----------------------- 171 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 This episode was really good. It's up there as the best of the season so far. It felt like a season finale; and had everything that Magical Mystery Cure could've done. Nothing was rushed, the songs were nice, Diamond Tiara got development instead of being the stereotypical, one-dimensional bully, and of course, the CMC got their cutiemarks! Overall, it was a great episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fia94 374 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 That may actually be my favourite episode ever! It was so sweet, I cried so much 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Please more Cutie Mark Crusader episodes, please! I need more of them. Plus more Diamond. I never thought I'd ask for that. Especially for more DT. You know, I keep wondering how the writers can keep surprising us and how they can keep upping their game and this episode shows how amazing they can be. I seriously have to give them a big round applause and think that this was perfect timing for this kind of even to occur. Happy 5th anniveraary, MLP:FiM! I know! Happy 5th! And consarnit, every time I think it can't get better... 1 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I got this song in my head atm RIGHT after the episode 2 Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Sorry I'm a bit later than usual, but I was just starving and had to get some lunch after the new episode. Well now... that seriously just happened. And, I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda perfect. This was something else, really, even by this show's standards. A day we've all been waiting for for a long, long, LONG time has finally come, and quite frankly, in true DHX fashion, they did it better than really I think any of us could've hoped for. Got a lot to cover with this one, so without further ado, this is "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." So given how much happened in this episode (and trust me, there was A LOT), I'm gonna change things up and review the three acts of this episode, before moving on to more miscellaneous items. I just feel it'll be easiest to organize it that way. Starting things off, we had the CMC resolving yet again, after a brief moment of doubt, to keep working to earn their cutie marks, until good ol' Pipsqueak (still best #1 fan of Princess Luna, I might add) showed up seeking their help for his campaign for student council president against Diamond Tiara. This of course leads into the election itself, which lasts about 5 minutes (most of that being a musical number), and results in Pipsqueak blowing out Diamond in a landslide, because it seems for once that all the other fillies and colts in Ponyville (and even Silver Spoon and Miss Cheerilee, GO CHEERILEE! ) are sick and tired of Diamond Tiara's usual bull crap and attitude and actually calling her out on it. Quite frankly, I can't blame them, as she was in rare form even by her standards in those first few minutes; she was basically a combination of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and every corrupt politician in Chicago (which is all of them), and basically did everything you should never do to win an election (at least in ponies faces, I mean, subtlety thy name is not Diamond Tiara ). Anyways, this was probably the most standard section of the episode, nothing really spectacular happened here aside from nicely setting up the rest, but there were still some nice things about it. There were some nice nods to continuity in their mentioning both Tirek and Discord's attacks in Ponyville, the two opening songs were nice, Pipsqueak is adorable as ever (and I seriously did not remember him being that tiny, HE'S SO CUTE!!! ), Diamond Tiara got a really satisfying comeuppance, but perhaps most importantly of all, this was all that the episode description was about. This impressed me, in hindsight. The episode description made it sound like the entire episode was going to revolve around the election, and going in I kinda assumed that at some point Diamond Tiara would blackmail the CMC or something into helping her. So imagine my surprise when that was all done 5 minutes in. A vote for Pip is a vote for adorableness Um, why exactly is super strength that everypony knows about something to be self conscious about, again? GIRL, YOUR TALENT IS TO BE A SUPERHERO, THAT'S BUCKING AWESOME!!! This leads us to the second act of this episode, where it quickly started becoming apparent that this was no ordinary episode. No, it seemed that the CMC finally mustered up the courage and resolve to try and help out their longtime archnemesis, Diamond Tiara. Turns out, well, her life kinda sucks (material wealth not withstanding). We'd met her father before, but aside from being a neglectful parent, he didn't really explain her behavior; Filthy Rich, from what we've seen, while again being a neglectful parent and a bit too preoccupied with his business affairs, is all around a cool guy. He's a local whose family has been in Ponyville for a long time, he seems to get along just fine with all his neighbors, and an important fixture in Ponyville's community overall. No, no, apparently, as this episode taught us, Diamond Tiara's special brand of awful comes from her mother, Spoiled Rich. Oh goodness, Spoiled Rich, where do I even begin? This is one of the nastier minor antagonists this show has ever had. We've seen some snobbish Canterlot nobility in the past, but nothing quite like this. She was literally talking the whole episode about looking down on their "social inferiors," and when she wasn't doing that, she was blatantly emotionally abusing Diamond Tiara. It was taken so far, in fact, that I can't help but have some minor issues with it. The biggest reason I don't necessarily buy her behavior is because frankly I don't know how Filthy would've gotten with her in the first place, unless it was an arranged marriage. He just doesn't seem like the kinda guy, from what we've seen, who'd put up with someone like that, especially if she treated their daughter that way too. Minor quibble, though, for the most part I bought her, even if she was just a tad over-the-top in her awfulness. The message still hit home that oftentimes kids are bad or mean and nasty because of the environment they grow up in and what their parents are like, and it definitely helped paint Diamond Tiara in a whole new light quickly. You felt for her just like the CMC did (though quite frankly I'm a bit surprised that in a town as small as Ponyville, they'd never seen her mom before this episode), and they quickly decided to try to aid her in any way they could after it turned out that she really doesn't know what she's really good at, and is very self-conscious about it. This is a HUGE point in the episode, vastly important. You see, at the start they were happy to help Pipsqueak, but they also thought it'd be a good chance to get their cutie marks too. Obviously that didn't work out. However, when they decided to help Diamond Tiara, their mortal nemesis, more or less, they didn't mention their cutie marks at all. They just wanted to try to be good fillies and maybe friends with her, reach out to her when no one else, including Silver Spoon, would. It was a selfless act, and one without any intent to get their cutie marks. It also illustrated nicely how much all three have grown since they first befriended each other; they still cared about getting their cutie marks, but this season especially they've cared more so about helping others for its own sake, especially those who, like them, didn't understand their special talents. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, friendship!!! Anyways, their attempts to befriend Diamond Tiara make some headway, ever so slowly, but things are almost all put to ruin when it turns out that Pipsqueak can't get the money to refurbish the elementary school's playground, and Diamond Tiara sees an opportunity to take back the student council presidency and go back to her old ways. Thankfully, however, the CMC talk her out of it through song (in a very impressively choreographed sequence, if I do say so myself, the music and the running chase scene went very nicely together and complemented each other well), and she chooses to try a different path. She chastises her mother and discovers that her special talent turns out to be getting ponies to do what she wants (which can manifest in a very nasty way, obviously), but in this case, when she was acting more positive, it turned into positive leadership. She was able to get the funds and labor to make their new playground a reality, and I thought that was a very cool spin on her talent and showing how talents can both be good and bad things depending on how we use them, because technically she still utilized it before, just in very, very nasty ways. In the process, she reconciled with Silver Spoon and her classmates, and ended up making some new friends and taking her first steps in the right direction. This is another minor point of complaint of mine, but her turn at the end was a bit abrupt for me. Not her doing the right thing, no, just how well she did it. It was like she was just a complete polar opposite self, and given the fast pace at times of the episode, that was just a tad bit jarring. However, for the most part it worked I thought, and like I said, I only have a minor, minor, minor complaint about it in that one scene. This, of course, leads us into the last act. Oh my, the last act. That was... wow, that was just wow. They got 'em. What else can I really say, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, after 5 seasons of trying their hardest to get their cutie marks, finally got them. It was kinda perfect, like I said earlier. They weren't trying to go them, they weren't doing the most ludicrous thing they could think of, they were just being great friends and doing what they've truly become good at, helping another figure out what their special talent is. That is really kinda perfect for their special talent, and it was set up quite nicely this season especially (but also in seasons past in episodes like "One Bad Apple"). On top of that, it really was perfect too that they got their cutie marks all at once. I think there was a window in earlier seasons where it would've made sense if they got them one at a time, but at this point, when they have grown so close to each other, they really needed to get them all together at the same time. It just makes perfect sense and was really the best way to handle it. And finally, the payoff itself was perfect. The whole town celebrated alongside those three. First their classmates, including new friends Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, along with their beloved teacher Miss Cheerilee, then the townsfolk (including my beloved Derpy, who I might add was one of the first ponies in town to happily spot their cutie marks ), and finally the Mane 6, including their sisters/sister figures. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack all had lovely moments with the CMC, my personal favorite being Applejack's simply because she actually mentioned their dead parents and confirmed very explicitly that they're no long with them. Yes it'd been confirmed by the writers before, but never did I imagine they'd be so explicit about it, and it was done very tastefully and had a very emotional impact, if I do say so myself. Applejack's not just a sister or sister figure for Apple Bloom like Rarity and Rainbow Dash are, she's also a mother figure for Apple Bloom, so it was just too lovely getting to see her celebrate Apple Bloom's achievement. The moment was perfect, the closing scene was perfect, the music was perfect, the celebration was perfect, the call backs to previous episodes with them were perfect, the whole closing act of this episode was just perfect and exactly what Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo deserved after getting their cutie marks. A whole new road is now open for them, and they can focus from now on on cultivating their special talents and helping other ponies who are struggling like they did for such a long time figure out what their special talents are. Well... that's basically all I got. A few minor notes before we close this review. I've only watched it once so far, so don't have any of the song titles memorized or anything, but I was very impressed by all the music here. It was lovely, nicely spaced, fit the younger characters starring in this episode very, very well, and probably the most music we've had in a single episode since "Magical Mystery Cure" back in Season 3. The whole pace of the episode for the most part worked well too, with again just a couple of minor nitpicks from me in certain spots. The animation as always was lovely, and I very much adore the Cutie Mark Crusaders' cutie marks, the color schemes and patterns just work perfectly and it's too lovely that they all resemble each other, just simply perfect for them. There wasn't a lot of humor by the show's normal standards, but that's very understandable here given how much was going on and how serious the issues at hand here were. All in all, this is probably... yeah, I'm gonna say it, this is the Cutie Mark Crusaders' best episode to date, and it was simply the perfect way for them to get their cutie marks and mark the actual 5th anniversary of the show (not to mention it was very nice that they let Amy Keating Rogers, who left the show after they'd wrapped up production this season, write this episode). It's weird to say you're proud of fictional characters, but quite frankly I can't help it, I'm proud of all three of them, and I tip my hat to DHX on a smashing job well done. Congratulations Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, you finally did it. You... did... it, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for all three of you! Until next time, everypony, this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit* 8 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust* 3,302 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Meh I had a completely different headcanon for the CMC but this is what we got. One disappointing thing is that Luna didn't gobble the Pip One big flaw in the writing is that the CMC never were really going around helping others find the purpose of their cutie marks until the Troubleshoes episode... with just one or two episodes their purpose was fulfilled... terrible writing as usual and of course a meh ending to their quest. When you look back you have to look at it all. From the time they were introduced to now, they had been so concerned with their own cutie marks for so long. Then they found out how the main 6 got theirs. They got bullied by Apple Bloom's cousin, but they redeemed themselves by fixing the problem. They were growing but their episodes weren't so cutie mark focused for them, they were interested in others. They had the nightmare of what cutie marks mean. I think that is what helped them look at it a little different, they might not have theirs yet but they can help others find out what theirs truly mean. Yes the Troubleshoe's episode was the first one that we distinctly saw them help another pony figure out what their cutie mark meant. I think this was being planned for a long time, and you can only fit in so much in 22 minutes. The CMC had to grow before they could figure out what their destiny truly meant, and they grew over the years having to deal with everything that was thrown at them. They are true best friends and they will shield others and help them figure out what their cutie marks mean to them. 4 Stardust My Art My Non-Pony Art Ask A Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootadress 361 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I never thought I'd ask for that. Especially for more DT. I know! Happy 5th! And consarnit, every time I think it can't get better... The only problem now are the many head cannons. The only thing that would be better would be seeing Scootaloo`s parents. Though, my cutie mark headcannon completely abolished. Looks like I must revise my fic. 2 SCOOTALOO = Best CMC PINKIE PIE=Best Pony LUNA=Best Princess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchandMLPlover 930 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 That wrapped up in a snug burrito, didn't it? I know right? It was like icing on the cake for me. Also, gave me a second wave of tears. I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!! I cried a 2nd time too LOL. Part of the Cutie Mark Crusader logo was a shield, and the symbols apparently represent their secondary talents/goals: Apple Bloom: Being an Apple family and a very loyal one at that. Sweetie Belle: Because she can sing. I hunch it's a callback to The Show Stoppers and Bloom & Gloom. Scootaloo: Being able to use her wings to power her scooter. Yes! Scootaloo is a wing and a lightning bolt inside the shield Sweetie Belle is a star with a music note inside the shield Apple Bloom is a apple with a heart (for obvious reasons lol) I think that they are expressing the love that they have for things. Scootaloo loves to go fast and be a daring Pegasus like Rainbow, but she doesn't think she can because she can't fly yet. But her cutie mark has a wing, symbolically meaning she can fly, and the lighting bolt because she is daring and fast even if she can't fly just yet. Sweetie Belle has always loved singing, and she always wants to shine like her big sister Rarity. But she also tries to hide it even when she wants to be out in front but Apple Bloom is usually the one who is the leader. Sweetie Belle will find her voice just like Scootaloo will find her wings. Apple Bloom is very family oriented, she will always be an Apple and she is very proud of that. Thus the apple. The heart is her kindness and compassion for everypony, even when she doesn't want to show it. She acts tough and strong for the others but she is scared, she is just like AJ in that aspect. She has the feels but tries to hide it. But you can see it in other ways. The shields they all share are the shields that they have had to put up for so long, to protect their friendship, to protect others when they have been put down, to protect their feelings. I also agree with these 2 interpretations of the cutie mark symbols. Each CMC has their own talent and goal represented in the middle and the shield on the outside means they use those talents to help others earn or understand a cutie mark and means they will forever be connected in some way. It's a nice way to give them the same cutie mark while still keeping them unique. 7 My short independent films about physical disability! http://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 This episode is just amazing. I always love episodes with lots of songs, but to see another side of Diamond Tiara the way we did here was a very welcome change. Also the moment where the CMC got their cutie marks at long last really gave me goosebumps. Great episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) When you look back you have to look at it all. From the time they were introduced to now, they had been so concerned with their own cutie marks for so long. Then they found out how the main 6 got theirs. They got bullied by Apple Bloom's cousin, but they redeemed themselves by fixing the problem. They were growing but their episodes weren't so cutie mark focused for them, they were interested in others. They had the nightmare of what cutie marks mean. I think that is what helped them look at it a little different, they might not have theirs yet but they can help others find out what theirs truly mean. Yes the Troubleshoe's episode was the first one that we distinctly saw them help another pony figure out what their cutie mark meant. I think this was being planned for a long time, and you can only fit in so much in 22 minutes. The CMC had to grow before they could figure out what their destiny truly meant, and they grew over the years having to deal with everything that was thrown at them. They are true best friends and they will shield others and help them figure out what their cutie marks mean to them. If you add up all the episodes and watch how they spend so much time on figuring out what their cutie marks were they would have developed tons of skills. So if anything their cutie marks should of been being jack of all trades that would of made more sense actually. Their very being should of been the challenge against a fixed destiny of a cutie mark. Instead we got this 1-2 episode explanation of their destiny being about helping others figure their cutie marks. I am relieved the CMC episodes maybe put on the backburner for a while (I didn't like them that much) though I know they will have future episodes on helping others learn the purpose of their cutie marks but this was a good opportunity to sum up all their episodes as what they should be-jack of all trades, challenge of a fixed talent towards a fixed destiny. Edited October 10, 2015 by cider float 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaburoDaimando 1,196 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 The moment I saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders flash with magic, I had a feeling they were going to get their cutie marks. And I was right in the end. Anyway, great episode. One of the best of the series alongside others like Pinkie Pie, Twilight's Kingdom, etc. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) To summarize my feelings on the latest plot development: https://youtu.be/cJ3t8PiO8GE?t=24 Edited October 10, 2015 by Mand'alor Dash 1 Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antismurf9001 1,271 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Well then.... I didn't expect that. That was actually very well done! I'll admit that there were a number of things that felt a little bit forced during the first half of the episode, but the end made up for it. I was most impressed with how the CMC's cutie marks were dealt with. To me, their special talents were obvious: Sweetie Belle sang, Scootaloo scootered, Apple Bloom... er... built stuff, I guess. I have been screaming this at my screen for four and a half seasons. Turns out I was wrong. The above were talents certainly, but they weren't their special talents. Not only that, but their true special talent, teaching others the meaning of their own talents, doesn't actually break up the CMC, but instead encourages them to continue! I don't know about anyone else, but this twist caught me off guard in the best way possible. Amy Keating Rogers deserves a cookie. Overall, I think it was a great way to end the CMC's blank flank arc, and (I can't believe I'm actually saying this) I look forward to future episodes with them! 3 "Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie Once again, thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Side Bird 566 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Fourth wall again broken. The CMC simply walked right up that iron horseshoe in the playground. Don't be a dweeb ~Gilda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazel Blaze 1 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 That was amazing. It's always the episodes with the most songs that have the best endings. MATCHING CUTIE MARKS! GAH 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbowdash_82 404 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 After 5 years, THEY GOT THEIR CUTIE MARKS !!!! Thats AWESOME !!!! I'm looking forward to diamond tiara joining the cmc!!!! 1 Rainbow dash is life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Whelp . . . they did it. What? EVERYTHING! Let me break it down: -This episode felt like a broadway musical, so much was told and explored through the songs. The emotions were larger than life but intimately grounded. It was only a single episode but this told more in it's time than many plays do in their's with an intermission! -Diamond Tiara: Let me be clear, I . . . . HATED this character! She induced more fury in my heart than all of the major villains put together! So the episode beginning with her finally getting some just desserts, for the house of cards and black mail she had built for herself falling down around her was akin to finding the actual boogeyman and punching him out! So the moment the episode shifted to her, I despised it. "Oh come on! You can't reveal the two dimensional school bully to be an actual character AND redeem them five seasons in!" . . . . Then she started singing. I tell you I was actively fighting my feelings. I did NOT want to feel sorry for her, I did NOT want to care. Yet within the space of a song that was what barely a minute long? I did care. Somehow they managed to reveal all of the repressed pain in the space of ONG song! -The CMC: Top form. All three were being a unit, which is where I think they are at their best. Their solo episodes are good for fleshing them out as individuals, but what ultimately defines them is that they balance each other's peaks and troughs. Not to mention their own songs were beautiful and quite literally compelling, they really do manage to bring out the best in others. -The feels: Yeah it's a factor! This episode made me cry. There are many things about this show and fandom that have elicited extreme emotions from me, overwhelmingly positive ones. It's changed me in so many good ways. There are some brony songs that have brought me to tears in the past and this episode was the first that I can recall at present that seemed to channel that same passion. One AJ, Dash, and Rarity were congratulating them, it was the Campbellian reconciliation with the father and it felt so good! If a loved one who is your superior in any way has ever told you how proud they were of you, you'll know there is almost nothing more that can make your spirit soar. (Also AJ's parents not only confirmed as dead, not that it was much of a stretch to begin with, but also a kind of catharsis for it as all of the Apples feel like they have come to terms with it.) That flashback though . . . . five years, people. Where would we all be? I know I wouldn't be on the career path that makes me happy, would not have the friends I have, would not be the man I have become. Not sure how to end this impromptu review other than this may well be my new favorite episode and that I think God for DHX, the voice actresses, you guys, and everyone for all of this. 10 My ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steel-accord-r1970 My AMA thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/76698-as-steel-me-andor-oc/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Finally! Finally! After 5 seasons of trials and torture, THEY HAVE DONE IT!!!! 1 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeWg-TtBRMfqketa1ELyKGg Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/menelik-david-kenneth-cannady 2nd SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/thunder-dash-alternative/tracks Pony.fm: https://pony.fm/thunder-dash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mothra 717 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I mean, it was ok, I didn't think it was that special...Of course I'm kidding, this is my new favorite episode ever! When I saw slice of life, I honestly thought that was gonna be my favorite episode for good, nothing else could take it over, boy was I wrong. So, I've always said I want to like the characters. Out of the main six, I like 4 and a half of them (Because how I feel about Rarity is kinda complicated) but I straight up hate AJ, I just can't help it. I want to like her, and I hope that some day I do, but I just don't like her at all, and up until this episode, I had no hope of liking her. Now, Diamond tiara was in exactly the same position. I hated her from day 1 like AJ, never liked anything about her like AJ, and thought that was gonna be it forever. This episode changed that. I understand that they changed Diamond tiara to be good and other people are gonna like her now too for the same reason, but it gives me hope. You know what else gives me hope? The cmc getting their marks I've tried a few things in my life, and never really known what I'm good at or what I want to do with my life. Seeing them not give up and it paying off was great for me. Especially since this episode came out around the time of a new school/college/university year, so others are gonna be going through the same thing, good job on the timing for releasing the episode. I've always loved the songs in the show, this episode is no exception. Just like in Pinkie pride, the songs worked well with the pacing of the episode, I loved it. And I will admit it. through-out the season, even though the theme was cutie mark magic and we finally got the trio of Luna + cmc dream episodes, I thought it was gonna be like "It's up to you to decide whether or not they get their marks." You know, keeping it ambiguous, like if Pinkie and AJ are actually related or not. I didn't think they were gonna get their marks. And around the mid-point of the season, I thought "If they don't get them this season, they won't get them at all. I cannot express how happy I am that I was wrong. The episode had a cute little extra story like most do, pip running for president (Which, by the way, is still great to see more background characters getting story lines and speaking roles) so it felt like a natural thing, which is what growing up is. Sure, it's great and meant to be this huge thing, and things change, both the world and you as a person, but it's also, well, normal, it's just what happens. This episode captured that perfectly. The fact that it was a musical and the huge reveal at the end of the marks made it feel like this huge thing, but it just started with somepony running for class president, and the classic "Is the bad guy really a bad guy?" narrative, and on top of that, wasn't a finale and didn't end with a huge boss battle or acceptance into the royal family, which made it feel normal. It felt amazing and normal, yes, a great choice of words. What I'm trying to say it it felt like actual life, not something that kinda feels like something that could happen in life but then some stuff happens that couldn't happen in real life. It made it feel like anyone could relate to it, but still have this grand finish. In my honest opinion, this was the perfect episode. And I know I said I didn't think it was possible for Slice of life to have it's spot of my fave episode replaced by another episode, and I don't wanna make any claims that I don't control. So maybe this time, I'll say I think it'll be my favorite for a long time, and it'll be very hard to beat, but not impossible. After all, we've all seen what Hasbro can do. Of course, there's other smaller parts that I like for this episode, but this post is long enough already TLDR; I liked the episode. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Book Horse 352 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Whew.... Now that I've calmed down a bit, I can give my thoughts on this episode. - Nice callback to "The Show Stoppers" with the cutie mark chart. - Lots of great songs in this one! 6 in total. - Finally! Some character development for Silver Spoon. She was always one of my least favorite characters because she was just DT's mindless lackey before. However, she finally stood up to DT and grew as a character. - Diamond Tiara's Mom kinda reminds me of Principal Cinch. Now, let's move on to the bigger things: - Diamond Tiara finally gets reformed and she gets the courage to stand up to her mother! All it took was a friend to show her the way (or 3 friends, as the case may be.) - And finally, after 5 years, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find out what they're meant to do in life. Their special talent was helping others find out their special talent. Thus, the Cutie Mark Crusaders aren't disbanded and they get to keep looking for cutie marks. This gives them a continuing purpose, so no one should worry about them becoming "irrelevant." Overrall, this was one of my favorite episodes and I love how it felt a lot like "Magical Mystery Cure," but for the CMC instead. (It was a musical episode that tied 2 stroylines together, ending in a monumental change in the story.) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaive9Gko 82 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) HOLY FUCK IT HAPPENED! +++ Musical! I fucking love these, even when they're shit! ++ "If your parents where here" AAAAAAAHHHHHH SHE DROPPED THE PARENT BOMB! I never thought they would actually do it! ++ DT stuff. Our fanfics are coming true! But no seriously, its good to see that they're finally following through on the Babs Seed moral. + I suppose helping out your worst enemy is a good way to get a mark. + Suppose they're going with the whole "helping other ponies do shit right" angle since it sort of fits with the current theme of the show. Its also a way to keep'em in the show for S6. Yeah, I'm down for that. + Music note for Sweetie. Well, at least they acknowledged the original implications. + Awww, Celestia finally got some mail! - Though I gotta admit, the music here felt more utilitarian than it could have... Wow! just, wow! Yeah, I gotta give this one a DROPPINBOMBS / 10! Edited October 10, 2015 by Glaive9Gko 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 It's amazing what this episode turned out to be in the end. From the start, it felt like such a typical episode. The Crusaders doing Crusader things in school, aside from going 20 seconds from show open to first song (a new academy record or is "Cure" still on top?) and having a few more songs than usual. Then it added another layer with finally showing Silver Spoon growing a pair on DT and DT finding out why she is the way she is. The message behind this whole thing really might sound typical for a kids' show, but when you factor in continuity and the fact that it has a message for pushy parents as well, it really hits quite a bit harder. Then there's that absolute apex this episode hit at the end. I commend Hasbro for staying tight-lipped about it and not letting anything leak out. In their adventures, the Crusaders learned so much more about the concept of cutie marks than many ponies with cutie marks did, and it's fitting that their story arc ends with the Crusaders calling Diamond Tiara's bluff, in that she actually knows so much less about the very concept she bullies the Crusaders over than the targets of her bullying do. Exploration and education beat ignorance and stubbornness every day. These messages sound so typical for kids' shows to be delivering, but yet what always sets MLP apart is the format which it uses to bring these things into the plot. Concepts like cutie marks and the way magic works in the MLP world manages to pull off such a tough balancing act between having these messages and making them feel not only natural in context, but necessary, as the show would not nearly be as effective without them. The moment when the entirety of the Crusaders' search pays off, reminiscent of that of Twilight's character arc in "Magical Mystery Cure", takes full advantage of this strength MLP has. Realizing your strengths and capitalizing on them, even if you barely knew you had them. Sounds very much like the Crusaders themselves. Even though I honestly didn't expect it (and I would have called you crazy if you rightfully did), this show managed to seal a 5-season-long character arc in the middle of a season in an episode that seemed to start off typical of Crusaders episodes, fittingly enough 5 years to the day of the show's premiere and consequentially, these characters' first appearance on screen. To that, it felt natural and fitting, and in no way contrived. The Crusaders' episodes, like the whole show, gradually got more and more heavy with deconstructing the ideas these characters had of a cutie mark, which itself stands for self-identity, a much deeper real-life concept. The payoff it had was also satisfying in that the Crusaders discovered a talent in these later episodes that they never really knew they had, but developed after their encounters with Luna, especially "Bloom and Gloom" teaching them the importance of patience. Their learning made them realize so much others couldn't really come to terms with, and by putting their knowledge to work for others, they found their true place. It continues the season's theme of "the student becomes the teacher", and by finally solidifying that as the Crusaders' place, the show really has become much better for it. They really deserved it, no doubt about it. Glad to see the show finally catching up. Now what about that other main character that we haven't seen much progress on? 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
galaxysquid 2,122 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) I actually cried at the end of the episode hahaAAHAH ; V ; Glad that Diamond Tiara got some character development in this episode, so now we know why she's always a big arse to everyone. xD Edited October 10, 2015 by PrincessWubsyButt~ 2 My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer): http://i.imgur.com/RefDHIL.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EquestriaGuy 1,074 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Have you ever seen the poll so lopsided? This episode totally deserves it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 823 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Finally got their Cutie Marks, It one of the things I want to see. Now what they do next. And Tiara turn good pony, hope she stay like that. Not going to dislike her, now. Looking forward for the next. Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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