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Let's speculate about season 6... NOW!


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Now that we have a long break now, I think it's time to speculate on what might happen next season. My guesses:

  • Starlight will reunite with Sunburst
  • Another "Slice of Life" style episode
  • A Spike episode that's actually good
  • A new foe will appear
  • Marble Pie and Limestone Pie visit Pinkie Pie
  • The CMC helping a pony out with their cutie mark
  • More Diamond Tiara development
  • Seeing what kind of baby Cadence and Shining Armor will have
  • Wind Rider and Lightning Dust's revenge
  • and finally, some more episodes involving the map.

I hope season 6 will come out soon.

  • Brohoof 5
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  • Sunburst needs to reunite with Starlight at some point - whether they stay friends or just mutually forgive and move forward, whatever, it needs to happen because it didn't happen in the finale.

Celestia needs to turn into Daydream Supernova, the equivalent to Nightmare Moon, because it would provide Twilight with the ultimate test as a Princess of Equestria - defeat, and thus save, your former teacher (though Luna should help because it'd make it all the more of an epic 180 from the show's start).

Dash needs her brother/father that we saw in that Game Ponies Play flashback revealed in real-time. I need Dash family, and I need it now.

Spike should grow wings, or get a little bigger, have a hugely important episode or something. He's had no lasting development in so long.

  • Brohoof 6


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I would agree with Grif. 


I would like to see more nations, more action. New friendships. Perhaps what Twilight said, that all friendships are important. Perhaps more ponies actually being able to do something instead of relying too much on the Elements of harmony to solve problems. 


Like for example, for disputes in interests, perhaps Octavia and Vinyl would be able to solve that sort of friendship problem, for disputes among siblings, perhaps Celestia and Luna would be able to stand up to that, for disputes among lovers, perhaps Cadence and Shining Armor would be able to solve that. Not only The Mane 6, but everypony in Equestria actually being able to do their part in making Equestria, and the world a better place. Perhaps, lands beyond Equestria. That would be a nice story. I for one would like to see a modern style society, which Equestria would try to help out. :3 At least, that is what I am planning in my own story. xD 

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* More on Spike's past.


* The Cutie Mark Crusaders help Silver Spoon with her cutie mark.


* Pipsqueak becomes a crusader.


* Detective Rarity and Detective Pinkie Pie episode.


* Raindow Dash's family.

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- Celestia Episode. Yes.


- More Mane 6 (7?) family?


- Actual backstory episode on Luna and Celestia? Princess parents?


- Some random family time episode with Shining and Cadance.


- If the 200th episode is in this season, it will be insane.


- References! All the references!


- More world-building?


- Hopefully, an in-depth look into pony life, so that we can get more information for roleplays!

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Stuff I'd like to see happen:


*Starlight only confirmed for a secondary role at best. 


*Fluttershy's brother being an independent character and not just a copy or complete opposite of her


*There actually being some    consequences for Starlgiht Glimmer if she appears in the season


*More Fluttercord and Rarijack hints


*An episode without a morale


*More on what the CMC will do


*An adult blank flank


*More involvement from the secondary cast


*Family Reunion with all the Mane 6's family members.


*A completely serious (and possibly sadistic) villain/antagonist who only pays attention to Twilight Sparkle when it involved their plan and does not decided to focus on her exclusively 


*The villain/antagonist not working alone,weather it be with an army or a partner or Bigger Bad. 


* Fluttershy's brother being set up as a villain/antagonist 


* A villain/antagonist with an ideology that has legitimately good points behind it


*The Mane 6 having to learn a lesson from the villain/antagonist in order to beat them


*Twilight getting completely owned by the villain/antagonist


*The villain/antagonist actually leaving a mark on Equestria even when the good guys win



I seemed to have focused on the villain at the end there, though I'm pretty sure none of this will happen. Anyways my guess is Season 6 will be out in September 2016.  

  • Brohoof 3

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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1. If there is one thing that needs to happen it is a Celestia episode. It doesn't even have to be anything deep; she NEEDS something! Granted she has had some solid comic issues, but it would be nice if the show did something for her like they did for Luna.


2. Cadence & Shining Armor need some development; pronto.


3. I would love to see or learn more of Saddle Arabia and Maretonia.


4. Deer; period.


5. Actually seeing more of Yakyakistan would be nice after that tease in the episode.

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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What I'm hoping for:

  • Another Luna Episode
  • A Celestia Episode (For those of us curious as to what exactly she does all day :P)
  • Some episode where Twilight is browsing through her books and gasps, she shows Starlight and is like "YOU'RE A DESCENDANT OF STAR SWIRL?! Huh.. that'd explain a lot.." I mean like.. That would be so cool, I'd LOVE to see that, it would confirm my suspicions and it would make so much sense, and would make a great story, as well as learning about Star Swirl.. one who is mentioned a lot but we still know only a little about him..
  • An episode where Sunset comes in to Equestria for an Episode..
  • More Pinkie Pie! :lol:
  • More Fluttershy :yay:
  • More Rainbow Dash :sneer:
  • and of course more Derpy :derp:
  • Let's see.. More about Tiara too..
  • An episode that perhaps references the comics.. If they mentioned the Mirror that leads to the Equestria where all good ponies are bad and all bad ponies are good, that would be sooooooooo awesome! Or even of they mentioned the good Sombra (Who Celestia is in love with :P) and stuff.. That would be epic and I'd love it :D
  • Exploring now places of Equestria we have yet to see.. Or at least, not seen in the Show.. It would be amazing to see the Forest of Leota or Froud Valley..
Edited by AURAequine
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One episode I would like to see would be the CMC helping starlight understand the true meaning of her cutie mark, because as it stands, it would seem her talent is removing others' cutie marks.


Which would fit in the criminal justice field. Taking away a cutie mark would make for a reasonable punishment/penalty.

  • Brohoof 1
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One episode I would like to see would be the CMC helping starlight understand the true meaning of her cutie mark, because as it stands, it would seem her talent is removing others' cutie marks.

Think her cutie mark just means she's good at magic, like Twilight's (and Sunset Shimmer's). 


- Some episodes showing CMC doing their new thing.


- Fleshing out Starlight Glimmer a bit more with some episodes centered around her.


- More map episodes.


- Discord! :3


- Further progress on the Cadence / Shining Armor baby.


- More new locations!


- More mythical creatures!


- More adventure episodes!

Edited by Arrowstormen
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Now that we have a long break now, I think it's time to speculate on what might happen next season. My guesses:

  • Starlight will reunite with Sunburst
  • Another "Slice of Life" style episode
  • A Spike episode that's actually good
  • A new foe will appear
  • Marble Pie and Limestone Pie visit Pinkie Pie
  • The CMC helping a pony out with their cutie mark
  • More Diamond Tiara development
  • Seeing what kind of baby Cadence and Shining Armor will have
  • Wind Rider and Lightning Dust's revenge
  • and finally, some more episodes involving the map.

I hope season 6 will come out soon.



Those all seem really good!


I would like to add these ones to the list!

  • StarSwirl the Bearded makes an Appearance.
  • Cutie mark crusaders discover their secondary talents like Sweetiebells singing.
  • Another Trixie Episode. Maybe like her cutie mark origin story that is something like my head cannon where her cutie mark is same as her mothers aside from the toy wand, her mother a famous illusionist died when she was sepecially young and the wand that was given to her, her mother told her that it was special and it could grant wishes. When orphaned she tried making a wish but of course alass it didn't work and before she cried herself to sleep she crawls under her mothers last possessions that were left to her which was the hat and cap she would wear during her stage performances and vowed that she would be a great magician someday, because she was the great and powerful trixie "the stage name of her mother, the great and powerful illusia".
  • The origin of the elements of Harmony and the introduction of four more! Hope, Courage, Resolve, and Sacrifice.
  • The retrun of IRONWILL!
  • Big mac and cherrili gets married!
  • An two part episode of Side characters going on an adventure! Let's make it Amethist star, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, Secret Agent Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, and Doctor Hooves.
  • More Pinkie Pie songs
  • More Rarity and FlutterShy.
  • Celestia Episode
  • Cadence Episode
  • New unredeemed Villain.
  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm.. my hopes for the next season..


  • As much as I enjoy the mane seven (six + spike), I would like to see more development from the pony's in the background.. though I'll be perfectly happy with episodes that still focus on them and their elements.  Still, the top five I've like to see... at least three of them are around more development of characters.
  • Development for Diamond Tiara.. I'd love to see her build and grow in her relationship with the CMC, maybe even assist them with some cutie mark development mission.. or save them in a dangerous situation, I want to see courage and heart from this filly.  I'd also like to see her trying to make up for, and apologizing for her past behavior to her new friends (and maybe old friends as well). 
  • Development for Silver Spoon.. we've only seen her break away from DT and then litterlly 'mending fences' with her friend, I want to see her background, why she was so willing to follow DT (besides DT being able to get people to do what she wants), let's see some of this filly's background too folks.  
  • Development for Starlight Glimmer.. I want to see more interaction between her and other ponies then we've seen so far, I enjoyed the ending of the final, but I want to see more out of her.
  • More exploration of the world, though the cutie map will be nice, let's make this world more nuanced and interesting, maybe something involving deer or sea creatures.
  • Some activity from the other Alicorn princesses would also be nice.. as much as I love Luna, I'd like to see some activity out of Celestia and Cadence other then just sitting around and ruling.
Edited by Reading Heart
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Here's what I hope for, most of which will probably not happen


- A goddamn Celestia episode. 5 full seasons without ONE SINGLE EPISODE dedicated to her. What the actual fuck? And no bullshit "Let's get Luna in there too since she's her sister", full dedication to the Princess of Sun please.

- Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's family. It's amazing that it's taken them this long for them to finally introduce one of Fluttershy's family members. All we have is a guy who may or may not be related to Rainbow Dash and zilch about Scoots. And I'd finally like to see them put the nail on the coffin with Scootaorphan. Though I still doubt it this'll ever happen, we'll probably see 50 more Apple family members before we'll every see any more for these two. Speaking of Apple family.

- I'd like to see a lot less of them honestly. I've always preferred seeing AJ episodes that don't heavily feature her family(See: Mane Attraction) and I've honestly gotten really sick of them. Wouldn't mind episodes about individual members, like Big Mac, but if they're gonna keep doing more family oriented episodes, do it with the other mane 6 family for a change

- Explore new towns and cities. We can only do Canterlot so much. One thing I liked most about S5 was some of the new places like the Pie's rock farm and Griffonstone 

- An opener/finale that actually lets the remane 5 do something for once. I love Twilight, but I love it more when her friends help her save the world. Besides their roles diminishing with each passing opener/finale, Cutie Remark is my least favorite multiparter so far, and a lot of was due to the fact that Twilight's friends was completely sidelined for both episodes.

- Less "Fluttershy is shy/scared" episodes. This is self explanatory. While "Breezie" is an unpopular episode(I don't care much for it myself), it was still a step in the right direction, and I would prefer seeing more episodes like it

- Tone down the fanservice.....like a ton. 

- Better use of secondary characters in general. I find it pretty outstanding that people continue to beg for more Background characters getting screentime while roles of already established characters like Zecora and Cheerilee continue to get screwed over

- A villain that stays evil the end

Edited by Thrillho
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Perhaps more ponies actually being able to do something instead of relying too much on the Elements of harmony to solve problems. 

The premiere did this by having the Equal Four save the Mane Six, so now we just need this sort of thing more often.


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The one thing, I would like to see most, is a official same sex pony couple in the show. I would prefer it be Lyra and Bon-Bon personally, sense the show has already given several hints to the idea of the being "best friends". I think they would be the only ponies the writers could pull that off with. Another reason I would like to see them officially shipped. Would be the Conservative Christians, being outraged that My Little Pony is pushing the "Homosexual Agenda", seeing them over react to a cartoon,would bring me so much amusement. It's almost 2016, I think cartoons, should start to reflect modern relationships, more than they do now. Cartoons are where we first see relationships. Adding a gay couple to a cartoon, would show that a same-sex couple is normal. I don't know if this can ever happen, but if it did it would be victory for LGBT rights.




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- Ponies will be in it


- Starlight gets atleast 3 episodes


- Give Shining Armor more screentime


- Starlight and Discord episode


- Scootaloos parents (seriously, it's 6 seasons now. You just can't ignore them)


- Lamiaponies, period.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Those all seem really good!


I would like to add these ones to the list!

  • StarSwirl the Bearded makes an Appearance.
  • Cutie mark crusaders discover their secondary talents like Sweetiebells singing.
  • Another Trixie Episode. Maybe like her cutie mark origin story that is something like my head cannon where her cutie mark is same as her mothers aside from the toy wand, her mother a famous illusionist died when she was sepecially young and the wand that was given to her, her mother told her that it was special and it could grant wishes. When orphaned she tried making a wish but of course alass it didn't work and before she cried herself to sleep she crawls under her mothers last possessions that were left to her which was the hat and cap she would wear during her stage performances and vowed that she would be a great magician someday, because she was the great and powerful trixie "the stage name of her mother, the great and powerful illusia".
  • The origin of the elements of Harmony and the introduction of four more! Hope, Courage, Resolve, and Sacrifice.
  • The retrun of IRONWILL!
  • Big mac and cherrili gets married!
  • An two part episode of Side characters going on an adventure! Let's make it Amethist star, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, Secret Agent Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, and Doctor Hooves.
  • More Pinkie Pie songs
  • More Rarity and FlutterShy.
  • Celestia Episode
  • Cadence Episode
  • New unredeemed Villain.


Big Mac and Cheerilee gets married? Oh hell yes, I want this to happen!!

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I doubt there will be more CMC episodes on the way since their story/journey is done...Probably they're going to go their own ways now. 

Just because they got their Cutie Marks doesn't mean they can't do anything else with those characters. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more they can do with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in regards to their relationships with their sisters for example

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Just because they got their Cutie Marks doesn't mean they can't do anything else with those characters. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more they can do with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in regards to their relationships with their sisters for example

Well actually Thrillho, a Cutie Mark does change anypony or not...Well for the CMC, yes of course! I'm 100% sure that their story is over...

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Well actually Thrillho, a Cutie Mark does change anypony or not...Well for the CMC, yes of course! I'm 100% sure that their story is over...


You said on the day that they got a cutie mark, that they part ways. We saw them several times together after they got them.


So it's just flatout wrong what you say-

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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