happen anyway. Regardless of how many adults watch the show, it has always been and will always be a show meant for children.

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I think i'd rather watch the Friday The 13th movies than to have gore in MLP.


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Everywhere I go, I always see some Brony saying that the show should have gore, and they even question why the show has no gore. They actually question it. How illogical can you get? Why WOULD there be gore in MLP? Just because Bronies watch it DOES not mean that children watch it (with or without their families).


"i hope dat dymund teara dies a paynful and horibul deth in teh end of teh seasun"


"y u no make a gory deth for princes celetia i wanted her 2 die paynfulee"


"y is der no gor in da show i want gor in da show"


If you want to watch gore go watch an 18+ movie. Don't complain because something else doesn't.


If the brony fandom gets better fanbase, that means MLP will not be for under 12 years old.


Maybe not always, but usually, gore is normally for mature, but at least if you handle that, i could handle insidious movies, no gore because the show was originally for children, everthing is getting like a tiberium wars or something else.


"Why WOULD there be gore in MLP?" - There is, do you remember the season 3 finale? also nightmare moon was tried to destroy celestia. it was something like violence for teens or older, i nptice the future of MLP would be... IDK..


EDIT: I mentioned the quote using underline.

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