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Who is your favorite Main Villain?  

490 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite Main Villain?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Chrysalis
    • King Sombra
    • Nightmare Rarity
    • Tirek
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • The Dazzlings
    • Starlight Glimmer
    • Principal Cinch
    • Midnight Sparkle
    • Gaia Everfree (Gloriosa)
    • Juniper Montage
    • The Storm King
    • Tempest Shadow
    • The Pony of Shadows/Stygian
    • Cozy Glow
    • Wallflower Blush
    • Vignette Valencia
  2. 2. Who is/are your favorite lower level antagonists?

    • Trixie
    • Gilda
    • Flim/Flam
    • Diamond Dogs
    • Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon
    • Ahuizotl
    • Lightning Dust
    • Other (please specify with a comment )
    • Suri Polomare
    • The Mane-iac
    • Chancellor Neighsay

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7. Design: In a sense I can see why some didn't like his physical design, but to me it evokes the dark side of kingly power. Add in his magic and he's a terror.
I disagree on that with the horn and the fur red rag he had on his back. I hate fur when it comes to Kings... it makes them look like luxurious snob people... 
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Go for Discord! His abilities over disharmony/chaos are so ruthlessly obserd. He can basically do anything, favorites include but not limited to are; create anything even something as simple as a glass of chocolate milk rain then drink the glass just to toss the milk itself to show his disintrest during Twilight's speech, turns pegasai/unicorn into earth ponies, also he overthrows the sun and moon (which is apparently what make Celestia and Luna so amazing.) Can go on over how cool he is, but we all know already.


His obvious downfall though is he's too full of himself, which pretty much always leaves him off guard which makes him too easy to defeat.

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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I disagree on that with the horn and the fur red rag he had on his back. I hate fur when it comes to Kings... it makes them look like luxurious snob people... 


I can agree with you in a sense, and I kinda thought the same at first. However, the fur (and horn) grew on me as time went by and fans started bringing in their own interpretations of the characters backstory.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Discord will always be my favourite villain, even if he is reformed now.

I don't really need a reason other than the fact that he's awesome!


But honestly I also quite like him for some of his comedy relief in the show! And not to mention some of his whacky moments!

I guess I've always quite liked villains such as The Joker, and Discord has a remarkable resemblance because they're both such crazy characters!


But really you can't beat this:




Now with more added tea leaves!

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I can agree with you in a sense, and I kinda thought the same at first. However, the fur (and horn) grew on me as time went by and fans started bringing in their own interpretations of the characters backstory.

I myself found connections with Queen Chrysalis and Greek Mythology so that's why i got so hooked in her. She litterally MADE ME a brony. No other reason could have compelled me so much to like her as exploring her alternatives. She is THAT awesome. I have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE headcanon and i seriously doubt someone can beat me into thinking headcanon about her and the changelings. Honestly...

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I myself found connections with Queen Chrysalis and Greek Mythology so that's why i got so hooked in her. She litterally MADE ME a brony. No other reason could have compelled me so much to like her as exploring her alternatives. She is THAT awesome. I have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE headcanon and i seriously doubt someone can beat me into thinking headcanon about her and the changelings. Honestly...


Honestly, I don't doubt the awesome that is Chrysalis. She is literally one of the reasons why "A Canterlot Wedding" is my favorite episode of the whole series, and, for me at least, she became even more badass thanks to the comics.


As for Sombra, I was already a brony long before season 3, so he didn't enhance it for me much further than that. It was really only after I let the S3 premier set in that I began to appreciate Sombra for the villain he was. I guess when I see a villain, I really want to see how other characters see him; similar to how characters would look at Sauron or The Horned King (Disney version).

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I disagree on that with the horn and the fur red rag he had on his back. I hate fur when it comes to Kings... it makes them look like luxurious snob people...

But.... that's what they are... its status above the common.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Chaypell13, hi there :). Since we already had a topic lying around for talking about MLP villains and why we like them, I've merged your thread with the older one. Most people don't really distinguish between their "favorite" villain and the "best" villain anyway, and all that. Just helps to keep the discussion all in one place, and I hope you understand :)


For big, threatening, blockbuster villains I'd have to go with Discord. Everything from his voice, his attitude, his ability to torment each character and pick at them on an individual basis, he was a fantastic villain. I consider the episodes dedicated to their beating him to be among the strongest in the series, and he played a big part in that. I also consider him to be an even better villain for how he's willing to reflect on why he does what he does, and to just show more sides of himself than the other big guys. "Covering the land in candy and chocolate milk is fun, but so is having friends, but are they just holding me back from who I am, and I just wanna cause a little chaos and entropy, entropy, entropy..."


/plugging a good song


For the little, everyday people you feel like you could bump into on the street, I love Lighting Dust. I love her lack of empathy, I love her fierce drive for self-improvement, I love her messed up sense of priorities, and I love her contrasts with Rainbow Dash. I want more of her too, and her story feels unfinished.

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Considering I just now noticed the polls also included a second option for lower-level antagonist, I'd like to pay some attention to Ahuizotl.


I like him.


A lot, actually, and I'm not sure why.


He certainly doesn't have much power, but he seems to hold a lot of influence. Add in his monstrous physique and maniacal personality, he seems like a fun character. He is definitely in the vein of classic Indy villains; in a way.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I like Flim and Flam, because they are the only guest villains who came back to the show only to walk away unreformed. I mean, it takes some serious inner villainy to encounter the Paragon of Truth twice and not walk away better ponies for it. Even Discord, the very embodiment of everything the Mane Six are opposite of, couldn't last that long before crumbling. And then I love how they are able to trick just about everypony they meet into believing that they are there to help. Even their cutie marks are a lie- they aren't there to do anything apple related, they're there to convince you to hand them all your money. And Super Cider Squeezy 6000 is my all time favorite song from MLP also.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll be honest. Tirek is a great villain, but I still prefer Discord. He's just so crazy, and his portrayal in the season 2 premiere was incredible. As for minor villains, I like Ahuizotl. I wish there was more of him.

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For me, it HAS to be King Sombra, and the reasons why are below, which I copied from another I made in a different thread.


1. Little to no given backstory: We're given enough to at least get a taste for him, but not too much to have an official mindset about his motivations or whatnot. It is for the most part up to us to fill the blanks (or the comics eventually). That mysterious angle about him just give him that dark edge for me.


2. Lack of an apparent ego: Don't get me wrong; I don't hate egotistical villains. I mean that's one reason why I love Chrysalis was that she had a colorful personality. However, that can also be their downfall. She had Twilight in her hooves, then just revealed herself to her. Had she not done that, she could've very been successful. Discord had this same issue when he basically painted a target on him at the end of "Return of Harmony." Sombra, in contract, smartly bides his time and waits. Yes, he wants the Crystal Empire, but he knows he can't do much with the shield magic going on. He knows being big and boastful will not do him any good.


3. Intelligence: Had it not been for Spike, he very well could've had Twilight as his permanent captive. It took her genius to figure out his hiding spot for the crystal heart, Spike's concern when Twilight wasn't answering, her magic & foresight to beat the door, and her outside the box thinking to get to the top of the tower in quick time. Had it been anyone other than Twilight (not counting alicorns) he could've came out the victor.


4. Presence & Threat: You didn't see him much, but you didn't need to. One of the reasons why Sauron works as a villain is that you don't see him all that much. His strength of presence comes in rumors and warnings. Remember in "Fellowship of the Ring" when Gandalf was talking about the black speech in Bag End? Similarly, Sombra's presence is felt from the instant the ponies walk into the barren wasteland of the frozen north. You hear the creepy wail and fear inches up your spine.


5. Fear: Just look at the crystal ponies themselves. Just the mere mention of thought of Sombra is enough to send these ponies into full-on PTSD. Just WHAT did he do to these ponies aside form slavery? How bad were their working conditions? What horrors did these ponies witness?


6. Power: It took both Celestia & Luna to banish Sombra; and he still managed to curse the empire to vanish. You know from Celestia's warnings and what we see his do that he is indeed a VERY powerful unicorn. What is his power was left unchecked? Would he have eventually tried to conquer Equestria proper?


7. Design: In a sense I can see why some didn't like his physical design, but to me it evokes the dark side of kingly power. Add in his magic and he's a terror.


Of course all of this is IMO. Again, I'm a big fan of Chrysalis as well, but I prefer Sombra simply because he is the better villain. Chrysalis might be the better character, if you will, but as a villain she didn't work out as well...on the show at least. Now the comics, on the other hand, she improved a great deal with her cunning and deception; not to mention her brutality. That puts her almost on level with Sombra for me.


Saying that; Sombra is best pony villain. <3




People do seem to keep bashing Sombra's "lack of character" while overlooking his actual threat.

Edited by A.V.
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True, people keep bashing Sombra's "lack of character" while overlooking his threat.

That's one of the reasons I like Sombra,


Yes, Tirek was all big and bad but they still tried to stand up against him. All Discord ever did was crazy things, annoying but not all that frightening. Queen Cheeze never got a bugs chance in a zapper in ruling over them. And as much as I love Luna/NMM, she wasnt there long enough before she went packing.


But Sombra was a Unicorn King, he ruled and conquered the Crys Emp and canon-ly enslaved using dark magic and fear as his weapons. And he's the only one to return not weakened in their resolve

Edited by Argumedies
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  • 4 weeks later...

Diamond Tiara. She has a heart darker than Nightmare Moon's skin; every time you think she can't get worse, she enjoys proving you wrong. She's also the only villain to live in Ponyville, the only villain left undealt with in any major way, and the only villain to mess with fillies personally. Personally, though, it's the complete lack of give a f***s that makes DT so great. She doesn't want money or power, she just wants to screw with ponies, and she does it so well. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and nobody gets in her way. Girl spends every day walking around Ponyville like she owns the place, and she does; she's got more swag in her crown than every other villain combined.

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Queen Chrysalis for being very tricky and having an army of changelings. My favorite antagonist is Trixie because she's very tricky too. I guess just I like antagonist who are very tricky.


I prefer Sombra and Tirek more.

Edited by TheJLeeTeam
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  • 4 weeks later...

Since the very first beginning, in the 80s, my favourite has been Tirek, most hardcore character in the MLP franchise.

In FiM he's the same, pure hardcoreness, the best character in the entire show.

Lower villains? From the 80s they're mostly annoying. But I remember some bullies on G2 or G3, they surely were low baddies.

In FiM, the Diamond Dogs, while purely a rip-off from Crunch the Rock dog from G1, they're actually FAR more enjoyable than their G1 counterpart, who's one of the weakest antagonists. I felt bad for them, they're easily some of my favourite characters in general.

Overlord of Darkness








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So after a few months later, I have now a new favourite villain. It's Discord! :P


The biggest reason why I think Discord is a great character is he manipulates his enemies with reality-warping. I also like how he does it more for entertainment rather than for power and superiority. Also, he can be pretty hilarious. :3

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So after a few months later, I have now a new favourite villain. It's Discord! :P


The biggest reason why I think Discord is a great character is he manipulates his enemies with reality-warping. I also like how he does it more for entertainment rather than for power and superiority. Also, he can be pretty hilarious. :3

Yeah, but then they ruined him with... ugh... "reformation". I'm still annoyed about that! :)

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Didn't Star Trek "reform" Q?

Hmmm. I read a summary of Q's appearances throughout the show at one point. He had a son at one point, I believe... Anyway, I'm not sure ST:TNG means much if we look only at the Discord as presented in the show itself...

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Tirek by far. Seriously badass. I loved the previous gens anyway so seeing an old villain revived was brilliant.




@@Armin, He was badass because of the confrontation that he had with Twilight. I agree if you like those kind of confrontations ((and i was glad we were given such a chance with Tirek)) then indeed Tirek was awesome. However you cannot simply compare him to other villains because of that... simply because you can't i believe. In any case i would have liked to see the characterization he got into villains like Chrysalis. Seriously tho we don't know anything about villains in the past in the case of Chrysalis just saying. It was done well with Tirek. But why did he want to rule Equestria in the first place? Just saying... 

He wasn't a bad-ass because they did a huge reference to DBZ with a fight of the same style.


He was a bad-ass because he was willing to destroy physically and mentally anyone at a certain level no other villain was going to. He wanted to take the power that he wanted, and no one was going to stop him.


Chryssy got defeated because she was distracted, yet, she didn't do anything to stop them. Her changelings could have drained both Cadence and Shining Armor's magic, but no, she was distracted looking at the senseless destruction of a city.


Seriously, they wanted love, not wrecking houses and capturing ponies. Well, yeah,she wanted to rule Equestria, but Equestria would run up of love eventually. The point of the species of changelings doesn't make much sense to me... If they need love to survive, wouldn't they have all died a long time ago? 


Tirek was way more evil than the queen, he weakened almost every pony on Equestria, when Chrysalis only attacked Canterlot. And aside from that, I think the betrayal of him to Discord was a cool demonstration of how much evil he is:


Discord: But you said... This was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty... A gift from someone close to you...


Tirek: My brother who betrayed me, and it is worthless as he is.




Also in G1 he still is better than Chrysalis, heck, even better than his G4 counterpart. When you threaten to behead a baby, you know your boss.


He was a Satanic archetype, an supposedly that means just like Discord is the Spirit of Chaos, Tirek is the Lord of Evil.

  • Brohoof 1

Overlord of Darkness








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