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gaming Do video games frustrate you easily?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Games. Games are fun! Definitely. Well, not always. Sometimes. games can be frustrating and not in a good way either. A game can sometimes anger us and just make us feel oh so frustrated and the results may not be good. For some of us this may happen rarely but for others it could be a common occurrence due to one reason or another.  


So I want to ask and discuss, do video games tend to frustrate you easily? What is your history with this? 


Me, they do frustrate me easily. My whole life I have had anger problems, yay for bad mental health. It has been a big problem in the past and nowadays, I try my hardest to avoid playing games that could potentially frustrate me to a high degree. Often, if I get frustrated enough, this could result in a meltdown and that never ends well, since it can result to me...well, hitting my face. I am autistic before you ask. So those moments are not good, especially in combination with my anxiety problems, so I try to avoid those moments at all costs now. 

  • Brohoof 9



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I had an anger problem when I was a kid, though only when it came to video games. I used to break controllers when I tipped over the edge, though that stopped when I got into my teens. These days I still get angry though mostly on multiplayer games, even then Its restricted to a bit of verbal cussing.


Honestly though, Im really fucking happy about getting mad when I lose. It only increases my drive to win, and when Im pissed off I play much better.


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Not really anymore. When I was a kid, yeah, I was always losing my temper with games, as kids tend to do. But now I only get frustrated at a game if I feel its isn't my fault. Like, if the environment isn't designed to fit the combat or something. But I usually try to stay calm while playing, if anything, to show my younger siblings they don't have to keep breaking controllers over a game :P

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The one time I got angry, truly really angry at a video-game was when playing Terraria. I had gone to the underworld and I only had the magic missile that you sometimes get early on at the dungeon, and I said "I bet I can beat the Wall of Flesh with nothing but this!", so I went down to start building the long dirt bridge I'd need to fight the Wall of Flesh.


Anyways, people who have been in the underworld know that there's a lot of enemies down there that try very hard to kill you such as demons, demons that cast magic pitchforks at you, imps that sit back and lob fireballs (that can travel through walls, mind you! so it's a projectile attack that can't be blocked by anything other than a well timed swing), hell bats (which are more powerful than the ordinary kind), and here I am, some dumbo with low mana and nothing more than a mix of iron and copper armor and nothing to defend myself with other than a magic missile and an iron sword, and I keep dying, over and over again. That usually doesn't bother me, but the fact that I had to keep travelling alllll the way back every time was beginning to get on my nerves, plus the fact that the demons continually teamed up on me giving me no room to breathe and build the bridge was extremely frustrating. Every two blocks I'd place down, more demons would gang up on me and the process would repeat until I was dead.


Finally, I died again for like the 5000000000000th (hyperbole) time, and I got so mad that I chucked my mouse at the screen, not even that hard, mind you. In the days of CRT, this probably would have meant the mouse simply bouncing off the screen (or at worst a violent explosion because the interior of a CRT monitor is highly compressed and the glass cracking can cause it to rapidly decompress). Because it was an LCD monitor, it broke. Screen was pretty much smashed and unreadable. Here's my proof:



We then spent a stressful week trying to obtain a new monitor. After that ordeal, I made very careful to not get to that point of video-game anger again, haha. I've worked on being less tense, and if I do start getting angry I try to shrug it off. If it gets really, really bad I just walk away and stop playing for a bit.


So that's my story. :)

Edited by Makazi
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I had an anger problem when I was a kid, though only when it came to video games. I used to break controllers when I tipped over the edge, though that stopped when I got into my teens. These days I still get angry though mostly on multiplayer games, even then Its restricted to a bit of verbal cussing.


Same! I was a bit like the Angry German Kid, smashing my keyboard and throwing things against the wall... I calm now, tho.  :squee:



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Yes, games tend to frustrate me. Not make me super angry, just stress me out and make me feel like I'm no good. If I play a game, I'm playing it to relax, so I absolutely do not need any of that.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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If I die like a lot for dumb reasons and stuff,  then I get angry and will turn it off.    That was in Persona 3 last week,  got killed like 4 times in a boss fight.... -_-


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No. I do find myself getting bored of them quickly nowadays.

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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Sometimes; they can seriously frustrate. Granted I expect from some games like Dark Souls so I adjust my expectations accordingly, but in some cases like a frustrating fight in a fighting game or finding that ONE LAST ITEM in a platformer can really frustrate me.


But hey; I just love gaming. :)

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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To clear things up firstly, I do have High-Functioning Autism. Though, whenever I played video games in general, I was mostly calm and cool. Though I still had some moments earlier when I was a bit frustrated after getting beaten constantly. Though those moments are very rare for me now.


I learned overtime (even with some professional help) how to control my frustration and anger and also to remind myself that whenever I lose in a game that I do not treat it like it's the end of the world (because let's face it, it's not). And also to remember not to take video games too seriously, that I had to remind myself before (which I have conditioned myself nowadays) to recognize, analyze and distinguish the differences between reality and fiction with any entertainment medium (video games, TV shows, movies, etc.) compared with the surrounding real world around us.


I find video games one way or another to simply be entertaining interactive simulations of any kind, just in many different genres, stories, fictional worlds, etc. They are just entertaining simulators that you get to interact with and see what happens when you get to control what happens in that video game world you are playing in.


In short, no, I don't get frustrated that easily. I would have to remember that there are many other factors as to what would happen to me in the video game anyways.

Edited by Jonny Music
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PVP - yes x)

PVE - not so much lol.

Funny, I usually have the reverse feeling. On the occasions where I'm up against a human opponent (not too often) I'm fine with 'they were better / luckier / bether and luckier than me' - I'm not hugely invested.


Single-player games, though, they can really wind me up. Only certain ones, though, and usually because of something highly specific.


The firaxis XCOM (and its sequel, 2) can really annoy me - triggering an alien squad with the final move of the turn and losing soldiers to the enemy's double move is guaranteed to result in a grumpy demenour. And yet I can play the original (or Xenonauts) and just chuckle as a soldier misses a shot with a rocket and blows up their comrade by accident. Reasonable (or what I perceive as 'reasonable') mechanics don't annoy me nearly as much.


Games that don't let me save and reload also annoy me, especially when combined with the previously mentioned greviences. If I want to be a save-scum cheater once in a while (in single-player, let me be clear) then I should be allowed to.


Still, when all else fails, I have a huge box of cheap plastic pens that I keep on my desk that make a really relaxing cracking when snapped in half, and shatter in an incredibly therapeutic manner when hurled against a wall.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Depends on several things that are:


-The Game

-Bugs and Errors that destroy the fun or even more

-How hard a difficulty is

-Really unfair parts in a game, even on the easiest difficulty

-Unfair or extreme hard or "Based on luck"-trophies

-Generally Based on luck moments

-etc. etc. etc.


Really depends on the game, difficulty and other stuff if I am a happy pony or wish to throw out the PlayStation out of my window and slap myself.

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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I wouldn't say easily, but yes, games can get frustrating. Especially team v team games like TC's Rainbow Six Siege. It's a team game people, if you're not going to mic up, then at least LISTEN to your teammates!

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to get really angry over games when I was younger. Nowadays I can controls self easier, though there are still certain games I try to avoid when I need to blow off steam

Edited by Megas
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In shooters and team games if I'm not frustrated I'm not invested as much as I could be. I like to think I'm chill with everything else, but there's always moments of blaming the game for my incompetence. 


"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" is a favourite phrase of mine. 

  • Brohoof 1

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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It depends a lot about game. But I don't get frustrated too easily.


Game where it goes back into last save or spawns in certain place (borderlands, gta...). I get frustrated fastest.

Next is games where dying costs something. (money, stuff, stats in pvp).

Then there is games where you can die without losing anything and you re-spawn somewhere close. and those games rarely gets me frustrated.


Also reason of failing changes the amount of frustration.

  • Brohoof 2


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Depends on what it is for me. Playing any type of tactical or squad based game with an uncooperative player can be quite frustrating. I am alright with ignorance(You can't always be aware of everything), inexperience(Which I would be happy to help that player), or a valid reason as to why something wasn't done. I just won't take someone intentionally not relaying what they are doing or helping the team in some way. The only other types of games that really frustrate me are those that are similar to flash games(You know like World's Hardest Game), but those hardly count imo.

  • Brohoof 1
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The thing that frustrates me is when players retort to being cheap so they can just win. That is the case with the majority of players in For Glory in Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I'm usually calm when playing games, but there are certain situations where I can get really salty.

For example: 


A few days ago on Valentines Day I was playing some Fire Emblem. (For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a strategy game where your unit's lives matter a lot. If a unit dies, it's dead forever.)

I was supposed to talk to a certain enemy to recruit him, so I made a delicate plan to lure him away from his barbarian friends to be able to talk to him without getting the unit that was supposed to do the talking killed.

I placed a tanky unit in his range, and he fell for the bait. He approached, but I forgot that that character was a fast character, which resulted in my tanky man getting hit twice, which killed him.

I should really have seen that coming, but I didn't.

I was so incredibly salty after that, that I haven't touched the game since.

  • Brohoof 2


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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Do they frustrate me? Not at all. I beat level 3 in Battletoads on the NES without using a game genie, AND I competed in the Nintendo World Championships in 1990 as a write-in contestant (one regular dude didn't show.) Shook hands with Thor Aackerlund himself. These days I'm more of an artist and collector than a gamer, though growing up as a gamer holds some fond memories for me.


It was once said in an ill-informed article that "video games are too frustrating for children," penned by one of those ""why don't they read more?! Education is all that matters!" types. Well, I was forced to earn a regular HSD, I put myself through a 2-year associate degree, I've read countless books, magazines, articles, manuals, scrolls, and research papers, and I can say with certainty, one thing I've learned is this:


Yes, virtual challenges can be frustrating, but so can real ones. Intelligence and knowledge alone won't make you successful, you also have to have talent, social connections, cunning, and be in the right place at the right time. The number of variables involved is the real reason so few people rise above mediocrity. So the next time you think about shoving a book in your kid's face, take a moment to think about all the other things he or she is going to need help with to be successful in life. What other advantages can you give them?


How ->ELSE<- can you give them the best start possible? Something to ponder.

  • Brohoof 1
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