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mega thread Season 6 Waiting Thread (Spoilers)

Blue Moon

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At least a few episode on Flurry Heart, not just in the season premiere...

And also, mentioned here (https://mlpforums.com/topic/147139-next-season-might-be-about-the-guardians-of-harmony/).


Season 6 may or may not have a tie with this new line of toys, since it is being released so close to the air date. I would assume that it is very much so.


And Queen Chrysalis is making a comeback?! ;)

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Meh, so little showed so far :/

the only toys shown at toy fair were Guardians of equestria toys, and those are just based on stuff that's already happened in the show and comics and upcoming comics.


Kind of wonder if Starlight glimmer will end up featuring much in the premier.

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Meh, so little showed so far :/

the only toys shown at toy fair were Guardians of equestria toys, and those are just based on stuff that's already happened in the show and comics and upcoming comics.


Kind of wonder if Starlight glimmer will end up featuring much in the premier.

I kinda she will, because we had that same feeling that Starlight Glimmer might be back to her evil roots by now.

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I would love a new intro for the new season! :D


Yeah, I'm really hoping that happens. I've never been a huge fan of the current into. I don't hate it either, but it is just kinda meh.


That and it is just fun to change things up occasionally. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I kinda she will, because we had that same feeling that Starlight Glimmer might be back to her evil roots by now.

Eh, they never have anypony go back to being evil permanently in this series :P

Even discord went straight back to being "good" after a small backstab.


I feel Starlight is going to be 100% good from now on, no ifs and or buts. :/

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I'm definitely holding out for a Royal Sisters episode.  If not, more world building.  Regardless, more pony is more pony.


If I had a wish, I'd ask for Sombra's return/revenge- I'm part of the camp that says he's not really dead.  If not, Chrysalis's return- not necessarily for all evil purposes, but maybe a possible integration into Equestria.  I blame kudzuhaiku for making me want this one.



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If they're going with the 'Exploring Equestria' theme, then my wishlist is:


1. Ancient Egypt / pyramid episode.


2. Beach / pirate / merpony episode.


3. Fleshing out Appleloosa or Dodge Junction in a satisfactory way. I love love LOVE Wild West aesthetics in general, but I still couldn't bring myself to like Appleloosa's Most Wanted. It was especially disappointing in the wake of Season 4, which teased Appleloosa twice (thus making me correctly predict they were planning a fully-fledged return in S5).


4. Changeling Kingdom. Similar to Appleloosa, the show teased Changelings twice in one season after such a lengthy absence - this time in Season 5 and only four episodes apart (Slice of Life & Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep). The Changeling timeline in TCR was excellent, but it raised more questions than answered. We only saw the forest....what does the rest of Equestria look like under Changeling rule? Is it covered in green goo and vegetation?


5. Flesh out the Crystal Empire and its inhabitants. We've been there many times, but have barely learned anything. Twilight mentioned it having a 'rich history'. Darn it writers, show, don't tell!


6. Bat pony homeland. Preferably a cave in the Everfree Forest, but meh, that's just me.

Edited by ErisPegasus
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Lol, there are lots of those,. Tirekk, King Sombra, the Dazzlings

Comic Sombra says what? ;p XD




Yeah, I'm really hoping that happens. I've never been a huge fan of the current into. I don't hate it either, but it is just kinda meh.


That and it is just fun to change things up occasionally. 

True that.

The intro is really the worst part of the show IMO. Heh, I remember back at the start of the brony fandom, right from the beginning, there were threads saying so many people disliked the intro XD


That being said, I can't imagine them ever doing that; Hasbro likes to hold onto recognizable jingles like crazy, and the 80s "my little pony, my little pony" part is just too iconic, and they'd have a hard time working that into a good intro IMO.






They honestly seem to be playing this season really close to the vest as far as to what to expect, toywise.


"explore equestria" is incredibly generic of a theme, and I doubt Flurry heart will be seen outside the premier. So there's not much to go on as to what to expect this upcoming season :/

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Babs Seed is coming back,

Oh my sweet Celestia, Babs is returning! Our prediction for Season 6 was right, she is returning once again since Season 3! Still I do like her cutie mark than the CMC cutie marks after all.

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That Facebook page says nothing about her returning in the show. It only advertises finding out about her on the MLP website.



Want to know what Babs Seed is up to now that she has her Cutie Mark? Or what her cousin Applejack says about Manehattan?? Find out when you Explore Equestria on the My Little Pony website!!
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Aww, it's finally time to look forward to Season 6! Of course, we can daydream however we like, it's very likely that most of our wishes won't come true anyway.  :lie:


Anyhow, this is what I'd like to see:

  • Starlight Glimmer. I'm not sure weather as a mane character or just reoccurring one, though. Depends on her development, I guess. At the moment, we practically know nothing about her, and therefore, I can't be sure how she'd fit in the main cast, especially as a "newbie" among the friends who'd been together for five seasons. But, if they do it fine, it's acceptable. Even though, I don't believe that will happen, honestly. However, she definitely needs a few episodes dedicated to her, so that we get to know her better, understand her motives and see her struggles about her past. But, please, not Sunset Shimmer copy (I love her, but I don't like repeating stories, since every individual is different, and it's rather boring to see the same thing happening over and over).
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now that they have new mission on their shoulders, I bet they'll be more interesting. But I hope their episodes won't be only "Crusaders of The Lost Mark"-like (even though I adore that one), about them helping others, but also about their bond, about each one of them and their personal struggles etc. And yes, Babs Seed, please! She became an official member of CMC a long time ago, and since then we only saw her once. I wonder what happened to that Manehatten brunch of CMC too. Had she started it? How is it going? How many members does it have? Blah, blah.
  • Celestia episode! No matter how much I prefer Luna, I want to see Celestia in more realistic manner. She's not only a ruler of Equestria, but also the mentor of the main character, and still she is completely underdeveloped! And it's been five seasons. I want to know more about her personal life, struggles, probably relationship with Luna... Maybe flashbacks of their childhood too. And maybe seeing her getting angry or something, she always seems way too calm.
  • New lands, unexplored areas, places outside of Equestria, Zecora's family etc. And new animals  we never saw earlier which I'm sure exist! And probably other types of ponies as well.
  • Shining Armor and Cadance's foal appearing more than once and, at least indirectly, serving some purpose in the show. I really don't want her to appear just to appear, with no point (or with selling-toys-point).
  • Sunset Shimmer coming for a visit or to help Starlight with her problems would be awesome, but I know it won't happen, since I'm pretty sure they want to leave her off the show. Nah, I can dream, right?
  • Diamond Tiara episode. Now that she's reformed, I would love to see how she's used to her "new life", how she was accepted by both her friends and family, weather she misses her snobbish self, what she regrets the most etc.
  • A "nice" episode about Mane Six and Spike simply having fun and enjoying themselves together. It doesn't have to be Pinkie Pie planned party, it can be a slumber party (has Twilight even organized those after Applejack and Rarity one?), time on the beach, camping... anything. Just some private time for them to bond. Seems like we've been lacking it lately. Of course, with each of them being themselves.
  • Spike actually getting an episode of his own that doesn't make him look dumb. Seriously, he's awesome, but almost each of his episodes was awful, and I feel sorry for that, he needs to be developed better!
  • Rarity actually expressing her element for once, but not by making dresses.
  • Discord. Pleeeasee, give us more Discord. He's supposed to be a close friend of Mane Six, and he still hardly appears. He could cause some chaos for his own will again, but of course, not the kind that could ruin Equestria.
  • I couldn't get enough of Luna episodes too, but, if I have to choose, I'd rather have a Celestia one this time still, or about the two of them equally.
  • Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns! Maybe Twilight would come to visit them, or give them a lesson, or even serve as a teacher while Celestia is ill, away or something. I always wished to see how it feels like to go there, and I'm sure Twilight would be of help to them.

I guess there are many more things I'd like, I'm just not able to remember all of them now xD

  • Brohoof 2


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Do we need more Manehattan? It's not even that interesting of a place. It's just New York with ponies.



We have a magical world of magical beings. Don't keep taking us to a normal "Human city but with ponies" city all the time.


I mean, come on, you could whip up some seriously awesome cities here for us to see with magic and whatnot in the mix. Manehattan is lame.

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