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general What is your spirit animal?

Cocoa Cookie

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Babe isn't an animal, but I think she still fulfills the role of my spirit animal more completely than anything else that I can think of.  At the very least, she'd inspire me to answer "Pegasus."  Besides: That lady in "Fight Club" was similarly not an animal, and she was afforded power animal status (more or less).


F.Y.I: You can find your official spirit animal here, along with other information:


I clicked the link and put in my info:


"Your Native American Zodiac sign is Goose."


...Okay, I have been accused of making goose-like noises.  So that more or less fits.


"You are 33 years old."

Yes, thank you.


"You are 398 months old."

I didn't know that.


"You are 1,730 weeks old."



"You are 12,111 days old."

You can stop now.


"You are 290,683 hours old."

I said stop!


"You are 17,440,988 minutes old."

No one needs to know that! x (


"You are 1,046,459,337 seconds old."

Gives me a whole new perspective, so far as "feeling old" is concerned. >_<

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My spirit animal is the Raven, witch is funny since I picked that alias years before I discovered Animal Totems. It's an excellent, if somewhat random animal guide to live with.


Here's a semi quick rundown on Raven Totem: http://www.spirit-animals.com/raven/Based on my research I say this site has most stuff right, although there are some inconsistencies.


Also, that site Venomous pointed tells about your Native American birth Totem, witch may or may not correspond with your main animal spirit guide, witch you must discover yourself and no online test will make it for you...



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No, I don't have a spirit animal. I do have Honey though, she's everything to me and even though she is not an animal(insult to call her that) she does give me tons of guidance, she is entwined with my soul, I suppose in some ways she gives me wisdom(lol), but she does so much more than these and thus it wouldn't be right to call her that. 

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I believe 100% in spirit animals and I've always felt like I was a wolf/dog but when I attempted a mediation to meet my spirit animal, I saw a pig before being pulled out of the trance. I don't know if the pig was my spirit animal or if he was leading me to my spirit animal, I've tried to meet them since but I've got literally nothing, I feel like I'll never have that experience again.

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Cuttlefish, octopi, jellyfish, komodo dragon, succubi pony, bat pony, tantabus, sea slugs, but I think because theres so many psychological aspects and biases flaws assumptions etc that its all psychological. There are too many things like daemons servitors tulpa etc out there to assume its not psychological, especially when they seem to have the same subconscious mind and can't influence things beyond you if you are aware of confirmation bias and such.

But our perception of self is a psychological construct under our subconscious so it makes sense multiple of those could exist in one mind/brain.

Edited by Lil Pip
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I actually think mine is a dog. Anypony who knows me can tell you two things, A ) I'm an optimist to the nth degree, always thinking things can and/or will turn out for the best and B ) I'm fiercely loyal to authority figures who've shown me even the tiniest sign of respect or affection. Who've "thrown me a bone" if you will.


So dog, actually seems a natural fit for me. Of course that also comes with the understanding of a dog's negative aspects as well. Reflexive, gullible, and melancholic. (Any of you who've owned dogs, you know that they don't get "sad" they get "depressed.")

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My American Zodiac sign is Snake.. They are really beautiful animals but I wouldn't say I'm very much like one myself. I love that site though, it was loads of fun to read through.


When I did a proper spirit animal quiz I got the result of both humming bird and butterfly.

I'd say my spirit animal personally is a deer, wolf or dog. But I also love the idea of having a humming bird as my spirit animal... Since they are much like fairies with their quick wings and symbolize the joy of life, the brightness of being. Which is pretty accurate for me. Also, in case ya'll didn't know, Collibri means Humming bird in my language. Always loved that word! It's spelled "Kolibri", though...


People have also sometime mentioned that I'm much like a bunny? That, I don't know why.

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I believe the only time I did one of these "tests" was back when I was a kid.


I got the Armadillo because of these traits.

  • Trust
  • Peace
  • Pacifism
  • Reclusive
  • Neutrality
  • Complexity
  • Sensitivity
  • Inquiry/Curiosity
  • Emotional Excavation
  • Protection/Guardedness



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