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Mythology of MLP origins


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I Have posted my mythology of equestrian a few posts down please read it. this thread is for the purpose of getting everybodys opinions and hearing there ideas, so as to make this a good thread.


this thread shall deal with


1. the creators of equestrian


2. where alicorns come from


I hope the community posts all there thoughts and ideas no matter how far fetched. lets make a mythology!



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Equestria is a country on either an alternate earth or a planet much like earth, considering that its rules of nature are considerably different from earth in certain ways such as pegasi controlling the weather it is possible that wasn't always the case as we have the prominent exception of the Everfree Forest which opens the door the possibility of other parts of this universe that like the Everfree Forest operate a bit more closely like our world.


Ponies as we know them could possibly have evolved from horses much like it is theorized humans evolved from monkeys, though considering the profound role of magic in Equestria it is possible that higher level beings (alicorns) may have decided to use magic to speed up the natural evolutionary process effectively making ponies as we know them in their image. The question then would be where alicorns themselves came from? According to ancient astronaut theory human evolution was jump started by aliens with genetic engineering, in this case the method may be different but the result is the same.


Alicorns likely could have faced endangerment/possible extinction due to an enemy, warfare or other factors. According to the Sumerian creation myth the Enuma Elish, the Anunaki (the gods) created mankind as a slave species to mine for gold to help patch up the atmosphere in their world and many Ancient Astronaut theorists interpret this as an account of extra terrestrials. The alicorns coming from another planet/world/realm could explain why they are so rare. Perhaps they could have faced a similar problem as the Anunaki allegedly faced and could well have created ponies as a way to restart a dying civilization.



I have noticed that MLP tends to borrow heavily from Greek mythology in particular, so it is also possible they could have had a figure/figures similar to Prometheus who was a titan who sided with Olympians in their war against the Titans who were the previous generation of gods. He is most notable for giving fire to humanity in direct defiance of Zeus which got him severely punished.

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Equestria was created as a paradise by a fausticorn like seraphicorn, with the tree of harmony at its center, and Fausticorn then departed equestria to create other worlds.


The alicorn race was created as an immortal race to shepard and rule over the mortal pony races (Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi). However, the mortal pony races grew greedy for the gems at the center of the tree of harmony and tried to steal them. Their Disharmony (Greed, Betrayal, deceit, cruelty, ect.) caused a great deal of negative energy to be created due to the proximity to the elements of harmony's magic, and in order to seal it away the Alicorns were forced to bury this Disharmony beneath the earth under the tree of harmony, creating the everfree forest with the tree of harmony acting as the lock against this evil.

the mortal races were banished from equestria to the far corners of the world outside its borders.



Following this, one of the alicorns, the greatest and most powerful of them, decided that it was not right for the Alicorns to watch over and protect the world instead of enslaving and ruling over it, and a war between the fallen alicorns and the loyal alicorns took place, with Tartarus being created and the evil alicorns and their ruler being imprisoned in its deepest levels, with this act costing the life force and immortality of all the loyal alicorns.

only a few alicorns remained, and slowly dwindled and died out one by one as they died till only two children who'd been shielded from the war (Luna, celestia) were left. In the meantime the Mortal pony races had forgotten the events of the past so they longer had records of equestria or their banishment save for a few legends about alicorns being beings of harmony, and legends about the tree of harmony.

Following the windigo's blizzard, the mortal pony races came stumbling back into equestria, now uninhabited by alicorns, and stumbled upon luna and celestia, leading to modern equestria being founded.

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Prepare for a ramble. I have no idea where this will go or how long this will take.


Discord is the Spirit of Chaos, and we have seen Windigos, which seem closely tied to Chaos, possibly feeding off it. These examples show that there are powerful, deity-level spirits of chaos, strongly implying the existence of a greater or a collective force of Chaos, conscious or otherwise. Equestria is not in a state of pure chaos, implying there is a similar conflicting or balancing force of Order. Equestria was at one point at a state of higher Chaos (everything bad happened approximately 1000 years ago), but is now quite stable. This tells us that here is either a conflict between the forces that affects Equestria, that the state of Equestria affects the forces, or that the two forces follow some sort of cycle, possibly lasting roughly 1000 years.


Harmony is on the rise in Equestria. This either demonstrates a dominance in Order as things stand, or that the events of the last few seasons have created a Harmony between Order and Chaos, as would be displayed by the reform of Discord, who remains fundamentally chaotic.


If you dig around the forums and old topics, you will find threads containing in-depth analysis and theories of magic, history, and the fundamental nature of Equestria. Those were the days...

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ok guys hears my theory. AHEM


long ago, in the beginning of time there was magic, harmony and chaos! from this magic were born three powerful beings, there names were, Pegasus, Unicron and Sleipnir. these three beings came to terra and created ponies in there image. from Pegasus came the pegasi, from Unicron came the unicorns and from Sleipnir came the earth ponies. after the creation the gods looked down upon the earth and saw that there creations were not alone. each of the gods believed there creation should rule the earth, thus war raged for centuries. on earth the different races of pony battled and the heavens exploded everyday and every night as divine blood rained from the sky.

the tree of harmony saw that the war was unbalancing the universe, so from its essence the tree gave birth to the alicorns. the alicorns were the personification of harmony, only good and pure magic flowed in there veins. the alicorns went throughout terra, healing the land and bringing peace and harmony wherever they went.

the gods noticed they were no longer being worshipped so they looked down from heaven. seeing that the unicorns were spreading peace and being worshipped the gods came down in great wrath to purge the world of this new race. the ensuing battle was astounding to behold. the heavens and earth were torn asunder, the world was scorched in magical flame and the heavens melted from the blasts of there horns! in the end the alicorns were victorious, using the full power of harmony they bound the gods in the dark realm of tartarus where all manner of evil festered and grew.

after this battle the alicorns healed the land wiped the minds of all in the world, and died, except for 2 baby alicorns. some inhabitants of equestrian had a small memory of alicorns, but most believed them a myth. soon war broke out again and the windigos tried to destroy terra, but the power of friendship defeated them. all races of pony moved to equestrian and lived together in peace, and a few years later celestia and luna appeared, to rule equestrian and keep peace forever. FIN


 chapter one of the book of ancients. last work of starswirl the bearded before his disappearance.



what do you guys think?

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Pegasus, Unicron and Sleipnir
 Sleipnir? Are you serious? Look, it's cool that you want to create a mythology for MLP but leave my ancestors religion out of it. 
  • Brohoof 2
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 Sleipnir? Are you serious? Look, it's cool that you want to create a mythology for MLP but leave my ancestors religion out of it. 

its my ancestors religion to. and why shouldn't sleipnir be in mlp? it already uses greek mythology, why not a little norse as well. plus its the coolest thing i could think of for the godly ancestor of the earth ponies.

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its my ancestors religion to.
 Then you should show some respect for it.




it already uses greek mythology, why not a little norse as well.
There is a difference between using a mythology creature and using a son of a god. 
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 Then you should show some respect for it.




There is a difference between using a mythology creature and using a son of a god. 


IF you don't like my mythology then write your own as that is the purpose of this thread. im keeping sleipnir as i think it would be awesome to see a eight legged pony god in mlp. im not disrespecting norse mythology, im just adding some of it to mlp, cuz mlp ios sorely lacking in that department.

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 There is a difference between using a mythology creature and using a son of a god. 

And that difference is what exactly? Nearly all of what we call "mythology" was once called religion and was widely believed by various ancient peoples. MLP actually has Tartarus for example which is partially based on the same Tartarus which is one of the worst parts of Hades which is the Greek version of the underworld. Tirek who is a centaur which is another Greek mythological beast was able to escape due to Cerberus who getting out meaning the MLP Cerberus has a similar role as its Greek basis being a guardian of the underworld. For those that don't know many Greek mythological monsters are the sons and daughters of Typhon and Echidna who are known as the mother and father of monsters, one of those monsters being Cerberus making him the son of a god and goddess.

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im keeping sleipnir as i think it would be awesome to see a eight legged pony god in mlp.
Then create your own eight legged pony god. Don't just copy one from an existing religion.




im not disrespecting norse mythology,
I guess  we are going to have to disagree on that one. 




MLP actually has Tartarus for example which is partially based
 The keywords is based on. It's not actually the one from Greek mythology.
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The keywords is based on. It's not actually the one from Greek mythology.

Yes, and that would likely be the case as well if Slepnir's were included in MLP as well which again brings back my question of what is the difference?

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Then create your own eight legged pony god. Don't just copy one from an existing religion.




I guess  we are going to have to disagree on that one. 




 The keywords is based on. It's not actually the one from Greek mythology.


the sleipnir in my mythology is not the same as in norse mythology. in norse mythology he is the son of loki while in my mythology he is a mystic being created from chaos and the creator of all earth ponies. totally different from norse mythology.

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Disclaimer: Did it 4 teh lulz (apparently one needs such disclaimers these days)


At first, an endless ocean formed within disorder, and it gave life to Eurynome. By the Great Titan she gave birth to Love. By her great power the endless ocean was separated into sea and sky. That strange world gave birth to the elder daemons: savage monsters and elusive spirits. They are messengers of divine edict and executors of divine wrath.


From the divided halves, Mother Gaia and Father Uranus sprang forth, along with their dark siblings Erebus, Nyx, and Tartarus. Gaia and Uranus shaped the halves, while the Dark Ones toiled in the emptiness beyond.


After Gold came Silver, and after Silver came mortality. Strife, fatigue, even a sense of accomplishment all compelled the industrious immortal limbs to take their time and rest from the great eternal work. The daemons of the past were entrusted with the task of management in divine absence. They were to steer mortality and teach them how to contribute in the quest for perfection.


(The lulz ends here … Only butthurt remains)


… And here we are: an age, so schizophrenic in its grand design, so restrictive in its interpretation of its own mythological foundations, one could just as well say the world itself was hatched by a turtle. The Elements and the Tree of Harmony, the alicorns, the magic of friendship, they can mean nothing to the world if all but few refuse to obey and accept them as instrumental, yet power over sky persists in the limbs of weaklings who do not even understand the purpose of life and death, who, chained with restrictions, could never openly accept their purpose.


Even Zeus cannot break an oath sworn by Styx. There can be no greatness without rules and there can be no rules if the greatness was declared before them.


P.S: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: the alicorns are mortal-ish demigods. It usually happens when a mortal creature has sex with a deity. Cheers.

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Disclaimer: Did it 4 teh lulz (apparently one needs such disclaimers these days)


At first, an endless ocean formed within disorder, and it gave life to Eurynome. By the Great Titan she gave birth to Love. By her great power the endless ocean was separated into sea and sky. That strange world gave birth to the elder daemons: savage monsters and elusive spirits. They are messengers of divine edict and executors of divine wrath.


From the divided halves, Mother Gaia and Father Uranus sprang forth, along with their dark siblings Erebus, Nyx, and Tartarus. Gaia and Uranus shaped the halves, while the Dark Ones toiled in the emptiness beyond.


After Gold came Silver, and after Silver came mortality. Strife, fatigue, even a sense of accomplishment all compelled the industrious immortal limbs to take their time and rest from the great eternal work. The daemons of the past were entrusted with the task of management in divine absence. They were to steer mortality and teach them how to contribute in the quest for perfection.


(The lulz ends here … Only butthurt remains)


… And here we are: an age, so schizophrenic in its grand design, so restrictive in its interpretation of its own mythological foundations, one could just as well say the world itself was hatched by a turtle. The Elements and the Tree of Harmony, the alicorns, the magic of friendship, they can mean nothing to the world if all but few refuse to obey and accept them as instrumental, yet power over sky persists in the limbs of weaklings who do not even understand the purpose of life and death, who, chained with restrictions, could never openly accept their purpose.


Even Zeus cannot break an oath sworn by Styx. There can be no greatness without rules and there can be no rules if the greatness was declared before them.


P.S: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: the alicorns are mortal-ish demigods. It usually happens when a mortal creature has sex with a deity. Cheers.

that was.... interesting. very greek which is cool but what is it with your avatar? don't you know that is baphamet/satan, a satanic symbol worshipped by cults and freemasons?

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Ok, be ready to have your mind blown.

In the beginning there was Lauren, then she created Equestria. When she was happy with what had created. She made Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Then every single pony you know and love.

I give you Equestria: GENESIS

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the sleipnir in my mythology is not the same as in norse mythology. in norse mythology he is the son of loki while in my mythology he is a mystic being created from chaos and the creator of all earth ponies. totally different from norse mythology.
 Great, now you just have to come up whit a original name. 




what is the difference?
Okay, I was wrong. There's no difference. (But that doesn't make it anymore okay)  
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anybody have ideas for the origin of dragons in equestrian?

It is very likely that dragons pre dated ponies and possibly even alicorns, if we go back to evolutionary theory most reptilian species pre date most mammalian species. Based on what we have seen in MLP dragons seem to keep to themselves though this is only of the ones we have seen so far and part of this may stem from the near universal fear and superstition ponies have towards dragons. Depending on the species of dragon they can have features similar to what we would call dinosaurs or ones that are more snake like with the dragons we have seen in MLP so far more closely representing the former rather than the latter. Perhaps dinosaurs once existed in that universe but instead of becoming extinct merely evolved into dragons.




 Okay, I was wrong. There's no difference. (But that doesn't make it anymore okay)  

You just keep proving that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but no please tell us about how borrowing the mythology of one culture is not okay but doing so for other apparently is for whatever arbitrary bullshit reasons you can come up with so you can tell other people what they supposedly can and cannot do.

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You just keep proving that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but no please tell us about how borrowing the mythology of one culture is not okay but doing so for other apparently is for whatever arbitrary bullshit reasons you can come up with so you can tell other people what they supposedly can and cannot do.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Gestum say that it wasn't okay to "borrow" from Greek mythology either? 

Edited by Yamet
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You just keep proving that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but no please tell us about how borrowing the mythology of one culture is not okay but doing so for other apparently is for whatever arbitrary bullshit reasons you can come up with so you can tell other people what they supposedly can and cannot do.

I misspoke. What I meant was that while MLP has creatures featured in Greek mythology it has no gods featured in them. I personally believe that there's a difference. Especially if you take a god from a already existing religion and base a fake one on that god. It would have been one thing if he based his religion on a frost giant or a lindorm because no one sought protection and comfort from them, but he choose a god that was important to my ancestors, someone they sought protection and comfort in because he thought that it would be "cool". That said I would feel the exact same way as I feel now if he would have used a god from Greek mythology, or any mythology the same way he used Sleipnir.


And that's another thing. In MLP those creatures were there because the plot required it, while this guy uses Sleipnir to create a joke. Not one of those creatures were used to create a joke religion nor were they used because it would be "cool". There's a difference between using creatures from a existing religion with respect and using them because you can't be bothered to create a fake god for your fake religion. 


Lastly I just want to say that you can do what ever you want with Norse mythology, but just because you can do it doesn't mean that you should. 

Edited by Gestum
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I misspoke. What I meant was that while MLP has creatures featured in Greek mythology it has no gods featured in them. I personally believe that there's a difference. Especially if you take a god from a already existing religion and base a fake one on that god. It would have been one thing if he based his religion on a frost giant or a lindorm because no one sought protection and comfort from them, but he choose a god that was important to my ancestors, someone they sought protection and comfort in because he thought that it would be "cool". That said I would feel the exact same way as I feel now if he would have used a god from Greek mythology, or any mythology the same way he used Sleipnir.


And that's another thing. In MLP those creatures were there because the plot required it, while this guy uses Sleipnir to create a joke. Not one of those creatures were used to create a joke religion nor were they used because it would be "cool". There's a difference between using creatures from a existing religion with respect and using them because you can't be bothered to create a fake god for your fake religion. 


Lastly I just want to say that you can do what ever you want with Norse mythology, but just because you can do it doesn't mean that you should. 

im not creating a joke. this is my idea of what happened before equestrian was ruled by celestia. also I could be wrong, but ive never heard of sleipnir being worshipped, just that he was odins war horse. also my plot does require a god for the earth ponies and sleipnir was the best fit. id still be glad to see your idea for the origins of equestrian.

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also my plot does require a god for the earth ponies and sleipnir was the best fit.

How is Sleipnir the best fit for the god of earth ponies? Sure he can fly and he's fast as heck but what has that got to do with earth ponies? They can't fly, they aren't fast and they don't have eight legs. You created a god for unicorns (unless you ripped of Transformers) so why can't you create a god for earth ponies?

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